Vivian Sterling's Journal

For the Dogs
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To the Vets

It was close but I made it back into for my court hearing. The case was dismissed after about thirty minutes but who knows if I hadn't turned up. Still, I can proudly state that technically I was a werewolf lawyer. That little snag in my life is what proceeded to take up most of my month. 

Hospitals are a pain in general I get that. Hospitals in the UK? They take that pain and add bureaucratic incompetence. First getting an appointment with a doctor was a task in itself but that only took three days. Then rather than just listening to me and referring me for surgery I needed to speak to a specialist. Yes apparently there is a specialist for someone with my... condition. 

Anyway, long story short, I spoke to the specialist, who referred me to his colleague, who then referred me to a surgeon. Then Finally, I had the surgery booked in for a week later. My so-called trip to the vets the surgeon had called it. Very funny. 

Despite everything the surgery went well. As a reward for being operated on so well, I decided to go out and buy a few things, after all if my future contracts were anything like the last I didn't want to be completely unprepared. So I made myself a bit of a shopping list, sure I probably could have gone through illicit means to get protection but I'd rather not get imprisoned over something like firearm possession. Nah, I'll cope with things that I can legally obtain.

A Knife I can easily slip into my jacket, some smaller throwing knives along with a belt that is designed to carry said knives. Last but not least a silly purchase but one I feel is appropriate. A full-on crossbow just for me, small enough to fit in my briefcase but there just in case I need something with a little more punch. Safe to say I now felt a little more ready for whatever came next.

Detention Homework
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The Nightmare Gift

Ever since that dammed contract, I've felt like I'm going crazy. Like I knew the world was screwed but now it felt so much.. closer. To top it off, this new aspect of my power was, quite frankly horrifying. It had only been a few months since I'd first entered the life of a contractor but it had gone from its initial great potential to an extension of the existing hell that was life.

I would be lying if I said for the first week after the contract I hadn't felt fear going near people. Especially if they bore a resemblance to... him. I have to be better though, for the people of the world. I need to stand up and be an example to all. I cannot afford to mess this up when I have the chance to make it better. I should stop rambling and actually do something. Yeah, I need to sort this out. I'm gonna take some time.

Adventures in babysitting
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Rest & Relaxation

You know i've been injuried in many ways but there is something raw about simply being shot. Steven had done a decent job at patching me up with the limited resources at his disposal but I have to be honest the whole shoulder still hurt like a bitch and the healing wasn't going to be quick.

So with recovery in mind I decided that after two months of supernatural hell layered on top of legal hell I deserved a little break! So I hopped in my car and headed out to the countryside to enjoy some time alone in a nice little cabin in the woods. The highlight of my time away from it all was the hot tub and the well stocked alcholol cupboard. 

Let me tell you there is nothing compared to relaxing in nice hot water with a cocktail in hand to sooth an aching gunshot wound. Perhaps next time I do this I should invite a few people, make a whole thing out of it? It's the little things in life that make it worth living.

Creatures From Another Moon
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Calm Crumbs

Here Lies Vivian Sterling

Cause of Death: Feline Food

Vivian, did more good than 90% of contractors in less than half a year. Yet as she often said to those closest to her, it was all for nothing in the end.

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