Bismarck Candy's Journal

Adventures of the Candyman

If anyone can do it, the candyman can. I heard this quote when I was a child, and, sticking to so much candy as all children do, I really thought I could do anything that I set my mind to. And so, I did! I got a good working job on designs, live in my own house, and have overall made a great living for myself.

Everything went topsy-turvy after I woke up one morning cursed with being literally made of candy. I have no idea who or what, if anything other than myself, caused me to become so... sweet. But I will stop at nothing to return to normal. After all, if anyone can do it...

The candyman can.

Vampire Slayer
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Skittles Touch!

It was only a few days after the whole "Vampire Slaying" thing that I discovered that my curse has seemingly advanced to something a bit more advanced than what I originally perceived.

I was walking down the street to a local Starbucks. I had a feeling that, even after all of that, I need a good cup of lukewarm coffee to travel down my gullet and caffienate me for the coming week. Entering the lightly busy café, I got in line in to grab myself a caramel macchiato (but I gotta wait for it to cool down. Down wanna burn down my stomach). I got to the end after only a few minutes and talked with the cashier about what I wanted to order. And yes, I did get that caramel macchiato. Afterwards, I did what I always did: go back home because staying for too long might arouse suspicion when people start smelling copius amounts of sugar from that one shady dude in the corner.

After locking the door behind me, I sat down at my desk to browse YouTube. After the past few days of researching my curse and coming up dry, I decided to just take a break. Rome wasn't built in a day, and a cure for my ailment wasn't gonna show up in one either. This is something I gotta take my time on. I took a chomp out of some skittles from the side of my desk and-- wait, hold on...

I looked to my right and saw that, in place of my cup of joe, was a cluster of skittles that's clattered all over the desk. After this, I was scared for a moment. I had trouble thinking for a moment and ended up "Skittlefying" my computer mouse as well. I focused after that, stopping myself from disintegrating anything else. Then I got to practicing over the course of the next couple weeks. It felt like a montage.

I finished off my "training" by destroying various things I no longer needed, like another cup of coffee. Now I needed answers. Perhaps the next game I join will help glean some clues to this.

The Hospital

Here Lies Bismarck Candy

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