Kerri Wilson's Journal

Kerri's Diary

Kerri's diary starts off being written in the notes app of her phone, however she switched to a leather-bound notebook after one of her early contracts. The notebook is annotated with sketches and drawings of the experiences she has, and her surroundings as she writes her diary entries. Her sketch style is very cartoony and over-the-top, but her sketches of people are always recognisable as them.

Fantastic Land!
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Fire is a CAT!

Okayokayokay... I know I haven't slept in like three days, but I found it, I found the gift Shockjock said I'd get! I was looking through my stuff and found an old notebook in my backpack, like really old. Reading through it, it was all occult notes on the spirits inhabiting non-living things, like rivers and rocks and fires, and some notes on how they can be interacted with.

Well, you know me diary, you know I went to fire spirits first. The notes said that fire is "playful and destructive, aloof and catlike", and that if you can coax it's spirit into action, you can control fire. Like how cool is that?! Anyway, yeah, I tried a load of stuff, talking to a fire, I tried to use a stick to get a fire's attention but it just burned, until I noticed someone playing with a cat using a laser pointer. I don't know why, but after seeing that everything sort of clicked, like "yeah that's right, I can use a laser pointer for this". So I tried it and not only did it work, the fire becomes a cat.


I have a familiar! I can control fire! This is the best day of my fucking life!

I'm gonna go and burn so much stuff at the dump. Shame I accidentally burned the notebook, I hadn't read how to stop fires yet. Yep, should have read that first, I know, but I was excited! I think I'll treat myself to a new wardrobe when I wake up tomorrow. Can't wait to sleep in a good bed after the fantasticland thing and sleeping in alleyways since then, so glad this hotel had an opening.

🔞 For the Dogs
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Back in Texas... Burning haybales...

Hey there Diary,
It's been a while since I last wrote, but there hasn't been a lot of news. I'm back in Texas, camping out west of Fort Worth now. I found an old abandoned farm with some old hay bales dotted about, so I'm using them as target practice for the cats. They're getting a lot bigger, which is... good, but concerning if I can't put them out going forward. Kinda don't want to though. Knowing fires have a spirit, a soul... it makes me feel like I should let them burn.

{She has drawn a landscape of the farm, and the burning hay bales. Her drawing this time is a lot better, less rushed, clearly not drawn from memory}

I've been able to keep the fire department at bay by putting up hazard tape and "controlled burn" signs, but if any police show up I'm fucked. I'll give it a few more days here then pack up. Shame though, it's actually kinda nice here, if you ignore the breeze and the bugs.

Hello diary!
Still not a lot of news. I moved out from the farm outside Fort Worth, and I'm now hitchiking southeast towards Waxahachie. I'm writing this sat in the back of a Hummer, being driven by an awesome old mexican woman who's arms are covered in sugar skull style tattoos. She's saying her son did them for her. She tried to convince me to go to his tattoo parlor when we're in Waxahachie and get one, but the idea of being drilled with a needle for that long just... bleughh. Not fun. Might see if he sells transfers though!
I've been thinking about the people I've met with those "Weird Trips"; Syc, Dovah, Xaver, Booh, Sammy; and I realised that they all seem... I dunno. Off? They all had the school weird kid vibe. Not bad, not really (well, maybe Xaver, he seemed like an actual psycho), but just a bit socially stunted, or too isolated for society. Maybe among these people I'm the weird one.

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