Aurora's Journal

When You Wish Upon A Star

That was weird but nice!?

What shame l didn't got to make wish but it was my frist game? Contract? Job? It call but many names but the all have something in common 

death happened in them if you make mistakes or fail to understand what happened l heard lot ppl dead most them have supernatural or some kind werid races l was born normal ( to think she is normal no chance) to go start see thing in sky like something or someone calling me and that happened like 2 before that  "Detective" he give me job it was shady deal there no starting point for me on supernatural road and l my kinda good shoot after l meet some nice and odd ppl they talk about there crazy experience on theres jobs like how know something like that exits so we Search area did some dumb things  we open some room l find Earlier with eillot and rupy that glow we( they ) wish guy to be back

and fall to sleep and l have make wish and lm sure eillot will do nothing weird to me ( she realize how Innocent that move is)  after long talk with 

 Target the Ginny we lock him up in magical lump? And that ex short guy want it for himself and "Detective" Convincing otherwise and he did 

what he promise me give starting point in world of unknowns odd enough he did explain little about job coming soon enough oh well more knowledge or ways to see world 'heh heh'.

Honor The Treaty

This one hell of hat and l killed someone or thing?

 That month after my lost job (game?) l was still working on knowledge l was given by the detective now l can summon what look like witch hat

star in tip that have high perception and it can shoot magic out it star so we got invited for job again after month by detective so l accept it and it something about keep land safe and don't make ruckus in the media it was kinda normal but gift is gift so l meedt new faces and old ones yikes Patrick there lily and new ppl see kinda ok ppl for now mark was nice guy and we start day with talking to stuff and taken look around the facility there some problems with river that for later we we did some  preparation like some light traps and maken sure half us awake and someone start drink like no tomorrow lot beers l really mean lot and fall dead to sleep l decided to stay for mid night than wake up 6 pm and mark and lily and my hat find something in the River so mark and lily try find it but no avail so they try sneak in protesters camp to got information the did got some but the did something ppl there got suspicious of them so l slept for 6 hour than The crowd of people has come

early in the morning so main event is here so l just gotten up bed and mayor or something  like that start  propaganda "make sure this is peaceful no one get harm" in odd voice hmm just make crowds angery 

Passing the Hours
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One Night at Cosmo's
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Hounds of Yore

Everyone shoot me why/what did l do

l was at home waiting for mother's to can back that l Hear dog barking werid enough l don't remember being dogs area that l see that wolf with bloody mouth and  bloody human rib cage oh he one these ppl ( mostly sentient ) friendly or kinky so a asked what you want he said go fetch me something" ok l looking in eye  and go to grab my bag and summon my hat that l follow him to foggy forest there l meet Patrick (again x3) and two new ppl l don't know one name solomon werid name demon Related if l remember and l did not got her name she was what should call her nonsensical or illogical she call ppl crazy after she see them age andOh natural and solo ( that what l call him if l meet him again) was kinda normal 

Patrick nothing to say about this idiotic act of his is 'sigh' that man will be end of me next time l try avoid dealing with this piece of work

so on l did git shoot lot by everyone l know that all them being unlucky or injured (solo) or being want be badass 

oh yea what mother will see me older yikes how going to explain that hmm curses that somehow l have tell her about my adventures (deadly jobs) and l m kinda little  bloody( just scratchs) after getting shoot at but l need more knowledge and power to see this pathway to end

* mother was more Casual that that thought but she was angry 

Dog's playing poker
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The Hunters of the Jewels
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From the Depths of Hell
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