Bob's Journal

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After the Hypercube

For now the Portrait will be hanging out at my home where it has space to be unfurled so that i dont feel this strange touching sensation and its relativlesy safe.

Though i need to make precautions in case of fire, waterleakage or theft. this will keep being a problem of mine most likely for the rest of my days if the magic of that dungeon doesnt wear of after some time, though if so why would they have wanted the portrait of that guy if there not using it in that timeframe.
Should keep an eye on the news about him, if he croaks in a few days or weeks than i can assume that the portraits do lose their power relativley quickly.

Aynway it seems that magic i was promised was deliverd, this could be usefull in the future but i will need to incorporate this into my attire somehow.
Should be doable.

To Russia With Love
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Getting Home

So, what now?

Im in the depths of Russia and getting home will be a bitch.

And it was, with the war going and all that just getting on the fligth was a hassle to no end but that was just the start.

The moment we set down at home i was greeted by our secret service, understandable as i made a short plan 1 day trip to Russia.

Luckly the story of the Hiking trip cut short by a blizzard was relativley believable but it took quiet some convincing why i didnt have a return ticket prepared before hand.

Tried to explain that i wanted to reduce my chances of being detained by not giving a concrete time to be at the airport.

It was an exhaustive experience and im probably on some sort of list by now, though i suspect if it would impede a contract that entry would just disapear.

Anyway back to work it is.

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