Evan Fleury's Journal

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Back in Quebec.

The familiar cold is, really not that comfortable. I didn't make any money but I feel stronger. This new gift has probably made me the best thief in the whole town. I make my money now by breaking into places, it's incredible how easy it is if you've got a tool that fits through basically any gap. Just got to watch for cameras.

I eat and sleep better now, not well mind you, just better on average. I guess you could call me a professional squatter, taking advantage of a good old fashioned housing crisis.

My wishes feel a bit empty now, is taking revenge really all I want to achieve? I'll have to think on that.

I spent a day hanging out with MG, helping out at the gym. He's doing well, got a new girl, lucky bastard. Things seem to be serious between them. I tell him to think it through before he does anything drastic. He tells me sometimes you just got to live a little, risk a little to achieve something great. Hell, I know he's right, I don't think I've ever thought things through.

On my way around downtown I grab a guy's wallet, couple bucks, enough for a proper burger, and thought, life isn't so bad right now. I can do what I want, go where I want. The contracts are going to start coming in, I can feel it and with that more power, more money.

I look forward to it.

To Russia With Love
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