Crew's Journal

The Hospital
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The past speaks.

If you listen to what the past tells you, it allows you to learn so much that you would have never known if you didn't listen. I have always known this, but today I finally realize the truth is greater than I thought it to be. if I let my glove talk to me and combine what it tells me with what I already know then it lets me lean of the hidden secrets of the world., it enables me to learn far more about an object than should otherwise be possible. I should thank those inside of my glove for this great gift for it shall allow me to learn far more than ever before. This shall open so many new doors and possibilities, I do not like going into these blind as past experiences have proven, that it is looking like it is an extremely bad idea going into contracts without looking the area up.


Here Lies Crew

Cause of Death: Sent to hell

Died a Warrior's death

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