Liv's Journal

It’s What’s Inside That Counts
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The revolution starts now!

Fuck yeah, I have powers now!


Sweet powers too! I can summon fucking demons! Or something like it!


Setup a ritual, a few circles on the ground, and trapped an ugly fuck in a chain. Can have it come out once a day to fuck shit up. It can throw flaming spikes. It’s pretty cool. 

Not quite enough to make a big change yet, but it’s getting there. I can get more, I can summon more. I just need more power, and I can start getting some big fucking weapons. Make deals with some powerful forces, and then burn the evil fucks of the world to the ground.


Did some other preparations for the revolution. Got some firearm training, so I can actually use the shotgun I keep in the revolution closet. Got a few more things to add to that.


Also spent a bit of time rounding out my other skills. Letters aren’t gonna do shit any more, I need to be training myself for war, and making friends. 

Speaking of friends, I’m gonna learn ASL. Seems useful.


Transcript of a call

Yeah, then probably Liv would start a video call with Edith in the evening a few days (or weeks depending on flavor for how long it takes to learn ASL with contractor powers) after the contract. She now knows ASL thanks to Contractor enhanced learning

And then she'd basically ask what the deal was with the pelts. like. "Hey you seem cool, but what's the deal with the pelts? You buy them?"
Liv would be greeted by Edith in her civvies, which means she gets to see her face. First thing Liv would notice is the scar running length wise down her throat. She's pale with a whole lot of freckles and has curly red hair tied into a bun. There's a single strand out of place, but you can't tell if it's on purpose or not. "I'm a hunter by trade, I've earned these pelts. Why do you ask?"
You remember Liv's description yeah? Half shaved head, lots of tattoos, very very pretty, a little wild looking "I was hoping for that. The market for pelts from farmed animals is awful and cruel, and you seemed cool. I'd hoped you were the kind of person that would buy from them." Liv adds a little flirty wink to the signing for you seemed cool "Do you just eat meat that you hunt?"
Yeah I remember. Edith will blush slightly as she pans over to her dog, Jupiter who is sitting at her feet gnawing on a bone that is stained pink. "We both do. Funny thing about living in the woods is that there aren't very many pet stores, so Jupiter here gets to eat the good shit while I have to be responsible and preserve the rest properly. You vegetarian?"

"Oh doggie! What's their name? And yeah. Would be vegan, but my housemate Ted raises chickens, and we have some of their eggs sometimes."

"Jupiter, as in the Roman's cheap knock off of Zeus. And I have chickens as well! We did a damn good job domesticating them, so I might as well take advantage. I keep three, how many do you have over there?"

"We have four! Henrietta, Clucky, Rex, and Chickira. I also have my dog Ralph, I'll see If I can find him! " Liv gets up from the computer and goes towards the door to her house, revealing that today she is wearing a crop top and short shorts. She calls out the door, and after a moment, you see a big black mutt hurry into the room. "This is Ralph! We met when I was homeless for a little while, and he's probably my best friend. So why are you doing contracts? I know what things I want to burn down, but if what you want to burn down is compatible, maybe we can work together!"

Edith will laugh lightly, "I have a similar story with Jupiter, though found him while I was building mine. And my focus is less on burning down more on building something better. Trying to make the supernatural available to us all, wizards curing cancer, that kind of thing. But if I want to make it truly avalible to help everyone I'm pretty sure I'd also have to bring down capitalism. So I think we'd be compatible on that front? You don't seem to be the ancap type."

Liv shrugs "Maybe. I don't really worry too much about if what I'm fighting is call Capitalism or not. Whatever you want to call it, there are hundreds of millions of animals being killed after a life of torture each day. I'm going to end that. To do that I expect I'm gonna need to get good with people, and with destroying things." 
"That shotgun of yours is real cool. And you're a good shot. Happy to back you up if you need it"

Looks at Edith intently for a bit. "Plus you're pretty cute." Flashes a smile

Edith seems to blush a lot stronger at the compliment to her shooting than anything else. "Well... the offer to help goes both ways, it would a shame for someone as beautiful as you to end up dying for what they believe in."


Liv grins. "Much appreciated. I gotta go, have a boardgame night with a few of my lovers tonight, and I need to help clean up." Liv touches two fingers to her lips and blows a little kiss. "Ta ta for now, I'll let you know if I get myself into a jam."

"Have a good night. Try to call before shit hits the fan, it helps keep plane tickets cheap."
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Learning to work with tools

I think this anger that I've have is worrying. I found it listed on my status in Maikendo. I am angry, but I never felt it unjust. And I think it is not unjust. 

Nearly everyone is monstrous, and will let a monstrous status quo persist. I am sure that a large number of the contractors I meet shall be individuals worthy of my distain. But they will also be useful individuals, with great power. I must learn to put my anger aside, and use those I need to use.

I've made some progress on that. Two of the contractors I've met in the latest contract have been very useful. We've made a group of source, around the studying of the occult. It took some flying, and a lot of talking, but we have a good number of individuals under our thumb, and interested in the resources which Day has.

Also managed to find some rare books. Will need to trade for them likely. Need some leather from a Mastadon. Going to see if me and Edith can get it done, along with one of her friends.


Record of conversation with Edith

Scene start:

Liv will get a text from Edith about a day after she's invited to hunt a Mastodon "Btw, before I forget, how old are you?"
  1. "I turn 22 in August!" 
  2. There is a 2 minute pause before Edith responds again, does Liv say anything in the mean time?
  3. "You don't need to worry about getting me a present or anything, I'm not big on birthday parties"
  4. "That is, not what concerns me. Liv I am a decade older than you."
  5. "Yeah."
  6. "Wait was that obvious to you??"
  7. You get a ... then it goes away, then a ...
  8. then it goes away
    "I mean, you don't look /super/ old, but like, I was thinking late 20's to mid 30s?"
  9. "Okay that is understandable. I was surprised because I really didn't think you'd be flirting with someone when there's that much of an age gap."
  10. "I mean. Not the biggest age gap I've flirted over"
  11. "okay now I need to know"
  12. "unless you're like 45?"
  13. "No I am squarely 31."
  14. "There was this really nice lady I met when I was homless. Managed to get some free sandwhichs."
  15. "I think she was like ... 40 ish? she had 2 kids, 11 and 6"
  16. "I... could not imagine flirting with anyone over 5 years older than me when I was your age."
  17. "But that's the point! I think I'm a little too old for you, friend."
  18. Liv sends a shrugging emoji
  19. "eh. People are people, they don't change that much fundamentally. But if you're against it, I'll respect it." There is a bit of a pause. "Maybe I'll try again when we're both past 40? . Age gaps seem to matter less over time."
  20. Another pause "Although, we're sure to be full of magic powers or dead by then, so we might look the same. Is it an appearance thing, or like something else?" 
  21. "Ha, no it's not an appearance thing. I don't think I'd be giving you new information to say that you're stunning. It's a life experience thing, and just generally me feeling gross thing. Screwing around with a 21 year old would make me feel like one of those gross professors who flirt with all their female students.

    And you don't need to wait till forty, maybe in a few years we could give it a shot but time will tell if we're still kicking. Either way I still got your back if you got mine, benefits or no.

    (Oh and I mean no offence when I say life experience, you seem pretty knowledgeable. I more just mean I remember where I was when 9/11 happened but you don't and that sits with me wrong.)"
  22. (The text is formatted like that, by the way. Edith is putting paragraph breaks in her msgs)
  23. "hmmmm. That would be an interesting roleplay . " Then a moment later "oop forgot, not flirting. But yeah, I'll hit you up if I'm alive and 25 maybe, and still got your back." "Probably the world will look a lot different by then"
  24. "Wait are you talking about 9/11 or Student/Teacher thing"
  25. "I was thinking the student/teacher thing, but now that you mention it, a little terrorism between friends might also be exciting"
  26. "I'm not going to do a 9/11 with you, sorry."
  27. "Besides, I pretty sure that backfired really poorly."
  28. " "
  29. "lol, jk"
  30. You see a "..." that quickly get deleted before she responds with: "Thanks for the understanding, and you don't have to quit the flirting as long as your fine with me not throwing it back ever. Honestly, I never really got the whole relationships thing, like they're all just fwb at the start anyway so why angst about not being able to get together?"
  31. (Edith speaks fluent "what the hell is an aromantic spectrum")
  32. "Right? I mean the inital rush is fun, but not something to get upset about missing. You're just friends who can have sex after the first week."
  33. "BTW you poly? I'm poly RA, have maybe 2 or 3 folks that you'd classify as partners, or lovers or whatever, but I don't really think about my relationships that way"
  34. "Oh yeah definitely. I don't agree with how the Greeks saw age in relationships but they had the right idea with number of partners."
  35. "I think back in college I had 3 girlfriends? We stopped talking after we broke up though, never really got why."
  36. You don't see this , but Liv takes a break from feeding chickens to do a fist pump
  37. Based as hell
  38. "oh you a gold star? I got Ted who I live with, and Vivian. Have had a bunch of others off and on over the years, but you know people. Sometimes they're not compatible, and sometimes just they just turn out to be shit. " Liv types "Ted's actually the guy I talked to about your hunting first. He got me into more animal rights stuff, and is a bit brainier than me with philosophy and stuff" Thinks for a moment and deletes it "Anyway, I gotta go I'm helping some friends with a project, I'll let you know about Mastodon timing"
  39. "Understood and, blegh no. I've seen too many terfs use gold star. I'm just a lesbian."
  40. "Woo! yeah, sorry, meant it as flirty teasing. Let's go trans right woo!"
  41. Edith sends a "Fuck yeah trans rights"
🔞 Hey Hey, Ewe Ewe
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Deal gone bad, hopefully the last

I needed some way to control people. Last contract proved they are a liability on the job, and life experience shows they are mostly not worthy of trust outside of the job.


I need power, I have a gift, time to make some deals.


This is my first major one, and it could have gone better.


Got the name and summoning instructions from whatever it is our gifts come from. This was an old demon, but a charming one. Smooth skinned and beautiful unlike the ones I can keep tied to my artifacts. Should have done more research before hand. I wanted to bind people in deals the way I could bind demons, but that costs more than one gift.


Had to trade away a finger and most of my trust to get this power. Worth it, as far as I’m concerned , but not expected. Maybe one day I’ll bargain my finger back.

Wait for it.....Aliens (oh snap)
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Sinking deeper into my power

My summons are much better now. Got them to store a bit more extra energy in their artifact, and summoned demons a bit smarter and skilled in stealth. Now to make myself better.


My power will eventually take care of doing the dirty work. Fighting, finding, getting hurt. If I do get hurt, it doesn’t stick to me anymore. What I need to be good at is people.


So I’ve been practicing that. Going to meetings, managing my Liberators, talking to people on the street to practice my politics. I gotta make some progress. I know I’ll be able to do more soon, but I’m already so much more capable than I was before this.

I’ve also been practicing my power . Little bindings on the people in my house, using my summoners voice to convincing random people to give me a discount tell me their secrets, etc. Small steps, as part of a pretty long journey to a world without the oppression and torture of the majority of individuals.

The Astonished Eyes of Evening
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Fire In The Sky
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🔞 Downtime
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