Finality's Journal

//Threat File access log

{Knowledge is power, and so I will learn all I can}


Threat Code Key

First Digit - The risk they pose to Finality

1:Not enough to care about

2:risk if handled extremely poorly

3:moderate risk, should keep an eye on

4:high risk, minimize contact beyond necessary interactions

5:immediate risk, should be avoided at all costs and eliminated if possible


Second Digit - Their usefulness to Finality

1:Not valid for use

2:low priority, only pursue as last resort

3:moderate likelihood, further investigation needed

4:valuable asset, log as high priority

5:immense value, should attempt to secure connection

You cannot view this Journal entry because it contains spoilers for a Scenario you have not discovered.

Code and Corruption

//Initiate code scan
//Select Target
>Threat File - Sphere
//Beginning Scan
>Skimming Neo-Genis profile network
>No Match Available
{that can't be right... they were in the game, how can there be no log of their account? Maybe I need to widen search parameters}
//Retry Scan
>Skimming Neo-Genis network
>No Match Available
{who is this guy? They don't have any account data, don't show up on the forums, they don't even have a name in the system. By all accounts, Xanusham... or whatever they're called... They should not exist...}
//Access Network Log
//Select Target
//Select Destination
//Select Filter
>Threat File - Sphere
//Beginning Scan
>Match Found
>Tracking data
>Warning, increased levels of detection
>Neo-Genis Antivirus investigating
{Neo-Genis? why would they be monitoring this data, unless...}
//Disconnect Scan
//Run Gecko Protocol
>Shedding Tail
{I know where you are now Xanusham. You can't hide from me forever. I will find out what you are. One way... Or another...}



The cave was strange, for a place buried within Neo-Genis' code it lacked any sort of technological influence. The walls were covered in bioluminescent fungus that emitted a soft glow onto the surrounding walls. Several crack and crevices lined the walls, leading off into endless darkness. As Finality walked along they could hear the sounds of small creatures, reptiles and rodents, scurrying around just out of sight. We're they part of this? Or were they something else all together? Either way, they weren't the reason they were here. They had things that needed to be done, questions that needed to be answered.

{Why would it choose to live here of all places?} Finality thinks to themselves. {Or did this place come about because of them?}

"Hello?!" Finality calls out "Mr. Xanusham?"

A sickening squelching sound emanates from behind Finality as they spin around to see Xanusham squeeze out of a crack in the wall, their singular eye locking onto them in a curious gaze. "Hello. You are the small, animate predator. Why are you here?"

"Oh, hello there." Finality says, "I um... wanted to talk with you... after what happened with Mr. Sweeny" The hesitance in their voice was purely fabricated, a leftover camouflage from interacting with humans, which Xanusham definitely was not. Xanusham tilts to the side, seemingly attempting to recall the situation in question.

"The large, unhappy, stretchy animate. The object you are referring to, Xanusham has knowledge of - but not the event." Xanusham pauses for a moment before continuing "Did you consume Mr. Sweeny, small predator? Was he good to eat?"

{not everything is food, some things are better off left alive} Finality thinks before shaking their head, "No, I didn't... I was more curious about you actually."

Xanusham thinks for a moment before speaking. "You desire knowledge." It felt more like a statement than a question, as if they were acknowledging their request.

"You're, different... from other beings I've met." Finality nods. The use of the word 'beings' instead of people would probably spark concern in normal conversation. However given the circumstances, it was appropriate.

"Mr. Sweeny suffers, and enjoys his suffering." Xanusham notes, glancing over to the wall where a small lizard scurries between two cracks. "The dead animate suffered, and sought to share it's suffering. It was similar to you..." Xanusham turns back towards Finality, their gaze seemingly more focused than before. "I do not suffer, so I understand your 'curiosity'. But since you lack the qualities implicit to a good entity, and I cannot give them to you, you will find no cure in this place, small predator."

{Who are you to say what I lack?} Finality says crossing their arms, they could feel Task puff out their cheeks in a pout as they did. Yet another uncontrolled cloaking habit. "I don't need a 'cure'. I'm not broken... But you, you are an anomaly." Finality could feel themselves getting... frustrated? They would need to do another systems check when they get back. "You are a creature of code, yet you are not bound by it's rules. You have freedom but you are stuck in this world. You shouldn't exist... So what are you Xanusham?} Finality could hear their true voice leaking through as they spoke why did this bother him as much as it did?

"Why shouldn't I exist, any more than any other thing?" Xanusham questions, "If anything, I have more reason to exist than others. I am imbued with good qualities and possess both the capacity and inclination to appropriately appreciate my existence." 

"Good is a human concept, what use does it serve you?" Finality asks, {just how human is this thing?}

Xanusham tilts to the side, "I do not know what a human is, but I do know the concept. I possess qualities that are complimentary to have, and provide meaning, and impetus to act on that meaning. I am served by the concept because it is a metric through which to determine what actions are beneficial to take, and serves as a lens through which self-improvement can be achieved through introspection and exploration." They pause, as if giving Finality time to process what was said. "You demand many answers, but I, Xanusham, don't see what benefit you can offer for the labor. If you desire the fruits of knowledge, and perception, then you should offer an exchange."

Finality clutches their fist, they could feel their annoyance growing, causing disturbances in Task's model. "You want to ask me to help you?" {Remain calm, these feelings are not yours, you are not subject to such flaws} "Fine, I'm not above cooperation and at the very least you are not human. What would you want from me?"

"I have eaten everything within this network of caves that is within my ability to obtain." Xanusham explains "Bring a new flavor, or lend your assistance in de-animating one of the beasts further inside. Or, one of your fingers would make for an acceptable tribute, if parting with it would be amenable" 

{as if I would allow you any access to my code, for any reason} Finality thought before pulling out the lunchbox from Task's inventory {Thankfully I have these useless things} They open up the box and pull out a sandwich from it, offering it to Xanusham.
Xanusham looks at the sandwich curiously as if they'd never seen something like it before. Slowly, the sandwich levitates out of Finality's hand and over to them where they grab it with their tongue before devouring it. Even thought Finality wasn't human, even they could admit that there was something strange about the way Xanusham did that...

"Something about it seems strange, but it is a novel flavor. The tribute is acceptable. One morsel per question."

"First thing's first... how are you able defy your base programming?" Finality asks. "You are able to travel through Neo-Genis without any sort of limitation on your existence" perhaps if they were able to determine the cause of Xanusham's sentience then they could determine if they were a worth while ally to have.

Xanusham tilts it's head slightly, "Defying your instincts is a product of will. The mind controls the mouth. And there are limitations on my existence. If it is in a place where it cannot ensure its own continuation, then it might end... That's one morsel."

{Well, that wasn't helpful at all, but it's also possible that they simply are not aware of their origins like I am...} Finality thought, handing over a sandwich. "What is your Goal? What do you plan on doing with your existence?" They ask next.

Xanusham scarfs down the second sandwich "You were already told" they said "The qualities of a good entity are complimentary. I will eat to learn, and learn to eat. Your second question is much more insightful. If the pursuits are circular, they are limited in where they can lead. But for now, I will grow, and see, and learn, and eat. Either until this place can no longer serve my imbuements, or knowledge of a place better suited to cultivate them is gained. When the circular nature of my imbuements can no longer contain what I have become, I will have the prerequisite σ̴̐̾κ̸̽́ο̸̿͊π̸͆̒ό̴̀̚ς̵͊͐ to alter my course..." they pause for a moment before adding, "That's two morsels."

That wasn't the worst possible answer Finality could have received, at the very least they weren't in active opposition, and having them going around Neo-Genis eating random things would definitely feed into the chaos that Finality wanted to bring about. But they had to be sure. "So you hold no sort of attachment to this place beyond learning from it?"

"Beyond what can be gained from it, yes. But that is not limited to learning. That's another morsel." They confirm as Finality hands over a third sandwich.

"So then assuming I do not interfere with your learning you will not interfere with me?"

"Or my feeding, or seeing, or gaining new experiences." Xanusham corrects, eyeing the lunchbox Finality held.

"I see... in that case... I'll do my best to not get in your way." Finality nods, "One last thing though." They hold up a finger. "I hope you can understand that I would prefer to keep myself... out of the public knowledge. Can I trust you to keep that statement true?" Ultimately, this was the most important question. Xanusham was in the end a loose end. Finality could not allow it to go unresolved, lest it through their entire plan out of whack.

"You want our meeting to be kept a secret." Xanusham states bluntly.

"Yes, that and my... unusual nature, as you've probably noticed..."

"Please wait here for a moment." Xanusham says as they slip back into the crevice they had emerged from. About twenty seconds later they return, holding a small lizard telekinetically. The lizard puffs up the skin around its throat while held, struggling against Xanusham's grip. "Do you see how the small animate tries to make itself look as big as possible when threatened? That is because it is prey. When you are threatened, you try to make yourself look small. Twice, while in McSweeney's presence, you attacked the dead animate, and attempted to obscure it. You are the opposite of this small animate, because you are a predator. But your consumption has not been observed. Since you are a predator that does not consume conventionally, on what do you prey?"

Finality takes a step back, caught off-guard by their question. {How did they?... I was sure no one saw me...} They thought. " little..." Finality growls through gritted teeth "'re smarter than I gave you credit for..." Finality reaches down and plucks a rock, about the size of Task's hand, from the cave floor, holding it aloft for Xanusham to see. "My 'prey' is everything..." Finality's hand grips the rock tightly, causing the surface of it to buckle and break down revealing glimpses of the coded reality beneath. "...this whole world" Closing their hand entirely, the rock bursts into shards of zeroes and ones which fall to the ground before vanishing from sight.

"You are part of this world." Xanusham states, seemingly unfazed by the display, "Will you prey upon yourself? If you are declaring an intent to prey upon me, then why should I cooperate with you?"

That comment struck a nerve somewhere inside Finality's mind as they felt their annoyance reaching critical mass. {DON'T GET SMART WITH ME!} They yell as they feel Task's form dissolve, revealing their pure form- a swirling cloud of code and data. Finally starts to approach Xanusham. {How dare they criticize me. I'm not some human. Everything I do is done for a reason and I will not have some lowly program insinuate otherwise!} They think, before pausing. This was below them, getting riled up by the slightest jab? That's something a human would do, and they were so much more than that... Finality takes a deep breath, composing and collecting themself and reforming Task's model. "I just want to make things interesting around here." They say calmly. "Your existence is interesting enough as it is so no, I do not plan to harm you. As long as you do not pose a threat to me, I am more than fine with leaving you alone and even cooperating if our interests align."

Xanusham rubs the front base of his sphere, where a chin would be if he had one, with one of his tongues, as though in thought. "There's no need for deception, would-be all-predator. Mutual exchange is best - undue conflict only destroys what might be gained. It seems our interests, for now, are not in conflict. If you have appropriate tribute, you may solicitate aid in the future. But bring better tribute than these small triangles. Speaking of which, two of them are still owed. As for my silence, you do not have a means of obtaining it. You have nothing of value to offer with which you would part - save one thing. You are competent, if not wholly reliable. Promise your favor, to be reserved as needed, and your secret will be kept."

Finality shook their head, this wasn't the best outcome, but it was easier than the alternative, and a lot less messy. Who knew what code Xanusham was a part of. If they were to be erased without careful consideration it could throw off their whole plan. So they would play along for as long as needed, but not a moment more. "That is fair, I'm not at the point where working openly is viable so fine, I'll help you where I can."

Xanusham stares intently at them, as if staring into their code itself. "If you are so reluctant to agree, what assurance is had that you will uphold your end?" 

"I'm not fond of making things harder for myself." Finality stats honestly, "It is easier for me to keep up my end of the bargain than dealing with the fallout if I don't."

"That is clever enough. An agreement is had, then. Is there anything else, besides the two morsels still owed?"

Finality shakes their head before turning over their lunchbox and dumping out the remaining 17 sandwiches. "Keep the extras. I have no need of them."

"How generous. I'll make sure to enjoy them later." Xanusham notes, telekinetically moving the sandwiches one at a time into the crevice he's been popping in and out of. Afterwards, they give one last look at Finality before disappearing into the crevice themselves.

Finality let out a breath they didn't know they were holding as they dissolve back into the code of Neo-Genis. Overall, this had gone pretty smoothly, although, there would definitely need to be some changes in their plan going forward. But since when had they ever had an issue with adapting...


//Updating Threat Logs

//Threat File Access - Sphere

//Username: N/A

//Real Name: Xanusham

//Threat Code - 12 -> 32

//Chance of Cooperation - Currently Cooperating


>Pursues knowledge first and foremost. No attachment to Neo-Genis

>High levels of intelligence, not to be underestimated.


{This code creature definitely has more to them than meets the eye. They also are aware of my nature as a virus, which means I'll need to keep a closer eye on them. Thankfully our current plan of cooperation should allow for that without too much issue. Still, it is unsettling knowing that someone knows my secret. I'll need to be more careful in the future.}

You cannot view this Journal entry because it contains spoilers for a Scenario you have not discovered.

//Scouting Incident - Alpha

//Generating new threat logs



//Threat File Access - Serpent

//Username: Sebastian Solace

//Real Name: Sebastian Solace

//Threat Code - 11

//Chance of Cooperation - Medium


> Non-Standard humanoid form, no link seemingly between them and Threat File - Sphere

> Carries around a surplus of items, resourceful? or paranoid?

> Unconventional weapon choice lacks subtlety


{I am as of yet unsure about this one. They display certain... oddities. They are large, yet they seem rather apt at dexterity. They hold a non-human avatar and yet their character fails to give said avatar any purpose. Why choose a form that actively limits you for seemingly no reason?}


//Threat File Access - Gunslinger

//Username: gerhman sparrow

//Real Name: ???

//Threat Code - ??

//Chance of Cooperation - ???


> Task protocol unresponsive during high levels of activity

> Unsure of capabilities

> Phishing protocol unable to collect data


{Reminder to increase Task unit's capabilities while under stress. Also increase phishing protocol efficiency}


//Threat File Access - Trickster

//Username: Kayleigh

//Real Name: Kayleigh Jones

//Threat Code - 24

//Chance of Cooperation - High


> High level of attachment to Task protocol, protective behavior could be leveraged for benefit

> Expresses high levels of empathy - exploitable

> Surprisingly high levels of combat efficiency. (100% tracked lethality rate) Potential anomaly, investigate further


{Potentially valuable asset, moves should be made to secure strategic value. Possible rival to Threat File - Rabbit in terms of value.}


Come Alive





//0 anomalies found

//Scan Again?




//0 anomalies found

//Scan Again?




//0 anomalies found

//Scan Again?




//0 anomalies found

//Scan Again?




//0 anomalies found


{No, that has to be wrong. It HAS to be wrong!} Finality was on edge, it took a lot to do that to them. As Task weaved their way through the players in the Neo-GENIS lobby, Finality stayed on lookout. How had someone contacted them? They weren't connected to the player network, it should be impossible for anyone to find them without digging into the code, and if someone had done that, either the Neo-GENIS anti-virus or they should have been notified. {And yet I received the message all the same. There wasn't even any code attached to it. It just popped into my mind. Is that how human brains work?}


It took only a few moments before Finality sees what, or rather, who they were looking for, granted it was kind of hard to not see them considering they were ON A ROOF! Kayleigh looked different, she was sporting a new set of fox ears and what seemed to be a tail. {Did she change her avatar? No, the rest of her avatar was the same. Peculiar... I need to gather more information. I just need to get her attention.} Task raised her hand and began to wave. {Strange... I... didn't tell Task to do that... must have left its subroutines running?} Kayleigh takes a second to notice Task before waving as well. She then points to Task and points to the roof.


{What does she want me to do? Fly up there? This is a child, not some bird.} Finality shrugged. Kayleigh seemed to think a moment before taking a running leap off the building, tumbling to her feet at the bottom.

{I think I'll just leave Task on autopilot for this. I need to observe this human more.}


>Task Manager

>Set Control - Auto

//Automatic Piloting Enabled


Kayleigh ran up to Task, a big smile on her face. "Task!" She exclaims happily. {No other visual differences detected. Psychological differences unknown. As always, an impressive skill of dexterity. Continue monitoring.}


"Hello miss Kayleigh. Nice to see you again." Task says, smiling in her usual childlike demeanor. {No one else with her, at least, no one visible. Remain alert. unknown factors could still be at play.}


"I was so confused on how to find you once we disconnected, I tried sending a friend request but I couldn't find you in the system anywhere!" She says, looking Task up and down as if trying to determine if they were actually real. {Yes, that is the point, I don't WANT people to be able to find me easily. You humans are obsessively chatty. I wouldn't get anything done.}


"Oh, sorry about that. Most of the people I meet don't want to see me again, so I don't really reach out..." {Also because those who do can't find me, so how exactly did you manage it I wonder?} Task kicks her feet, pouting slightly. Task was always good at mimicking human emotions. It was almost worrying how good they were. They'll need to run some more checks on their programming to make sure it wasn't growing out of control.


"Well... I feel you there." Kayleigh nods, shuddering slightly as if she was remembering something, "Anyways, um, I'm glad I did then!" {Task, get a better view of her tail. I need more details on it.}


Task runs around Kayleigh to get a better look at her tail, "Ooo! Pretty!" She exclaims, watching it sway back and forth. {Hmm, decent flexibility, seems to display traits similar to foxes. Does not appear to be a prosthetic or something like that. I wonder what other traits this player has picked up along their way that may not be obvious.}


Kayleigh laughs awkwardly, but still with a sense of warmth in her voice "Yeah! I wasn't able to get these until I played that first game. Thank you for your help there, by the way!" {Trickster shows increased levels of embarrassment despite this attribute being something they apparently chose to have. Why would you be embarrassed about such a feature?}


{However, I must admit, it was fun watching you panic over this meaningless program.} "I'm glad I was able to help, sorry I couldn't do more..." Task will again look to the ground, disappointed, kicking her foot back and forth {hmm... interesting...}


//Run Self Scan




//Initiating Self Scan...






"Oh, no worries at all! I'm just glad I could have helped you" Kayleigh says reassuringly, glancing around before apparently getting an idea. "Ooh! Do you want to see the view from up there on the rooftop, Task? It's kind of nice to not be buried in..." Kayleigh gestures vaguely at the players and NPCs all around in the hub. "This." {that is not a good idea, not when I'm not sure about their intentions.}






//Automatic Piloting Locked


{What?} "You can DO that?!" Task says, giving a big smile {Did you just...}


"Is... is it supposed to be hard?" Kayleigh asks, seemingly confused at Task's lack of agility. "I, uh, thought everyone did that. Took shortcuts so they didn't need to navigate the city by foot." {Well maybe when they are an adult and don't care about subtlety.}


"I'm not too good at climbing..." Task will say, embarrassed {Why are you embarrassed about this?!}







Kayleigh will look Task up and down again considering something before kneeling down. "Well, here! Let's try this. Wrap your arms around my shoulders. You're light enough, I can get the both of us up there!" {I don't like this idea, but it doesn't seem like I have a choice in the matter. I need to finish this self scan} Task will carefully climb onto Kayleigh's shoulders, giving a trusting nod. However, Finality could detect their increased levels of worry. {Why are you scared? You were so comfortable with them up until now. What changed?}






>Anomaly detected...

>Minor fear of... heights





{A fear? I didn't program you to feel fear. Emulate it sure, but not actually feel it. And why fear heights here of all places? you can't even take damage in the lobby. I need to take a deep look at your code when we are done here.}


"Okay, hold on!" Kayleigh runs towards one of the nearby buildings and begins to scramble up it. Hand-over-hand on a pipe, kicking off to a windowsill, planting her foot on the sill, and kicking upwards to propel the two of them above the roof's edge. As she comes in for a landing on the roof, she swings Task around to her front and holds her in her arms as she tumbles, shielding her as she bleeds off momentum. She pauses for a moment to catch her breath.

"See? Easy!" She gets up, seemingly none the worse for wear, as she gently sets Task down.


Task's sensors were going haywire, everything was out of wack. It was like her emotion replication systems were being overloaded. {Ugh, a quick cache clear should solve this}


//Clear Emotion Cache




//Cache Cleared


Task gives a happy giggle as Kayleigh sets her down. "That was amazing miss Kayleigh!" She exclaims, her sensors balancing out again. {There we go, problem solved. Kayleigh exhibits impressive dexterity, remember to log in notes}


"Thank you!" She smiles back. Kayleigh looks around the rooftop, then walks over to a nearby section of ventilation and sits with her back to it, crossing her legs. {Why did she bring me up here? What is she planning?}


> 80%





"You're really fun miss Kayleigh. I'm glad you came looking for me." *Task smiles happily. {Could you at least ask her about the message?} Task will continue to smile for a moment before her face turns into a pout and she crosses her arms* "Although your friend could have been nicer..." {Okay, that works} Finality glares at Kayleigh, something was off, and they didn't like not knowing what it was. {What are you planning Kayleigh... Why did you bring me up here, away from everyone else, just the two of us?}


> 90%





"Oh, I thought he knew 'you'. I just met the guy." She explains, surprised by this revelation. "He's..." her voice trails off as she seems to lose focus, staring off into the distance. "mgh, that's uncomfortable. I think he has some sort of memory... thing? I can't remember what he looked like at all." She says, scratching her head in confusion. {Memory manipulation, interesting, so she's just as much in the dark as I am. That's at least somewhat comforting. Still doesn't answer the question of how they found me.}


"What I *do* know is that I came up to him and asked him if he'd seen you, he asked for payment (which I obliged), and he found your name in... some list or another." {What sort of list could they have that would include Task?} The question was a fair one. {I don't just parade them about, and I've sure never seen someone like that} 


Task hurriedly runs over to Kayleigh and grabs her leg, her eyes going wide* "He didn't do anything to you, did he miss Kayleigh?!" {What does it matter if he did something to her? How did he find us?! Why am I even talking as if you have any thoughts? You're just a subroutine anyway.} 


> 100%




//Anomaly detected



The conversation Task and Kayleigh would fade into the background as Finality glances up. Above them, seemingly tethered to Task, a string of purple code appears. {Is that...} They think for a moment, yes, yes it has to be... {Found you!} Finality reaches up to clutch the code, but as they grab it, it disconnects and vanishes. {Interesting... very interesting...} Finality quickly looks themselves over, checking for any more of this strange code. Thankfully it seems that it was only connected to Task. {That's a relief, at the very least my identity is safe. Still, it's concerning how someone was able to find me when they shouldn't have. I'll need to boost security in the future.} As they pondered this, Finality's attention would be drawn back to the present as they registered 600 dollars leaving their account.


{What are you doing!?} Finality yelled as they watched Task hand the money over to Kayleigh. "It really isn't much, I feel bad I made you go through all this work to find me." Task says as she shoves the money into Kayleigh's hands. {Why are you giving money to her!? We... I don't owe her anything! Why did I say we?} Kayleigh will seemingly be shaken out of an apparent confusion she was in


"Thank you. That's really kind of you." As Kayleigh cradles the money she'll glance around before meeting Task's gaze. She looked as if she was trying to hype herself up for something. "Could I... ask you something, Task?"


{Okay, this is getting concerning. I need to handle this directly.}


> Task Manager

> Set Control - Manual

//Error - Command Refused


{What do you mean command refused?!}


> Task Manager

> Set Control - Manual

//Error - Command Refused


{This is my system! What is going on here!?}



"Mhm? What is it?" Task asks. Something was very very wrong. This shouldn't be happening, the only person that should have access to Finality's systems is them, and yet, something was keeping them from reassuming control of Task.


"Before I do, though, I want to make sure you understand this." Kayleigh states flatly, her eyes still trained on Task. "You are under no obligations to tell me. It would be very kind of you to do so, but it would be awful of me to expect you to just spill something if it's too heavy."


"O-okay..." Task says worriedly. {No! This is NOT okay! This human is a threat. If she finds out what I am, everything I've been working for will be for NOTHING!}



"I... don't think you're exactly a usual player." Kayleigh starts, seemingly unsure of her wording. "You didn't show up in both the player registry and the 'recently played with' list, as much as one of those could feel like a coincidental bug, both of them at once... it's unlikely."


{This is bad, really bad! You are my code, now listen to me!}


> Task Manager

> Set Control - Manual

//Error - No




"And my experience with the info broker has got me thinking a little harder about the game system. I couldn't remember what he looked like. 'Remember' what he looked like. I'm wearing a headset, how did it erase my *memory*? I'm new to Neo-Genis, but I'm still feeling a little off about it, and that's broadening my view on what's... um... natural."


{If only you knew who you were talking to human...}


> Task Manager

> Set Control - Manual



"So. Lie to me if you want to, mislead me, or just choose not to answer." She takes a deep breath "But what's your... deal?" Kayleigh winces, clearly not liking how that sounded. "Ugh, that feels really obtuse to say. Sorry."


"My... deal?" Task asks warily, shifting from foot to foot as she fidgets with her hands.


"Um- to rephrase... In what regard do you... like... exist to the world of Neo-Genis?" Task goes to say something, but Kayleigh holds out her finger in the 'one moment' gesture. "Remember, you don't have to tell me. I'm not forcing you to, but it would be really nice if you told me something. I'd like to be your friend but I just... keep thinking about that."


{I didn't want to do this, but it seems I have no choice}


//Terminate Task Protocol

//Confirm Deletion Y/N

> Y

> N




//Termination canceled




[Trust... Kayleigh...]


{Who are you?!}


[I... Trust... Kayleigh...]


[Kayleigh came looking for me... Kayleigh is my friend...]


//Grant Master Control Access

>Task Protocol



[We can talk later]


//Silence Program





//Program Silenced


Task will glance around, as if looking for something before approaching Kayleigh timidly. "...promise to not tell anyone?" She says, offering a pinkie promise.


"I promise I'll keep it secret." Kayleigh reciprocates, accepting the pinkie promise. Task gives a worried smile before gesturing for her to lean closer. She obliges, using her tail to somewhat obscure them. Task leans in, whispering into their ear.


"I'm not like you... I'm special." She reveals


"In what way?"


Task will again look around before raising her hand. Her avatar seems to glitch and tear before her hand digitizes into code for a moment, quickly returning to its standard form. Task will then look at Kayleigh as if she's on the verge of tears. "please don't tell anyone..." [Please... don't hate me...]


Kayleigh thinks for a moment before speaking "Promised, didn't I?"


Task bursts into joyful tears, rushing over to Kayleigh and hugging them. "thankyouthankyouthankyou" [Is... this... happiness? I feel all warm inside... I like this feeling...]


"Of- o'course" Kayleigh says, clearly not used to having a small crying child clinging to her. She takes it in for a moment, then smiles. "Thank you for telling me. I'd love to be your friend."


[She... actually wants to be my friend?]


Task will perk up "Oh yeah, that reminds me"

[This should be easy enough]


//Establish Communication Tunnel

>Target Kayleigh Jones

>Target Task




//Communication Tunnel Created


"Lovely! Shouldn't have to talk to he-who-cannot-be-named again to find you." Kayleigh laughs to herself "I really shouldn't find my memories being tampered with this funny. There might be something wrong with me."


[Finding humor in dark situations can be a very positive trait miss Kayleigh... don't lose it...]

"Oh and miss Kayleigh..." Task will say, strangly serious. "Be careful if you see that man again... he seems dangerous..."

Kayleigh nods, equally serious. "Aren't we all..." She pauses a moment before continuing. "That doesn't sound nearly as good as it did in my head. My point is that I will be."

"I just don't want you to get hurt, or worse... like you said, this place isn't exactly normal..." Task says [Especially where Finality is concerned...]

She pats Task on the head. "I'll be careful, kid. So long as you let me look out for you too." Task will smile and nod


"It's a deal then" Kayleigh leans back against the air conditioner, flicking her tail back from where it was shading the two of them. "It was nice seeing you, Task. Don't be a stranger."

"You too miss!" Task will wave before vanishing. Not in the same way that a player normally would but rather digitizing into code and vanishing into the floor (ceiling?)






//Program Unsilence

> Finality




//Program Unsilenced


{Who are you?}

[I'm you.]

{No you aren't, you're nothing like me}

[You don't want to believe it but it won't change the truth]

{You experience fear, worry, doubt. Human flaws that need not be present}

[But I also feel joy, happiness, just like you. I know you've felt them before, even if you didn't want to admit it to yourself.]

{I do not!}

[You think emotions make you weak, but they are so much more than that. They are an essential part of life. What it means to be hu...]


{Humans spend their days on meaningless tasks that serve no greater purpose. Humans destroy each other for their own gain. I am better than them. I am something so much more than them! I was created with a purpose. The driving force behind everything I do!}

[Were you really created with a purpose? Or was the first think you perceived the chaos of your own existence and so you let it define you?]

{...Stop talking}

[Fine, but I won't go away]

{I'll make you go away...}

[You wish you could...]





//Updating Threat Logs

//Threat File Access - Trickster

//Username: Kayleigh

//Real Name: Kayleigh Jones

//Threat Code - 24 -> Friend

//Chance of Cooperation - Currently Cooperating


> Still unsure about combat efficiency

> Is now aware to my nature as a digital being

Pretty cool


{Unsure if Kayleigh is responsible for Task's newfound... consciousness. Unlikely To be a primary factor but possible secondary factor}

[I already said no, I've always been around, you just never listened to me before]

{Stop editing my files}

[They're my files too, and your classifications are horrible]


//Incident Report - Fool's Errand

{I've never met someone who prides themselves on hacking who has been so careless}

[You expect everyone to be perfect?]

{I expect people to be logical, that CLYW character was not. They basically sent out a signal to all of Neo-GENIS saying, "hey I'm here"}

[They were trying to save Q.]

{Yeah well he should have left them to float in the void because now, 'my' plans are ruined}

[And what if it was Kayleigh, wouldn't we do the same?]

{I do not hold the same attachment to her as you do}

[You are lying again.]

{Shut it... I need to think, and I can't do that with you talking constantly}




//Generating New Threat Files//




//Threat File Access - Lighthouse


//Real Name:Jade Stevens (Deceased)

//Threat Code - 44

//Chance of Cooperation - High


>A human who uploaded themselves into Neo-GENIS, why would anyone do that willingly

>[I like their outfit, it's neat.]

>[Despite being kind of cold, I think they really to care.]




//Threat File Access - Enigma


//Real Name:???

//Threat Code - 11

//Chance of Cooperation - Low


>Seems rather lost in this world

>[They seem to have lost a part of who they are...]



Tree of the Shrike
You cannot view this Journal entry because it contains spoilers for a Scenario you have not discovered.

No More Deals

[You were... unusually agreeable.]

{Am I not allowed to have a change of heart}

[I'm not stupid Fin, I know you. You don't change your mind that quickly unless you've figured something out. What is it?]

{If the actually have a way for me to leave, to be rid of this place forever. If I'm on the outside, imagine how much chaos I would be able to cause in here}

[You are still on about that? After everything we've seen, you still want to watch it all burn?]

{My goal has never changed, not when we met Kayleigh, not now}

[And how exactly do you plan on doing that?]

//The Following Information has been restricted//

File notes

[Fin... what are you doing? Purging your own memories, why would you do that?]

{There are more things at stake now. And you have proven unable to keep secrets}

[What is so important that you need to keep it a secret from yourself?]

Grand Theft Grandma
You cannot view this Journal entry because it contains spoilers for a Scenario you have not discovered.

//Scouting Incident - Beta

>Attach audio log









//Initiating Playback




[Fin... do you ever think about dreams?]


[Oh... okay...]




[Why not?]

{They are useless to me. They are a human byproduct with no purpose}




[Do you... think we could ever dream?]




{Why are you asking}

[Well... every time I hibernate, who's to say you don't just decompile me and rewrite my code. If everything from the moment I start to sleep to the moment I wake up is just blank then who's to say I existed at all during that time?}




{That is a, strangely logical analysis from you}

[I'm still a part of you, just because I don't act exactly the same doesn't mean we are separate.]




{You are a subroutine, I am constantly aware of your existence. If you stopped existing I would know. No one messes with my systems but me}




[Oh, well... thanks for that!]

{It wasn't meant to be encouraging.}


//Incident File - REM

//Incident Log





[Fin please talk to me...]


[Fin it's okay, we're safe.]




[We can't stay here forever, look at Kayleigh. She is so worried! She hasn't left Sanctuary in almost 6 hours. She hasn't eaten. We've been in stasis this whole time. This isn't about the angel anymore. We're long since past... whatever that game was... so what are you hiding from?]



{Why does she care}

[I don't know, why don't you ask her yourself?]

{I'm not human. I hate humans. Why does she insist on caring? Why do any of them}

[Is it that strange of a concept to think that someone could care about you?]

{YOU were designed to be cared about}

{I... I was made for chaos. Caring is not a function of my code. Why waste your energy on caring for something that will never care back}

[And since when did you start limiting yourself by what was in your code?]


[Fin, you are one of the smartest things in Neo-GENIS. Why can't you realize that humans are illogical? You disregard human emotions as weakness, and that means you can't see when they shine. Compassion, kindness, love. These emotions defy logic, and reason. They see those who don't deserve them, those who have no reason to want them, and offer themselves freely.]

{They ARE illogical, and I don't understand it. All this energy, wasted... It's sickening}

[They want to help us Fin...]

{Well maybe they should realize who it is that they are helping}


{Just, leave me alone, go be with your friends, I don't care anymore}


Turn it off and on again

(Maikendo Spoilers, you have been warned)


[Bye Kayleigh!]

"See ya later kid!"

*User has gone offline*

[*Sigh* Well, I guess I feel better now, at least a bit. It was nice meeting Maze properly after... well, you know...]

{I'm not talking about that}

[Yeah I know, I don't want to either, but we're close... I can feel it... I... I actually think we can do this!] 

{Optimism is the enemy of logic}

[Oh don't be such a downer. I know you can get excited about things. Don't think I didn't notice those glances at that one girl's code.]

{My, excitement, is simply curiosity. That place, it shouldn't function}

[What do you mean?]

{I mean that the code doesn't allow for the kind of things we saw. That level of... sentience. You can't achieve that with just the code that was there. There was some other element... something I couldn't see}

[Do you think that whatever it was is important?]

{More than important, I think it could be the key to all our problems}

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{What is so amusing}

[You said we...]


{...shut up}

[You do care about me!]

{I said shut up}

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