Luminous Aurora's Journal

The Log of the Fallen Light

This is the Log by a man who seeks to find where he is currently, without knowing that he doesn't even know who he is in the past.

Deep Dives
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Secrets... Archived, Log 1

"I always believed I was an orphan. Growing up in the cold, impersonal walls of the orphanage, I never had any reason to think otherwise. There were no kind letters from distant relatives, no wistful tales of lost parents—just the stark reality of abandonment. But... I just went through the first game in Neo-Genis and... I had received a gift... I unlocked a new skill, but upon clicking on that skills, a torrent of images surged into my mind—memories that didn’t belong to me, yet felt uncannily familiar. I saw a small, cluttered house, a woman with kind eyes and rough hands, and a man whose face was a blur of anger and sorrow. These memories insisted I was not as alone as I had always believed, that I had once belonged to a family—albeit a family marked by turmoil and abuse. I was confused... why is my memories so jumbled, why does it feel familiar, why am I crying... "


Luminous is sitting next to a grave as he speaks. The grave has no name, only a phrase "A friend everyone deserves to have...". The headstone is facing towards a cliff, upon which Luminous has his legs dangling down. Beneath the cliff is a little pond, and off in the distance is a beautiful sunset. Holding a can of beer, he takes a sip after clinking it with one right next to the grave, a silent toast to the companion who once filled his days with laughter and warmth. Taking a deep sip, Luminous allows the bitter taste to mingle with the lump in his throat. 


As he speaks, his voice is a whisper, carried away by the wind. "You were always there, even when no one else was. I hope, wherever you are, you can hear me. I miss you, buddy. More than words can say... Sorry for yapping man, Its been a while since we have talked, hope you're doing good up there man. I will probably be hanging out in Neo-Genis for a bit more... I need to know more, I think there's tons of secret in that system... perhaps... finding those secrets will let me find my own too."


Luminous sighs and looks at the grave, taking the can that was next to the grave, he pours it over the grave and nods. Sighing, he turns around and starts to walk away. With each step, the golden light of the sun sets, turning into a bloody red, before just a lonely darkness. Luminous looks back for a moment, perhaps in another world, another time, the ghost of his friend would be sitting there, waving at Luminous goodbye... but sadly, there is only silence. Turning back, he walks away, on his own path... alone.

F#%* this, and F#%* You, Tom!
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Secrets... Archived, Log 2...

Orion leaves his house for the first time in a month. His co-workers over at NASA has harassed him since he was a close member of the Artemis program. Though... Neo-Genis has caught his attention much more. He just recently finished another game, another... mission, and it rewarded him with a level in Neo-Genis. Expected of course, but something interesting happened... Orion started to hear another voice in his head. He thought perhaps he was hallucinating at first, but it always referred to itself as... Aurora. Which shouldn't be. That was the last name he gave to Luminous, his long term used name after all... why did he choose it? he couldn't say at all, he always felt a sense of connection to the name.


Letting the winds take him as he walks along the sidewalk, contemplating what IS Neo-Genis, and where these memories are coming from, he sees a child run by. The child had pure white hair and he was holding a girl hand, she had blond hair with soft eyes, it looked like she just cried perhaps? They both appear to be around 4-5 years old and both were laughing, giving Orion a strong and weird sense of nostalgia. Looking at where they just came from, he finds a church, upon which causes Orion to sigh.

"What's the worse that could happen? Weird stuff has been happening already" and so he takes a step into the church. Upon entering, its oddly empty, only a father praying to god at the very front. Orion walks around for a bit, before he feels a urge, a calling, a pulling sensation that drags him towards the back of the church. One step at a time, his stomach starts to feel queasy, his hand starts sweating, as he feels like he might vomit, but he doesn't know why. 

As he continues walking, it feels like his leg is slowly becoming like lead. Each step took almost all of his effort, as his mind starts blanking out and his vision starts darkening, he sees where his gut feeling lead him to. A cemetery. There isn't many here, but he looks around for a bit, before 2 names catches his eye.

"Here Lies Aurora Lucent, The Night Always Shined When He Smiled"

"Here Lies Lania Ellinia, Nature Bloomed With Her Presence"

Looking at the names, Orion suddenly realizes its starting to rain, as his eyes burn, though oddly this rain is salty as he licks his lips. Feeling visceral pain, he collapses onto the ground. Fainting...

Waking up, he finds himself at his bed again, but this time, the voice is more prevalent... "Hey, Luminous, Got lost again?"


Meeting the sprout people, and the bee's

Luminous, Sora, gL1P, and Iphus would go to find out what was happening with the little sprouts around the Guildhall that as only a few hundred feet away from his base. On encountering the little critters he would quickly find out that they seemingly too in information regarding anything they were given. This included dictionaries for learning languages, gifts of peace and kindness, and a bit of militancy and kibble which influenced how their leader Blossom looked. 


gL1P did however cause a lot of problems for the little folk, but would be promptly handled by the group, eventually that is. As after some time and talking Blossom would show to be the leader and would offer the group to come by when ever they wished, minus the frog man. They would also get to see the queen killer bee show up, getting a hive built for her as well as the start of what was Luminous making Neo-Genis' first-ever world boss. 


After a week of waiting, he would come back with his friends with fertilizer, empowering the bees and sprouts further, as well as a flower to offer to the queen herself. She was waiting for them and with some negotiations, and some keen talking, they would happily work with the guilds belonging to Luminous and Sora. Which oddly enough seemingly was accepted, even though it shouldn't. 


In the end, the three were given gifts of honey from her and made a new ally. Congratulations!


Luminous finishes writing and finishes off with a single... "We might have fuck-ed up"

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