Pal's Journal

For the Dogs
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My back hurts, but I'm magic now!

So this is the new world of magic I have access to. 

Gotta say, really don't like the back pain. Sure, I can be powerful and strong whenever I want. And also a girl. Not sure how to think about that, so I'm not going to!

Anyway, I have all this magic, but I can basically use it like once per day. And the rest of the day I'm dealing with the aftermath of fighting monsters to get these powers.

I can't work as a fire fighter till I recover, so that's been rough. Been sitting a home playing with my new power, talking to Pascal, and thinking about who I'm going to be.

Someone with a back that hurts, that's what. That was a Joke Pascal

Okay, I need a break.

(The camera captures Pal moving stiffly away from the camera, and then beginning to glow, giving off waves of blue and white light. He shifts as he does so, moving his arms and hands to fit into the costume forming around him. His body shifts and shrinks, becoming about a foot smaller, and growing long flowing hair)
(Moonstone shakes out her hair, her transformation done)

Oh good that's better.

Yes Pascal, I haven't forgotten, I'll leave soon. 

Anyway journal, I feel a lot better like this. The pain is still there, but it... doesn't matter? I'm not sure how to feel about changing my sex. I kind of like it? But also I like it when I switch back? Like maybe I want to be a girl sometimes, but not always. 

Well, I'll think about that later.

Anyway. Pascal's been making me train. Moonstone at least. When I'm the other one I mostly just wait to get better and look for people who could help fix my back.

I feel like there is some separation between me and my other form. Like. We are the same person, but right now I'm Moonstone. Don't call me the other one. And similarly, for when I'm the other one. Moonstone is who I am right now.

Anyway, I'm joining a fight club. No pascal, it's obviously a joke, I don't need to say exactly where I'm going all the time. My journal will know that I'm training to get better at fighting, and I'll know where that is, and because I'm the only one who has access to the journal, I don't need to over explain it.

Anyway  Journal, I'm heading out. Only got 25 more minutes of Moonstone time before I gotta use up more power.

To Russia With Love
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