Carpathia's Journal

Excerpts from a Series of Family Dinners

Hey Hey, Ewe Ewe
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A 10 minute break, with Granola Bars

Carpathia sits across from her brother, Lyle in the break room. It's small and simple, just a back room with a sink, fridge, and a foldout table with matching foldout chairs. Carpathia had been wanting to get nicer chairs for quite a while now, but there just wasn't room in the budget. Normally, they wouldn't both be taking their break at the same time like this, but it was a slow day. She bites into a cheap granola bar as Lyle looks out in the direction of the store front.

"He's back again..." Lyle says absent mindedly.

"Who's back?" Carpathia asks, raising an eyebrow. Lyle flinches at her voice, seemingly forgetting there was someone else in the room with him. He turns to look back at her,

"Uh, the guy that hangs out on the corner playing guitar." He points over his shoulder in the vague direction of the man currently playing his heart out. He's been playing his heart out about every other day for the past few weeks. Carpathia smiles,

"That's Sam Walters. I met him when I visited the homeless shelter a while ago." She explains. "He told me cops were giving him trouble for busking outside an apartment building, something he'd been doing for months without complaint, might I add. I figured we could use some live music, so I offered him our corner. He's good, right?" Lyle makes a small "hm" noise and nods his head in confirmation. He's about to turn back around to staring distantly at the wall but stops himself, a question coming to his mind.

"Same shelter you set up a little tea stand in?" He asks, tilting his head slightly. Carpathia balks and waves her hand in the air.

"That's work talk, and we're on break. But yes, the same one." She says dismissively. Lyle raises his hands in mock surrender and drops the topic, before an alarm goes off on Carpathia's watch. The siblings sigh in unison. They were no longer on break.


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