Blake Sacks's Journal

Mushroom Hunt

Made it out alive... somehow...

I'm sittin' at my unlit fireplace, when I hear the clink of something being set on the kitchen table.  When I investigate I find an envelope with a mirror inside.  Checking it for my reflection, I find a young lass in it.  She offers me a job.  "Go get some mold." So I gather my things and my weapons and accept the job.  Somehow I get knocked out and end up on a pig bus, which drops us off at a local diner in Rachel, Nevada.

A few people hop off the bus with me and they introduced themselves as Doug, Remus and Jose.  Outside the diner there's a line of bikes.  I step in the diner thinking I could get some info about this hotel we're supposed to get the mold from.

Unfortunately, a group of bandits step in as I order my coffee and try to kill me!  Worse yet is my fellow yellow-belly team mates didn't back me up.  I managed to dust half of 'em before they got me.  Rustier than I thought I guess.

Somehow I manage to live through that.  A local father and son manage to get me to the local doc.  Get me patched up and send me on my way.  Without a trace of were the yellow bellies went, I opt'd to just go home thinking the job was a bust.

Little do I know, a few days later, Chief invites me for one of his chats.  He decides to share with me one of his secret recipes.  So I take him up on it.  Looks like this'll come in handy to finish patching myself up.


Still thankful to be here.

I think it's high time to thank the ones who pulled me out of the diner.  Possibly try to smooth things over with the local as well.  I would like to get that diner fixed up and polished to a shine.  Maybe I should consult with a professional chef to revise the menu.  It's the least I could do after getting that place shot up.

Maybe I should also get the kid a collage fund or something.  That should help as well.  I'll have to ask'em what they would like.  What if he wants to be a welder instead?

Maybe going back there isn't such a good idea.  I imagine that biker gang is not happy with me killing a number of them.  How many did I get? Six? Seven?  Maybe they'll be more the wiser for me offing half the gang in a single afternoon.  Either way, it'll show I have balls walzing back into their territory.

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