Gene's Journal

Welcome to Our Corp!
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Lollipops, cigarettes, and tennis balls.

You know what I need? a lollipop, or a cigarette, I never liked how they smell, but I feel like I need one right now, I just need something to put in my mouth, I guess, or something to take the edge off, help me think, a stress ball, or a tennis ball to bounce off the wall, something like that, I don't know why but my brain is going fucking wild, ideas, possibilities, shit like that, I don't know if this place is more bleak than the backstreets, it's cleaner, but for some reason it does feel more dangerous, at least this place doesn't smell of weed anymore, at least I don't come back home to backwoods littering the table tops, fucking... "doobs" or whatever, at least I feel clean for once, a nice, legal, corporate job, or something like that. 

Searching for a girl that doesn't exist,
She's in my head oh is this it?
Love's not real because she isn't.

For The Better
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Attachment makes stronger soldiers is something this corporation forgets, the Romans were all gay and attached to each other, and they seem quite undefeated. Fucking stupid... Ugh, am I hung up on this because I genuinely wanted Cooper to live or just because it hurts my ego that I couldn't save him? And maybe my ego IS hurt because these idiots don't want to acknowledge my accomplishments. But its fine, I'll become greater than they will ever be, I'll have a full head of hair, I'll know everything I want and I will be the greatest fucking fighter on this planet, fuck you all, you all don't even deserve my help, why do I even bother man? 

cock-suckers. I hate this place, but at least it's better than the backstreets, it's just as brutal, it's just as violent, but its cleaner, and the food is better, so I guess I have no right to complain, man I wonder what Uncle and Dee are doing back home, hope they're not dead, or something like that, and I wonder where Julie could be in this world, I hope she's somewhere better than this.

Rats, mice.
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Nephew's Calling

Hey, Unc, glad you picked up, uh... It's been awhile since I called, I know just a bit busy.

- Glad you're alive, kid, how is it down there?

Just as violent as home, but cleaner, so I guess its a fucked up upgrade.

- Good, good, why're you calling?

Well I just uh, well, I just fought some weirdos in velvet red suits, and I think you'd be familiar with them for some reason.

*a few seconds of silence come about the phone call, a slight hesitation appearing to be put upon both the men's lips.*

- That's the Thumb, they're an underground organization of sorts, what would they be doing there?

They were looking for someone, I don't think anyone else but the upper ranks know, but I think its one of the people I know.

- That's curious... What's his name?

Well, it's probably not his name, but we call him Bald Bill.

- Interesting.

So, uh, I wanna find an actual purpose, and I think what you just told me has given me an idea on where to find one.

- You already have a purpose down there.

To work?

*The call goes silent again, more hesitation filling the air.*

- Yeah, to work.

Anyway Unc, thanks for picking up the phone, I'll talk to you soon, I have to do some stuff.

- Stay alive kid, you'll find your footing some day.

The Humbling
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heavy ass board.

Attached some wheels to this big ass gun now, it's a bit hard to kick off, since it's heavy, but I hope this works well, well enough to maneuver me around well enough during fights, I hope, because it would be fucking awesome, wish it would fly though, or something like that, or make it autonomous, fight on its own alongside me, man, imagine, my own little sidekick, but its a giant ass heavy cannon... Okay, gotta stop day dreaming, gotta focus on the real shit like... I don't know, no idea actually... What am I doing here man? I can't just work this place until I die... I wanna get out of here, do great things, change the fucking world! But then again, maybe all I ever wanted was a nice, warm, place to sit down, without risk of death every single day... Hm... Fuck my life, I can't decide shit.

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Janitorial Work
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All's Well.
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