Jack Frost's Journal

Fire In The Sky
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Need For Speed

Back in my cell once again.

There is nothing I want more than to be free from this hell hole. I've found that my anger issues have been nearly costing me contracts to I've decided to take up meditation, not that I'm expecting it to work. Meditation has allowed me to focus more on my own goals of getting out of here over just milling about. I've been thinking about some of the main issues I've been encountering on contracts, mainly my mobility. There is nothing more embarrassing than feeling useless in a contract. I've conjured up a pair of skates that should help me with this problem. their sleek, stylish, and most importantly they are FAST. No more waiting around for my fellow contractors to save me, now I can move with elegance and grace. There is a plan brewing in my head on how to get out of here...

Soon ill be free.

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Im Prey

I've realized something on my last contract.

I've been in this game for a while, doing contracts, having powers, ETC. Clearly there are others out there who have been doing this for longer and thus they are more powerful. Most of my abelites come from these magical artifacts that I summoned. These objects aren't bound to me and if someone takes them there's nothing stopping them from using it. I worry that I may have a target on my back form my previous actions. I'm safe for now in prison but soon ill be set free and the kangaroo court of supes will likely hunt me down. I need a plan for when I get out of here. I'm going to Run, as fast as I can. I need to make it to the arctic so I can hide out there for the foreseeable future.

Soon ill be free, but will I really?

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