Ferros's Journal

To Russia With Love
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Less fingers, less fun

After making our way back to an airport, Kal pays for our tickets back to the US, and never before have I been more happy to return to New York. I use taxi after taxi to get home to the loving arms of my boyfriend. After a few days of adjusting to my left hand being a few fingers short now, I try to test out my new gift! Turns out it's a lot more straining than one would imagine, but at least I'm able to float things and operate tech without needing to touch it directly, although it ends with a headache, Advil, and a 3 hour nap.

A few weeks after the contract and phantom feeling is a bitch. It makes you think that you can still use those parts, but no. Spilled a few drinks thinking that I still had my ring and pinkie fingers. It's sucks trying to adjust, but I'm doing my best. (Griffith likes to paw at my knubs, and I find it adorable)

Mushroom Hunt
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