Astra Nuu's Journal

Setting Assail
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settingAssail afterWord

Not much to say here. I went to a therapist to treat my phobia, keeping details about my personal life a secret. She didn't pry too much and helped me face my fear. From fearing it to feeling comfortable in it again.

I've tested my new gift. It makes me almost completely invisible. But it lags behind and wobbles when I move. It's very interesting however. I used it to surprise Alex.


I met up with Alex. We watched a movie and spent some time together. She made me try out a lot of different clothes. I wonder where to put them.


Besides this, I mostly just stood put. I slowed my hacking with the new money in my account, only breaking a few systems to have some fun with.


I am looking forward to the next contract. They are dangerous, but maybe I can actually realize my dreams this way.

Passing the Hours
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