Ricter Casenger's Journal

Delir the squeakuel
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Back Home

It's been about two weeks since I took that job, I ended up having to call my boss about being pulled away, but it wasn't too big an issue. I have enough PTO time to not really cause many issues on the sight, especially if I'm the one who tends to just manage most of the building. Nonetheless, I spent a lot of my time just looking up odd crap online, vampires, werewolves, and a lot of stuff that just made me re-think how I saw the world overall. 


I didn't trust stupid stories about fairies, monsters, and other creatures, but after what happened only two weeks ago? I can't help but believe them, so after I got done with a bunch of my work and whatnot I went around my hometown and did some investigations. I didn't see much in terms of monsters and spooky stuff, mostly raccoons and all manner of deer and stuff. But I did see something at one point, maybe a cryptid? Maybe it's just my overactive imagination. Either way, it was gone as quickly as I rolled my flashlight in the area.


After that little spotting, I have felt a bit off, more hungry like I haven't eaten in a while, I'm hoping it's not just me being a fat ass, but I guess I haven't been doing a lot of healthy eating, to say the least. Lots of junk food occasionally, but I have been having a taste for something... Mostly, lots of meat.

Lil Game Hunter
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January 18th


Home life has been alright for the most part, with no contracts for a whole month and I feel like my normal work is a bit more fulfilling. Only slightly that is...


So far I haven't had much odd happen to me, I spoke with those who have had powers for a bit before I left, though I can say I've seen some things happening just the other day. So when I was on the work site I had to bit of hammering for a bit, nothing too unnatural, but just taking a little wooden mallet I tried to put in some nails and....I broke the wood. I don't know how, I was pretty gentle, but even just tapping it left a massive dent in it- like a gust of wind buffered my swing. I don't know why it happens when I use my hammers, but I'd started to believe something was up with them or even me, after all, it happens no matter the size of the hammer. 


January 24th


I was out with some of my buddies, I wanted to get a drink or two and enjoy some time off since it was close to my friend's birthday and I wouldn't be there for his party. Unfortunately, my friend tends to be a rather aggressive drunk so he got into a fight with some guy at the tavern, typically the keeper is a bit more anal about that sorta thing, but the guy my friend got into a fight with was kinda a dick head so they gave us a minute. When they took it outside though it turned into a way bigger brawl than I was hoping and so all of us ended up getting whooped, well... except me. For some reason when I got punched, I didn't feel anything, hell I didn't even stumble. 


But what surprised me was when I looked at the other guy he looked like some animal just got done trying to chew him up, or clawing at them. After only about 3-4 swings they backed off and ran for it. Right after I picked up my buddies and went home. I don't know what the hell that was but maybe someone...or something...is looking out for me? I'd hope so, especially since I plan on doing more of these contracts. 

Yummy Sugar Pop!
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Fixing Problems

One of my buddies got into a bit of an accent down the road, I've been taking care of him for the past few days now and it's been a bit of a drag. But he's been my childhood friend for a while and so I'll put up with his snarky jokes and stupid remarks as much as I can. He got sidelined by some asshole while driving to the store, luckily his wife and kid weren't in there since he got whiplash and he lost a few fingers in the crash.


I went to the store and picked up some ointments and whatever to ensure that he'd not turn into a prune from laying in a bed for so long, and so I went by his place to help him out. Being a smart ass he wanted me to help him apply it, so I did, took me a few minutes and maybe I smacked his side a few times just to tease him since he felt a bit 'sore' there. 


But what I didn't expect was he got up, like- actually got up and his fingers were back! I was so fucking stunned he wondered what kind of ointment did I use. I told him it was that cheap stuff from the general store, nothing special about it at all. An hour later we would test it out a bit, well...he did, and it didn't work. But when I did it I fixed him up, right as rain. We agreed to not say anything about this, but maybe if I need to become Jesus any time so I guess I could haha.

Chains required

Snow Bunnies

It was really freaking cold, unlike the desert from the last few contracts or a simple small town, this one was on the side of a mountain. Along a winding road next to a cliff and overlooking some mountains, so I had the bright idea of bringing my Suburu. Yaaaaay...

The people I had to meet up with were good folks. I met Keller again, he looked pretty much the same, not fucked up or anything but he seemed just as fidgety as he normally was. Luckily he was just as competent as he normally was and all those technological implants hadn't fried his brain or anything, but I was more than happy to work with him again. Without his barrier thing, I probably would have been in a bad spot if I had to focus on guarding myself. 

The other person was literally a 'gun bunny', I mean with full rabbit ears and probably an arsenal that would rival a country bumpkin's hidden stash. She could change and transform her guns on the fly, and with some flare too, made me wonder when I'll be that confident to act like that on a mission like this. Nonetheless, she seemed young, but experienced, not to mention had Olympic-level skills, at least that's the information she gave us about her. I'll need to keep her card and number in my phone just so I can see if I'll ever need her help with something, that or vice versa.


The whole entire mission was like trying to find Waldo, however Waldo was freaking invisible and didn't show up naturally. Luckily with all our brains put together, we managed to figure out something. I nearly totaled my car though which given I didn't have another to just pull out of my ass I would have been so upset. But our Gun Bunny skillfully took out the thing we needed to hunt down- Granted she kinda just started blasting like a crazy person once we did see it. Additionally, I got to keep my Suburu! I might need to take some driver's classes if I'm going to be taking my car out on these contracts. 


But after it was all said and done we said our goodbyes and had a good laugh about some stuff. I drove everyone to the airport soon after, my new rabbit buddy seemed to be a gun seller too, but probably out of my price range. Daisy did however ask me about other things like probably artifacts with some power, so maybe this is the currency for these contracts? I mean makes sense, I'd want a kick-ass charm that turns into a hunting rifle.


PS: I think Keller doesn't like Cazarith, I don't blame him, he's a bit scary. By the way, I'm going to hang around a bit, Cazarith was acting a bit odd once everyone had left, might have to do with the monster we handled.


Gaining Skills

After the contract was done I hung around since I had no real time limit to go back to work or anything, Cazarith was being a pest and demanding I stay for a bit. At first, I didn't know why, but eventually, I kinda got the idea as to why, fishing around that road was a bad memory, but once I saw around the area when we nearly crashed they lept off me and began digging around. After a while, they thrashed around something before eventually returning. Satisfied, I guess?


I'd hope they don't cause any more crap to happen, I already can't tell them what to do, but I can request things occasionally. Nonetheless I went back home and decided to buy some driver classes, I'm a pretty good driver myself but if I'm going to be taking my car places I might as well know how to do stuff with it. Even if just some evasive driving, it all should help me keep calm in those situations and maybe I should look into more monsters too. From all the crap I've dealt with, the beast we had to fight may or may not have been affected just by physical forces.  


Either way, my plans are set I think I'll try to focus my attention on gaining more power, Cazarith has been giving me more skills to use, and they've come in handy way more than once. But I'm starting to feel something else around me, and I'm worried it might not be just the weasel on my shoulder. 



Over the weekend I set up a bit of home security, with all these powers and abilities I've been gaining I've been a tad paranoid about someone or something coming by wanting to kill me or something. It wasn't anything big, with a few cameras around my property, and some alarms being set up just in case I notice anything fishy around my place. I take maybe 20 minutes to review it all every day so it's no big deal since I'm on my computer a lot normally. 


But I have noticed something at night, me. The camera in my room showed me tossing and turning like a madman during the night like it was something out of those paranormal activity movies. I confided in Cazarith to ask if they noticed anything, just feral grunts and snarls, typical. With him being no help I just ignored it, but then came these...dreams. Dreams that caused me to think I was dying and to question a lot of things. It all starts with me just sitting in a forest somewhere, lying on the grass, I get up, or at least attempt to, and get held down by something. Each night gets more and more clear as whatever this creature is begins tearing into me, biting and clawing. The pain is dulled of course, but it looks so real I start panicking. 


A few days have passed and the dreams are pretty clear now, it's Cazarith and a python-looking monster with silver-white scales. I've displayed my concerns but again, more feral growls, and snarls. We'll need a means of communication soon as it's starting to affect my work life, can't sleep without worrying about it happening again. 


December 5th


Last night was the worst thus far, I went to bed and instead of getting a good night's sleep it was the dream again, however this time I tried fighting back. Harder than I did previously, and as I did I felt things- change. I wasn't in the forest anymore, I was in my bed, with two sets of eyes hovering above me. They look down as if debating what parts each of them gets to sink their teeth into. I wanted to yell but I felt a coiling pressure around my neck, stopping me from speaking. 


It took them all five seconds before the biting began, not like they were trying to rip into my body or tear out chunks, this time it was just constant biting, sinking it into my skin over and over again till I couldn't take it anymore and passed out. I couldn't tell if it was a dream or not, but as I woke up, I felt like shit, my head hurt, and I popped a few pills to relieve the pain. 


But looking over myself I saw what had been done, my body had been changed. My eyes were an ice-blue color with slits like a snake, small fangs had been growing in my mouth, slightly pointed and enough to cause a minor paper cut. All the while behind me a new appendage seemed to have grown, I had a fucking tail! I demanded answers as to why my 'companion' chose to alter me physically, after all, I kinda like being human you know?

But I wasn't answered by Cazarith immediately, instead this long coiling snake would show its presence instead, then right after Cazarith did too. I couldn't understand them but I knew what was happening, these two creatures felt it was necessary to alter me to 'improve' me. After this brief understanding, they both vanished, and I can now feel both of them coiling around my body like a phantom sensation.


Days later I've adjusted a bit to the changes, it seems they have made me a bit more flexible, while my eyes can perceive things better so I no longer need my glasses. I have opted to wear contacts or just sunglasses though to mask my eyes, as for my tail that's next to impossible to hide, I may find a way to do it eventually but I do get a few eyes here and there. Uncomfortable, but I can live with the attention. I've come up with the excuse of being a gene-wild fan, not that I care if anyone undergoes that type of thing, I just didn't expect to have this happen to me. The snake is still there, as such I've figured out its name as if it was in the back of my mind this whole time- Ni'rha.


I now worry that at some point, the creatures with me will find it prudent to change me further, taking away my humanity and turning me into one of them. A host for a den of monsters.

Dragons speak louder then words
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My sister has been questioning as to why I'm starting to look more animalistic. Had to lie, of course, and say it may be some toxic waste dump, or something in the water, either way, she told me to get checked out and have blood work done. It came back a week later, and nothing abnormal except some slight changes. The blood type is still the same though, and overall, they had no clue what could be the matter. But I have an idea.


I've been trying to spend more time with my niece and nephew in the meantime, they don't seem to mind my eyes or my tail, they find it fun to tug and play with, and think my eyes are 'pretty'. They're sweet, I wish more people could be so sweet, but I have dealt with some minor backlash for the changes. From people calling me a freak to some others thinking I asked for this and just treating me like an animal. I don't have kids, but if I did I'd hope they were as good as my niece and nephew, granted they are demons when it comes to trashing my living room so maybe not that part. 


Mushiness aside, I've learned from the contracts that I've done that I'll need to train myself and Cazarith. We did little fighting, but my sensory abilities were far more important in all this, additionally, I may do more driver training again, it helped out again in this previous contract but I'll need to make way more money for those classes. I'll take some time to think about how to apply myself, and maybe even do some favors for some people in the meantime while I contemplate how to go about my next few months.


But there is one thing for certain, I've become stronger, and the power I feel is palpable, additionally, Cazarith has been sharing its mind with me, experiences I have never seen. Time periods I don't recognize, and experiences of flying through the air and causing mischief and trouble to travelers in what I can only guess is Japan from the faces and signs I saw. I will probably learn more as time goes on, but for now, it feels like I have two ways of thinking, one being my rational brain and the other being more instinctive. But like any animal maybe I could learn to teach Cazarith something?


PS: Cazarith doesn't like the idea of learning new stuff, he's kinda stubborn...But maybe if I be nice and keep feeding them sushi they'll open up to me. Oh right, I learned he likes fish, and judging from the memories he was alive for about 600-800 years, give or take. I may need to talk to Ms. Raine since I'm not familiar with Japanese folklore and time periods, but it would be great to figure it out fully. 

Animal Farm
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I'm choosing to take a vacation for once, but I don't know where I'm going yet, I kinda had it in mind to contact some of the people I worked with to maybe get some information. But I also kinda want to have a nice break from both work and work, I will say I've been signing myself up for self-improvement classes. Something to help with both keeping me alive in the next contracts that I'm bound to take and just something to adapt to how people are reacting to me.


I've noticed some more changes to my body, at this rate it's inevitable that I'm changing, possibly into a kamaitachi given the features. I need to know more about this condition, maybe even the yokai that are around too, and why Kazarisu chose me to be connected too. I may in fact go to japan to see things for myself, the birthplace of these legends, and I have a possible friend to maybe visit for said trip.

Setting Assail
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I saw death

I've gone on less than a dozen of these contracts and I'm starting to see things going south more often than not. Near-death experiences are growing, I'm starting to get hurt and take damage, but most importantly I'm seeing many more people in pain or die. Corpses of people are burned into my memory and it's making me feel both sick and afraid, I can only hope that I can maybe find some help out there and get over this sensation. I never expected this to be on my mind, but after that previous contract or two, I can guess that the human mind was just as fragile as the body. 


So even though I might heal, I doubt I'll heal mentally just as quickly, I think I'll go and see someone. Talk out my feelings, and hope a professional can make me feel better about what has happened to me. After that maybe I'll have something better to write about then this depressing bullshit I have to spill out in a book.


Chibu Village

I never believed my wish to seek out answers would end up with me fighting to save a village from some other yokai but that's how I spent at least half of my 'vacation'. I did enjoy myself though afterward, I learned a bit from the Kamaitachi I freed and began to understand a bit of why I'm becoming what I am. 


It's a mix, so Kazarisu seems to think of me like his brother, that maybe I'm similar to someone he's seen in the past. But he treats me like this for a reason or another and the longer my soul stays close to him the more I change. Now I don't want to tell him to hit the road, it's because of him I've lived so long, it's because of them that I've become stronger and more powerful. As such I think I might be ready, ready to turn fully. Granted I like my human life and my job isn't so bad, but at the same time, it's only a matter of time before it all happens.


I stayed a bit longer and tried to gather as much information as possible, I was told how Kamaitachi came into form, why they were important, and even more about other yokai from legend books I would buy from the local market. Hell, I even started to take up Japanese since my visit there was a bit torturous due to the language barrier. I came looking for an expert, and now I will strive to become that expert myself, better to be prepared rather than to get caught off guard.


Overall I was given a piece of the Kamaitachi I released, I could make something from it, but it might be better if I do something else. I've started to do my fair share of research into everything spiritual and occult now, starting to get a nice understanding of monsters, beasts, and other nasties. It will help me to learn about myself and even now I think I came back from this trip much more knowledgeable- or at least I think so. I don't know yet, but on my way back I can see splotches of white on my arms, my black hair being replaced with white. I think I might have a few weeks before I'll become them, as such I should prepare for it, and get my affairs in order. Or maybe develop a way around it. After all, if a yokai disguised as an old man can trick me for a bit, why can't I do the same thing?


So with that, I think I have a new goal in mind, at first I just wanted something to do outside of my mundane life, something exciting, and to form a way to just have a better life. Now maybe I can use what I've gained to help people. Surely this might lead to my death, as it does for most heroes and people who want to do good in the world but maybe this will be my legacy rather than nothing at all.


Yokai Delivery Service

I had some time left in Japan, I wanted to see what I could do in the last few days as I had a few more questions about what to do, yokai in general, as well as information about myself. I went over to a temple, booked a meeting, and got to talk to some of the priests, they answered a good number of my questions but I needed a bit more and was told I could only talk to the head priest if I did something for them- that or became a monk. 


I took the other route, of course, I enjoy watching TV and my phone over becoming a monk. So the objective was simple, deliver a sealed box to another temple. Sounded easy enough, and was warned that it would attract some yokai, which was a bit worrying but I have a car, should be good right?


I was so damn wrong...so first I got stopped by deer who attacked me and I had to kill them before they tore up the car too much. Next, I was in some sort of mental block that kept me in place, got out of the car, and found some weird horse thing next to pillars doing some kind of spell. Killed one booked it back to my car and darted down the road. 


Kept going and saw crows overhead, obviously more freaking yokai so I took the initiative and began killing them as I was attacked by the mob. More deer and horse things showed up, this time riding each other. I kept driving, the car was basically scrap, but it pulled through luckily enough. But then they started to get crazy, The next thing they tried was running me over with a boulder THE SIZE OF THE HIGH WAY, with three little dudes on top rolling it along. I pulled in a U-turn and managed to knock one off as the other two stumbled and fell off, letting it roll off into the distance. 


I wish I could have gone the whole time without needing gas but I had to stop at a station to fill up, a kid came by to ask if I needed anything. Gas station attendant, cool guy but this was not the time for it. Especially since out the back two deer dressed in god damn ski masks had GUNS and wanted me to hand over the bag. I had to kill one and the other tried to blow me up by shooting the gas tank, luckily I survived. 


By this point I was both tired, annoyed, and felt like I was fighting an army so I knew that running away was my best bet. Soon the sky became dark, and stormy, normally I like stormy weather but when I checked that the weather was supposed to be perfect and sunny I called bullshit. Still remember yelling out the window, "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" However that was not in the cards, a Rajiu appeared and shot lighting at my engine. The car that got me so far was useless, I appreciate all the bull shit it had gone through at that point.

But now my legs were all I had, so I told Kazarisu to grab the bag and let go, even though he gave me a look of "Man shits crazy!". I was not fighting the Rajiu, especially if it commanded lighting of all things, so we booked it, nearly got zapped a few times, and made it to the temple, luckily without the yokai wanting to deal with monks. 

In the end, it was probably the worst gauntlet I've ever done, made even worse as it wasn't a video game, it was real life. As I stayed there, waiting for the heat to cool down I noticed on the news all this 'happened' but it was quickly shuffled off social media and all that, probably by authorities. That's fine by me, no one got hurt besides some evil spirits with a bit of a sense of humor in some cases, just wish they weren't hunting me down!


I visited the head priest after completing their 'trail by combat', and spending some time to redress some of my cuts and bruises, I asked him to give me information about the yokai and was promised detailed information regarding them. In addition to this, I underwent a ritual too, the mechanics of it were interesting and I know at least some parts of it was I was shown the whole thing, even if it was painful. After all this the next few days I have in Japan will not involve anything to do with Yokai, I just want to have a nice vacation...

Blood Bag
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Magic Doctor

I had a meet up with someone I met from a previous contract, Liam. I was working through some serious problems that I couldn't get over, that last contract that I did was horrible and ended up rattling me. I don’t know if I’d get over all the death I had to deal with, but I was glad I was able to help stop everyone from dying, at least for as long as I could…


Liam though was in town, we had a nice time just hanging out, I wanted to at least offer him something to eat. Deep dish pizza, maybe some other Chicago classics, or just go out to a bar to two. It was a good time, I even got to tell him about whats been happening with me and all the other strange crap that’s been going on after I did that contract with him. Funny enough it must have been a drastic change for him.


When I first met him and Lucian I was just a simple guy, nothing special about me besides working my tail off- no pun intended. Now I have Kazarisu, and a bunch of other features added to myself. I was happy to allow Liam to give me an examination, after all he was a doctor so I felt it was better to let him give me a judgment on myself.


I learned enough from Liam, mostly that it wasn’t too out of the norm for people to transform during the time they do contracts. Aspects of the ‘gifts’ one could get from them are random, but stay within whatever aspects are related to them in some way. I wanted to look into it more, but I felt it was better to not go snooping around where I shouldn’t, after all I don’t have that kind of power.


Nonetheless I hope Liam’s visit was nice, hope I can talk to him more, less so just asking for help. Or maybe on some kind of contract, probably one where I can ACTUALLY be of help rather than being stunned and awe-struck. Funny enough, I got to tell him about the other vampires I had a hand in killing, seems like I've become powerful in my own right.


Ants & Elephants

Bellow is a Journal entry from Ricter:


"That last contract had me question a lot of things, similar to the one before, but it was much easier to deal with due to not having to face challenges pretty much alone. I realized that with how the world works, and how we go on contracts to gain powers and abilities, we are nothing special in terms of the broader picture. It's only logical to think that governments, organizations, hell...even masses of people who are just working together like ourselves have insane potential for power. They have armies, weapons, political power, and probably thousands of metahumans, monsters, and other horrors under their control."

"I had to ask myself what I could even do alone? What would happen if they knew about me? It was an easy guess- I'd be dead, or forced to work with them. It was a hard pill to swallow, but in the end I knew my place in the world was small, but compared to a normal human? How the hell can they live like this?! With no power whatsoever, vulnerable to all manner of monsters, creatures, and even...myself. I can't do anything alone, I'll need help, even if I've done a few of these contracts by myself, I know it was by luck I lived. So what should I do? Form some sort of organization maybe, plan for the future, or maybe wallow in self-loathing at how small I truly am in the world...and I don't mean small as in a simple construction worker working a 9 to 5, I mean that plus being in a world of cryptids, monster, aliens, and robots."

"I have to establish myself in some way. Set contingencies, and find a means of combating the very institutions that could snap their fingers and make me vanish, as such I'll need both power and the knowledge to utilize it correctly. Read the news, see what supernatural things are happening around, network, and find out how these 'gifts' typically operate. I can't pick and choose what I can do with these gifts, but with the powers I have currently, I need to be capable in many ways, find out my possible enemies' weaknesses, assess them, and overcome them. Then destroy them... Like an elephant crushing a bug."


The entry ends, however, it is followed up by another portion, not in the handwriting of Ricter but instead Kazarisu:


"He hasn't fully learned yet, but he is slowly understanding. It's us against the world, there are so many things that could be possible, as such we should cover every possible weakness, and ensure we don't fall like so many others. I'll start with the mundane, the humans who need tools and armor to protect themselves, then I'll begin with other possible enemies. Not every person we will run into will have powers, as such better to focus on the ones who don't and eliminate their only advantage. From there we can start to prepare for most locations and environments, adapting to everything we face is important if we have to do more of these contracts. Finally, we need more...not just more power, but friends, more people who we can at least trust somewhat, and if not more of these contractors then I'll find a way to breed in more kamaitachi like me."


"I know he will eventually read this, and just so you know Ricter- I'm looking out for us, I have hopes that one day you will achieve enough power so that you never have to be scared of anyone ever again. I refuse to be an ant destined to be crushed."


The entry ends...

The Lady's Treasure
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It's been a few days since my last contract, got some time to rest after all that and make sure I took some time off work too. I've been thinking about possibly going solo, not in some kind of band or anything, but like- work. But a one-man construction crew is kinda painful, but I need money and my 9 to 5 isn't going to cut it, its just enough for me to be comfortable but it's never really enough for me. 


Especially now that I'm gaining more and more power it's starting to feel like humanity is something I don't have to worry about as much. Well...I shouldn't say that, humanity is gross and will strive to cause as much pain and suffering as possible, but with how many supernatural threats, mind-violating powers, and creatures that can rip a normal person in half in a single swing? I'll take a normal guy for once over one of those. 


Additionally, I met up with Nathan again, he was doing alright, and his skills and power have improved greatly, even gave him some info on current events. I traded something for some additional help and changes to my body, since he is the only person I know who could offer me something with a bit of agency on my part I asked for a few simple things really. One is able to not have to worry about being in a fire or burning building because fire is not fun and its just a small contingency. The second thing that seemed cool was a horn he had which didn't really do much on its own, but maybe I could use it for something later? That or craft something with it. Hard to say, but he did mention he could 'implant' it given some time, so that will be my future plan. 


I'm following Kazarisu's advice, on the whole, improving myself to become stronger. Just in this case, I'm doing so outside of simply doing these contracts, right now I have a minor plan to get to my overall goal, namely to get some extra cash and move out of my apartment. But it's iffy at best and may involve me doing some favors for folks or offering up my services to others in some way shape or form. 


As such I may try to find a means of earning a bit of cash, I might even go talk to some of my friends whom I've talked to in the past, and see what everyone is up to besides Nathan. I'm half tempted to NOT tell them I can help them recover limbs, but so long as it's not like that guy on TV who got his junk cut off by that werewolf lady- I'll MAYBE help them. That or go into a hospital ward and play god for a little while before leaving, but I'd rather not be super well known right now. 



The House in Space
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I was called again, this time not by some mystical means, it was actually by phone. Nathan wanted something, namely to go to Africa of all places and help with something going on there. When I arrived it was a grizzly scene, pregnant terrified women, dead kids, and bodies stacked high. I never knew the world was this horrid here, but I’m glad I know about it now and it gave me idea’s for the future. Seeing Nathan though he asked me to help in some way, I had to question what the hell I could even do? These woman had been under some form of occupation, raped, abused, and their kids crushed. Some of their homes were destroyed, and they were surrounded by bombs.


I did go through the village and area and sniff out all of the bombs and explosives, lots of mines and things placed all in the jungle and surrounding area. But at the end of it all I had to talk to Nathan. He’s a good man, wanting to help people, but he didn’t have the capabilities to do such a thing, as such I gave him some advice to maybe follow for the future. He was strong, and his powers were varied and capable of doing amazing things, maybe he could find a means of gaining his own following of sorts? Sure I used the word ‘cult’ but it was just an example, I wanted him to see the world for what it was, organizations of people with the power to destroy the world at any moment that we have to fight or deal with on a daily/contractual basis.


Maybe I should take my own advice and gain a following of my own?


Eye for an Eye

I went to go visit Vector, it had been a while since I saw him and I had gained a lot more power in that time. Or should I say- he managed to survive until now, so when I saw that he hadn't done many contracts since then I could completely agree with that choice. After all, he lost his eye and got targeted by many things both during and then after the contract was over. 


When I arrived we got to talk a bit, enjoy some time and relax too, before I eventually had to do...well...you know. It sucked, and honestly, I was perfectly fine using my fingers to do it but since it was a more internal injury it would be odd for both himself and me. Wait...fuck it, no one is reading this journal, I don't care how sus that sounds, besides I'm bi anyways. Anyway, he had his eye returned, though he seemingly was fine with the line along his face, so I didn't bother fixing that.


The rest of my time was enjoying the internet cafe, it wasn't bad and I got to talk about what's been happening and he even mentioned something about the crystal he gave me. It seems to allow some form of psychic energy, or mental capabilities, to operate it and start levitating objects. It seems Vector is becoming a well-renowned crafter of sorts, especially since he was able to make this for me, I can hope that he progresses and gets that much better at his craft. 


For the time being, I'm heading back to the States, I'm happy I could help him out and if he needs something in the future I'd be down to get rid of any problems he might have in the future. Oh! I also left him some extra cash If found on a contract, since I had the money to spare and the loot wasn't too big a deal I wanted to set him up for a promising future. 

The Ring Gamble
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Having around 3 million dollars one second and nothing the next really changes how you feel about cash and the world around you, like how easy it was to gain, then immediately lose it. Another thing was that it felt like I should follow up on that old guy I helped in the hospital before I eventually left Vegas, though Daisy was less interested in doing so I talked to them a bit more. Seems they were some big business mogle, and obviously from China, buying into properties here and the like, he asked me about Daisy as if interested in more of their possible capabilities but I wasn't at liberty to disclose anything besides the card she gave him. Plus she can discuss that with him on her own. As for myself, I got more info about them, and some possible favors they might need in the future, but it's a give and take and I'm happy to give a bit and take what I can get. So I asked him about some mystical aspects he might have heard about, and he sent out his bodyguards and simply told me "I've lived long enough to know the magics of this world, they are real, that is why the gods have sent you and the moon rabbit to me to live longer and sire in more of my family."


Hearing this I'm pretty sure he wasn't wrong about it, and gave me further information he had on some aspects that I could possibly look into later. For now, though I took some time to review all the manuscripts that he eventually handed over to me, well...his bodyguards did, he just snapped his fingers and made it happen. All he asked for in return was the current and two-year list of construction projects in a given city I was working in, easy enough since it's given to city board members and then companies I work under. I'm sure he's going to exploit it, but that's not my problem. On my way back home I saw a huge fire though as we flew past some states, it was massive and had engulfed a large forest as I flew into Chicago. If that wildfire gets too out of control it may end up coming into my state, or worse, becoming a national emergency as it rips through the mid-west. I'm going to head towards it and see what I can do, the smoke and ash won't bother me, and I have a feeling some others I've met might jump at the chance to join in as well.


Burning Pride

Knowing that the fire in Michigan was beginning to spread greatly I knew that I'd probably lose my apartment and whatever I own to the flames. I've begun to realize that I need to be proactive in some way, passiveness won't help me to reach my goals and after the last contract I had done I felt like doing something to take my mind off of what went down.


I drove there, and took what I could, some flares, some cones, a hard hat, etc. I wanted to do something and feel useful for something rather than the inner sensations of being practically useless. Kazarisu even pestered me a bit, were linked in more than one way and he didn't seem at all bothered by the fact that I was rushing to a fire to possibly help people for once. Normally he'd complain, bitch, and moan about helping people- wanting to cause trouble and maybe steal some things from the neighbor's house, but he probably felt just as bad as I did. 


Like me, he thinks failing at anything is a hit to the ego, especially with all the powers and skills I have it feels like it shouldn't happen. Yet, before I did all this I was never as prideful, caring about myself in such a way as to think I was better than someone else. Now I do, and like Kazarisu, I feel the need to prove it.


We spent hours clearing blockages on the road, destroying trees, directing traffic, placing down flares, and traffic cones, and making sure as many people began to get out of the burning inferno as possible. I didn't care much about not showing myself, or showing some of my powers, it got so bad I forgot about even hiding it and I eventually nearly got crushed by a building.


But I was saved by someone, Ms. Iryna Vorobyova. She tackled me and Kazarisu to the side and out of the rubble I'd been trapped under if she hadn't saved me. Of which I'll be forever grateful. After it was all done though we managed to help out in some way, and of course, people recorded what I did, I oddly enough...don't care as much. Do I like the attention?


I don't, attention is bad and now Kazarisu is starting to ride off the high of being active for once, but for me, I'm just a little glad I was able to help out in some way. Even promised to do some construction work for the company I'm working for. Right now the higher-ups are figuring out what to do now, given my promise has just added a bunch of money to the company. 

I may do my own business now, after all, why should I give someone else something based on my own name? I did all the work after all, it should just be for me.




Selfishness, pride, power...This is who I am now, and I don't mind it one bit.



After the fire had been mostly quelled I was asked about dealing with The Sons, you know the type. The white supremacist, racist, fascist types that would no sooner see we all die than to live in some form of equality. The plan was simple, yet not so much when we got there...


Honestly, explaining it just feels wrong, it was supposed to be in and out, but we got into more fights than I even thought possible. The place was crawling with them, it only took them less than 10 seconds to already be on top of us in full kit and weapons at the ready. Placing up barriers and barricades like they were well aware they were going to be attacked.


We spent less than a minute there and left as soon as Akira went down, it was a mess of a thing to even attempt. At this point, I'd be more happy just leveling the place and going in afterward to see if something was left behind, but for that? That wasn't really worth it, and with them having traps on every door, men posted up everywhere, all of which were ready immediately when we touched down. 


Nah, they can keep whatever they have, maybe we'll try again when we have enough power to instantly kill them all without even a snap of the fingers. But right now? That was hell, and I probably won't try anything against those guys unless they come to me for some reason. Really I just feel for Liam, he was worried about us- I could tell. He probably blames himself for what happened, and given the aftermath of all that?


Yeah...I feel for the man who helped me to start my contracting career, I just hope he makes it through. But he has a pretty nice support network, and friends and loved ones are what he needs right now, as such I'll leave him to rest and take care of his personal demons. Besides, even if I came out with no damage, or lasting damage, the memories will stay with me...


Though if I'm honest, it just makes me want to find a way to destroy those bastards even harder- oh wait...they had a remote bomb to level the place...uh yeah maybe those artifacts are just lost forever.

Safe House
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🔞 Downtime
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January 28th: I've chosen to spend a few months to work on myself a bit after the last contract that I did, plus the whole Son's nonsense has made me realize that regular humans are much more of a threat than I could have expected. I say this as being on previously, and now I've realized that I have to become better. I need to become better. Kazarisu and I have been boiling with the need for power, but I've repressed the need and would aim to just become better on a more skill-based level. If I have all the knowledge, all the capabilities, and the body to back it up, I can become as strong and powerful as those who have done way more before me with nice looks and a good speaking voice.


February 1st: I took a medical class on human physiology and animal care, it was nice! I got to understand how to draw blood, and work simple medical equipment, likewise for the animal care center I went to. They asked me questions about myself, given people know I'm supernatural now, I was happy to talk about a few things, but not everything. Additionally, I've realized on the news that a number of deaths have cropped up for supernatural people, worrying...They might even target me, but in addition to all this, I was given some kind of odd email related to someone needing help. I feel like it's a trap...and I think I may need to talk to some folks in my 'second job' to see if they know anything about this as well. 


February 22nd: Began working on a simple class to figure out how to program for once, always wanted to do that. Technology is an ever-constant part of our world, and learning about its capabilities and what it could do will help me to be better, even though most of my skills are overall natural. I will embrace it instead of shun it, besides, if someone hands me a device that does everything I could dream of, why not use it?


March 12th: Online dance lessons and self-improvement classes, Kazarisu really enjoys them and would tease me about becoming some form of dictator. Not what I have in mind, but becoming more appealing and being more flashy may come in handy later. I also realized that I can carry someone without much issue while flying, that if they touch me I can just 'grant' them flight so long as they stay close. Macie and I had a fun moment just dancing and flying around the house, she found it fun, if not a little scary. 


April 3rd: Went camping with Macie, she is a pretty sheltered and spoiled kid for sure, but I let her have her phone and just getting outside was better than nothing. Before I went out though I watched about 40 hours of Bear Grills and a few dozen books on how to survive out in the wild, I'm pretty sure that I'll need the skill set so better to take some time to understand it all.


April 27th: I was approached...not by the Sons, or anyone else, but by other creatures. So remember that time in Japan when I was attacked by a bunch of yokai? Yeah well, it seems some came to visit me, but it wasn't bad per-say, nor were they there to kick my ass. But Kazarisu invited them for some reason? Well...it was an easy reason to figure out as given the number of flying weasels now in my apartment I knew they were all Kamaitachi, like myself. 

Talking with them they seemed to be lured by the legend of the Kamaitachi, who normally go in trio's rather than large groups, but they all seem to see me as a source of power. That I could be some sort of 'anchor' for more than just two others, they said I had an aura of power among them all and that staying with me made them feel safer. It was kinda cute having a group of little stoats almost begging to stay with me, which normally I'd be against, but they don't need to eat, nor do I have to worry about droppings either.

So I said yeah, and allowed them to stay...

May 2nd: With me, Macie, and Kazarisu, and now another 10 weasels in my house at any given time it's starting to become cramped in this little apartment. I will probably move soon, and my new friends, seem to come in and out when they like, stopping by to say hi, or just hang out, some of them even spend most of their time with Macie instead of me. 


May 4th: SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! FUUUUUCK! I-I woke up and my bed was 10 times bigger than normal, I was confused but looking down at my body- I WAS A WEASEL! AhhhhhHHHH! Okay stop screaming, calm down, Kazarisu, what the hell do I do?!


Kazarisu: "Uh...live with it? Besides you look nice, very distinct black fur."


Ricter: "Shut it you little asshole! Tell me what's going on NOW!


Kazarisu: "It's what you've been expecting, duh. You knew it was going to come to this, did you think it would just happen in some dramatic way? Like one of those Japanese cartoons you watch?"

Ricter: "Maybe...I was hoping it would be a lot cooler and less surprising than waking up being less than a foot tall!"


Kazarisu: "Stop yelling, your fiiiiiiine."

Ricter: "You call this fine?! I can't go to work like this, or go to the store! They'll take away my apartment!"


Kazarisu: "Hmm, okay okay, that is bad, but look on the bright side, your one of us now! One of us! One of us!"


Ricter: *weasel sobbing noises*

Kazarisu: "Haha! Okay okay- so you can probably control your form by focusing a bit, it will just take some practice. Though you at least get to see what you are without it being forever...well...unless it is forever.


Ricter: "Grrrr..."

Kazarisu: "Don't growl at me, try it out, maybe it will work. Besides I can't transform you into a human, you have to do it on your own."

So I did, and after about a few hours I managed to revert back to 'normal', but it looks like when I do choose to 'transform' so to speak the other stoats in my apartment just show up. Lured by the power around me and they just help out? Like a hive mind of sorts. It's an odd sensation, like having your brain separated into parts of your body, but each body part can lash out, move, and act on its own. The sensation of being linked like this is amazing, but I feel like a leader of a small band of dedicated members. 

But god damn it did I think my life as a pseudo-human was over, but given the advancements I've gained now over the few years I've been doing all this- I'm pretty sure I'm no longer a human, as such I think it's time for higher goals.


🔞 The Great and Terrifying Dragon of The Hills
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It's been two months since my last contract, Marcie is doing well- hm...as best as she can be I should say. She's going to school, and not making too many friends, I think she's still dealing with what happened, and the normal therapist isn't cutting it. I'll have to get into contact with Liam, or another Dr. that Nathan mentioned to try and help her, the best thing for her right now is to have an outlet besides just me and Kazarisu to talk to about what happened to her family.


For me it was easy to tell what happened to me right after coming back from my last mission, I don't eat as much or drink much for that matter. I mean I can, and it processes normally to some degree. I still sleep though, and holding my breath still makes me lightheaded so I still have those things to wonder about, but if I'm becoming a spirit that might not be something I will think about for very long. I eventually asked Kazarisu about himself a bit more, how he functions, etc. After all, I'll be just like them soon enough, and really I'm pretty much on the cusp of it.


Kazarisu: I mean- I drink and eat because it tastes good, anything outside of that I don't need to do it. Stuff just turns into a little extra energy for me, probably why you're so happy I'm not shitting all over your apartment.


Ricter: I appreciate that, more than you know. So you just don't need to do all that stuff?


Kazarisu: I'm a yokai, I effectively live forever unless exorcised, I don't need to sleep, drink, eat, or breathe really. I AM wind, therefore I can manifest it in any way I like really. 


Ricter: Huh, wait...shit- how am I going to explain to everyone that I might become immortal...


Kazarisu: Given how you humans act I wouldn't sweat it, in maybe 100 years or so your world will be too fucked to even continue living here.


Ricter: You do realize we need a world to live on, right?


Kazarisu: I'm fully expecting you to find an 'out' if shit goes south, besides we've gone to what- 3 alternate dimensions? I'm sure we can find one where I can get all the lap dances a weasel could ever dream of.~

Ricter: Pff, yeah the "lap dance dimension", let me just ask around if anyone encountered that yet haha.


So it seems that I'm on track for this slow evolution of my skills, same for my capabilities to get both better and turning into a possibly immortal spirit. I've already changed my body into a sable, I'm pretty sure this might be the last step of my transition, which has been a scary one for sure but I'm kinda happy it's come so far. I'm still me, despite everything. Even better I've learned that when I hit my logical peek I may not need to do as many contracts just to live an alright life, especially since I've realized I've gotten even faster at my job and work for evaluating properties. 


Speaking of work, now that most of my buddies saw me on the news flying around I've been getting pretty popular. The company has been using me for projects that are higher scale, money has been okay but I'll probably begin my own business soon, I have all the details ready, I just need a few funds to kick it off. Might see about doing something in my off days to earn some major cash rather than something small.

One Great Leap
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After coming back from my last contract I'm starting to realize things are becoming more difficult to handle, I'm at a point where I'm only seeing a few of my companions. Most of the other people that I worked with, or even newer people, are showing up anymore. I guess I could look into if they perished or met with fates worse than death by looking up things on the news, but I'm a little afraid, best thing I can hope for is if they stopped going on contracts that they take what they got and bail. For me? I think I'll keep going till I can make a sizable difference in this world.


Speaking of which I had this urge to go and monster hunt again, haven't done that in over a year or so, so why not try my hand at it again now that I'm hearing so many critters roaming around the great plains? Well I ran into someone, another contractor looking into the job. His name was Abbas, a man probably more skilled in monster hunting than anyone I've ever seen! (Kazarisu: Yeah that guy was scary, he'd probably easily kills us both if he wanted. See? This is why I said you should learn to fight more, and ask the harbinger-whatever to give you more killing powers.) It doesn't work like that Kazarisu, and you know it.


Besides, my role in all that was very very small, after all, I was going to spend the first night gathering some minor evidence and maybe staking out the enemy- you know? Get a profile of what you hunt before you attack it. Buuuuut it didn't go that way, instead, it seemed very fond of just jumping us immediately once we set up to do some spy work. Luckily for me, Abbas was there and basically shot the thing to death with arrows. Killing it after a few volleys which for me would have taken maybe a minute of battling with this thing if I were to fight it solo, with a high chance of death for sure. 


Either way, we both came out of it with some marks, but nothing too serious, minus my busted ear drum which after a brief interlude it was fixed. He told me that he didn't want to be known, that he was fine with getting the reward and nothing else really, which was confusing but staying secret is probably for the best. (Kazarisu: Yeah, good job on that dumb ass, why did you have to go playing a hero in that fire? Now nearly everyone knows who you are.) I don't know, after that loss before I guess...I just felt like I needed to prove something.


So he offered for me to take the credit for the kill, something I wasn't interested in but it was better to have some explanation for it rather than nothing at all. So I called some people, made some favors, and the next day I had to speak in front of the media for the second time. They were all interested in what I had to say, and obviously, I curiated the hell out of it, and made it sound as genuine as possible as I didn't want to come off as a bad guy. (Kazarisu: You should have talked more to that hot reporter lady, she had one hell of a rack.) The one with the blond hair? (Kazarisu: Yeah! God what I'd do to swim in that cleavage...~) I should be asking why you're so attracted to human women... (Kazarisu: What? I like woman who are bigger than me, plus I'm a yokai, I can technically have sex with humans if I change into one. Kinda how you got here- not by me of course, I'm not your dad.)

All that aside I think it went well, I answered a few questions and made sure they understood 'what I did' and why. Some days later I saw the media attention around it and looked online while in the middle of earning some certifications and landing a deal with a sponsor. It's mixed, some people like what I did and think this is a good thing for the future, while others are scared, untrusting and thinking it could lead to people doing bad for the hell of it if they got power. Which I can't argue with- some people are like that. But me? I mean...There are a few things I'd maybe do, but most of the time I'd just be happy to be the good guy for once and help out where I can.

So for now, I'm just going to take a small break from contracts and work on my people skills. Super Man had power, good looks, and a welcoming personality, and so if people start likening me to him I better land on at least one of those aspects. (Kazarisu: That's going to take a lot of work...) Shut up you little asshole...Anyways Abbas vanished before any of that, but I got his info, maybe if he's looking to go after more stuff I could help him, for now, though my best bet is to get a bit better at helping out somehow. Maybe I could fly around with him? He'd probably be freaked out by it, but with his bow, we could effectively become a fast moving plane in the sky haha.

PS: Macie is doing better, I'm going to talk to someone soon about her mental condition. She still has nightmares and although I've offered for her to slap down her bed in my room, or even have her dog and Kazarisu stay in her room, she doesn't want to be reminded of what happened anymore. She just wants it to stop, and I can't blame her, though I wish I could cure her mental pain...At this point I'm hoping the next job I do will give me something to do this, but given what a Kamaitachi is and what its known to do? Giving people pep talks to feel better isn't one of them. (Kazarisu: I worry about her too...but I'll hit you if she starts seems a bit too on edge) Thanks, buddy.


So, for now, I'll focus on the company I'm starting, and work towards improving the world for the better, hell- maybe I'll do enough to earn a bit of recognition for supernatural people in the world not looking like full-on assholes. Balance out the Sons of Salem propaganda a bit with some actual good deeds, and maybe be seen as more than just a freak. Maybe people can see me as a hero, you know?



It's been about a month since I did that press conference, looks like things are cooling down after that little 'fight' with the horned serpent. Seemed as if OWL handled the rest of the leg work but I got a special gift from it all, its poison organ. Now, I have some idea that it could maybe be useful for something, basically talking to one of my friends to just 'graft' it to my body, similar to the Thunder Birds horn that is now a part of me. I never thought about being some form of chimera, but its a good way to directly gain power from the monsters we keep fighting. 


Maybe the next contract I go on I should harvest some stuff from the monster I have to deal with? Well...for now I have no intention of messing with it right now, I'll do that later when I have the time to practice and not end up just poisoning myself.


Kazarisu: Come on, it would totally be fun, besides you can spit acid at things and fuck people up in a group!


True, but right now I have other things to worry about. Really what I'm writing about is that I got another call from someone I didn't know about, seems like everyone finding my burner phone numbers probably due to the media. I don't mind it but it's bound to be another trap one of these days, not that the last trap ended well for anyone involved, besides me. However, this one didn't seem to be anything like that.


Flying there, I looked around, sniffed around, and didn't notice anything bad. I met with a man named Iktan, he mentioned that the destroyed building held an artifact from one of his friends who had perished, probably some poor contractor who got into a bad setup and met his end like so many others.


Kazarisu: You make it sound like we've seen a lot of dead contractors, only one has died while with us.


Yeah, but we have heard from most of our 'friends' that things have been super deadly. Which given what we've done and dealt with- I can understand how someone else would struggle against all of that. Anyways Mr. Iktan seemed to be new to all this, maybe not that new but new enough that he couldn't get under the rubble of a construction site easily or past the people there without violence or sneaking probably. So, I'd just talk to the site hands to let me take a look around, they obliged as I only needed a few minutes here. 


After a bunch of teleporting, and shifting into my sable-like form for a bit, I'd find the glove and hand it too him. Didn't see any other artifacts inside of the rubble, but Iktan was a pretty honorable guy and offered me one of his own items in exchange for the work. It was nice working with the less experienced, but I can only hope they get to a high enough level to help out other contractors themselves.


Kazarisu: Now you can summon a skeleton to make me drinks any time I like!


Pff, I wish, but unfortunately they don't truly understand what is wine and what bourbon is. Not that I drink much, but it seems as if the ring I was given has some defensive qualities and the ability to make skeletons. Fun! Though I'll need to keep this in my pocket for now. Oh, I also gave him my normal burner phone number as well, told them that if he or one of his friends might need help that he could share my number. This way I don't get surprised any time one of these starting-out contractors starts contacting me on my media phone.


Overall, it wasn't a bad meet-up, and I'd be happy to help out more of the contractors who call me, at least when it's legitimate. For now, though Macie should be my main focus for the time being, I'll think about the organ sack thing for a bit- after all that I'll sit by and relax for maybe another month or two to recover. I don't think I need to jump into the next contract I'm given right away but I may take up smaller things if someone needs something done soon. 


Kazarisu: Things are looking up, maybe soon you'll focus on ruling the world.


Hah, you think I'd want to rule this world? Nah, I'd be happy to go to another dimension with a lot fewer guns, psychos, corrupt politicians, and monsters wanting to eat my face. But eh- we can dream, right?


Kazarisu: Yes we can~ By the way I saw on the news some army base got attacked and this bull thing got destroyed by some supernatural people, do you know anyone who would do all that?


Shit...welp...there goes any chance of people like me looking good in the media...UGH! Why do they make this impossible?!

Scenario for Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
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So my company is coming together, I've started doing smaller jobs to get into the swing of running a small business but its starting to slowly expand outwards. Right now I have only a few things to focus on and this being one of the major ones is a nice change of pace from always thinking about what horrors the world will throw at me next. I think I'll be spending maybe a few months working on my life and improving my situation, especially now that I have the capability to do some good in the world and actually make some form of difference. 


What that is? Well I have been thinking of using the OWL money to buy a new home somewhere, but I don't know where exactly I should go or what properties to buy. Sure there is a few places that might be great to stay at, but I think I'd rather build me a home somewhere nice, or secluded maybe. Hard to say, I just know that Macie needs a good home and my little ass apartment isn't going to cut it much anymore. Especially since I keep getting 'visitors' in the form of little weasels coming back to throw house parties while I'm away at work. 


Which fo course given Macie is trying to fit in with her friends at school, tends to invite EVEN MORE kids to my place when I'm out doing stuff. Who knew being a parent was this difficult...Oh and a minor update, I don't feel too much different from the last mission I went on, everything kinda the same to some degree. That may change in like a day or two though so I'll write something up if I grow like a third eye or something. I wish the damn harbingers gave me like an itemized list of things I would be given after each mission, would be nice to look them all over and see what weaknesses are attached to each one. 



After the whole thing with the media I've been wondering what I could fill my time with now that Macie is currently at school, I know she'll be back in a few months give or take and I'm keeping an eye on her as much as I can but I can't help but feel a little...lonely. 


Kazarisu: But you have me here! 


I do, but I've gotten used to you being around all the time, though I guess I'll get over my empty nest syndrome eventually. For now, I got in touch with Mr. Nathan again, this time asking for a simple change as I wanted to remove some features and add something new. Though before that I did a bit of research as best as I could given what I now had in terms of a monsters body part again.


It was the acid sack of the Horned Serpent that was slain, I had kept it frozen for use, as requested by OWL, and they gave me a few tips on how I could maybe use it. I doubt they expected me to try and argument my body with such a dangerous to-handle organ. So I took about a week to do some info gathering and talked to some locals about history related to the monster, and some features that OWL could give me about its genetic makeup. Now I'm not the greatest at medical or science, but I've taken my fair share of classes and I've gotten better at understanding how rejection works and that if it happens I might be in trouble.


But Nathans's skills are kinda special, as such I shouldn't worry too much about it. When it came time to add it in I was a bit freaked out, but Nthan did what he normally did and molded it to my body using his mirror magics, no pain or anything like that but once it was done I felt odd. Namely, because I was now incredibly conscious of the fact that I could spit acid now. Once it was all done I would end up noticing that this was becoming a near-constant thing on my mind, namely that I would have to think about my saliva mixing with the acid so my toothbrushes wouldn't end up with not bristles. 

I had a couple of close calls though, and had to replace my bed too as I ended up sneezing while lying down and shooting a thin layer of acid over the other half of my bed. Not only that but given I have both this acid sack and my saliva healing the last thing I wanted was to mix up the two and cause more harm than good. So I developed a nice way to train myself. One being that I would shift my tongue to use the acid sack while the saliva would just suppress any need to trigger any of my internal throat reflexes. 

This was harder than I expected, at first it worked out well, my day-to-day life wasn't too difficult but when it came down to eating it became much more difficult. I had to either focus completely on the task of eating or end up with my food mixing with the acid and leaving me either sick or just with a foul taste in my throat. It was not fun, and my slightly higher food bill would explain the pain I went through whenever I lost focus for even a second. 


But it would pay off, after about a month I started to realize I was just unconsciously focusing and adjusting my mannerisms to accommodate my new organ. Occasionally I could even eat while doing something else and not even realize I finished a meal without it coming into play. So now with this newfound adjustment, I would put it to the test and actually try using it for something. So right outside in the yard area of my apartment, I would do a bit of target practice, setting up a few bottles to spit at and see if it would be effective.

It was too effective...I ended up burning the whole table I had them all set up on, including all the bottles and a portion of the fence as well. There goes another 400 bucks from my account...But I think I know that using it anywhere near someone else and not on enemies is probably a bad idea for sure. I'll take extra special care for it in the future as I train and work to master its usage to some degree, for the time being, it's one of the many things that has become a normal part of my life. 


Shadows Under Redwoods
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Macie will be coming home soon, I think she enjoyed her little study trip while I was busy doing mostly charity work and fighting all manner of nasties. She even mentioned she saw me on the news, which is becoming more common by the day the more I actually do some sort of good in the world. I can't wait to see her, and see what she learned too, though for myself she'll probably be more surprised to learn that we have another addition to our little family.


Saifu: "Father? Is there anything I could get you?"

No, its fine Saifu, I'm fine for now, just typing up something.


Saifu: "Okay! Enjoy your clickity clack activity!" 


Haha, this is Saifu, she appeared on my stomach one night upon waking up. She's a Kamaitachi like Kazarisu, but different, she doesn't prefer combat like he dose and has a general personality that's bright and very sweet. Less cruel like how some of my species have been depicted in books or popular media, hell- most people tend to use the label 'weasel' in a bad light, but I hope to change that with at least a bit of my work.


She's been helping me work out some things I've needed to do and also worry about, especially after Jacobs 'death' he left behind his artifacts after that whole fiasco with the last job we did. It was nice to finally see new faces, but that choice was not a good one, which was a shame- we were almost finished too. I'll probably look into his previous place of employment soon, but for now Saifu has been here to keep me company. 


Saifu, or my daughter in this case, as she'd be more than over the moon for me to call her occasionally- seems to have the ability to kinda just pull things into some pocket space that she holds. I don't know how she's able to do it but it may come in handy now that I need a place for all the trinkets that were now given to me, not that it matters too much. Everyone knows I have freaking superpowers, so might as well just play it off as something else.

Kazarisu: I mean we will eventually just be strong enough to where you shouldn't need to care about that sorda thing. Besides, now that were a trio finally we'll be at peek power!


Possibly, but for what's been done already? I'd like to not lose what Jacob effectively placed in our care, it would be an insult to them, so I'll keep it with Saifu for the time being. 


Kazarisu: Eh, fine...but I still think you should get busy with the whole making more of us thing. Your lucky that Saifu found you instead, normally its hard to find a group of kamaitachi when you're this far away from my original home. 


How do you propose I do that? Not like I can just make more weasels, and can only summon a few when I transform myself. They typically leave after all that.


Kazarisu: Wellllll...I mean you could just...you know-


I'm not cattle, and don't plan on having kids just for your personal gain Kazarisu...


Kazarisu: Don't think of it like that, think of it as 'continuing the species', besides there's only so many of us out there. Plus you saw what happened in that village, those people left a shrine to us completely unattended, hidden away, and it left my cousin trapped in a statue for what could be years! You're special Ricter, your both a mix of myself and a human. You have the power to even summon us when you like. If you have kids, you could-


Alright, I get it, but I'd like to focus on something else, by the way your boose is in the fridge.


Kazarisu: Oh shit, why didn't you say something sooner?!


There he goes, man, it's like taking care of a bunch of kids who have one-track minds. Kazarisu focuses only on powers, self-indulgence, and protecting me, while Saifu does her best to care for my needs and be very loving and sweet, but a bit overly so as she asks for things she could do for me constantly. Macie is just a mix hot headed, a little smarmy at times, but still mentally damaged from the whole event. It has only been half a year so far since I took her in after all. This is my family, and with how things are going, maybe my family will just need to be larger, and more connected.


As Kazarisu said before 'there's power in numbers', so maybe one day I'll end up fulfilling his wishes. But we're starting to fight more than I'd like, he thinks like a feral animal occasionally and it shows in how he treats sex like it's just an act to prolog his species. In any case that's mostly it for now- oh wait! I got an invitation by some people I know to attend the opening of their town for supernatural folk. I plan on going there to see what's up and if it looks nice, maybe scout out some properties. If it pan's out well I may even move into the place, after all, I'd rather not be in my apartment and see it blown to smithereens because some Son's of Salem wanted to try and kill me. 

Saifu: Why would you worry father? You are the strongest kamaitachi I know.


Because Saifu, I want to protect you. I want to protect all of you...



I finally got a call from Abbas related to this 'clone' issue, which is starting to become more common the more I talk to other contractors. This is a scary thought if I were to actually be cloned, though I wonder how my doppelganger would be? Would he just be pure evil if they ere the exact opposite of myself? Would they try to kill me or sit idly by and gain power in a manner that would allow them to control the world? Hard to say, and hopefully I will NEVER have to deal with that.


In any case, we ended up meeting in Russia, and I was told that they were pretty much the exact opposite of one another. I deduced that if they were the opposite then they would be a bit more social, and living in a more urban heavy center, while also being a lot more conniving. Seems I was mostly correct in my assessment, as such once we came into the region we did a bit of sightseeing before we got to the real work of everything. Paranoid of me, he seemed all but okay with telling me what I already knew about him, but when it came to other stuff he was secretive. But why? It's not like I have any intention of hurting the guy, he seems like an alright person, just very untrusting. 

Saifu: They seemed nice, though very conflicted like they didn't trust you a lot. Maybe its just a fear of being taken advantage of?


I'm just happy he trusted me enough to allow you to put away his arrows, the last thing I need is to be busted by police because he's a bit too paranoid about everything. But you are right, he might have some trauma from his previous work, and given he's a contractor- I can understand handing over your only weapons and also trusting a stranger with your own skill set secrets. Which given I hadn't shown any powers or really helped them much- I think I'll excuse it. 


Driving around and looking for this guy was a tad difficult, that is until Abbas got a ping on his internal radar, mentioning that they felt him near by. But given that they ALSO had the same powers they basically would find each other, as such I'd just grab him at this point and take them along for a ride so that we can handle the rest of this. It was mostly quick, I flew in, we rushed the guy, and Abbas shot him. We did separate after I grabbed Egor, a gang leader of sorts, and dropped them off at the police station. I was booked of course, but they let me go since they kinda shot at me first- or at least his people did.


After I was freed I would call Abbas to make sure he was okay, meeting up with him and noticing he was covered in confetti and cotton candy. I guess he went with the option of taking them out just judging from that alone, sad, I could tell he probably wanted to come to some agreement, but it's hard to do that when your double is your opposite- unless you're truly neutral or something. 


Saifu: Do you think you'll meet them again, father?


Yeah, I'd think so, he promised to pay me back for all that. Which would be nice, not that I don't mind it much, this was fairly easy to handle which was surprising since the last time I was with him he was able to effectively smite down a large monster. But in this case, it wasn't as troublesome, probably due to the clone's inability to have a bunch of items on him rather than just standard arrows. But given time they would have gained a much larger arsenal and probably caused a lot of pain eventually. 

Kazarisu: Regardless, that was fun! Even if we didn't get to kill anyone this time.

Eh, it was kinda fun, a good test of some of my skills too, but killing people isn't always effective, Kazarisu...

Kazarisu: Pff, says you, you should ask your buddy Abbas how that went.


Hm, fair...I hope Abbas is doing alright, I worry about him a bit, maybe I should keep in contact with the guy. Perhaps it will help with his paranoia of us. But for now, I guess I can focus on my own problems, namely a place to go celebrate a job well done!


Kazarisu & Saifu: Yay!


Haha, these two truly act like children sometimes...

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So...Pete is still outside my house, it's starting to become more common for me to pull the curtain to the side and see him and Kazarisu singing drunken songs and contemplating all manner of illegal activities. Not that I mind him being there, it looks like he can just turn invisible whenever so it's not like he's an eye sore, but my neighbors have been complaining about a rancid smell coming from around my property. It's really embarrassing to have to go to their homes and beg for forgiveness as its something I can't really control...At least most of my neighbors seem fine with it, especially Ms. Marshal, she's a sweet old lady that I take to the store on occasion. She may be a tad blind due to her age but she treats me as if I weren't some celebrity, and I kinda miss that feeling.


As for Pete, him and Kazarisu have been stealing booze from my fridge, not that I mind it since I barely drink the stuff but Kazarisu seems all but happy to keep fueling the mans addition. How the hell isn't Pete dead from alcohol poisoning? He drank 3 bottles just the other day! Ugh, anyways I've been thinking about my standing in the world, and the whole GenWyld thing. I think I may have to talk to Emily about this, maybe broker some sort of peace deal, or just hand over something to them so they can buzz off. I'd really rather not have to fight an army of supernatural people just to prove a point. Even if I'd gain more from it over all...


Outside of that I may need to learn of a way to hide who I am, maybe turn invisible like Pete can, that would be really helpful in making sure I don't end up getting jumped by every organization. I could call maybe Iktan, he had some skills but I don't know how much he's grown in the nearly year since I met him. I should ring them up to hang out maybe, could even go to a movie or something haha. As for Fred I'd need to get to know them more, they seem okay, and I have no clue what they can do, but eh- I'd invite them to hang out if they were fairly chill and whatnot. I can at least call them to see who they also know.


In any case while those two loiter outside and stink up my lawn, Saifu and I have been bonding a bit more. She seems to enjoy cooking with me, as I just toss things around and she pockets them away before handing me something that I need. Made it into a little game of me saying "Saifu, I want some pepper." and she'd swipe it and hand it to me, its cute how she gets so much gratification just from a thank you. Though I guess I am the father she never had, I just hope both Saifu and Kazarisu will be safe and won't get hurt. 


Oh and Pete too, even if he smells like burning trash- it seems as if no amount of febreeze can stop this man's odor, but I think he's still a pretty good dude all in all.  


Kazarisu: Ricter! Me and Pete just came up with the BEST idea! Were going to go steal the whisky recipe from those drinks you buy me. Then you can make us whisky whenever we want!


W-wait, don't- annnnnd he's gone. Damn it Pete, I can't complement you for one mili-second without you tossing it in my face! *sigh* Saifu, get daddy's jacket, please.


Saifu: Okay! Um, are we going somewhere father?


Yeah, getting your brother and Pete back so they don't end up causing more issues, but given it's Pete were talking about- he's probably halfway there by now. 


Saifu: *Giggles* I'll grab your car keys too then.


Thanks, sweetie.



Ricter begins sweeping up the shattered foosball table he had created, moving the pieces outside before going back to his computer to type up something.


Just came from the Giants game, was really good, they even won. However what led to all this was a bit more surprising as I expected today to be a rather boring and uneventful day, especially after what happened with the Sons of Salem. Speaking of which me, Liam, Emily, Akira, and Pete managed to finally do it. That base should be a pile of rubble now and I won't have to worry about that sect of the Sons anymore. But there's still plenty more out there and although I don't mind causing a lot of trouble for people that want me dead, I'd rather lay low a bit since I don't want too much heat on me right now.


In any case, I didn't get much from what happened, mostly satisfaction that its been done and that we didn't fail, not that this a bad thing, not like I need to be paid all the time for our little excursions. 


But just a day later I got called by Vel, someone I had met some time ago. Last I saw of them they were still fairly green, or at least that's what I got from everything. But I was happy to speak with them about anything, which funny enough they were interested in offering a healing item to the supernatural town that Bankston was building, seems he didn't have too many connections so I thought it would be a good idea to tell them about one another. After all he entrusted me to do it, and I always keep my word. 


What I didn't expect was Bankston to be at my door in less than a few seconds once I called them like they were a harbinger or something. Disgused as per usual I told them about the item and what it was to be used for by the grace of Vel's request, they accepted it, and soon after David Vance showed up, same for Pete who had been outside my house for the past week now. If I knew ahead of time I'd be hosting a get-together I would have vacuumed my rug, but oh well...


We spent about an hour talking about whats going on in the world, shooting the shit and finding out that Bankston has some weird stalker-like complex. Not that the multiple camera's in my house and around my block were any indication of it, noooo. 


Kazarisu: You should take Pete and David's advice and like- go somewhere faaaaaar away.


Where? The Moon? I'm pretty sure I can't just hide away somewhere forever. Plus I'm not going to leave just due to Bankston being a little creepy...


Kazarisu: A little? They made a contract signing over your SOUL to them! 


Okay, point taken, still they helped me in plenty of scuffles in the past, the best thing I can do is be polite and try not to show how creeped out I am at the whole camera and contract thing. Oh, and make sure I don't sign anything with out knowledge of it.


More importantly, we had a cool foosball game after watching football on TV while Bankston did a bit of mind reading and manipulation (also very fucking creepy, reminder to not allow that to be used on me EVER). It was, as you could expect, a bit chaotic. We used literally every advantage we could in order to try and win. 'Unlimited bullshit works', I guess.


  • Pete literally ran on top of the football knobs and used his speed and balance to not even get tipped over when the table was leaned on its side. 


  • David began to move the table and shift it around a bunch, hell he even tried putting his hand in front of the goal to circumvent some of the rules we set. Smart play by him.


  • Bankston pulled out a whole third arm made of paper, I can guess it was made by Bryan- which given I haven't seen him in a while and it's mentioned he's been the one helping with town building I might get to see him again soon which would be fun.


Still, the game was pretty hilarious, and now I see why gods in fables and other mythos do stupid crap all the time. If I had super power (which I do) I'd fuck around on trivial little games for the hell of it haha! But in the end, me and Pete won 3-0, it was a good game but from what I remember it both David and Bankston are more investigative types rather than the action-oriented types that me and Pete are. 


Yet even after all that I suggested we go to the Giants game that David had mentioned we could go too if they won, a good way to wrap up a nice get-together. Hell, looks like the media even caught me on a Kiss Cam too, not that I minded it, David came in clutch and let me kiss his championship ring rather than Bankston. Not that I would have minded it given I don't care what gender Bankston is, however, I'd like to NOT fuel this oddly Tsudure attitude they're giving off lately.

Pete even seemed more lively after all that too, probably getting to interact with others when he's probably ignored more of the time due to being invisible has been a positive thing for the man. I'm glad, people like him don't get a lot of recognition or the chance to have a good time without taking it or forcing an interaction with someone. But, I think that's enough for now, I got way too many things planned and even Bankston's little town opening to look forward too. I'll have to plan a good set of buildings to make for him/her when I arrive, it's the least I can do given I'm never signing any documents related to marriage.


Oh, by the way, remind yourself later to maybe do a cook out or something. I think beyond the life-threatening events and the constant danger we should hang out again with our fellow co-workers. Talk to you later, David and Bankston, don't die too soon on me please, the world is a lonely place without good friends.


Kazarisu: ...and good drinking buddies, like Pete!


Haha, yeah, you two Pete. Though I don't know if he's leaving any time soon, not that I mind one bit.


The man would save the document into a folder on his flash drive before shutting it off and placing it into his pocket with a smile.

🔞 Downtime
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