Bruno Pegul's Journal

Djinn Delivery
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Did I get tricked?

The magic guy with the contract said I'd get magic if I did that job. I did the job, and everyone else involved seemed to have something weird or magical going on. I felt dumb, but I tried casting some spells in my apartment and nothing happened. I was gonna tell capo so he'd be in the loop, but I don't want him to think I was stupid enough to be tricked. 


I ended up telling capo, and he said if more of those jobs come up I should go on them. He's real smart, so if it's a trick at least we're both being tricked. I also told him I was having trouble traveling with my armor. Capo said he might be able to get me a lighter more subtle armor if I can actually save up my money. Guess I can't go out every night anymore, or I just gotta pick the right fighter at the next fight.

Tales To Be Told
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I'm still not sure what's going on with these jobs. I don't have any magic powers yet. I'm getting bigger though. I don't think that counts. I'm just working out more after these and my new protein powder must actually be working now. Capo asked me how saving up some cash was going, but I had no idea what he was talking about. Apparently I was supposed to be saving up for lighter more expensive armor, but fuck that! How's less armor supposed to protect better?!? Otherwise stuff's going well. Capo seems to be giving me lighter workload since these other jobs have started. I feel a little bad, since they're real short and not too hard. I'm still not gonna tell him that though. If I'm not getting powers I should at least get outta some shit duties at work. At least there's loads of interesting people to meet on these jobs.

It’s What’s Inside That Counts
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MMA Wins

Capo's still letting me have some extra downtime, or maybe there's just less stuff going on right now. I am making the most of it though. I started spending most of my days at the MMA gym. I am getting better at noticing when someone is about to throw a combo or feint. I've also made massive improvements in the ring. It seems like no one is able to knock the wind out of me anymore. My hits are also landing even more brutally now too. I don't know if this is some magic thing that's finally working. It's probably just all the extra time I'm spending at the gym. My coach signed me up for a local competition, and I absolutely crushed it. There wasn't really much of a prize, just a few hundred bucks. Me and the boys had a fun night celebrating my victory though. I'm only going up from here.

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Holy shit I got powers

Woah, I actually have powers. One of the baddies stabbed me in that last job, and I just had this feeling that I could just fix it with parts from him. I just tried to do it and it worked. My fingers sunk into his skin and just pulled a chunk off, then I just slapped it over my wound. Just like magic I was all better. He died anyways a few seconds later, so it's not like he was gonna use it.

I had even more magic when I got home after that job too! I saw some knock off bag on the street that I really liked. I bought it, and when I got home had some wild intrusive thoughts about it. They were just like before with the stabbing, so I followed my guts and it worked. A day after messing with the bag it was alive!

Stoned in Kampong Som
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Hung out with Mike

I hung out with Mike the mechanic from the last job some after the job was over. He's a good guy. He drew some weird magic glyphs on me. They disappeared but I still feel the magic. I run faster and hit harder now. In exchange, I took his mechanic bag and gave it a thick coating of my blood. Just like before, the next day there's no more blood and the bag is alive. The bags also have more space inside and only open for their owner. Otherwise we just chatted a bit before heading back to our jobs. Seeing that poor kid in South America really shook him, so now he's determined to protect other kids from being mistreated too. I told him about the vamp family I was working with and what happened to them. It's cool he thinks he can stop bad things. I'm fine with just making sure they don't happen again.

The Night The Storm hit
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Doctor Business

After that last job in the nightmare tornado, I tried to settle down a little. Focus on work and just keep an eye on everything. It didn't help that my new power is a bundle of veins in a tentacle. I spent a few days practicing disguising it like a belt. I also looked into a bunch of Genewyld options to see if anything like this was available in general. It is, but it's pretty uncommon. After a few weeks of work, I got a message from Laz. He was the doctor that helped the kid on my very first job. Apparently he'd talked with Vel some, and heard about my bags. He asked if I could make him a doctor bag. He offered to give me some gold bars in exchange, which was fucking awesome. Turns out making a doctor's bag wasn't much different from making a mechanic's bag or any of the others. So now I've got some gold bars.

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Fill In The Blanks
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The White Ronin
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