Grace W. Sharp's Journal

Case Files

Suckin' Air
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When I returned to my apartment, and my body reverted back to its normal form... I could feel something had changed.

Though I've become somewhat accustomed to shifting like this every month... this time was different. When I transform, I take precautions to ensure I'm not around anyone else. This time, I was forcibly transformed until nightfall-- or at least, the rough approximation of night in that place. All while doing a substantial amount of field work and physical activity.

It seems that, combined with the 'acceleration' that comes with completing these jobs, my connection to this... side of me, has grown significantly stronger. If I merely will it, I feel that I'm able to now call upon these urges and trigger my transformation near instantly.

I'm... rather reluctant to experiment with these changes further. However, if I'm to remain in control and continue surviving the dangerous situations these jobs will throw at me... I'll have to learn somehow.

F#%* this, and F#%* You, Tom!
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Strength Training

After the events of the last Contract, I've come to the conclusion that I need a way to subdue people more reliably. I can't resort to going all out every time some jackass decides to crash out, or when I have to defend myself against giant rats, or whenever else things fall apart horribly. I need to be able to stay in control.

I've never been a great shot-- only ever got good enough to get by. If most officers at the precinct were shooting at a 6, I was at a 3 or 4 at most. Besides, guns simply just... aren't my style. Too loud, too traceable, too unreliable.

So instead, I decided to start practice hitting things. Really, really hard.

I was never bad at CQC, though it wasn't really my specialty before, either. This time? It just came naturally. Before I knew it, I was able to catch bullets barehanded, and move in a way to single out anyone in a crowd. Must be something related to my instincts growing stronger with these jobs.

Either way, I'll be ready next time things go wrong.

(0-3) Hello Vietnam!
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I could feel something sinister running through my blood when I got home. Figured it was about time I look into this, and sort out the rest of my blood issues.

Hospitals weren't able to tell me anything after a few tests. And unfortunately, I haven't ran into any especially medical types on these jobs. So, I was on my own.

It took a lot of time focusing on my blood, reviewing case files, and connecting the dots, but eventually, I deduced that what I had consumed 'marked' me in some way, like a curse. Better than a disease, but not much I could do about it other than prepare for when these things arrive.

Afterward, it was time to look into some other zoanthropes and their blood situations-- see if I could procure a supply for myself. Closest group to me was some frat of party animals though. Those types are usually just nuisances with drug problems, but corruption can lurk anywhere.

Tracked one of the blood dealers from a party I staked out to their home and confiscated their supply. Wasn't worth taking any further action against anyone else from what I observed. Turns out that they really were just a bunch of obnoxious party animals.

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