Victor B. Hornetsman's Journal

Passing the Hours
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Hornet Friends!!!!

I have discovered a long time ago (and recently) that putting wasps in your mouth is a bad idea, but I have also discovered that I now can summon my hornet friends whenever! They are born from my mouth and It is very nice to have a hornet friend wherever I go! And they aren't just any hornets... these ones are special, I like them a lot. I birthed one a while a go and he went and fought a bear for me when I was out collecting wild honey from a set of bees I know. They go where I tell them to go and do what I tell them to do. They are very cool.

I like my vespid friends, they are my Bestpid friends! (get it because they're hornets????!!!!!)

I mean others don't necessarily like how big they are... but thats okay, they can be big and do a whole lot of things. 


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