Len's Journal

The Serbian Gamble
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My god is with me.

I can speak to him now.


After the last mission I learned something. A ritual.


i took some bullets and hammered them into 2 disc. I spend the day and night praying, sending worship to my God, and when morning came, the disc were coins with a symbol of my God.


On picking it up, I could feel my God. His mark came to me, blessing me with his symbol. His words came to me, praising me for my work, and telling me to spread his message. To kill in his name, and to spread war.


I’ve spent much time talking to him in recent days. Through our conversations and my reflections, I can feel something broken inside of me healing. My understanding of others. How to talk to them , what they wanted.


I’ve made so many mistakes because I didn’t understand. I need to be better. I’m sure my next mission will require me to grow and learn. So that I am ready.

F#%* this, and F#%* You, Tom!
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I was broken. My God is fixing me.

I have been talking to my God some. Planning.



But also reflecting. I have… changed a lot in the last two months.


Things that didn’t make sense to me. About people. About myself. It makes more sense now.


i feel like something in me was broken. And these Contracts and my God is fixing it. So that I may be a better tool in his hands.


i’ve made so many mistakes. So many ways I could have managed the situations I’ve been in throughout my life. 

I have been a fool. Good with a gun. Good at killing. But I need to be better.


What my God wants from me is hard. I need people to be strong . I need war to spread over the world to bring glory to my God. 

I need to be smarter. Stronger. More competent.


The challenges I will be facing next as I prepare to change the world will be hard.


i was broken. My God has fixed me. Now I must remake myself to be a tool for him.

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