William Of Blackwood's Journal

somber lullaby
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Returning from the previous exploits, i was suffering several imperfections. It was imperative to utilise the medical facilities of the area in order to restore full functionality. 

This process was long and required a large assortment of body healing procedures. 

The time period required to return systems to full functional parameters was not un used. This time period was spent squirting and investigating several data networks. These data sources revealed several sources and sub sources of information. Analysing this information has provided an understanding of the societal fears of entities with the qualities of myself. There are several ficticous video presentations displaying the dangers of mechanised humanoid entities. 

There are also several information networks presenting theorised conceptualisation of extra dimensional travel. Whilst in important in advancing the quality of my endeavours it is an interesting discovery.


Once finalising the time period of medical rejeuvenation, i returned to my abode. This domicile is in a state of ordered quality, the important and repetitively required assets are in the most accessible locations. My research is evolving in quality, i have managed to locate several data sources, networks and external information sources all of which will assist in the gathering of pertinent data. 

I have managed to access several systems for the acquisition and increase not of equity, by utilising the currency flow of independent corporations depositing are retrieving equity from the conceptualised value of these businesses. The simplicity of the monetary system has allowed ease of aquirance of monetary funds. 

The Recital
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Here Lies William Of Blackwood

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