Joseph D'Angelo's Journal


A very unassuming red A4 notebook with the title written on it in black marker. Many school stickers are pasted over the cover and the back cover, and upon opening, lots of notes presumably from practicing Chinese will fall out. The first and last few pages are rows of Chinese practice, and it really does just look like a normal notebook for learning the language. If anybody were to pick the notebook up for inspection, they'd see the rows of Chinese characters and subconsciously think it was a practice notebook, and even if they were to see pages with English script, they'd overlook them and think they were practices of translating sentences or whatnot. It's the perfect disguise that could fool (and has fooled) the people in his family.

Hey Hey, Ewe Ewe
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Doing Church Camp As If I'm Still Kind Of Normal

I think I started to enjoy it more when I reframed its purpose in my mind.

We do church camp every single summer. I've been a participant since I was born, and a volunteer since I was twelve. We always do the same activities -- travelling to Vancouver Island, camping together, doing workshops for the kids and the adults, trying to evangelize -- so it's always exceedingly boring. I always try to find a God-given purpose for these things, and I guess God decided that the purpose of this year's camp was for me to hone skills that would be necessary for future contracts. It's a miracle I survived my first one considering how shit I am at anything survival or combat-related, but I need to take advantage of any avenues I have to make sure things are less 'miracle' and more a result of training.

So I involved myself in more physical and practical group activities! I played lots of hide-and-seek and grounders with the kids, lots of team-building with the teens, and I made it a point to win the scavenger hunt. A few of the preteens showed me their brainrot and taught me new functions in their phones. I got better at socializing with the people my age and making the kids do my bidding. I shocked the elders with my sudden enthusiasm and willingness to serve, so I just said God had compelled me to improve upon these skills so I would be better fit for His missions, and for once, I made my dad proud of me.

Outside of church camp, I read up more on guns and how to use them. I had no way to practice them because they're literally illegal regardless of whether I'd even be allowed to handle them by my dad, but I figured that at least I would know the theory behind them. I thought I was a decent driver, but after being in Theia's passenger seat and seeing the way she manoeuvred the car during the mission made me realize I am an amateur at best. Something about being acknowledged by the contract people and having my goals affirmed spoke to me, because I finally sat down one lonely 2am to try the makeup I'd accumulated over the past few months...

At the end of the contract, they gave me a gift, and for a while I was unsure of how to use it. Nothing really came to my mind at first, but at one point during the church camp I overheard some of the kids who were clearly forced to be there mumbling about fanfiction. I keep that shit to myself, but of course I listened in to their exasperated recounts of crazy things they'd read or heard of... and all I could think was damn, these amateurs. Literal amateurs. I've read and know so much more than they ever could, things they could never dream o--

Wait. That gives me an idea.


🔞 Tales To Be Told
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Here Lies Joseph D'Angelo

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