Countess Shimizu Tsukihi (Takahashi Yuu)'s Journal

Grand Theft Grandma
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back home, time to explore.

Upon returning to hub, I made my way to my player home, and began rearranging furniture, adding bookcases. So I have my perfect sage home. I commissioned some players to build some gothic furniture for me to match my new home. It includes lecturns, candelarbra. a four poster mahogany (insert king yama meme.webp) bed with red crushed velvet curtains. a sizeable kitchen and a workshop for my magic experiments. An external onsen in the back obscured from the pervs obviousely. Hired a couple of npc maids and butlers. A head maid, Silvia and a Head butler Sebastian. their jobs are to maintain the property and my keep my home clean and cook the food. Gave them money so that they can buy food ingredients. One thing I should note is the notification message asking me to create a last name, and choose a Town name "okay, I choose Shimizu. And Arcania" another box appeared "Noble Title earned Countess, Lady Shimizu Tsukihi of Arcania." a map opened to show a full kingdom and indicated I was on the border of the country before an unexplored set of lands. A new notification opened "Your goal is to run your earldom and expand your territory. Access to land management unlocked, access to region administration unlocked. Player's nobility guide unlocked." 

"I... huh wait nobility? Why!? How!?" 

a new pop up "During character creation you chose mage and said you wanted to be a great sage. unfortunately that is not realistically possible for a commoner to do without extreme hardship, you also chose wealthy as an asset. Which is more money than most other nobles own. You would need to be a noble to avoid jealous commoners attacking you all the time."  

I let out a groan, this is going to cut into my adventuring.


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Dealing with the Dragon

Okay so I got back home, the dragon has been quiet so far, good I need to think about how I should absorb him into my soul or failing that purge him from my soul. Which should be fun, I don't have much time before he takes over completely. So I better look for a way to absorb his soul into mine. I guess that would come under necromancy. I make my way to my library home, irrassaimasen goshujin sama,  "Todaima" I reply, "I need all books we have concerning necromancy, and all alchemical texts regarding the soul!" 

it didn't take long to I had a table filled with tomes and I began to read through them all, one at a time, for days and weeks I was reading through arcane treatise on the soul and alchemical methods of overcoming possession. for those weeks my servants served me food and drink. I shall have my answers soon. 

It's Cleanup Day!
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