Dr. Cheslav Dostoevsky's Journal

F#%* this, and F#%* You, Tom!
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Wally Reconstruction

After completing my contract with Karen Lee Abish, the agency provided me with nanites many times smaller then my previously used, [see patents #40, #41, #42, #56, and #76].


After returning and eating some of my wife's best recent perfections I went deep into researching which of my previous patents would benefit most from this new technology. After settling on patent #42, I spent 3 sleepless night modifying its structure, programing, mechanics and hardware almost from the base up to optimize this amazing resource.


Once complete I had Mr Novikov send for my recent contract partner, Wally the dog. After successful reconstruction of Wally's face and eye I started research which of my failed patents and experiments could become so much more with potential new technology from the agency.


Patent #42 results:

Patent felt: "Numb, a little blurry" "LIke a weird tingle, but also it was super cold"

{NOTE}: Patient is a dog.


Within 10 seconds of completion, Sample #42A started leaking from the reconstructed area.

Sample #42A Collected: 3oz, estimated 4oz excreted.


After completing my contract with Karen Lee Abish, the agency provided me with nanites many times smaller then my previously used, [see patents #40, #41, #42, #56, and #76].


After returning and eating some of my wife's best recent perfections I went deep into researching which of my previous patents would benefit most from this new technology. After settling on patent #42, I spent 3 sleepless night modifying its structure, programing, mechanics and hardware almost from the base up to optimize this amazing resource.


Once complete I had Mr Novikov send for my recent contract partner, Wally the dog. After successful reconstruction of Wally's face and eye I started research which of my failed patents and experiments could become so much more with potential new technology from the agency.


Patent #42 results:

Patent felt: "Numb, a little blurry" "LIke a weird tingle, but also it was super cold"

{NOTE}: Patient is a dog. Within 10 seconds of completion, Sample #42A started leaking from the reconstructed area.

Sample #42A Collected: 3oz, estimated 4oz excreted.

Mushroom Hunt
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How will I advance

I need to find a way to advance myself, outside of these thing the agency is giving me. I need to decide what avenue of science I am going to take for this... Animatronics, augmentation science, evolutionary expedience... medicine was always my favourite of stem, even the sub divisions... but with this technology the options could be so much more endless than what we have in this day and age of bio tech... 


Maybe I will branch out, maybe I will exercise my other intellectual sciences... but for now I will make medicine. for now I must save lives. For now I need to re-center myself and restore my own balance, I can't let this opportunity distract me from my debt to the balance. 


I also took my beautiful wife to Italy for a few days, though we must work, it is also necessary to appreciate this time we are given, she did really seem to love it.

Ashes to ashes
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Starting the Experimentation.

After my time in Brekshire, I felt the need to take more action in advancing myself. My main fault is the stress of battle getting to me well I try to perform my medicine. I am very familiar with high stress, and dire stakes, however, beyond my own risk to infection or disease, my own personal risk has never been as great as on these contracts.


I tested some over the counter ADHD medications, but these didn't do what I needed. I need deeper impact, fundamental change. I need to enforce rerouted brain pathways, faster more efficient brain function. 


Talking with Dr. Cross he has multiple ideas to make this happen without intricate brain surgery... which maybe my next option if this doesn't work, and as good a doctor as Cross is, he was never the best Surgeon, much better at research. I would need to figure out a way for me to do this myself... Anyway, we started these drug tests are started but not as I had hoped to start, I can feel the success of the better function, but my brain is going through trauma in rebuilding the neural pathways. I hope the effects wear off before I must depart on my next Contract... but if not it is going to be difficult... hopefully I can fix these side effects before then.

Passing the Hours
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Realizing my Strength in mind

With my now enhanced Focus I have turned to sleepless nights of research. I am able to go into overdrive, hardly having time to take notes as my new thought processes function faster then my hands. I require timed breaks to take documenting my research, something i so much love, yet find my hindrance with this new ability. I have taken to sharpening my mind continually, outside of the facility, the internets resources giving trivial riddles and mind test that i simple breeze through now.


Felicia seems a little worried about how i have become with my research... I try very hard to make time for her, i have told Mr. Arnold to schedule twice weekly time slots to have activities with her. I do worry often if any of my work life were to come after her.


I think I need to enhance security for the bakery and our living. 

We Have The Most Magical Place On Earth At Home
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Help those I can

I have been able to help so many people, but I would like to find a way to be even more of assistance to those other in the organization. Perhaps i am able to put out some kind of ad to have more people come for my abilities. Perhaps I could get into Bionic Appendages, as a way to enhance my fellow contractors. perhaps it could assist me with surgery and my fine motor skill construction.


Felicia has been lovely these past few weeks, making time in my work life to be with her i have found to be of the upmost importance. Strange though it does not further my research, find me samples, focus my mind, enhance my fingers abilities, suggest new inventions, problem solve, or anything, spending time with her somehow refreshed my facility, it refreshed my outlook into the world, my work, my associated Dr. Cross, and my life.


She is like a bandage for the soul.

Crustacean Calamity
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Henry in trouble again.

Henry is a friendly man, thought not of much capability yet, I believe him to be of great potential. He has found himself in a symbiotic relation with a Parasite the size of my fist, stuck in his cervical. He had the brash idea to look around his city to find a back alley "doctor" to try and remove this parasite. He went so far as to hammer together a makeshift X-ray machine, Though I don't know how he PHYSICALY DID IT. All that before he realize he should contact me, after even that he was not contacting me to remove the foreign entity. He wanted me to fly to him and walk over this other Barbarians operation to ensure he did not steal his liver or more lucrative organs.


I sent him plane tickets as it was faster then having the Jet go to him, but Upon arrival it was a simple enough procedure. I put Henry under though this did not effect the Parasite, I made 2 incisions and removed the Spinal parasite, it seemed like it wanted to come off. I was able to preserve it in a glass jar, and i do plan to great a more functional living condition for it as I am sure it will become of use.

God That Runs
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