Ally Kingston's Journal


I think we found him.

My dad always kept a journal.  That's why I'm writing in this one.

I wrote about what happened on the last job in there, but.. not everything is a job, right?

Sometimes we hunt monsters just to hunt monsters.

On the last job, there was... the man who caused it.  We followed his trail.  He was a monster, he caused all those people to die, and... we were following him (we met some other kids that we ended up pointing towards Mountview.). 

We found a town that.. everyone was dead in.  He'd killed everyone.  There was blood everywhere.   Like any monster.

So we kept, and.. we kept having to follow, and.. I think we did find him.  We're about to go confront him, and.. well, should the worst come to past, that's why I'm writing in this journal.  We could just walk away, but.. what happens to the next village he finds?

Here we go.

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