Sal's Journal

Shadows In The Dust
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Mystery's get deeper, some, quite close to home.

--- Scene opens ---
Sal starts up out of his sleeping back. Something in his throat. He spits it out to the side. A flow of a clear black substance flows out of him covering the ground around his sleeping bag. His hands around the fingernails leak the same substance that he vomits onto the desert floor.

A soft whisper "The cycle never starts, it has always been."

Sal's hands are black, slowly returning to their regular color as the fluid seeps into the ground, and into his skin. Sal doesn't feel tired anymore. Doesn't feel much need for anything.

"The cycle never finishes, it starts anew."

Sal look around his camp. Ace was here yes. So was Sylvester. Sal frowns. He was suppose to be far from here.

"At the edge of the world the serpent slithers, the cycle unending. Life to death to life to death. On and on with no stop."

Sylvester looks at Sal. From his own lips drip a black fluid, that matches the one that drips from Sal's own body.

"I have so much to teach you my son." 

--- Scene Close ---

Nautical Twilight

Saved another town, but seems they didn't like negotiating.

Seems like it was time for the second job for the notebook club. 

This time we saved a town again. Some sort of ... Sciencey sickness that traveled through the air, but only around certain materials? Not 100% sure I understood it, but Xander seemed to have a handle on it.

Being honest, Xander seemed to have a handle on most everything. Very competent, and talented man that one.

It was a crew of 4 of us. We all met outside the town of white hall. 

Russ, a blacksmith of some sort. Didn't really get to see him in action, other than constructing a tool for containing a dangerous substance.

Jorge, a fisherman of some sort. Did a number on some bandits and am impressed with him for that.

And Xander DuBois, antiquarian, and the undisputed leader of our little band.

We were all told that doom was coming for the town at nautical midnight. We needed to stop it. Now, I'm not familiar with the term, nautical midnight. That led me to some blunders, but well... we all get chances to learn in life.

We introduced our selves as travelers, and traders. Entering the town, it was clear that the people here were afflicted in some way. Some sickness, or some rash. 

I tried to get us some time, and a night at the local Inn... It... didn't go well. Seems like these folks were a bit too high strung for my regular type of negotiation. 

They kept a guard on us, but luckily Xander managed to avoid being tared with the same brush. Probably should have handled that better.


Xander managed to talk to those around, and the mayor, figuring out some information about what was causing the sickness inflicting the town.

Seems some individuals went into a forbidden area of their town's scrapyard, and picked up some dangerous substance. We collected the substance from where they stored it, collected some object's painted with it, and then advised the town to quarantine themselves.

Then, we took over watching the town for the night.

We were attacked by bandits, but Xander and Jorge were able to fend them off. I grabbed some town guards, then patched up their wounds. 

Xander really saved this town. Glad to have made his acquaintance. Now, let's see what I can do for this town.


What I can do for this town

First thing first, folks are weak, and less able to work. With the help of Xander, I made a deal with the Mayor, offering up that bit of supernatural fluid that leaks from me. Stopped the towns need for food, water, sleep.


Not a cure all, but enough to prevent hunger and deprivation from taking any more from the town.

Once that was secure, I send a letter to Sylvester, asking him to make his way to this little town. I don't entirely understand this new side of him.

Whatever is going on with me, he hasn't seen fit to share, and is even more skilled at dodging questions that I am. Regardless, I asked him for a method which could provide some way of treating this.... strange ailment caused by the glowing substance which Whitehall has found. 

On his arrival, It took some setup, but he managed to show me how to make ... Something. An Elixir of sorts to cure whatever ails you. Made with... bit of my skin and hair. Apparently, whatever is changing in me... a change which he might be responsible for, it is making me into a quite potent source of ingredients.


Which. Is quite terrifying. But also quite an opportunity. I imagine anyone who can realize this as I have will have ... and unhealthy interest in my person.

Well, you need to take risks to be rich! I'll solve this problem some other time.

With the knowledge of how to make the concoction, and some bits of my hair, skin and ... Venom, I came up with a few batches. Enough to save a few of the worse cases, and get me a good relationship with the town.

It's a start! Like it was in the old days, people figure out small ways to solve problems, then they get better, and as everyone get's better at solving problems the world becomes richer.

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