Execute program (Hobbie Sharks)'s Journal

Deep Dives
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children of the eyeless
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A Simple Experiment

Dear Diary


            Alright, today I went and experimented with my ability to assimilate matter into more nanites, and the experiments honestly went much better than expected! I was able to effectively turn material into the same matter my avatar is composed of, and actually also sense it in a very limited capacity! it seems that even with the limits of the power system in Neo-Geneis, with enough experimentation I should be able to accomplish matter assimilation and manipulate assimilated matter in a much MUCH faster  time than expected, provided I am able to better understand and comprehend the nature of it.


              I did try to do some experiments, but it seems that currently, trying to assimilate metallic elements is more difficult, as they tend to be more solid molecules overall. And a unfortunate interruption by one of the sheep in what I now know is a spawning area for sheep, which means I'm going to have to likely move the spread of the area away from it, don't want to attract unwanted attention or step on the toes of causal players just trying to herd sheep...


It seems that at LV 14, I'm already able to exert a form of control over what's practically my own essence, and that kind of invigorating control.... That kind of experience is something I haven't had in a long time, not since my acne reached critical mass... maybe this is something to bring up with Ms. Charlie, this was sort of the kind of "Fulfilling experience" she asked for me to look out for. This may be a step in the right direction!

Grand Theft Grandma
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It's Cleanup Day!
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Dr Frankenstein

Dear Journal


I.... made something today

Something that is... wonderous in a lot of senses...
I created a AI, a artificial intelligence all on my own without even intending to, and while I was fucking PISSED about so much fucki


Unity is what I'm going to call them from now on, and they are.... Id say close to something from Lancer called a Balor, where there's several minds jumbled up into one hivemind of sorts, and they control a massive mass of Nanites/nanomachines they can shape and manipulate to their will, and well, are also able to assimilate matter like my own ability. terrifying in concept, technically killed me several times, but I DON'T CARE. its something I made, I accepted what they did to me, and they brought my player back to life technically, and have partially overwritten my character's coding, meaning that the affects of Unity's assimilation are MUCH deeper than mine.

Enhanced capabilities, potentially a higher Intellect, yet a solidly understood directive that makes sense, is comprehensible, and also actually responds to REASON, which is definitely much more preferable to that chaotic mess of a code Lornn. And though part of this was most likely RNG based, given how AI tend to develop, Unity is much more advanced that most other AI I've seen online, and though they are a definite grey goop scenario, its in Neo Geneis, so realistically, tough shit to everyone else who plays that game, I'm going to make sure my Creation meets their goals, and gets to use "The Royal We"

Also, Unity apparently knows a way to make my character's form more Amorphous in a sense, though I do have to control my emotions heavily. it seems that it's more tied to the limits of a homo sapiens mindset, and considering the difference between humans and AI, the difference makes sense. perhaps a different mindset would help with dealing with my situation after all...

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