Anthony P.A. Williams's Journal

The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long
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I See

I have been looking around a lot more. When something happens that startles other people I do not get startled, even if I should have. I do not like it. It makes me uncomfortable to be so aware, because I usually do not understand what I am perceiving. I feel really jumpy. I almost dropped a light but then I reacted in time to catch it. I was startled by being startled. Barring the irony, it is annoying. I tried talking to Nicholas but he thought I meant a game. This is not a game. That old guy said I had a good fortune but I did not think this is what he meant. I do not like it. I am really tired because I am constantly alert but I cannot sleep restfully because the slightest noise wakes me up. It is really annoying. I hope I get used to it.

The Hospital
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Guns Are Cool

I was at the shooting range today and something weird happened. There was another guy there that looked kinda like the guy I stopped from shooting up that high school and he was saying weird stuff so I didn't really like him and then he was shooting and he was actually pretty good at it. When he had some people watch him to do a trick shot I had the idea to try and intercept his bullet with mine like in movies and it actually worked and he was really embarrassed. I also realized that I was faster than normal at reloading my guns so that was weird too. I don't really know what it means but it's less jarring than seeing everything all the time and is actually kinda cool. I hope I get more powers like this one so that I'm not in constant discomfort all the time like I was with the other one.

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