Charlotte Lovewell's Journal

*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Charlotte's Diary ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

A pretty pink notebook. The front is covered in many cutesy stickers.

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Lame Wand

Ugh, I recently picked up the wand from my little job from before and as much as I want to be suuuper positive about how super duper cool this definitely is, its suuuuuper lame. Where's the ✧*̥˚ sparkle *̥˚✧, pzazza, the drama! The PINK! It's just a boring sticckkkk!!!! It doesn't do anything super cool other than traumatizing people, which is kind of easy but also suuuper evil. Like, I got this wand from a vampire lord! Aren't vampires suppose to be cool, gothic, and go bleh bleh bleh, "I vant to vuck you vlood!" but in gay literature way!!!!

I just have a dumb lame stick!!!!!! The knife would've been so much cooler.

So of course, I put it on Facebook Marketplace because what else am I going to do with a lame stick. On the bright side! The stick is suuuper old and made out of oak so it has that going for them, which isn't a lot to be honest. I marketed it under arts and cosplay in hopes that someone may this stick as a prop or something. Didn't get a lot of offers other than people telling me that it is a stick and that I shouldn't be charging a thousand dollars for it. Which, fair, but I'm looking to make a profit!!

Decided to lean towards appealing to the older folks and marketing it as a handmade Harry Potter wand! Started promoting it on Twitter, Tumblr, and... Reddit. Ugh, that's how you know I'm desperate to sell the lame stick. I got a buyer though!!! They couldn't do the price and negotiated for five hundred dollars and the entire Harry Potter first edition series, signed. This was a massive steal!!!!! Old people go crazy for that ladies stuff. Depending on the condition and authenticity, this could be big bucks!!!!!!

So I sold it to them in exchange for the wand! A super solid deal if I say so myself, five hundred bucks and the signed first edition of the entire HP series for a super lame wand I didn't even want! 

I do feel bad for overpricing and giving false advertising but if someone’s is willing to pay for it, it’s not overpriced for them. Also, on the bright side! They got an actual, legitimate magic wand! That may, or may not, come attached with a vampire lord.

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🔞 Downtime
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Tale As Old As Time
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