Lev's Journal

Ashes to ashes
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It was all real

I'm having issues. I uh.. think I saw something down the stairs to the basement in the house. So I'm leaving the lights on in the shop and the basement. Feels safer. Somehow. I just can't deal with the dark. Not after the things I saw.

Ok other issue. I'm magnetic now. Somehow. Like spoons and shit stick to me. I can control it a little? It's not some conspiracy vaccine thing, LITERALLY MAGNETIC. I got a few magnets the other day and there's something a bit odd I can do with em, little trick, I can't believe. It's the locks. Me and a magnet open any lock. Door lock, zap, box latch? ZAP. I can even start a lorry if I got a magnet on me. Considering my hobbies this is actually hilarious. I don't even need a kit or picks or bobbies or nothing. ZAP, no issue. It's real. They give you powers if you go risk your life. Which means the wold is really ending. Starting like this. I'm in SHOCK. little joke but seriously this is not good. I need to call the others.

Beware the Assassin!
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I've been putting this new power through it's paces. So to speak. Going fast is incredible. I'm getting speeds up to fifty kilometers per hour. Unbelievable really, bit faster than a slow car but I mean, *fast*. I can run away from almost all my problems at this point. I can go faster, I'm sure, with some practice. These freaky end of the world gits weren't kidding, the contract is real. Which means they probably aren't kidding about the end of the world but hey, one thing at a time.

If I can do this, I might be able to keep ahead of all the spooky creepy stuff that's been trying to kill me. Won't get throat punched by any more fairies, or devoured by hordes of zombies. Can even zoom someone along with me if I put my mind to it. Bet I'll be beating any one of these other contractors in a footrace, I know that for sure. Some car chases too, way more maneuverable.

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