Felix Hureon's Journal

Beware the Assassin!
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Terra Forma
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It's been at least a month since my mom and dad died, its still hard, hard to think that the world is just full of supernatural stuff, but also that they world itself is probably dying. These natural disasters will probably continue, and get worse as time goes on. But what can we do about it? What can I do about it? Well...besides leaving this place for good, however, this "place" is the goddamn planet.


With my house in a sinkhole, I've recouped my losses and got my car finally fixed up, with a replacement key of course. I'll be damned if I'm stepping in there again, especially after it nearly became my coffin. I managed to at least get some of my belongings, and the rest I just bought myself, keeping in mind to actually get more things later on.


For now I'm going to work at the school still, it was one of the few places not completely destroyed and after a month they're opening up classes again. I'll focus on life right now but I have a goal in mind, find some reality, maybe some new place to transport myself too as this world isn't getting better. There is no god that will scoop us all up and take us to a promise land, there is only cold hard reality and you need to be prepared for it and adapt to it.


On a smaller note, the testing of my 'power' has given me some ideas, I never was the best artist but that doesn't seem to matter for this skill. Hopefully, I won't need to use it too much.

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