It is I! The great Phantom! The most masterful of thieves and the most elegant! This journal is a bit late but its after... whatever that last thing was. Well, I recently managed to get my hand on something known as a Neo-Genis Headset. Putting it on, in curiosity, I was placed within the realms of Neo-Genis! This reality does appear to be a game world... yet the world is alive. I can see! I can breathe! I can smell! I can hear! I can even touch! What is this realm??
very VERY interesting, VERY fun indeed I must say. Though as I looked around, I got a notification! A gift! A power! was allocated to me... Stealing...? Does this game know? How could it... Yet it gave me one very ever so befitting... hehe. I see, Perhaps its fate, Perhaps not... But it appears my destiny hasn't changed. The real world doesn't interest me anymore... I wonder what I can steal in here...