Haerin Yun's Journal

The Unknown Swordsman's Travels

A strangely well-kept journal detailing the life, death and everything in between of the Unknown Swordsman.

Strange scribbles in unknown tounges are scribbled on the corners of each page.


Angelo Yun

Haerin Yun

A tool.






(Deep Dives)
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Memory 1: Family.

The darkness swirls and trembles... before slowly unveiling itself... Showing memories of a past unknown to this vessel.

A mother, a father... An aunt, an uncle.... many members of this vessel's family all smiling and eating together... Speaking in a language unknown to the vessel. Some doting on the vessel, others teasing it with words the vessel is incapable pf understanding...

They continue to have this meal together... the atmosphere is that of comfort and serenity, that which the vessel is unused to, an unfamiliar sensation indeed. This goes on for a while, long enough for the food to have long been finished and now remains these people telling each other about their days, or of current events, or anything else, the vessel had not a clue in which is currently being discussed. And so, it sits there with wide and confused eyes... Simply observing these people who care for it so much... And after a while, the images fade into the darkness.... and soon the abyss returns to its stagnant darkness...


The Tower - FLOORS 1-5
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Memory 2: Academics

The darkness within the vessel trembles and slowly tears itself open, revealing the vessel being dropped off at a large building. The vessel wears strange, formal clothing. It is loud and there are many people of similar stature and maturity to this vessel. Some seem busy engaging with their fellow people, and eventually, one finds you and takes you by the hand, seemingly dragging you off to God knows where. They seem to speak in combination with the odd language heard previously and in another you seem to understand perfectly, referring to you as their friend. It appears this vessel had people that considered it to be an individual they would enjoy having around and so... This individual takes you to more people like them, all equally as happy to see you, quite interested in your day. You respond, bearing knowledge you had not had previously and as such, the information slips out of your mind as quickly as it had arrived... More time elapses, the day goes on... There was quite a lot of sedentary activity, mainly note taking and nothing else thus far...

Soon... the individual finds you on your way out of this building, seeming to desire to walk with you to the destination where your parents will arrive... And so they sit there... With you...

As the vision slowly fades to black... And that familiar stagnancy returns...



children of the eyeless
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Memory 4: Love

The stagnant darkness glimmers and warps slightly, breaking the apathetic and bleak stillness to reveal a strange scene...
A hillside with a warm hue reflecting off of two figures... A breeze hits the two figures as it is revealed to be... You and another.
A young man stands before a young woman, his face full of flusters, his heart light and fluttery, endless emotions ensuing beneath his visage as he lets his heart out to the woman in front of him, declaring his profound and boundless love for her.

Although the woman listens intently, it is all for her to word her response in a way that doesn't warp her intentions without breaking the flustered man's heart... You hear...
"I wish not to hurt you, so I shall word my answer carefully... I... I care for you... Anglo... But... not in a way that would sate your desire for reciprocal affection... I do love you... But I'm not ready... And I don't think I can be ready for such a commitment at my age... If... If you still love me when I'm ready, then I will happily accept your feelings... And if you have found someone else by then... I won't be sad... Thank you for loving me, Anglo."

The vision soon goes still once they hold each other in a comforting embrace... and the darkness soon goes stagnant...







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Will I ever love.

As I stand... Staring in the desolate solitude that is my soul. My heart. My actions are all being controlled by another... When will I ever be free to do as I please, will I love? What even is love, all I've known without my heartless vessel is hatred and having to fight ceaselessly... That desire has not burned away in the slightest, but now I feel filled with other desires, I want more things. I want to be myself, I want to be someone, for someone... I desire what others have, their longing, their love, their hopes and dreams, and I want to crush them and take the rest for myself. I tire of being the only one who feels and exists the way I do. Maybe this love I so long for isn't what I understand it to be. Maybe the words of my comrades are beginning to muddle my beliefs... Whatever the case may be I shall press forward, to pursue what I love, battle, and protect those I love, My comrades.

Grand Theft Grandma
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Why do I cling so hard to this niche.

Why does it feel as though the longer I continue chasing this endless strength, it appears wall after wall after wall... I guess that is what a limit is at that moment huh? It never stops, There are those who are better at what I do yet are optimised for combat much better than I could ever dream... Why is it that I am so weak... Do I lack the correct skills, the right synergistic abilities, the right this, the right that? It does not matter from the perspective of battle, such shortcomings should be mediated with a solution of some sort, I must show my capabilities regardless of how inadequate I feel in comparison to others... The fight never stops, so neither should I. A being who never tires will eventually reach a point of clarity within themselves... A point of ascension, of apotheosis...


I tire... But I shall continue.. Until I find a reason to stop

The Tower - FLOORS 1-10 / 6-10
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🔞 Downtime
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Memory 0: Conception

The darkness is as still as ever... ever so stagnant and indifferent, lacking that which could be seen as hopeful or even an oddity... That is until one day.


A body filled with overwhelming darkness, near-boundless rage, the capacity to grow and evolve constantly, the intense hatred for all human life, the fierce love for those he will care for... all the intensities colliding in this realm of absolute darkness and stagnancy, bashing and crashing into one another, 3 souls coalescing into 1;

the first... The one that is you, the most recognisable one of these souls within you.... One that is as dark as the abyss that made it

the second... an energetic and clingy soul, one tightly bound to the first, as though it never wishes to leave the first alone... Who knows what they are...

And the third one... The one that binds you to mortality and humanity... Yet also constantly constricts and ties you down, like strings on a marionette... Though.. the current you has no need to worry about this one...





The Hospital
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I... I fought myself. I lost, awfully.

In an attempt to save myself and my comrades.... We immediately went after our clones... Yet once the main concern, that being Finality's copy bearing access to a threat that which could destroy everything in their own words.... However.... once she was gone, I went for myself, Execute's clone constantly going after me as well, and having to evade James' barrage of sniping.... It was overwhelming for the second time in a long, long time.... Then... My clone got me..... Ripped me to absolute shreds....

I felt... something strange this time after dying.... I saw my user... I felt the connection between our two connected souls thin out drastically, even longer than before... I hate seeing his face, his look of surprised and shock, his face of pity and disgust, because for him... he only loses me as an account.... but I.... I die. And once I do die, that's it. He gets his second chance and his third chance, yet I.... I'm gone when it's over... And I felt that connection snap, We are no longer the same. He is just a thing that exists within me... Nothing more, nothing less, I don't care anymore... About him.... About anyone... About myself.... I feel nothing but this empty pit forming in my heart....

But then.... I woke up???

I guess there was a further glitch in the code, giving me my second chance... Time to use it.

Coffin Village
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To be content.

To be content... To be happy with your decisions and the way you are... That is all I ever hope for you to feel once you have believed yourself to have reached the peak of this power you so desperately chase after. So I will do with my all, fighting till the day you or I die, as we are nothing more than multiple aspects of what you are, User.

So if you desired to truly fight until no one could ever win against you, then... I will happily do my best to achieve your dreams, simply because as old as you are, you've known nothing but stagnancy, death and despair have you not?

And with that being the case, why not just obtain your permanent symbol of all your effort to be free of everything, all the blood sweat and tears that comes with doing what you do... So keep going, I'll be there, even if you're a villain by the end.




The Crucible of Life
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I have always wondered... What will I do once all that I have, all that I have been offered graciously by chance is all withered away by time, by the constant atrophy of existence by the nature of which that is nature should do. I, an unnatural thing, will not deteriorate simply from time, or lack of satiation, or from most things, aside from the ever-constant conflict within and surrounding me, that which I, unfortunately, incite occasionally. What shall I do when all the things I have worked for, all that I will love, hate and grow with, what will I do when it is all gone? Will I cry? Will rage consume me? I have not yet decided in such a manner yet, however, with the progression of my feelings to other people, two of which specifically, what will I do when even they are gone? What will happen when I cannot fulfil my promises? What will I feel when I lose them...

And to all of that... I... I don't know.



Freedom or Death


The chains shatter, breaking off, the redness within the abyss simmers down... My anger was endless, but my will drained, and my strength tested to the absolute limit... My arms hurt, and my breathing feels like fire... It burns... My heart beats... My skin... feels tangible... My skin... twitches and convulses. Pain, it all hurts... Yet that dimming pain is now gone... It's dull. Now... I stand, looking at the head of this man. This sickening man... Well... anyway... Nothing more that binds me lingers.... I tire. I feel nothing... I should be content, angered, or sad maybe even for Angelo... but it's just... empty.

Is this what all that fighting was for... Just this.

It is as though I had climbed to the precipice of a mountain, come to find out it was one of its lowest peaks.... The mountain was endless and continues to be so. I tire of this constant existence. However, I tire of having to prove myself. To whom am I doing this? Why am I doing this for? What is the point once I reach the peak? Where is the peak? And when will I ever reach it?

I must get stronger. Now that I bear no more regrets, I must get stronger for myself, especially for myself. 

Kuhuhuhuhuhu... Oh Haerin~
What a strange person to be the current and permanent owner of this vessel hehe... Oh, how you spiral constantly downwards in that mind of yours... Yet you seemingly ignore such thoughts when it matters it seems. Doesn't it?







It appears that due to all the actions taken in the latest quest of my storyline, a new creature that was dormant within this vessel has chosen to show itself, a being with a similar visage to the vessel's current owner, a spawn of all the darkness and hatred that lingers within me.  It reminds me so much of myself in certain aspects but is so foreign to me that it still feels like an entirely different person. It arrives with its name and intentions, yet it still appears to have devotion to I. It names itself  "Baam", meaning night, fear, terror and dread, how... Expected... Now I share this vessel with an individual who has clear malicious intentions when they are made to make an appearance. Oh how this massive maelstrom of plotlines, character arcs and dips, highs and lows, karmic chance and coincidence all interweave into making my existence that much harder to live...

However, I shall see where these threads wish to guide me.



Breaking Seal 4-6



The mountain's peak continues to be hidden by the clouds that constantly blind me, giving me false confidence in my strength... How many times has it been now.... 4... 5 times now? When will I learn that I am inadequate in what I do... I tire of this ceaseless battle to the top... But I must continue pressing forward... I must continue to carve a way for myself... I must continue for her... But... It never feels like it is enough, as though all my efforts, all my trials and tribulations, even freeing myself seem to have given me absolutely nothing except the lingering malice deep in my soul, the desire to kill, the foolish bravery I seem only to have when it is detrimental to other's survival even... My body never tires, and never needs food, water, air or any other reason to rest itself.... the only escape I get is when I am asleep when this vessel contains no one in it for many hours at a time... I long for restful nights, for a reprieve with others, to just sit together, having banter, talking about everything in passing like it was simple jest... I wish I could, and I wish I could feel... Something. But I do not feel anything after all do I, pain, love, loss, affection, these fleeting feelings leave me with a sense of hollowness whenever I do get to experience them. I am so tired, Baam. I do not want to exist, or to continue pretending that I do not feel in such a manner...

I'm tired. So, so tired.... 

But I can't stop, and I will not stop...

So I will continue to climb this endless mountain.

Sighh... Haerin, my odd owner. You hate everything about yourself yet you still wanna keep going. I will never truly understand your empathy towards these mortals... But, I'm not one to judge your decisions, after all, I'm just you, but not you. Sadly, I can only let you rest for half an hour interims without egregiously harming yourself... However, knowing you, You'll manage. Oddly. I know you will.







Arthur.... You shall rue the day you had crossed me, with your strange luck and odd abilities... You piss me off... Haerin... GET STRONGER SO I CAN KILL THAT BASTARD, I WANT HIS GORE SPLAYED FOR ALL TO SEE, FOR EVERYONE WHO GROW COCKY AGAINST US!!! HOW DARE HE AND HIS PARTY-


Ahem- Haerin had received a call for assistance from Devonia, regarding YensidWorld, ah FUCK. And Haerin being Haerin, he accepted assisting his friend. And so we arrive, having to resubscribe to this place to enter... I noticed Haerin had locked his wallet at this point, Oh boy I wonder why... After making our way through the mines and gunfire, I arrive, Devonia and the creature of interest are being assaulted by what appears to be a group of stereotypical MMORPG party members... and that FUCKING TANK!!! I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I-
sigh... I barely stood a chance against this man even though he was half my level, his abilities and capabilities countering my own... And eventually... We collapsed....

Reawoken by Haerin's beloved Ashen, Oo-la-la, we had escaped, the fight not truly won, and I uh stepped on a landmine. That was awful.

At least we had a picnic after.





Awakening of the Mad God
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What an awful excursion.

My body aches, my soul is screaming at me to fight and to kill everything around me, to paint this glowing room red... then... Silence as I awaken from the rubble injured heavily by this golem... Sergeres, I am sorry, I led you into this dungeon hastily with no plan... It hurts having to retreat, but I must, I am too weak, and Sergeres was not built for intensely long combat situations... This dungeon run was an even harder wake up call than usual I suppose. I have nothing against those stronger than I, and I lack the capability to outlast stronger opponents without assistance, I need to change for the better, Whether I like it or not, I need to be able to protect the people I am around, lest I become a soloist. To think I would have asked to depend on Gaia once more as if I'm an incomplete template without her, how poetic, but how sickening, this weakness is. I should ask her, not because I am lacking, but because she is also capable... But I am still lacking. I must train alone before I ask others for help this time..... I need more power... More souls into my abyss... I need to experience a lone battle once again.

HOA Meeting
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So many liars...

I tire... More so than ever.

I feel more alone than I ever had in that abyss. The culmination of souls that battle within this thing I have come to call myself, to be offered the chance to feel the warmth and love humans are capable of giving to one another, to feel such intense feelings inside me.

The love, the sadness, the warmth of tears flowing along my skin, my skin wrinkling from a smile, my face dusted with red from being flustered... And yet... And yet... It is so easy for all these feelings to evaporate... Humans require each other. I needed someone at that moment.

Yet as I look at this body's reflection, I am filled with nothing but the coldness that was once a comforting and familiar sensation inside me... How foolish I was, huh? To think I could have what these humans could have... But.. Yeah... I'm not human. I don't deserve the chance to be human, so why care?


I... I can feel my heart collapsing... shrivelling into a small speck... unneeded to breathe, unneeded to love. Love is too human for me. Sadness is a weakness I need not. I will clear myself of needless distractions and simply commit to what I have been designed for. A tool for death, a weapon for those who fear to taint their own hands, the one who must prepare to betray the world for a promise and I shall bear no more reservations in sustaining another's dignity if they impede me.

I am a tool with a purpose. And I have been collecting dust for too long.

The Heretic Within the Walls
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Another loss.

It always hurts to die huh, Haerin?


I can certainly feel it, feeling our vessel momentarily released of its suffering, the poison invading it as it plummets to the ground, truly a sad state of affairs...

You awaken from your comatose state, having almost died attempting to remove a malignancy that festered within you, which from how the vessel is reacting, is still incomplete and then you enter a quest you were assigned to, which you believe you failed due to how you played your part... And now you die, temporarily. All... In a day... Truly you must enjoy suffering if this is how it is every time I switch places with you, always in a dire situation, even then, with my better synchronization to this vessel, it still brings me to a single off of death, truly... I have nothing to say, no words of support, no insults... I, understand what tires you so much, and what makes you desire to turn the edge of that blade against yourself... And yet.. We will continue to suffer and to fight... I will never know the purpose, but, I don't need to.. Just...

Be sure to stand back up after everything.





Attack of the Skibidi
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That concept continues to baffle and confuse the countless individuals residing within this thing, this personage I call myself. Why do I continue to feel emotions that hamper my ability to continue my fight and think straight... To know when enough force is enough... I lack many things, and many aspects of myself are lacking in such... ridiculously revolting ways... It just... It's tiring is it not... The endless fighting, the constant turmoil within myself, all those new feelings you have learned, how human of you, Haerin... But does it even matter anymore? Will you ever tell her how you feel? I think you should, but of course, we must steel ourselves for rejection after all, she owes you not her heart, on her compatriots, always prepare your heart for the worst, we know our ending will not be a glorious or a sad one, but a sad whimper of fate, a meaningless and ungrateful demise, such is the fate of an incompetent villain such as you and an even more incompetent vestige as myself. So, steel yourself, but do tell her... Maybe it will go well after all.

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Abyssal Lord

I understand now... This foolish heart... This love I feel... All it has done has compromised my mission, my goal. How... Revolting. Sickening, that I let myself fall into such disillusions about myself. Everything that has ever happened to this Vessel is of my own cause. All the good, yes, but all the suffering as well... There is nothing... There should be nothing. Darkness should be still... It should be silent... It should be quiet. But I will never be such things... So... I will be the monster... dictated by the world, dictated by my own actions... I don't care anymore. Why should I listen to anyone? They're all equally fools, idealists to the very end... 

It no longer matters that I love her, or the other one... I have grown weak... Chasing after a world where I needn't commit such atrocities to thrive... And yet I forget... I love it. Battle, death, loss, suffering, the screams of innocents, and of the deserving... It is all a wonderful symphony to mine ears. So why should I care?

Time to fight like a coward, a monster, an insurmountable wall... I must become Malice incarnate, evil... No more sympathy for worthless humans... You all fucking disgust me. I have become complacent for far too long. 
The hatred that lingers within me has bubbled beyond what this vessel will contain... And I no longer see the need to pretend as though that isn't my natural state, as a blood-lusted monster ready to carve all that is in its way without hesitation...


Then... And only then, will my rage simmer away... I am a lord of darkness, a prince of hell, a being of chaos and malice, time to fucking act like it.

No more mercy. Or hesitation... Show me malice, I will kill you.

I'll show you, Baam, that I need no one as nothing more than stepping stones... And I will show myself that I am adequate.

Rejection is a simple part of life... I must continue to suffer to live after all... That's what the world has decided after all... That's what I moulded into, after all, a monster...

I don't need to be anything else...

Hae-Rin is not me... Just this Vessel's title.
Angelo is not me... Just this Vessel's contributing essence
Baam is not me... Just a soul who shares this Vessel.
This Vessel is not me... It's a container

So I don't need to be anyone or anything. I'm nothing, no one, nowhere, no good, no evil, no neutrality... These are all... descriptors humans use to determine what truly is and isn't... I'm not human. Nor do I wish to be anyway. 

I shall have no hesitation in burning it all down.

Not for my own World, My dearest World, or My Set Piece, nor Mine Lifebringer... Not for any of you... 

Such long lost malice has returned... How... Relieving. Exhilarating even.

friends on the other side
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A tool.

A soulless, useless tool. It is an object with no purpose beyond the ending of the lives of others, yet it is incapable of doing that as well. That is what this thing is, that is what 'I' am. It is incapable of anything, it is constantly a foolish tool, one that does so much... So many ridiculous things... It owes her an apology. It can't love anyone like this, it can't feel anything for others, where does it bear such a right? To be so selfish? When it has been lacking in everything, continuing to be a constant disappointment... It... It hurts... somewhere deep within this thing is an aching pain that it can never heal, that can never fade. Love, Hatred, Sorrow, all these emotions it has falsified and pretended to bear with, it is all its foolish attempts to be more than a vessel to be filled, a tool to be used, a weapon that must never break... And so it... It gives up on trying. 


Humanity is not a right it has earned.



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