News and Updates

9 Days to Contract Con!

We are less than 10 days away from the first annual Contract Convention! This announcement contains all the juicy details: location, agenda, tickets, and more.

ConCon Banner


Saturday and Sunday August 17th and 18th 2024 from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.


Hilton Garden Inn Denver/Cherry Creek

600 S Colorado Boulevard Denver, Colorado


Enjoy in-person gaming with The Contract’s devs and biggest fans, as well as sneak-previews, merchandise, and more!

It will be a small convention (probably around 30-40 people). Most people will be attending to socialize and hang out with other fans of The Contract.


Con-con ticket

Two-day Tickets are $50 and cover entry to the event for both days. A one-day ticket costs $25 and covers one day.

Please arrive on-time at 10:00 AM so you can get into a Contract! We recommend coming with at least one newbie Contractor created and ready to play.

Some drinks and light snacks will be provided, and meals can be purchased at the hotel or surrounding restaurants.

If the proceeds from the tickets exceed the cost to reserve venue, we’ll re-invest the excess into additional snacks and drinks.


Saturday + Sunday at the Hilton Garden Inn Denver / Cherry Creek from 10:00AM - 6:00PM

All day both days:

  • Merch table with some official merch and also some fan-made Contract merchandise (if you have anything you would like to sell, please email me at ).
  • Kevin Sparkles memorial friendship bracelet making station.
  • First annual Contract Con poster signing
  • Preview art prints from the upcoming book
  • Ongoing raffle entry
    • Tickets granted for in-game events like botches, Outcomes that exceed dice pools, epic moments, golden ratios, character deaths, etc.


Free Play: On Saturday, people will play any Contractors and level they’d like. GMs schedule games ahead of time with a max RSVP of 3 Players. Schedule the Contracts in this Playgroup

(You can move them to another Playgroup before the game starts)


  • 10:00 AM - Doors open
  • 10:30 AM - Welcome toast and ceremony
  • 10:45 AM - Day 1 matchmaking.
    • We take roll to see who is interested in playing or GMing who doesn’t yet have a group and form new groups or assign them to existing groups as necessary so everyone gets a chance to play. 
    • This is why pre-scheduled Contracts have a max RSVP of 3 Players! Saving room for people without groups so everyone gets a chance to play. 
  • 11:00 AM - 5:45 PM - Contracts are played. Lunch breaks are self-organized. There are many nearby restaurants.
    • People whose Contracts finish early can enjoy some assorted board games
  • 5:45 PM - First day closing toast


Main Event: Misroi will be coordinating a vast, multi-GM contract for newbie Contractors!

Bonus: Come dressed as your Contractor to receive a prize!


  • 10:00 AM - Doors open
  • 10:30 AM - Matchmaking and organization for main event
  • 10:45 AM - 5:30 PM - Playing the main event! Lunch breaks are again self-organized.
    • People whose Contracts finish early can enjoy some assorted board games



  • This event is for ages 18+.
  • No weapons allowed.
  • If you’re banned on the Discord server, you’re also banned from this event.


  • We will maintain a zero-tolerance policy for harassment, abuse, or disorderly conduct. We reserve the right to bar entry or remove anyone for any reason in order to provide a safe, inviting, and appropriate atmosphere for our guests. Refunds will not be granted.
  • We are guests at this hotel. We expect all attendees to respect the staff, other guests, and the property of the venue.
  • No nudity, indecent exposure, or inappropriate touching.


  • Any alcohol consumed on-premises must be purchased at the hotel’s bar.
  • Although cannabis is legal in Colorado, you cannot consume it on-premises.
  • Over-inebriated individuals will be removed from the venue.
  • No illegal substances or underaged drug use.

Travel and Accommodations

Denver airport is the world’s 6th busiest airport and a hub for 3 major airlines. Don’t assume flights will be expensive! We recommend flying Southwest, but also check United and Frontier’s rates.

You are free to stay anywhere you’d like. The Double Tree hotel across the street from the convention is a great deal.

The Hilton Garden Inn


If you have any questions or feedback, please email