Patch 0.0.2 - This Time it’s Personal
Site Updates
New Feature: Profiles
Every member of The Contract’s website now has a personalized Profile that displays all sorts of helpful information. This includes a unique Player Title and GM Title that summarize just what kind of a Player or GM they are. The profiles also include stats, a customizable “about” section, and quick links to the member’s Contractors, Games, Scenarios, and Cells.
You can view profiles by clicking on usernames throughout the site. You can view your own profile by clicking your username in the navbar after logging in.
New Feature: Contractor Bios
Got a cool backstory for your Contractor? Awesome! Why not share it? With Contractor bios, you can expand the “essentials” section of your Character Sheets to reveal an editable biography.
New Feature: News and Updates
You know the part of the site you’re on right now? Yeah, all this is new this update! This is the official source for all news and updates from The Contract.
Bug Fixes
We fixed a number of small website bugs and performance improvements this release. (But we also deploy minor fixes without explicitly announcing them.)
New Base Powers
We have added six new Base Powers in this update, complete with example Stock Powers!
- Illusion: Create illusory images and objects
- Extra Appendage: Replace a missing body part or get a new one. (note: this replaces the ‘extra appendage’ Enhancements on Augmentation)
- Repair: Fix broken things
- Project Senses: Observe from far away
- Commune: Speak to intelligences that cannot be spoken with
- Pyromancy: Control fire at will
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