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Patch 24.10.0 - 900 Contracts of Fixes

Our last patch was in March. That was before we started the Kickstarter, and there have been an incredible 904 Contracts played since then. This new, huge patch addresses almost all of the feedback we’ve received and issues we’ve encountered since March. Enjoy!

Patch Highlights

Spawn Minion Rewrite

The Spawn Minion Effect has been completely rewritten. Highlights of the new version include Companions, Sapient minions, and a bunch of new Enhancements. Check it out in the Gift Builder.

Repel is now “Push / Pull”

The “Repel” Effect has been replaced entirely with a new “Push / Pull” Effect. We’re really excited to see what crazy maneuvers and combos people pull off (or push off) with all its cool new capabilities. Check it out in the Gift Builder.

Other Gift Updates

Beyond the Effect reworks, this patch adds 40 new Enhancements, 6 new Drawbacks, and a metric crap-ton of adjustments to existing systems. Traumatize, Possession, Read Memory, Signature Item, Extra Appendage, Medical Mastery, and Mythic Brawn got some especially big changes and/or additions.

Artifacts are now more obviously Alien, and all Gifts have guidance on whether or not they appear Alien when used.

Sharing Scenarios

You can now share your Scenarios with other Players without creating a Contract and having them RSVP as a Ringer. Simply go to the Scenario’s writeup and click the “Share” button.

System Updates

The base system has received several changes. Brawl is no longer a Primary Ability (replaced by Melee), the Experience penalty for playing Contracts in other Playgroups has been decreased, Moves grant GMs more Experience, and the rules for Will to Survive and Severe Injuries have been tweaked. Read on for more details.

Website Updates

New additions

  • Added Contractor Status tier icons throughout the site
  • Added Scenario Sharing
  • Added each Playgroup member’s last activity date to the Members tab of the “View Playgroup” page.
  • Added Kickstarter backer banners to profile pages

Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed an Artifact Crafting bug where holding certain items would cause a character’s crafting screen to break
  • Fixed blank bullet points in Gift systems
  • Fixed a bug with questionnaires that would cause them to become unanswerable
  • Improved the loading speed of Playgroups
  • Improved the load time and look of the Graveyard
  • Improved the look of the patch notes page
  • Made the “start Contract” button not take a billion years to load

System Updates


  • Removed Brawl as a Primary Ability
    • Reasoning: it felt unnecessarily expensive to separate Brawl and Melee, and it simplifies learning the game.
  • When taking an Injury with Severity 4 or greater, if it makes narrative sense, the GM may opt to destroy equipment on the character instead of giving a Battle Scar.
  • Proper Stabilization requirements for a Severity 5 Injury changed to: “Basic surgery tools, and a stable, sterile, and well-lit environment.”
    • From: “Field surgery kit (e.g. splints, field surgery tools, morphine, refrigerated donor blood).”
  • You may now take a maximum of 5 Assets or Liabilities that grant/cost Exp at Character Creation
  • Changed “Will to Survive” to “reduce an incoming Injury by up to 5 levels to a minimum of Severity 5”
    • From “reduce an incoming Injury by up to 4 levels to a minimum of Severity 4”.
    • Reasoning: This change keeps Will to Survive focused on one-shot-protection instead of standard combat situations. It also clarifies the severity of the Battle Scar received when it is invoked.
  • Added to Shotguns: When Attacking a target between 10 and 30 feet away, you deal +1 Damage.
  • You can no longer “bank” Gifts and Improvements to get more than 2 free Artifact Craftings per Downtime.
  • Firearms require a Called Shot to hit targets who are actively engaged in melee combat with others. Failure deals half damage to one target at the GM’s discretion.
  • Added to the Mob Rules
    • Horde: Mobs that contain dozens of members and that will never retreat are classified as a horde. Hordes use the normal mob rules but cannot be eliminated. Killing at least 5 members in a single Round prevents them from attacking for 1 Round.
  • Added to guide: “Repairing Equipment”
    • Repairing equipment takes at least a day as well as the proper tools, materials, and an Intellect + Crafts roll. You may similarly repair destroyed Crafted and Legendary Artifacts that you created as long as more than half of the original item remains.
  • Non-victorious Contracts no longer raise your bonus Exp cap.
  • GMing Moves with a full writeup is now worth 3 Exp.
  • The bonus for playing in your home Playgroup is now only 1 Exp (from 2). The base Exp reward has been increased by 1. (Effectively, the penalty for playing out-of-Playgroup has been reduced to 1 Exp from 2 Exp).
  • Clarified that you can’t react to a single Action twice (e.g. with Desperate Defense or Mythic Dexterity).

New Battle Scars

  • Minor (Severity 4)
    • Bleeder. The Injury that caused this Battle Scar degrades every minute instead of every 30 minutes. When the Injury is Stabilized, remove this Battle Scar.
  • Severe (Severity 6)
    • Gusher: The Injury that caused this Battle Scar degrades every 2 Rounds instead of every 30 minutes. When the Injury is Stabilized, remove this Battle Scar.

Assets / Liabilities / Limits

  • Liability “Scarred” changed to: “Your body is damaged in a way that just won’t heal right. Start with a Battle Scar. Must be at least a Major scar that cannot be healed for your first 5 Contracts. Requires GM approval.”
    • From: “Your body is damaged in a way that just won’t heal right. Start with a Battle Scar. Must be at least a Major scar. Requires GM approval.”
  • Liability “Scarred” value changed to 7 from 6.
  • Asset Nimble Fingers changed to: “You receive a +2 dice bonus to any non-combat Action that requires fine manual dexterity.”
    • From: “You receive a +2 dice bonus to any action that requires fine manual dexterity.”
  • Limit Murder changed to: “Make a Trauma roll if you ever kill or purposefully assist in killing someone for a reason other than immediate self-defense.”
    • From: “Make a Trauma roll if you ever kill someone for a reason other than immediate self-defense.”
  • Removed Limit Lifesaver
  • Added Liability: Lifesaver (4) You cannot bear the guilt of taking a life. (Requires the Murder Limit. In addition to murder, if you are ever responsible for someone else’s death, either through action or inaction, make a Trauma roll.)
  • Asset Lizard Brain changed to: “As long as your Intellect rating is 1, being reduced to 0 Mind does not Incapacitate you. Stress still applies in full.”
    • From: “As long as your Intellect rating is 1, being reduced to 0 Mind does not incapacitate you. Instead, you are able to continue to take Actions, though you are limited to dog-like level of intelligence, and Penalty still applies in full.”
  • Asset Bounce Back changed to: “Whenever one of your severe Injuries is Properly Stabilized without a Gift, reduce its Severity by 1. Your stabilized Injuries heal 4 Severity levels per month instead of the standard 2.”
    • From: “Whenever one of your severe Injuries is Properly Stabilized, reduce its Severity by 1. Your stabilized Injuries heal 4 Severity levels per month instead of the standard 2.”
  • Asset “Wealthy” renamed to  “Finances: Wealthy”

Gift Updates

Effect Rewrites

  • Completely rewrote the “Spawn Minions” Effect.
  • Replaced the “Repel” Effect with a new “Push / Pull” Effect.

General Gifts

  • Added new visibility requirements to all Artifacts:
    • Activated/Targeted/consumable/trap: “You must obviously use this Artifact to activate this Effect. When activating this Effect, this Artifact is obviously Alien and cannot be concealed under your clothes or similar.”
    • Passive: “You must wear or wield this Artifact plainly to receive these benefits. While you are receiving any benefits from this Effect, this Artifact is obviously Alien and cannot be concealed under your clothes or similar.”
  • Obscure: “Anyone who detects you and knows you are obscured will be able to tell that this Artifact is responsible.”
  • Functional: “When actively using this Artifact in any way that exceeds what a mundane counterpart could do, it is obviously Alien and cannot be concealed under your clothes or similar.”
  • Container of holding: “This Artifact does not need to appear obviously Alien, although it will be apparent when storing or withdrawing impossibly large items.”
  • Reasoning: Artifacts come with a lot of benefits, and their primary drawback is that they can be lost or stolen. These changes make it clearer that they are meant to be overt, powerful items to be coveted and targeted.
  • Added new visibility requirements to most non-concealed Activated, Targeted, and Trap Powers: “This Effect is obviously Alien when used.”
    • Exempted Effects: Mark, Investigate Object, Investigate Individual, Investigate Area, Detect Objects, Detect Beings, Obscure, Mend Trauma, Inevitable Comeback, Suggestion, Illusion, Fascinate, Binding Oath, Command Creature.
    • Exempted Effects receive the following text: “This Effect is not obviously Alien when used.”
    • Exempted Effects without the new “Overt” Drawback receive the following text: “This Effect may or may not be obviously Alien when used.”
    • Removed Enhancement “Concealed” from all exempted Effects.
  • Added new Drawback to some Effects that are exempted from the new Alien visibility requirements:  “Overt” (This Effect is obviously Alien and eye-catching across its range to those witnessing it, and you are obviously the source.)
    • Added to Mark, Investigate Object, Investigate Individual, Investigate Area, Detect Objects, Detect Beings, Suggestion, Illusion, Fascinate.
  • Drawback “Disturbing” now requires “Overt” when available.
  • Certain Trap style Effects did not have Resistance rolls. These have been restored.
  • The Trap style now costs -1 Gift point.
  • You can no longer “bank” Gifts and Improvements to get an outsized number of free Artifact or Consumable craftings on a single Downtime. Maximum of 2 free Artifact craftings and 4 free Consumable craftings.
    • Reasoning: While I appreciate the brinksmanship aspect of banking gifts/improvements, it really increases the potential to have too many high level artifacts floating around. Plus it doesn’t make sense in-game and feels video-game-y and mechanical.

Common Enhancements

  • Enhancement “Conduit” changed to: “You may use this Effect at unlimited range, but you require a token of your target to do so. One activation per token. The chosen token must be an object that the target actively created or that was in the target’s possession for at least 24 hours.” [For example, a sample of the target’s blood, an object of sentimental value to the target, a sample of the target’s handwriting, a drop of the target’s blood, a corpse of someone the target killed, a piece of art created by the target,  etc.]
    • From: “You may use this Effect at unlimited range, but you require a token of your target to do so, such as a track of the target, a body part of the target, etc. One activation per token.” [Token types examples: a track of the target, a body part of the target, a mirror that has reflected the target, an object of sentimental value to the target, a sample of the target’s handwriting, etc.]
    • Reasoning: Conduit has been too easy to achieve, leading to boring gameplay.
  • Enhancement “Voodoo Doll” changed to: “​​This Effect has unlimited range, but you must use up a token of your target to do so. One activation per target per day. The chosen token must be an object that the target actively created or that was in the target’s possession for at least 24 hours.” [For example, a sample of the target’s blood, an object of sentimental value to the target, a sample of the target’s handwriting, a drop of the target’s blood, a corpse of someone the target killed, a piece of art created by the target, etc.]
    • From: “This Effect has unlimited range, but you require a token of your target to use it, such as a track of the target, a body part of the target, etc. One activation per target per day.” [Token types examples: a track of the target, a body part of the target, a mirror that has reflected the target, an object of sentimental value to the target, a sample of the target’s handwriting, etc.]
  • Enhancement Finesse changed to: “When Attacking a single target, you may limit the Severity of any Injury you inflict or determine a maximum Wound Level, including Incapacitated. You may also choose to make this Injury properly or improperly stabilized, or to keep it unstabilized.”
    • From: “You may limit the Severity of any Injury you inflict or determine a maximum Wound Level to inflict on the target, including Incapacitated. You may also choose to make this Injury properly or improperly stabilized, or to keep it unstabilized.”
    • Reasoning: Finesse converts weapons into solutions to many interpersonal issues, which is very powerful. Comboing AOE attacks and effects with Finesse allows weapon-wielders to control crowds far too easily.
  • Added  new Enhancement “Virtuoso’s Vessel” to the Functional Style: “When using this Device for its primary purpose, you always roll a minimum of 8 dice. Excludes Effect activation rolls.” [For example, Artifact Weapons would grant the bonus for Attacking, Defending, or Clashing. Artifact vehicles would grant the bonus for driving.]
  • Enhancement Cantrip changed to “Activating this Effect has no Exertion cost, but it can have no more than 3 Drawbacks and its Gift Cost can never be increased above 2.”
    • From: “Activating this Effect has no Exertion cost, but its Gift Cost can never be increased above 2.”
  • Replaced Enhancement Cantrip on Legendary Artifacts with new Enhancement Self-Powered:  “Activating this Effect has no Exertion cost, but it can have no more than 3 Drawbacks and its Gift Cost can never be increased above 1.”
  • Enhancement Strict Regimen changed to: “Upon treatment, you may specify a clearly-defined behavior that the patient must adhere to. If they violate the rule, the treatment is immediately reversed. Lasts until the end of their next Contract or 1 month for non-Contractors.”
    • From: “Upon treatment, you may specify a clearly-defined behavior that the patient must adhere to. If they violate the rule, the treatment is immediately reversed.”
  • Consumable Enhancement Ammo added Extended System text: “The Attack roll used to activate this Consumable cannot be at a Difficulty lower than 6. You may only use one Consumable per Action.”
  • Trap Enhancement “Purpose-Built” renamed to “Specialized Snare”
  • Enhancement “Relocate” changed to: “You may choose not to pay this Effect’s activation cost. When you activate this Effect, if it is active from a previous activation where you didn’t pay, that Effect ends.”
    • From: “This Effect does not have an activation cost. When activated, if this Effect is active from a previous activation, the previous Effect ends.”
  • Enhancement “Relocate” can no longer be taken on Consumable Gift Types or the Functional Style.
  • Enhancement “Catch a Whiff” can no longer be taken on Consumable Gift Types.

Common Drawbacks

  • Drawback “Disfiguring” system text changed to: “Anyone who touches this Artifact will notice it warping their body and may drop it. If they choose to hold or use it, they immediately receive the following Battle Scar: . If they lose possession of this Artifact, the Battle Scar heals over the course of the next day.”
    • From: “Possession of this Artifact causes the following Battle Scar to manifest over the course of a day: . If they lose possession of this Artifact, the Battle Scar heals over the course of the next day.”
    • Reasoning: Bringing this into line with Maddening’s system for all the same reasons.
  • Drawback “Sacrifice” changed to “Instead of Exerting your Mind or expending Source, activating this Effect gives a Severity-1 Injury that worsens by 1 Severity each time you use an Effect with Sacrifice. This Injury cannot be prevented by any means or healed before 1 day has passed.”  [This Injury does not require Stabilization or cause Battle Scars when it becomes Severe]
    • From “Activating this Effect requires you to take a Severity-1 Injury instead of Exerting your Mind or spending a point of Source. This Injury heals in 1 day and cannot be prevented or prematurely healed by any means.”
    • Reasoning: This makes Sacrifice more viable for where it’s flavor-appropriate.
  • Drawback “Scarring” (self-scarring version) removed from the game.
    • Reasoning: This Drawback was only on a couple of Effects to begin with, but we felt that the system as written allowed for “Downtime-only” Drawback stacking and its flavor was covered by Sacrifice.
  • Drawback “Focused Investigation” changed to:  “You learn only one type of information about the target per use.”
    • From: “You learn only one type of information about the target per use. You cannot investigate the same target more than once per hour.”
  • Drawback “Traumatizing” changed to: “Your target must make a Trauma roll to reap the benefits of this Effect. They may choose to Resist the Effect and not make the roll.”
    • From: “Your target must make a trauma roll to reap the benefits of this Effect.”
  • Drawback “Traumatic” changed to “You must make a Trauma roll when you use this Effect. Its Difficulty cannot be reduced by any means. If you fail or Botch, you receive one Mind Damage and a new Trauma.”
    • From: “You must make a Trauma roll when you use this Effect. Its Difficulty cannot be reduced by any means.”

Effect Updates


  • Added new Enhancement: Symptom: Assimilate (Over the next hour, the target transforms into a different species of humanoid being with its own diet, Conditions, and environmental needs. If they are not cured within their Body score in hours, the change is permanent.) [Examples include werewolves, ghouls, cyborgs, vampires, etc. Changes can dramatically affect the target’s lifestyle, metabolism, appearance, urges, etc. Benefits from the transformation should be clearly outweighed by its drawbacks. The new form’s Conditions must be detailed in the Extended Description and are subject to Playgroup Leader Approval] (Requires Seasoned)
  • Added extended system text: “This Effect’s symptoms do not stack with themselves on multiple applications.”

Alternate Form

  • Attribute Bonus Parameters changed to [0 (default), 2, 3 (Seasoned)]
  • Enhancement Final Form changed to: “If you take Injuries totaling 4 Severity or higher while transformed, you recover all Injuries and change into your final form. All dice rolls are at -1 Difficulty for the next minute or until this Effect ends. Cooldown 1 day.”
    • From: “If you take a Severity 4 or higher Injury while transformed, you change into your final form. All dice rolls are at -1 Difficulty for the next minute or until this Effect ends”
  • Enhancement Final Form can no longer be taken with Drawback Super Shroom

Amorphous Transformation

  • Removed Enhancement “Switch”


  • Enhancement “Sorcerous Animation” can no longer be taken with Enhancement “Imbue”
    • Reasoning: The goal here is to reduce the power of “hyper-optimized cheesy” builds.
  • Added Errata to Enhancement “Sorcerous Animation”: “Animated Artifacts cannot use Battery Pool”.
  • Added extended system text: “If an indestructible object is animated, the animation ends in any event where the base object would have been destroyed.”

Archery Mastery

  • Added to the base system: Drawing your weapon does not require a Quick Action as long as it is on your person.
  • Removed Enhancement Razor String
    • Reasoning: it just kinda sucked, and it didn’t need to exist in the first place, so there’s no reason to fix it.


  • Added Gift Errata: “This Effect’s Armor rating cannot be increased by any other Effects.”
    • Reasoning: In an effort to reduce boring min-maxing and keep the numbers-go-up arms race in check, we’re clamping down on stacking Armor with Upgrade. Upgrade “Armorer” Enhancement  is still quite good on mundane armors, and the other aspects do still apply.
  • Enhancement “The Critical Hour” changed to: “Any Injury received from Damage that was reduced by this Armor is considered Makeshift Stabilized and will not degrade further, and any Battle Scar caused by them is reduced by 1 level. You may attempt a single Proper Stabilization on such Injuries.”
    • From: “Any Injury received from Damage that was reduced by this Armor is considered makeshift stabilized and will not degrade further. Any Battle Scar received from such an Injury is reduced by 1 level to a minimum of a Minor Battle Scar.”
  • Enhancement “Immaterial” changed to: “Your Armor cannot be destroyed, and it always provides a minimum of 2 Armor regardless of any Armor shredding or penetration. It cannot be circumvented with Called Shots. When shredded, it returns to full potency in one hour.”
    • From: “Your Armor cannot be destroyed, and it always provides a minimum of 2 Armor regardless of any Armor penetration. It cannot be circumvented with Called Shots.”
  • Improved Enhancement “Non-Combatant”’s system text rendering.
    • [put the actual armor values in the system text instead of the deltas]
  • Enhancement “Non-Combatant”’s changed to: “Your Armor’s rating is increased by 2. If you take an Action that Damages, restricts, or otherwise negatively affects another being, your Armor’s rating is decreased by 3 for one minute. This penalty does not stack with itself.”
    • From: “Your Armor’s rating is increased by 2. If you Attack, Clash, or initiate a Contested roll, your Armor’s rating is decreased by 3 for one minute. This penalty does not stack with itself.”
  • Enhancement “Specialized” can no longer be taken with “Non-Combatant”
  • Added the Power Gift Type’s system: “When shredded, it returns to full potency in one hour.”


  • Added Extended System Text: “Example environments for adaptation: space, all saltwater, all fresh water, all water under 50 feet deep, all water deeper than 50 feet, the jungle, radioactive areas, a specific alien world, etc.”
  • Specialized system changed to: “You receive +2 dice to a particular non-combat, non-Effect Action.”
    • From: “You receive +2 dice to a particular non-combat Action.”
  • You can now take Augment as Artifact Crafting.
  • Enhancement “Chimera” changed to: “By transplanting a body part from an Alien being, you can grant an intrinsic Effect from that part to the subject. Its power level should be limited to one Gift Point or less.”
    • From: “By transplanting a body part from another creature, you can grant a Powers intrinsic to that body part to the subject.”


  • Clarified system text on “Bubble Shield” that the 2x multiplier applies to both the Outcome and the bonus
  • Improved the system text for Enhancement “Reflect” to actually state the maximum damage.
  • Removed Enhancement “Conditionally Costless”
    • Reasoning: Effects that elongate encounters and promote turtling should be less free.
  • Fixed a bug with the “Too Slow” extended system text that mentioned dodging.
  • Added to extended system text: “Effects with circumvent Armor completely also circumvent your barrier.”


  • Radius Parameter changed to: [10, 25 (default), 50 (seasoned), 150 (veteran)]
    • From:  [10, 25 (default), 40 (seasoned), 100 (veteran)]
  • Added a new Parameter “Range”: [15 (default), 100 (seasoned), 1000 (veteran)]
    • This Parameter affects how far you can be from the edge of the blast radius.
  • Fixed system text rendering on the Trap style of Blast.
    • [Blast trap text is screwy: Exert your Mind and spend 30 seconds to trap a region of any shape that contains your current location and fits entirely no further than 40 feet from you and in your line of sight.]

Command Creature

  • Added to the base system: “Targets with Body ratings higher than 10 require a Charisma + Animals roll resisted by the target’s Body. Kaiju and environment-scale targets are immune.”


  • Enhancement “Glib Tongue” changed to “While active and speaking to a single individual, you may choose to use glib tongue. When you do, anything you say to them (even gibberish) will be exactly what they want to hear. You gain no understanding of what that might be.” [GM’s tip: Using this for long periods will almost certainly be suspicious. And remember: Most people are looking for the person in front of them to go away, and some people are looking for an excuse to fight someone.]
    • From: “While active, you may choose to use glib tongue. When you do, anything you say (even gibberish) will be exactly what the target wants to hear. You gain no understanding of what that might be.”

Container of Holding

  • Enhancement “Suitcase Prison” changed to: “Any Animate being placed inside your container cannot break free.”
    • From: “Any creature placed inside your container cannot break free.”
  • Added to the Extended System: “A container of holding cannot be placed inside another created by the same Gift.”
  • Removed “Container” field from base system.
  • Base system changed to: “This Artifact holds X times what it normally could. Objects stored inside are weightless.”
    • From: “This Artifact can be used as a container. It is roughly the same size as a ________ and just as difficult to conceal. Your ________ holds X times what it normally could. Objects stored inside are weightless.”
  • Enhancement “Flexible” changed to: “On a Downtime, you may change this Artifact from one type of container to another. Maximum once per Downtime.”
    • From: “You may change the type of your container between Contracts.”
  • Removed Drawback “Traumatic”
  • Added new level to the Size Multiplier Parameter: “100x (requires Veteran)”
  • Added new Enhancement Purpose-Built (Your container’s size multiplier is multiplied by 5, but it can only store one very specific type of Object or material.)

Creature Possession

  • Base system changed to: “You may perceive through your original body’s senses by Concentrating. If your original body is touched, you may roll Perception + Alertness to notice.”
    • From: “You may perceive through your original body’s senses, at a -2 penalty to all Actions while doing so. If your original body is touched, you get a Perception check to notice.”
  • Added to base system: “Targets with Body ratings higher than 10 require a Charisma + Animals roll resisted by the target’s Body. Kaiju and environment-scale targets are immune.”
  • Enhancement “Immortal Form” changed to: “Select a Creature type. If you die and there is a Creature of that type within a mile, flip a coin. If you succeed, you possess that Creature indefinitely instead of dying.”
    • From: “Select a creature type. If you die and there is a Creature of that type within a mile, you instead possess them indefinitely.”

Creature Transformation

  • Added to Extended System text: “The form you take must have the same stats and abilities as a single, extant animal of the relevant size.”
  • Drawback “Cryptid” changed to: “The forms you take are obviously unusual, unnatural, or alien, and the average person will take a special interest in you. Your stats and abilities must still match a single, extant animal of the relevant size.” [For example, this Effect lets you turn into a giant spider with wings, but you would need other Effects to spin webbing stronger than steel cables or fly.]
    • From: “The forms you take are obviously unusual, unnatural, or alien, and the average person will take a special interest in you.”

Detect Beings

  • Removed Triggered Enhancement
  • Added to the Extended System: “This Effect does not satisfy the line of sight targeting requirement for other Effects.”
  • Detected Beings guidance changed to: “Must apply to less than half of all Animate targets. E.g. “humans”, “criminals”, “robots”, “the undead”. Can’t be based on the being’s intentions. ”
    • From: “Must apply to less than half of all Animate targets. E.g. “humans”, “criminals”, “robots”, “the undead””

Detect Objects

  • Removed Triggered Enhancement
  • Added to the Extended System: “This Effect does not satisfy the line of sight targeting requirement for other Effects.”
  • “Detected Objects” guidance changed to: “Must be a flavorful, narrow subset of objects and not all-encompassing. e.g. “explosives”, “items of emotional value”, “treasure”, “computers”, “animal products”. Blanket “Alien” objects or “Artifacts” are not a valid choice.”
    • From: “e.g. “explosives”, “items of emotional value”, “treasure”, “computers”, “animal products””


  • Enhancement “Fashionista” errata changed to: “This does not grant or store Equipment. This does not allow you to change the appearance of Artifacts or conceal their Alien appearance.”
    • From: “This does not grant or store Equipment.”

Emotion Control

  • Enhancement “Chain of Screaming” is now optional for each cast.

Energy Transfer

  • Added the errata from the Drawback “Sloppy Technique” to the system text.
  • Added a Range Parameter: “arm’s reach (default), 80 feet, 200 feet (Seasoned)”
  • Added new Enhancement: “Attune” (You and another target within range may spend one minute Concentrating to attune to one another. For the next 4 hours, you may use this Effect on them at any range.)
  • Removed the Enhancement “Head Case” from Artifact Crafting.
    • Reasoning: Bringing this into line with Artifact Crafting not being able to heal Traumas easily.

Environment Control

  • Removed Enhancement “Selective” and made the behavior default.
  • Added guidance to the top of the Effect that Zone Effects are limited to 2 for Novices.
  • Changed the system of Enhancement “Danger Zone” to: “The area is extremely inhospitable. At the end of each Round, everyone in the zone must roll for Acute Exposure.”
    • “Something about the area is particularly dangerous. At the end of each Round, everyone in the zone must roll Body at Difficulty 8. Anyone who fails or botches receives a Severity-1 Injury.”
  • Added new Enhancement “Zone Effect: The Veil” (Any being or recording device outside the zone that sees an Alien phenomena within the zone will not see it to be Alien in nature, instead “filling in the blank” with some mundane explanation for what they’re seeing. Those inside are unaffected.) [Mundane phenomena can still be alarming. For example, instead of seeing someone summon chain lightning from their hands, they may see them opening up with an automatic rifle.]
    • Requires: Seasoned, Subtle
  • Added new Enhancement “Zone Effect: No Comms” (Any being inside the zone cannot communicate in any way with any being outside the zone and vice-versa.)

Extra Appendage

  • Added to base system: “Each additional appendage you have gives you +1 dice to make and resist Grapples (up to a maximum bonus of +4 dice).”
  • Added new Enhancement “Another One, Thank You” (You gain an additional appendage.)
    • (Can be taken up to 4 times)
  • Added new Enhancement: Durga’s Might (Instead of a Quick Action, each additional limb you possess grants you a full physical Action each Round. This Action cannot be used to Attack, Grapple, Defend, activate Effects, or perform a Sprint).
    • Requires Veteran
  • Drawback “Mind of its Own” changed to: “Your appendage has its own agenda, which it will attempt to follow. You must roll Self-Control to reassert control when this occurs. If this occurs during Combat, it gets its own dice pool, and stopping it costs your entire Action.”
    • From: “Your appendage has its own agenda, which it will attempt to follow. You must roll Self-Control to reassert control when this occurs. If it chooses to act counter to your desires in Combat, it gets its own Action and controlling it costs your Action.”
  • Enhancement “Sticky Grip” changed to: “You may dedicate your extra Quick Action to contest any attempt to escape your Grapples. If you do so, you roll your full dice pool to contest and retain your Action to do anything that does not target the subject of your Grapple.”
    • From: “You may dedicate your extra Quick Action to contest any attempt to escape your Grapples. If you do so, you roll your full dice pool to contest and retain your Action.”
  • Enhancement “Reach” errata changed to: “You may stretch, retract, or move your limbs a great distance once per Round.”
    • From: “You may stretch or retract your limbs once per Round on your Initiative.”

Extraordinary Vehicle

  • Added new Enhancement: “Force Field” (You may Exert your Mind and spend an Action or Reaction to ignore all Damage done to your vehicle this Round).
    • Requires: Seasoned.


  • Added a “Action or Reaction” Cast Time Parameter level.
  • Added new Enhancement “Fire Hose” (You may produce some specific, common material with this Effect without Exerting your Mind or making a roll. The amount produced is double your normal maximum volume.) [For example, “dirt”, “water”, “cotton candy,” “plants”, “yarn”]


  • Added Errata to Enhancement “Dazzle”: “This interrupts Concentration”

Firearm Mastery

  • Enhancement Double Tap changed to: “If you are wielding more than one firearm, you may make a single Attack roll to attack that many targets, splitting the Outcome evenly between them, discarding any remainder. You may always perform a full-auto sweep when wielding multiple firearms.”
    • From: “If you are wielding more than one firearm, you may make a single Attack roll to attack that many targets, splitting the Outcome evenly between them. You choose which target is hit by each weapon and how to allocate any remaining Outcome.”
  • Enhancement “Double Tap” renamed to “Guns Akimbo”


  • Added to the base system: “You may hover in place mid-air.”
  • Enhancement “Gust” changed to: “You may Exert your Mind and spend an Action to create a powerful gust of wind, knocking back everything within 50 feet in a 120 degree cone. Targets that are secured or weigh more than 600 pounds are unaffected.”
    • From: “You are able to create a powerful gust of wind, knocking back anyone within 50 feet in a 120 degree cone.”
  • Enhancement “Gust” system text changed to: “You can use your ___ to create a mighty gust. Exert your Mind, spend an Action, and roll Brawn + Athletics. Everything within 50 feet in a 120 degree cone is knocked back Outcome x 10 feet and falls down. They may spend a Reaction to grab onto something if available. Affects targets under 600 pounds.”
    • From: Gust: “You can use your __ to create a mighty gust. Exert your Mind and roll Brawn + Athletics, Difficulty 6. All beings within 50 feet in a 120 degree cone are knocked back 10 feet and fall down. They may React to grab onto something stable nearby as an anchor.”
  • Added new Drawback Clumsy Flight (Any roll to land or maneuver in the air is rolled at +2 Difficulty. When you fail or botch, take a Severity-1 Injury.)
  • Added Drawback “Icarus” to Power Gift Type.


  • Added extended system text: “You cannot hack things outside of your range over remote connections such as the internet. The system you are affecting must be physically within range.”
    • Reasoning: Hack absolutely should be able to hack things over the internet, but until we are able to offer reasonable guidance on the limitations / dangers of doing so, we are disabling that ability for now. There are limits to what a Contractor should be able to accomplish without being physically present or in danger.

Heal Scars

  • Added to base system: If used on a Battle Scar caused by an Unstabilized Injury, that Injury is Stabilized.
  • Added Enhancement “Easy” to Targeted Style
  • Added new Enhancement “Full Service” (When activating this Effect, you may target up to 4 Battle Scars on the same being).
  • Enhancement “Glimpse the Unbroken” changed to: “When activating this Effect, you may choose to only spend an Action. If you do, the effects only last a day.”
    • From: “Treatment only takes an Action to complete, but the effects only last a day.”

Heightened Senses

  • Added new Drawback “Compensating for Something” (Your Disfiguring Battle Scar is complete blindness.) (Requires Disfiguring).
  • Enhancement Raccoon Hands changed to: “Touch: You can identify any material with a touch and immediately find what you are looking for when rummaging, assuming it is actually present. You may withdraw items from your bags with a Quick Action instead of an Action.” [“Rummaging” means digging through trash, finding a needle in a haystack, etc]
    • From: “Touch: You can pick up on subtle differences between textures with ease, and can immediately find what you are looking for when rummaging (digging through trash, finding a needle in a haystack, etc), assuming it is actually present.”
  • Added new Enhancement: “Sense: Other” (One of your senses is enhanced in a unique way, granting you additional information while it is available.) [Requires Playgroup Leader approval. Must also specify a base sense (e.g. “hearing” “sight”). Prefer requiring existing Detect Beings/Objects /Investigate Effects over using this Enhancement.]
  • Enhancement Supertaster changed to: “Taste: You can recognize any flavor you have previously tasted, and you may determine the composition of something based on its taste. You can immediately detect any poison or dangerous food or drink you taste and spit it out to avoid being dosed.”
    • From: “Taste: You can recognize any flavor you have previously tasted and name it, and may determine the composition of something based on its taste.”


  • Enhancement “Powerful Images” now requires Veteran status.

Inevitable Comeback

  • Enhancement “Dazed and Confused” changed to: “While incapacitated, you can take one Action per minute. Stress applies in full and cannot be reduced for any rolls demanded by the Action.”
    • From: “While incapacitated, you can take one Action per minute, starting one minute after you were incapacitated.”
  • Fixed System Text of the Enhancement “Safety Net” to do what it says in the Enhancement description.
  • Added to Base System: Unstabilized Injuries do not degrade while you are Incapacitated.
  • Enhancement Sleep it Off changed to: “When you recover from Incapacitated all of your remaining Injuries are reduced by 1 Severity.”
    • From: “After recovering, you may roll Body, Difficulty 7 to stabilize any remaining Injuries.”
  • Drawback Horcrux changed into an Enhancement.
  • Enhancement Horcrux changed to: “When you die, your body disappears and you leave behind some token. In order to bring you back, someone must perform a simple ritual using this token during a Downtime. You return fully healed of all Injuries.”
    • From: “You do not return to life automatically. Instead, your body leaves behind some token. A simple ritual must be performed with this token during a Downtime to regenerate your body.”
  • Enhancement Horcrux now requires Enhancement “Sleeper Agent”
  • Added new Drawback “Unnecessary Risk” (If this Effect would prevent you from dying, flip a coin. If you lose the flip, you die.)

Inhuman physiology

  • Enhancement “Environmental Adaptation” changed to: “There is a particular hostile environment that you are uniquely suited to survive in. Heat, cold, pressure, radiation, and other native hazards do not affect you. Dangerous local flora and fauna will not bother you unless you give them a reason.”
    • From: “There is a particular hostile environment that you are uniquely suited to survive in. Heat, cold, pressure, and other atmospheric hazards do not affect you, and dangerous local flora and fauna will not bother you unless you give them a reason.”
  • Removed Enhancement “Eternal”
  • Enhancement “Got No Life” changed to: “You are considered Non-Living, and your Injuries no longer degrade with time. You do not age naturally, and supernatural attempts to age you fail.”
    • From: “You are considered Non-Living, and your Injuries no longer degrade with time.”
  • Added errata to Enhancement “Got No Life”: “You must still perform some equivalent of eating, sleeping, and drinking unless other Effects allow you to ignore that requirement.”
  • Enhancement “Distributed Systems” changed to: “No single organ in your body is critical for life. Called Shots do no additional Damage to you. You may perceive the world through separated body parts, take Actions with them, and reattach them by spending an Action and Exerting your Mind.”
    • From: “No single organ in your body is critical for life. If any of your body parts are separated from your body, you may take Actions with the severed part for three hours. You may reattach severed body parts by spending an Action and Exerting your Mind.”
  • Enhancement “Toxic Body” changed to: “Any Animate being that consumes or is injected with your bodily fluids receives a Severity-1 Injury. Every Round, they must roll Body Difficulty 9. If they fail, the Injury worsens by 1 Severity. If they succeed, the Injury stops worsening.”
    • From: “Any creature that consumes or is injected with your bodily fluids receives a Severity-1 Injury. Every minute, they must roll Body Difficulty 9. If they fail, the Injury worsens by 1 Severity. If they succeed, the Injury stops worsening.”
  • Drawback “Vulnerable” can now be taken multiple times
  • Enhancement “Tools at Hand” errata changed to: “For example: ”medical equipment” or “carpentry tools.” Cannot cover more tools than would fit in a regular backpack (27 Liters). You cannot use this Enhancement to satisfy the requirements of the Focus Drawback, nor can the tools be shared. Subject to Playgroup Leader approval.”
    • From: “For example:”medical equipment”; or “carpentry tools.” Cannot cover more tools than would fit in a small tool chest. You cannot use this Enhancement to satisfy the requirements of the Focus Drawback, nor can the tools be shared. Subject to Playgroup Leader approval.”
  • Enhancement “Reach” changed to: “Your appendages have 30 feet of reach.”
    • From: “Your appendages can reach an additional 30 feet.”
  • Enhancement “Reach” errata changed to: “You may stretch, retract, or move your limbs a great distance once per Round.”
    • From: “You may stretch or retract your limbs once per Round on your Initiative.”


  • Gift Errata changed to: “Your target must be within line of sight.”
    • From: “Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift’s flavor.”
  • Enhancement “Internal Injury” changed to: “You may only target Living beings, but their Armor is completely ignored. This Effect deals 2 less Damage.”
    • From: “You may only target Living things, but any material Armor they are wearing is completely ignored.”
  • Added Enhancement Finesse
  • Enhancement “Acurrsed Wounds” changed to: “Any Injury inflicted is considered Unstabilized no matter its Severity. The roll required to Stabilize it is treated as though it is a minimum of Severity 6. These wounds do not heal naturally, though Effects may still be used to heal them.”
    • From: “Any Injury inflicted is considered unstabilized even if its Severity is less than 4. The equipment and roll required to Stabilize it is treated as though it is a minimum of Severity 6.”
  • Added new Enhancement: “Breath Attack” (You may choose to have this Effect Damage all targets in a perfectly straight line up to its maximum range.)
  • Range Parameter changed to: [arm’s reach, 50 feet (default), 300 feet, 1000 feet (seasoned), 1 mile (veteran), 10 miles]
    • From:  [arm’s reach, 45 feet (default), 300 feet, 1000 feet (seasoned), 1 mile, 10 miles (veteran), any range]

Investigate object

  • Added new Enhancement: “Who Dunnit” (If this target is destroyed or killed, you learn the name and appearance of the being responsible.)

Investigate Individual

  • Enhancement “Tracking” changed to: “The target’s trail for the past 24 hours is revealed to you and anyone you teach to follow it. This trail shows how long ago the target was there and is followable even when they are in a vehicle.”
    • From: “You may follow the target’s trail, no matter where or how they have traveled. You can only follow a trail made in the past 24 hours.”


  • Added Enhancement “Trail” (Marked targets leave a trail wherever they go that is visible only to you and those you teach to see it. This trail shows how long ago the target was there and is followable even when they are in a vehicle.)
  • Drawbacks “Easy to Resist”, “Disturbing”, “Focus”, “Fuel”, “Long Cast”, “Mutual Tracking”, and “Unattached Mark” now make it so you can only target Animate Beings when taken.
  • Enhancement Locus now requires Veteran status
  • Added Enhancement “Conduit” (requires Seasoned)

Medical mastery

  • Enhancement “Gifted” renamed to “In-Network Coverage”
  • Enhancement “In-Network Coverage” changed to: “Any rolls to provide medical treatment to a certain type of patient, including Effect activations, receive +2 dice.” [Examples include: people you’ve injured, non-humans, people you’ve seen witness a serious crime, etc]
    • From: “In certain circumstances, you receive +3 dice on any roll related to medical care.”
  • Enhancement “Surgeon Extraordinaire” changed to: “You may perform any mundane surgery in at most 5 minutes without inflicting or worsening an Injury, and recovery time is reduced to an hour.”
    • From: “You may perform any mundane surgery without inflicting or worsening an Injury, and recovery time is reduced to an hour.”
  • Added new Enhancement “Bedside Manner” (Whenever you successfully provide major medical treatment to a patient, they recover 1 Mind. A patient cannot recover more than one Mind per day in this way.)
  • Added new Enhancement “Take-backsies” (You may spend a Free Action to revert any Health Effect you used on another being within the past 24 hours.)
  • Added new Enhancement “Unconventional Methods” (When Stabilizing an Injury, you may opt to attempt a Makeshift Stabilization instead at Severity +2 Difficulty. If your Outcome is 4 or higher, the Injury is reduced by 2 Severity levels and its Battle Scar is set on the road to recovery.) [Outcomes less than 4 have the same effect as normal for Makeshift Stabilizations.]

Melee mastery

  • Enhancement “Two Swords are Better Than One” changed to: “If you are wielding more than one melee weapon, you may Attack with all using the highest Weapon Damage, plus 1 for each additional weapon. If you reserve a weapon, any Clash or Defend roll you make is -1 Difficulty, and mob penalties are ignored.” [Maximum +5 Damage from bonus weapons]
    • From: “If you are wielding more than one melee weapon, you may Attack with all using the highest Weapon Damage, plus 1 for each additional weapon. If you reserve a weapon, any Clash or Defend roll you make is -1 Difficulty, and mob penalties are ingored.”
  • Enhancement Riposte changed to: “If you successfully Defend against an attack within range of your melee weapon, you deal Damage equal to your excess Outcome plus Weapon Damage back to your attacker.”
    • From: “If you successfully Defend against a melee or unarmed attack, you deal damage equal to your excess Outcome plus Weapon Damage back to your attacker.”
  • Added new Enhancement “Grip Discipline” (You cannot be disarmed against your will by Minor, Major, or Severe Battle Scars, physical Actions, environmental conditions, botches, or Effects. Your weapon may still be destroyed.)

Melee Weapon

  • Changed Enhancement “Extendo-Blade” to: “This melee weapon may extend up to 50 feet for a single Attack, Defense, or Clash. Retracting back into its usable size is a Quick Action.”
    • From: “This melee weapon may extend for a single attack up to 50 feet away. Retracting back into its usable size is a Quick Action.”


  • Fixed a bug that caused the Enhancement Cocoon not to change the system text.
  • Added new Enhancement “The Blessing” (You may Exert your Mind and spend an Action to give a target within arm’s reach a Battle Scar. As long as they have this scar, they benefit from this Effect.) (Requires: Targeted, Veteran, Weekly Pill)
  • Targeted Metabolism now specifically works against Animate targets.
  • Added to base system: “Any roll to resist an Effect dependent on any affected requirement is made at -1 Difficulty.”
  • Enhancement “True Survivor” changed to: “You can now go indefinitely without any food, water, sleep, or air. Any roll to resist an Effect dependent on any affected requirement automatically succeeds.”
    • From: “You can now go indefinitely without any food, water, sleep, or air.”
  • Added errata to Enhancement “True Survivor”: “In lieu of sleeping, once per day you may spend one hour meditating to recover a Mind Damage.”

Mind Shield

  • Added new Enhancement “Lightning Rod” (You may spend a Reaction to make yourself the target of any Mental or Influence Effect you are aware of, so long as it is directed at a target within 30 feet of you.) [Cannot be taken with Enhancement “Been There Done That”]

Mythic Brawn

  • Added new Enhancement “Immovable Object” (As long as you are standing still on a solid surface, you may Exert your Mind and spend a Free Action to become immovable. As long as you maintain Concentration, you cannot be moved and are immune to Damage from collisions with larger objects.)
  • Added new Drawback “Heavy” (You weigh at least 2500 pounds. All rolls to swim, jump, climb, or fly are made at +2 Difficulty. Many vehicles, structures, and similar have trouble supporting your weight and might break or not operate properly.)
  • Added new Enhancement “Absorb” (As you are receiving an Injury, you may Exert your Mind to reduce its incoming Severity by your rating in Extra Brawn.) [Applies after Indomitable]
  • Added new Enhancement “Gains Before Brains” (You may spend an Action and recover any amount of Mind Damage. Take an Injury equal to the amount of Mind Damage recovered that cannot be reduced by any means or healed within one day.)
  • Enhancement “Tough” changed to: “You gain Armor equal to half your Brawn rating. This Armor cannot be penetrated or shredded and protects against falling Damage.”
    • From: “You gain Armor equal to half your Brawn rating. This Armor cannot be penetrated and protects against falling Damage.”

Mythic Charisma

  • Enhancement “Exploit” changed to: “Any non-Effect influence roll against a target is made at -1 Difficulty for each Trauma of theirs that you know about. Effect rolls are capped at -1 Difficulty.”
    • From: “Any influence roll against a target is made at -1 Difficulty for each Trauma of theirs that you know about.”

Mythic Dexterity

  • Enhancement “Centered” changed to: “You have perfect balance. You cannot be knocked over and can maintain your footing regardless of the size or stability of the material underneath you. For the purposes of encumbrance and load bearing, you weigh 5 pounds.”
    • From: “You have perfect balance. You cannot be knocked over, and can maintain your footing regardless of the size or stability of the material underneath you.”
  • Added errata to Enhancement “Reactionary”: “You cannot React to the same Action more than once.”

Mythic Intellect

  • Removed Enhancement “Rethink”
    • Reasoning: this enhancement was overly-mechanical and reduced the stakes of rolls in a way we didn’t like.
  • Added new Enhancement “Prodigy” (Whenever you witness someone get an Outcome of 6 or higher, or someone demonstrates an Ability with the intent of teaching you, you may Exert your Mind. If you do, rolls using that Ability use their rating instead of your own for the next day.)
  • Added new Enhancement “Hypothetically Speaking (Once per Contract you may Exert your Mind to ask the GM question of the form “would X happen if Y?” and receive an answer of “yes,” “no,” “probably,” or “probably not”.) [For example, you could ask “would it be bad for my health if I touch the magic orb?” Or “would I be able to issue a self-destruct order to the space ship if I found the control panel?” The GM must answer with as much certainty as they can.] (Requires Seasoned).
  • Drawback “Insufferable Know-it-all” changed to: “Any social rolls you make are at +1 Difficulty, and if someone else can answer an informational question or solve a puzzle before you do, make a Trauma roll.” [The Difficulty of this Trauma roll cannot be reduced by any means.]
    • From: “Any social rolls you make are at +1 difficulty, and if someone else can answer an informational question or solve a puzzle before you do, make a Trauma roll.”
  • Enhancement Sheer Willpower changed to: “You may Exert your Mind up to three times per Round, including multiple times for each roll.”
    • From: “You may Exert your Mind any number of times per Round, including multiple times for each roll”

Mythic Perception

  • Sherlock changed to: “You may Exert your Mind to deduce a fragment of the chain of events that led to a particular perceivable detail of an individual or environment. This Effect reveals one piece of information that is not discoverable by a mundane investigation.”
    • From: “You may Exert your Mind to deduce the originating chain of events that led to a particular detail of an individual or environment. This Effect reveals information that is not discoverable by a mundane investigation.”
  • Saw it coming changed to: “Any time you attempt to dodge an Attack from someone lower than your position in Initiative, you may Exert your Mind to automatically succeed without a roll. You may use Source to make a Desperate Defense.” [There is still a maximum of one Desperate Defense per Round]
    • From: “Any time you make a Desperate Defense, you successfully avoid the incoming Attack without making a roll.You do not suffer a dice penalty next Round. You may use Source to make a Desperate Defense.”
  • Constant Vigilance changed to: “You may React to surprise Attacks, and you do not automatically lose initiative if ambushed or caught-flat footed. +2 dice to Initiative.”
    • From: “You cannot be ambushed or caught-flat footed when awake. When asleep, you can make a Perception + Alertness roll at Difficulty 6 to wake up in time.”


  • Added new Enhancement “Obscured From: Other” (You are obscured from two senses that are uncommon to humans such as thermal vision, electroreception, radar, echolocation, aura-sight, or something else.) [This can prevent detection via Effects when specifically flavor-appropriate. Requires Playgroup Leader approval.].
  • Base system changed to “You and everything you are carrying is obscured from…”
    • From: “You are obscured from…”
  • Base system changed to: “While this Effect is active, any Effect that would obscure you or your equipment specifically from other, additional senses fails automatically.”
    • From: “While this Effect is active, any Effect that would obscure you from other, additional senses fails automatically.”
  • Enhancement “Combat Stealth” can no longer be taken with Enhancement “Invisibility”
  • Enhancement “Arcane” changed to: “You are partially obscured from being noticed by all senses, natural and supernatural. All attempts to notice you are rolled at -3 dice. Attempts to recall identifying information about you require a Mind roll at Difficulty 8.”
    • From: “You are partially obscured from being noticed by all senses, natural and supernatural. All attempts to notice you are rolled at -3 dice.”


  • Duration Parameter changed to: [Rounds, minutes (default), hours, days (veteran), months]
    • From: [Rounds, Minutes (default), days, months (veteran)]
  • Enhancement “Climb In” now allows you to access your Powers that are intrinsic to your biology while possessing the target.
  • Removed from the base system: “Otherwise, they may Exert their Mind to evict you from their body.”
  • Removed Enhancement “Long Term Resident”
    • Reasoning: made its effect default
  • Added new Enhancement: “Autopilot” (While possessing your target, you may put them into “autopilot.” During this time they will act as they would normally for the situation without the knowledge that you are/were possessing them.) [This allows them to act “normal” around social contacts, type in passwords if they want to log in, etc. You have no control during this time.]
  • Added Drawback “Passenger”
  • Removed Enhancement “Concealed”
  • Added Drawback “Super Shroom”
  • Drawback “Super Shroom” changed to: “If you become Incapacitated or suffer an Injury Severity 4 or greater, this Effect ends.”
    • From: “If you become Incapacitated or suffer an Injury Severity 4 or greater, you revert from your Alternate form.”
  • [Fixed typo in base system: “If you succeed, you possess your target for a number of Contested minutes equal to the Contested Outcome.”

Project Senses

  • Removed Extended System text: “Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift’s flavor.”
  • Added to Extended System text: “This does not satisfy the Line of Sight requirement for targeted Effects.”


  • Added Trap Style to Pyromancy
  • Default Fire Size parameter changed to “a fire in a residential fireplace”
    • From: “a torch’s flame”
  • Removed the Enhancement “Arsonist” from the Consumable Gift Type
  • Added Errata and System text to Enhancement “Immortal Flames”: “You must maintain Line of Sight on your target as long as you are Concentrating, and it is obvious you are the source of the flames.”
  • Changed System Text to: “This Damage is reduced by Armor, but the target’s Armor rating will be shredded by any Damage dealt, destroying material Armor once it reaches 0.”
    • From: “This Damage is reduced by Armor, but the target’s Armor rating will be depleted by any Damage dealt, destroying the Armor once it reaches 0.”
  • Added to Extended System: “If the target is larger than your flame size, the Armor destruction creates a weak point instead of applying to the entire target.”
  • Extended System Text changed to: “Your fires may be extinguished with appropriate Actions and materials. Stop, drop, and rolling to extinguish requires spending an Action and making a Dexterity + Athletics roll, with an Outcome of putting out the flames.”
    • From: “Someone may attempt to extinguish a fire that you started by spending an Action and rolling Dexterity + Athletics. An Outcome of 3 puts out the fire”
  • Enhancement “Arsonist” can no longer be taken with Enhancement “Suspend”

Read Memory

  • Range Parameter changed to [Arm’s reach, 25 feet (default), 200 feet, 1000 feet (Veteran)]
    • From: [Arm’s reach, 20 feet (default), 300 feet, line of sight (veteran)]
  • Cast Time set to 1 Action
    • From default of 1 Minute
  • Removed Parameter Cast Time
  • Removed from visibility requirement and base system: “The target is aware that their thoughts are being probed.”
  • Removed Enhancement “Secret Thoughts”
  • Removed from base system: “The Effect ends if the target moves out of range or your Concentration is interrupted.”
  • Resistance roll Difficulty reduced to 6
    • From 7
  • Changed base system to: “You may ask a number of specific questions about their memory equal to your Contested Outcome. For example, “what is their computer password,” “What were they doing at 4:00PM yesterday,” etc. You cannot get answers to broad, analytical questions like “are they a good person?” or “what are their plans for the future?””
    • From: “You may ask specific questions about their memory - “what is their computer password,” “What were they doing at 4:00PM yesterday,” etc - but you cannot get answers to broad, analytical questions like “are they a good person?” or “what are their plans for the future?””
  • Enhancement “Data Dump” changed to: “You can read memories at an incredible speed. Each Question / answer you ask takes one Round.”
    • From: “You can read memories at an incredible speed.”
  • Removed Enhancement “Conditionally Costless”
  • Drawback “Meeting of the Minds” changed to: “Your target can read your memories as well, asking a question for each one you ask.”
    • From: “Your target is also able to read your memories.”
  • Enhancement “Memory Play” no longer requires Veteran status.
  • Added Gift Errata: “In the case of a failed activation, GMs should consider how bystanders would realistically react to a potentially-outlandish accusation of mind-reading.”


  • Repair Consumables with the “Power Source” Enhancement no longer mention exertion.


  • Added new Enhancement “Imprison” (If your target does not escape within 3 Rounds, they cannot ever free themselves and must be rescued.)
  • Added new Enhancement “Mine Now” (Only you can free an Imprisoned target.) [Requires Veteran, Willful End, and Imprison]
  • Range Parameter changed to: [arm’s reach, 45 feet (default), 300 feet (seasoned), 1 mile (veteran)]
    • From: [arm’s reach (default), 20 feet, 300 feet (seasoned), line of sight (veteran)]
  • Added errata to Enhancement “Disrupt”: “This interrupts Concentration.”

Send Message

  • Removed extended system text “Your target must be within line of sight, or within range of another sense if more fitting for the Gift’s flavor.”
  • Enhancement “Flat Rate Box” changed to: “You may Exert your Mind to send any physical Object that would fit into a backpack with your message. Takes 1 minute to arrive. Any active traps on the objects are triggered when you attempt to send them, and wards and marks are likewise removed.”
    • From: “You may send any physical Object that would fit into a backpack with your message. Such messages take one minute to arrive and always cost Exertion. Any active timers, fuses, or traps on the objects are triggered when you attempt to send them.”

Shape-Changing Object

  • Changed system text of Flawless Forgery to: “When used as identification and scanned, the scanner will act appropriately and bring up appropriate generic information. Further searches for the identity in the computer will turn up no results. This will not open security doors on its own.”
    • From: “When used as identification and scanned, the scanner will act appropriately and bring up appropriate generic information. Further searches for the identity in the computer will turn up no results.”
  • Added to base system: “Changing the Artifact’s appearance does not allow you to conceal its Alien nature while its Effects are in use.”

Signature item

  • Removed Enhancement “Auto Recovery”
  • Added to the base system: “If this Artifact is lost and in no one else’s possession, it finds its way back to its true owner during the next Downtime.”
  • Added to the base system: “By default, the creator of this Artifact is its true owner. The true owner may formally bequeath this Artifact onto another person within arm’s reach, after which they are its true owner. If this Artifact has no living true owner, anyone may spend one day attuning to it to become its true owner.”
  • Verbiage of “creator” changed to “true owner” on all Enhancements and Drawbacks.
  • Added new Enhancement: “Recall” (If this Artifact is in no one else’s possession, its true owner may Exert their Mind and spend two Actions to bring it to themselves.)
  • Added new Enhancement: “Burn the Unworthy” (There is a specific type of being that cannot hold or use this Artifact. They take a Severity 1 Injury each Round they touch or possess of the Artifact. It cannot be prevented or healed by any means until one day after they relinquish possession.) [For example, the undead, murderers, religious people, non-humans, etc. If the true owner ever falls into these categories, they cease to be the Artifact’s true owner.]
  • Added new Enhancement: “Next of Kin” (If the true owner of this Artifact ever dies, it immediately disappears. At least one week later, it will appear to a qualifying next of kin and reveal its power to them. They become its new true owner.) [details field to define next of kin qualifications] [Qualification cannot name any specific individual or the Artifact’s creator. Examples include: a British child of upstanding moral quality, a descendant of the royal bloodline, or someone who once saved the last true owner’s life. If there is no available Next of Kin, it will wait two months and then appear to a random person. If multiple next of kin are appropriate, the GM will decide randomly.]
  • Added new Enhancement “Teather” (Whenever this Artifact is unattended and within 300 feet of its true owner, it will fly back to them. When not held or stowed, it floats beside its true owner, moving with them. While within 10 feet, the true owner does not need to touch it to use it.) [The Artifact can fly at a maximum speed of 100 feet per Round and only towards its true owner. This does not grant the Artifact its own Action or Reaction, and it moves at the same time as its true owner’s Movement.]

Special Firearm

  • Enhancement “Silencer” changed to: “The report of any shots you fire may be made silent at will.”
    • From: “Shots you fire can be made silent at will.”


  • Added Errata to Enhancement “Legerdemain”: “You may store or withdraw a maximum of 6 items in a given Round. Reminder: you may perform up to two Quick Actions for -2 dice each or 3 if you use up your Action, unless a different Effect grants you additional Quick Actions.”
  • Enhancement “Temporal Bubble” changed to: “Time is effectively frozen in your Stash. Sapient targets still experience a local passage of time inside the stash, and this does not extend the duration of Effects inside the stash.” [For example, you cannot stash a summoned minion that would last two hours to increase its duration].
    • From: “Time is effectively frozen in your Stash.”


  • Added errata to Enhancement “Interrupt”: “This does not require the Enhancement ‘Enemy Orders’ to work in Combat. This interrupts Concentration.”
  • Enhancement “Bonded” changed to: “If a target fails to resist your suggestion, they receive the Condition “Bonded.” Whenever you give them any sort of command, they must achieve an Outcome of 4 or higher on a Self-Control roll not to follow it. If they succeed, remove the Condition.”
    • From: “If a target fails to resist your suggestion, they receive the Condition “Bonded.” Whenever you give them any sort of command, they must succeed a Self-Control roll not to follow it. If they succeed, remove the Condition.”
  • Added Gift Errata: “In the case of a failed activation, GMs should consider how bystanders would realistically react to a potentially-outlandish accusation of mind-reading.”

Super Leap

  • Added to base system: “If jumping blind or landing precariously, must roll Dexterity + Athletics to land safely.”
    • From: “If the landing is precarious, the GM may call for a roll to land safely.”
  • Extended system text removed: “You can target yourself if you qualify as a valid target by the other requirements.”
  • Vertical jump distance to horizontal jump distance ratio changed to 1:4
    • From 1:5
  • Added new Enhancement: Stutterstep (Instead of spending your full Action to activate this Effect, you may activate it and then split it into multiple sub-hops, with each one costing a Quick Action. You must make all hops before or after your main Action.) (Requires Veteran) [In total, you cannot move more than your maximum jump distance with these hops in a Round.]
  • Enhancement “Costless” renamed to “Bunny Hops”
  • Enhancement “Bunny Hops” changed to: “This Effect has no activation cost the first 10 times you activate it each minute.”
    • From: “This Effect has no activation cost.”

Super Speed

  • Added Speed Parameter level: “sextupled” (requires Veteran)
  • Enhancement “Zoom Zoom” and “F1” system text changed to: “Failing to decelerate with an Action (whether because of an obstacle, sudden unfavorable terrain, an Injury, or other event) deals 3 Damage which Armor does not reduce.”
    • From: “Failing to decelerate with an Action (whether because of an obstacle, sudden unfavorable terrain, an Injury, or other event) counts as a tumble or catastrophic vehicle collision as per the vehicle rules.”
  • Enhancement “Zoom Zoom” acceleration and deceleration changed to: “150 feet/Round”
    • From: “100 feet/Round”
  • Enhancement “F1” acceleration and deceleration changed to: “300 feet/Round”
    • From: “250 feet/Round”
  • Added new Enhancement “Too Darn Fast” (You may Exert your Mind and spend a Reaction to automatically dodge any incoming Attack. You do not need to roll.) (Requires Seasoned)
  • Added Enhancement “Blur” to Passive Style.
  • Added new Enhancement “Let’s do This” to Passive Style: “When you roll initiative, you may Exert your Mind before you roll to ignore Stress and get +2 to your Outcome.”
  • Enhancement “Quicker Than You!” changed to: “When Initiative is rolled, you may declare that you are activating Super Speed as your First Action. If you do, your Initiative Outcome is increased by 2.”
    • From: “When Initiative is rolled, you may declare that you are activating Super Speed as your First Action. If you do, you automatically win Initiative but must spend your entire first Action activating this Effect.”
  • Enhancement “Piece of Cake” can no longer be taken with “Quicker Than You”
  • Drawback Collapse changed to: “If you were moving quicker than you could without super speed and go a Round without using your Movement, you collapse and must remain immobile and resting for two Rounds.”
    • From: “If you go a round without using your Movement, you immediately collapse and must remain immobile and resting for the same duration of time you previously spent moving.”


  • Added a new bullet point to the base system: “Lifting and hauling: you may lift your rating in Mental Strength x 45 pounds.”
  • Removed bullet point “Maintaining Focus” from system text.
  • Changed base system to: “As long as you maintain Concentration, you can interact with things that are within 75 feet without needing to physically touch them or be near them.”
    • From: “You can interact with things that are within 75 feet without needing to physically touch them or be near them.”
  • Enhancement “Out of Sight” changed to: “You may use this Effect to take non-Combat Actions on targets which are out of sight, provided you have an understanding of their location.”
    • From: “You may use this Effect on targets which are out of sight, provided you have an understanding of their location.”
  • Enhancement “Size Matters Not” changed to: “You may Exert your Mind to increase your lifting and hauling capacity to your Mental Strength rating x 500 pounds for the next hour.”
    • From: “You may Exert your Mind to increase your Mental Strength by 4 for the next non-combat action you take with this Effect.”
  • Enhancement “Mental Juggling” changed to: “While using this Effect, you may control a number of objects at a time equal to your Mental Agility. Their total weight cannot exceed what you could lift with your given Mental Strength.”
    • From: “While using this Effect, you may control a number of objects at a time equal to your Mental Agility.”

Terrain control

  • Enhancement “Control Type: Tunnel” system text now specifies you can create tunnels “up to” the maximum size similar to the other control types.
  • Added extended system text: “This Effect produces the substance you are controlling unless it is drawn from the environment via “Required Environment” Drawbacks.”
  • Enhancement “Deadly Obstacle” changed to: “You may choose to make any of your modifications obviously dangerous. If you do, anyone who tries to climb or move across them takes Damage each time they do so.”
    • From: “Anyone who tries to climb or move across your alterations takes Damage each time they do so. Such alterations are obviously dangerous.”
  • Added new Enhancement: “Rebar” (After activating this Effect, you may maintain Concentration for 3 Rounds to reinforce your alteration. If you do, it becomes as sturdy as concrete and just as difficult to break.) (requires Seasoned)
  • Added new Enhancement “Slapdash” (You may opt to have your alteration form immediately. If you do, it falls apart in exactly one Round.)

Throwing Mastery

  • Added Drawback “Focus”
    • Reasoning: The Drawback “Focus”  essentially boils down to “do you have your stuff,” which has 100% overlap with most weapon masteries already requiring a relevant weapon (which is why it is not on those masteries). Throwing mastery can be used with any improvised thrown object, meaning that the “Focus” Drawback can be appropriately bad in some situations and thus isn’t obligatory to maximize a Gift’s power.
  • Added new Enhancement “Launch” (As long as you are outside, you may Exert your Mind and spend an Action to throw any Object you can lift without Concentrating into orbit.) (Requires Veteran, Requires “Nobody Tosses A Dwarf”)
  • Enhancement “Track And Field” changed to: “If you move at least 25 feet in a straight line before making a thrown Attack in that direction its effective range is tripled, and you deal +1 Damage.”
    • From: “If you move at least 25 feet in one direction before making a thrown attack, your throwing roll is made with +4 dice instead of the standard +2.”

Thrown weapon

  • The Enhancement “Magic Quiver” now removes the system text “It is roughly the same size as a and just as difficult to conceal.”
  • Added Errata to Enhancement “Remote Control”: “This weapon may Attack up to once per Round.”


  • Added an activation roll.
  • Default resistance roll is now Difficulty 7.
  • Base system changed to: “If the Contested Outcome is positive, your target takes 1 point of Mind Damage and gains a new Trauma of your choice. The Trauma should be general and not specifically mention you. You should not have to be involved to trigger the Trauma.”
    • From: “If they fail, your target will take 1 point of Mind damage and gain a new Trauma selected by the GM.”
  • Drawback “Single Minded” changed to: “Traumas caused by this Effect are selected by the GM according to its flavor and circumstances, not by you.”
    • From: “Only causes a single type of Trauma when the target fails their roll.”
    • Reasoning: just wasn’t enough of a Drawback. It was even good in some cases.
  • Renamed Drawback “Single Minded” to “Out of Control”
  • Enhancement “Wish You Were Here” can no longer be taken with Enhancements “Conditionally Costless” or “Induce Panic”
  • Enhancement “Induce Panic” changed to: “The target loses your Contested Outcome in Source. Once their Source is depleted, excess Outcome is applied as Mind Damage. They receive a new Trauma if and only if you deal at least 3 Mind damage.”
    • From: “Make a Difficulty 6 roll when you activate this Power and use the target’s Trauma roll to resist. If your contested Outcome is positive, the target takes that much Mind damage. They receive a new Trauma if and only if you deal at least 3 Mind damage.”
  • Enhancement “Induce Panic” renamed to “Soul Twist”
  • Removed Enhancement “Right in the Childhood”
  • Removed Enhancement “Mind Doctor”
  • Enhancement “Shatter Mind” no longer requires Seasoned Status.
  • Enhancement “Operant Conditioning” can no longer be taken with Drawback Humanities
  • Enhancement “Permanent” no longer requires Seasoned Status

Unarmed Mastery

  • Enhancement “Flow Like Water” changed to: “If you win a Clash, you may redirect the incoming Attack to another target within its original range using your Clash Outcome as its own. You may Clash against an Attack as long as the attacker, target, or line of fire is within arm’s reach.” [If you fail a Clash on behalf of another target, the target may choose to React as normal to the original Attack.]
    • From: “If you win a Clash or successfully prevent an attack by Defending, you may instead redirect the incoming attack to another target within range.”
  • Fight Circle changed to: “Mob Outcome bonuses do not apply to Attacks or Grapples against you within melee range. Any Attack or Grapple made against you after the first each Round is made at a -3 dice penalty.”
    • From: “Only one opponent may engage you at melee range each Round”
  • Enhancement “Transcendence” system text changed to: “When Defending, you may Exert your Mind to Defend against any number of incoming Attacks for the rest of the Round.”
    • From: “You may Exert your Mind to Defend against any number of incoming Attacks this Round as a Free Action. “


  • Removed Drawback “Old School”
    • Reasoning: basically did nothing or made the Effect terrible based on your interpretation.
  • Enhancement “Haunted Door” changed to: “You may use a Quick Action to open, close, or lock an unlocked door or container at your full range with no Exertion cost.”
    • From: “You can open and close doors which are already unlocked at your full range with no Exertion cost.”
  • Removed Enhancement “Battery Operated”
    • Reasoning: “Costless” is already available for the same cast.
  • Enhancement “Jailbreak” can no longer be taken with Enhancement “Ammo”
  • Enhancement “Create Door” changed to: “You may Exert your Mind, spend an Action drawing a door on a surface, and open it to any location within 50 feet. To keep it open, you must maintain Concentration.”
    • From: “You may Exert your Mind, draw a door on a surface and open a door to any location within 25 feet. To keep it open, you must Exert your Mind each Round after the first.”


  • Enhancement “Place of Power” now requires Veteran status.
  • Added new Drawback “Tactical Bug”: (Your wards only last 3 hours.)
  • Enhancement “Movable” now requires Drawback “Tactical Bug”
  • Changed extended system to: “Your ward cannot be used to satisfy the line of sight requirement for targeted Effects.”
    • From: “Any targets visible via your ward satisfy the line of sight requirement for targeted Effects.”
  • Enhancement “Full Spectrum” changed to: “You can perceive things from your wards via all of your senses, including enhanced senses. You may destroy the Ward to activate one Investigate Individual, Object, or Area Effect as though you were standing at its location.” [This investigation Effect is as obvious as it would normally be. The Effect is targeted as though you were standing at the location of the Ward. You must pay all activation costs and satisfy all activation requirements of the Effect.]
    • From: “You can perceive things from the target location via all of your senses, rather than just sight. You can also activate investigative or perception-based Effects through the ward.”

Warp Form

  • Range parameter changed to [arm’s reach, 45 feet (default), 300 feet (Seasoned), 1000 feet (Veteran)]
    • From: [arm’s reach (default), 20 feet, 300 feet (Seasoned), line of sight (Veteran)]
  • Enhancement “Happy Accidents” no longer requires Seasoned status
  • Added new Enhancement: “Flock” (You may affect up to 3 targets within range.)
  • Enhancement “Curse of the Castle” changed to: “When you Full Polymorph a target, you may transform them into a specific type of inanimate object.” [For example, candy, a statue, food, a plant, etc] [Added details field to specify type]
    • From: “When you Full Polymorph a target, you may transform them into an inanimate object.”
  • Added new enhancement “Forced Conjoinment” (If two or more of your targets are touching and more than one fails to resist, you may conjoin them where they touch. This counts as a shared Battle Scar.) [While merged, the targets share a Movement and move at the speed of the slowest of the group. All physical Actions they take are +Contested Outcome Difficulty (lowest of the group). If one dies while merged or if forcefully separated, the others take an Injury equal to the lowest Contested Outcome + 2.] (Requires “Flock”)
  • Added Extended System text to Enhancement “Full Polymorph”: “Upon full polymorph, the two Battle Scars combine into one.”