Earth 2041

A world Much like our own, but much more advanced.

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Earth 2041 was created by Ivan_Croft 2 years, 10 months ago

Playgroup Leader

Ivan the Ink demon adventurer
A 0-Victory Newbie Contractor

A world where humanity has discord the supernatural. However instead of fearing it we embrace it. Live with it, grow with it, and explore it further than ever before. As a result knowledge of other worlds has begun to grow, exploration of these new worlds has begun. Technology has long since advanced beyond what it used to be, resulting in need infinite life and knowledge.

Full Setting Description

A world not so like ours


the year is 2041.  Humanity has long since discovered the existence of the supernatural.  By this point in time you may have already known all this.  But let me jog your memory if you didn't.  Please read the following information below.


So... you're probably wondering what the supernatural intails.  Well basically it's exactly what you think.  Ghosts, ghouls, things that go bump in the night.  That sort of stuff, but also so much more.  Entire other worlds, dimensions, universes! So much more then we believed it to be.  So much so it's impossible to tell you it all without your head exploding, or just you passing out.  But I'll do my best 

1. Heaven and hell do exist like thought, one is good, one is bad, you can guess which is which.  But they're not all good and bad.  They're a mix of both, there are good angels, and bad ones.  There are bad demons, and good ones.  The good ones we try to interact with the most, the bad ones?  We still interact with them but not as much because, well, they're all bad.

2. Ghosts do exist, and yes you become one when you die.  But you can also go to heaven or hell when you die, the whole unfinished business thing is true too.

3.  Organizations have begun to explore the supernatural and these other worlds with great interest,  they have made "games" out of it even.  Ways for people to earn money from it in a way.  There are two ways you can do this, the first one, become a contractor.  The second? Well... it's illegal so we ain't talking about it.  Sorry but I'm not getting arrested today.