The Contract Play-by-Post

A world where videos of the supernatural go viral every day.

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Latest Journals

4 months, 2 weeks ago: Crane Albright wrote a Downtime Journal for Avengers Assemble! 2 years, 3 months ago: Cornelius Valentine wrote a Downtime Journal for G.O.A.T

Fixer Upper

Cletus was a nice guy, all things considered. He wasn't super rich or swanky, but staying with him for a bit to fix up his leg wasn't a bad time. Sure, the bright pink cast probably didn't do his reputation around town any wonders (or maybe it did? Cornelius wasn't all that familiar with American small towns, surprising as that may sound.), but it guaranteed he'd be able to walk on it again. Eventually. In like a few weeks. Until then, Cletus was gonna have to keep that cast on. He seemed pretty grateful, though, and ended up cooking up some Magical Cocaine for Cornelius, which turned out to be his pay from the job. The ability to make magic cocaine. That was honestly pretty awesome, if Cornelius thought about it, he'd have to see about keeping in touch with Cletus.

After Cornelius got home, his own payment came in. He managed to get that pink mist he made to adhere to his brass knuckles, and damn if that wasn't nifty. He wasn't some super soldier or Captain America type, but his brass knuckles seemed to hit harder and take less damage from use with the pink mist inside, and the best part was, it wasn't even visible once he used it. All he needed was to figure out how to use this on other weapons, and he'd be the toughest guy in town. Maybe he could even use it on guns at some point, they certainly hit hard enough already to be worth it. He'd just need to get a license...

2 years, 3 months ago: Jericho wrote a Downtime Journal for Mushroom Hunt

Punching Bag

My body still aches from the shot, but it gets better every day. Being in the hospital was rough. I got a bit... rusty while I couldn't fight, so i have to train twice as hard now that I'm out. 

So, I bought a shitty punching bag from the goodwill near my house. Hung it up in the living room and, honestly, it's probably the best purchase I've ever made. I spend like, several hours a day just beating into it. Sometimes I play music, too, and punch along. It's a lot of fun.

Good way to release anger, too. I usually don't have too much to be mad about, but that last mission, man... It did NOT go according to plan. Like, at all. One of us died, and, well, I barely made it through that one. I tell myself that I'm just punching it to let it all out, but really, i feel like I need to prepare myself for next time. To get better, so that next time i don't have to deal with this kind of thing. I hope.

I'm not.. entirely sure about the brand of this bag, it seems like the label has been rubbed off, but I'd recommend it if i knew. This thing can really take a hit. My limbs are already feel back to normal strength- maybe even a bit stronger! And I'm gonna keep at it because, honestly, it's a pretty fun hobby.

Im thinking of naming him (the bag) Fred. It's such a punchable name. It's like, take that, Fred! How do you like my fist in your face?

Jericho out.



2 years, 4 months ago: Angelo wrote a Downtime Journal for Passing the Hours

The Calm After The Storm

Our friend Minerva had been transported back, but it seemed our time in the world was due more. I called the authorities and reported the matter, two more victims were unaccounted for, and so that duty was left to the police while I rode to the hospital to get Ryan some needed aid. After making the drop, I rode off and as I did, so did calm the storm and within the blink of an eye, I was back to the streets I knew, that I rode so many times before.

I knew immediately, something was ary, an inspection in the mirror revealed a tattoo I had not yet given myself, the image of an octopus, a creature known for its ability to weave through the water, a master of camoflage and a creature with multiple brains in order to effectively utilize each of its limbs. It gave me power, more accuractely, perspective and ability that was inhumane. My artistic abilities, my capabilities with moving the pencil around a page, a brush on a canvas, even my ability to manueve my vehicle, all of that had improved, something I considered impossible.

Further still, it seemed I could focus on it and the mark would respond, allowing me to perceive what be in the surroundings in a slower vantage, allowing me to act faster to my benefit. It is no doubt to me, that this new gift will be instrumental in my survival going forward. With the powers I've been gaining and that I now wield, I have no doubt that the day of reconing will come for ArchAngel, and the harbinger of their doom will be named Angelo.

2 years, 4 months ago: Analí Sonia Vela Cuevas wrote a Downtime Journal for Eviction Notice

I Talked to Ripley About My Mom...

I talked to Ripley, I know she knew I was trouble, I mean she saw me nearly kill a man because I thought him not enough trouble to spare. I don’t know why she still talks to me sometimes, this last time though I asked her a lot of questions. I stayed in the city for a long time since I was so hurt I couldn’t drive, I kept it from Diego and told him I was taking a long break since the drive-by on the garage last week; that was a lie, the drive-by didn’t scare me, but I nearly died this time around on a contract and didn’t want him seeing me like this. Ripley kept me company daily on video calls.

I told her about mom, about the name I’m not allowed to use, how she died and where her body might be. Ripley offered to try to contact her but I have this bad feeling that if she does she will find her lost. I have never been able to feel her, no matter how hard I try; I don’t generally believe in all this, but I think her soul is lost and I think that I can get her back if I bury her in the family graveyard. Ripley said she would help, so really right now I gotta keep Ripley alive until she can help.

This pain really takes a toll on you, I’ve seen people beat up pretty hard before, but everything about me hurts and it’s really a feeling I haven’t gotten used to yet. I decided to hire a local ASL teacher, sitting there and learning hand motions so I can better talk to Ripley, shit hurts my fingers, maybe it’s good therapy– either way I’m getting closer.


Illuminated Earth - The Contract Game Play Server

Illuminated Earth is a twisted reflection of the modern world where the advent of smartphones and the internet confirmed the existence of the supernatural instead of disproving it. Here, witch hunts have merit. Billionaires and Senators employ paranormal advisors and bodyguards, and everyone knows. Charlatans become pop culture icons, and each revelation inspires a new cult. The world is changing. The secret societies that pull humanity's strings scramble to adapt.

Now's a good time to move up.

Full Setting Description

This Playgroup uses the official Illumination Setting.