World Events of Budapest After Midnight

Posted by Roonel, 1 year, 9 months ago. Permalink

Deadly accidents on the quiet streets of Buda

A large black SUV has rammed into a small stolen polski in a deadly chase last night near the Vérhalom playground. The thieves have possibly escaped with the SUV, leaving the original driver's body - who died instantly in the crash - on the street.
The polski's original owner, Bözsi-néni, has said that the thieves were "actually really nice, they seemed members of some kinda death cult".

The police is still investigating, trying to find both the thieves and the car.

Nearby, the up and coming boba shop, Bobasaurus, had to close up for some time as a different driver had crashed into their building with ludicrous speed. It was a surprisingly busy day and many customers were lounging about, resulting in 3 dead and 6 wounded. The owner of the shop was taken to the hospital with the wounded as the traumatic event left him in shock.
Posted by Roonel, 1 year, 9 months ago. Permalink

Hungarian politician arrested in Dubai after fight in plane

A plane leaving Budapest early in the evening arrived with several disturbed passangers and a shocked stewerdess as a Hungarian politician has attacked and harassed them during the flight. The government official first attacked a child then his father, because of the childrens behaviour but when asked by the staff to calm down, he groped the stewardess instead. Luckily a local air marshal was on board, who could diffuse the situation and keep an eye on the aggressive man.

The authorities have also noted that besides these events a person was missing when the flight arrived. A Hungarian woman has checked in at the Budapest airport, but never arrived at Dubai. The Dubai police still investigates the disappearance with the help of the Hungarian law enforcement and the airline.

"A possible connection of these two disturbing events are still in the cards, but we don't have any evidence yet" - told us the chief investigator in Dubai.

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