Earth Unveiled

A world where a supernatural cold war brews.

This Playgroup has open memberships. But you must Sign up or Log in to join.

Upcoming Contracts

Latest World Events

Allison Cooper made a Move (PascalsAngel GMed) 4 days, 1 hour ago. View Move

European Travel Advisories

"- that's right Jackson, both the United Kingdom and Germany have updated their travel advisories, warning citizens that holding a valid visa or authorization does not guarantee entry into the country.

This follows a series of detained European travelers who were denied entry at U.S. borders – some even arrested or held in detention before being sent home. Among the incidents, two German citizens were stopped at the southern border earlier this week.

An advisory from Germany’s Foreign Office stresses that false information, past criminal records, or even minor overstays on previous trips could lead to arrest, deportation, or detention – with no legal recourse."

A Contractor made a Move (Monday GMed) 5 months ago. View Move

New York Middle School Student Suspended After Creating Chaos With Illegal Hacking Watch

[The following information can be found from local news in the New York area, as well as a few online articles about unique tech or funny news stories.]






Students taking their state exams in West New York Middle School were shocked when all of their devices mysteriously disconnected from the internet. The apparent outage went on for several hours, causing widespread disruptions and eventual chaos across all of the classrooms as students began to eventually leave and disperse during testing hours.

As it turned out, the outage was the result of one eleven year old child getting their hands on a Deauther Watch-- a device enabling the user to disconnect others from wireless networks with ease. This child has since been suspended from the school according to officials, who claims that the watch was given to them by a 'weird looking robo-girl.' Despite the watch's illegal status in most countries, they have since managed to find their ways into the hands of other students in various copycat incidents across the district and even other states.

While no permanent damage has yet to be done through the use of the watch among schools, parents and teachers remain concerned about the weaknesses in their school's digital security and the lack of protection for such attacks.


(Image Source:

Latest Journals

4 months, 3 weeks ago: Grace W. Sharp wrote a Downtime Journal for The Hand that Feeds

Diving In

The stockpile I acquired a few months ago has run dry. I've only got the blood left that I brought with me on the previous job.

I can start asking Ray to procure some more for me again, but I know it's not easy for her, and the few bags she can attain likely won't be enough to support my condition anymore.

It's time to pick up the pace and find a proper supply or dealer for myself, something that I'll be able to rely on for some time. I'll narrow my search this time to the city, rather than further out-- I should be able to find some stronger leads here as opposed to casting a wider net for information. As much as Ray has encouraged me to look into them, I've never been fond of the idea of attending a support group for my condition. Yet with it worsening, and the potential leads I can find there, I suppose it's time to finally give it a look...

4 months, 3 weeks ago: Donovan "Samael" Miles wrote a Downtime Journal for Bed, Bathory and Beyond

Time to Mourn, No?

I suppose it is quite strange to grieve over one you had met once in you life for only a few hours... However, I simply cannot allow myself to not be saddened over the loss of dear Mori... I pray that you had lived a life as bubbly and joyful as you always made yourself out to be... No matter what lingering darkness and regrets you may possibly bear from dying so, so young... I will miss you... Your friends and loved ones will miss you as well... And I want you to know how many people you had unknowingly made happy in the time you had been around. As such, I offer to thee a bouquet of roses... I bear nothing more than dissapointment in myself for not being there for you... I will become stronger, better, and more merciful, just for you.... I will miss you greatly,

Rest Well Now,


4 months, 3 weeks ago: Grace W. Sharp wrote a Downtime Journal for Bed, Bathory and Beyond

Can't Stop

It's been a few months since this last incident...

My zoanthropy has started to deteriorate significantly. I require breathing aids now if I'm to not suffocate immediately upon standing still. I had hoped that having my blood tested would have caught any potential degeneration early, but it seems that there's something more to this affliction that I must uncover.

Even if condition continues to grow worse, I refuse to let it get the best of me. I've continued to train my body during this period-- becoming faster, stronger, and more adept. Swimming has almost become a form of meditation for me... It's must easier for me to move and breathe in the water. I suppose that's just another symptom of this condition growing.

Aside from that, I've had to talk more with Ray recently. When my breathing issues first started, she showed immense signs of concern and set aside time to stay by my side...

I told her about the Contract. Not much, only as much as she needed to know. But I couldn't keep lying to her-- and if she's to be an asset, then it's best she knows what's happening and why I'm doing all of this. It has been... a relief, getting this off my chest.

That said, I refuse to stop. I must keep going if I'm to unravel the mystery of what's happening to me... the conspiracies that are covering it all up.

5 months, 1 week ago: Karma Hartman wrote a Downtime Journal for To Russia With Love


After the incident in Russia, I decided to get some more people on my side. My assistant Eugene helped me search for a law firm to handle things for me, and I planned to hire some private security afterwards, but it was my good fortune to find a company that did both! They were very secretive, but I managed to get a tour of their facilities. It was… in the arctic. I didn’t want to go back to the cold so soon, but I didn’t want to miss out either!

Everyone was happy to see me there, and I offered to take some of them out on vacation, to see the sights and eat good food. They had all kinds of cool things, guns I’d never seen before and genetically modified plants! Growing in their arctic base! I worked out a deal with their head, and now I have my own personal security team, and the best representation money can buy!

5 months, 1 week ago: Lucan Morvayn wrote a Downtime Journal for Where's my Water?

Cooling off

After my escapade in the desert, I took some time to cool off and collect my thoughts. I tried my best to go about my days normally, but something wasn't the same. Why did I keep getting trasported to these bizarre situations? How was I getting there? I had many more questions than answers. I looked through some of the books within my church's library trying to find something that could explain what was happening, but I found nothing. In the midst of this, I recieved a package in the mail. Within it was a coat like no other I had seen before. The fabric was mystifing, a black weave of a fabric I'd never seen before.  I figured whoever or whatever was sending me on these missions had sent it as a reward .I decided to put the coat on, and to my suprise it fit perfectly. Apon donning the coat, I felt myself more agile than normal. Something about the coat allowed me to dash forth with a supernatural speed, almost instantly dashing nearly 60 feet forwards. I suppose if this is the reward for my troubles, maybe it's best I don't question where they come from.

5 months, 2 weeks ago: Soren Valentine wrote a Downtime Journal for ANOINTED

The Aftermath

It feels like some kind of fever dream, even now. It's been days since we got out, but my head keeps going back to it, playing scenes over in my mind. Smokes cigarette I sit here in this dingy apartment in Berlin, staring at the walls, trying to ward off the feeling of unreality. That place. it was wrong. Not just odd, twisted. Non-Euclidean, they said. Never was much into the technicals, just knew things didn't add up in there. Not the rooms, nor the people, not time itself.

Dimitry handled it well; that I gotta give it to him. We talked about getting a drink, but neither of us has called or messaged. Guess we're still processing what happened. I just can't get Doe out of my head. I can still see it, her face when that swarm got her, her screaming. It's just one of those sounds that stays with you. You think you're ready for anything; then something like this happens, and you realize how helpless you really are.

Spent the first day back with my gun on the table, disassembled. Cleaned it over and over 'til my fingers were raw, but it wasn't about the gun. It was about control, finding something solid after that twisted hell we were stuck in. I lost it in there for a while, kept thinking about that painting of my parents. That damn moment keeps on coming back when I least expect it.

 Matthew's been quiet. I think that statue messed with his head more than he's letting on. Whatever it whispered to him, it wasn't good. Not for a guy like him. I have seen what happens when people allow stuff like that to get inside their heads. To be honest I really don't trust the guy though, half the time he seemed disinterested in helping us.

Cera called to check in. I told her I was fine because that's what one says when asked, right? But I think she heard it in my voice strain. She's young, full of energy. Reminds me of how I used to be before all this. Maybe she still has a shot at getting out of this mess before it eats her alive.

Went to the bar tonight. The bartender's a good guy who knows when not to ask questions. But I couldn't even make it past the front door. Just stood there staring at the neon sign flickering in the rain. What was I even gonna say? That I saw things no one should ever see, and I felt a fear deeper than anything I've felt since the day I lost my parents? Nah. That's not how I work. I keep it inside, let it simmer.

Tomorrow, I get back to work. This downtime is suffocating. I need a job, something to focus on, to drown out the noise. The monsters, the magic, the chaos. it never really goes away.

But I keep moving. What else can I do?

Exhales smoke.


Earth, Modern-day.

Everyday life is just as we remember it being; but beneath the scenes, secret wars are fought.
A new supernatural cold war is brewing as modern-day militaries find themselves in deadlocks & MAD stalemates, and the new “Superstates” of the world search for and deploy their assets & agents against each other in attempts to win the world–with the looming threat of the extraordinary and the extraterrestrial in the foreground.

Behind it all, certain “powers-at-be”, secret cabals & societies which have long pulled the strings and controlled the conspiracies that have kept them covert & in charge, struggle to adapt as the public is now privy to their existence. Ancient mages & sorcerers stuck-in-their-ways, monsters of men & amongst men, continue ancient wars in the mire of the modern-day; each and every individual and group vying desperately for an opening, for an opportunity to turn the tide.

The Dark Forest is teeming with activity, and with the first shot having already been fired with the felling of the towers, the attack on DC, Langley, and the Whitehouse by Superterrorists, and two decades of action until today: wars are being waged that the common person of the public has only yet begun to see the surface of.

It’s in the rippling chaos of secret wars that a new Conspiracy buds; that a Select Few “Contractors” are approached once-again by a Cosmic Conspiracy and its Harbingers of Power, to be given the opportunity of a lifetime.

And should they prove themselves promising.

The world is theirs to win.

House Rules

Contractors from Earth Unveiled Are NOT portable, and may NOT visit other Playgroups to participate in Contracts.
Earth Unveiled grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.

A full list of rulings, errata, and further nuance, can be found on-server.


Earth Unveiled is a "High Power High Speed" variant of The Contract RPG.
Contractors have the potential to be much more powerful, much earlier on, and generally are able to begin making Moves towards their Ambition and/or challenging the Status Quo, much much sooner then they normally would.

Earth Unveiled's Rules Reference can be found here.


Below are some core concepts.

Earth Unveiled is a High Speed High Power Playgroup that reimagines The Contract as less Oceans 11, and more The Boys, Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, and so-on so-forth.

We have a "soft" Citizenship Requirement.

Contractors are not Portable.

You start with a free Gift.

Seasoned Gifts (and Parameters / Enhancements) are available from the start.

Veteran Gifts (and Parameters / Enhancements) are available starting at 20 wins, after a Contractor passes their Vet-Gate (19 Wins, solo game / test).


Brackets are strictly systemed / maintained.

  • Newbie: 0–3 Wins.
      • Capped to 4 Players from here on out.
        • 3 is recommended, however, especially for newer GMs.
      • Seasoned Gifts available from the get-go, along with a single free Gift Point.
      • Harbingers generally must transport Newbies to, and from the Contract (upon a safe completion).
      • Mandatory combat obstacles should generally be approachable by a team of Police Officers, or similar.
      • Novice Rework unlocked at 4 Wins.
  • Newbie-Novice: 3-6 Wins
      • Newbie Novices generally must transport themselves to and from Contracts. Harbingers generally must provide an option for those that literally are incapable of transporting themselves--though it needs not be pretty, or fair.
        • The standard “price” is half a Contractor’s Mind & Source (rounded up).
        • Failure to show up at the given deadline, or at all, typically results in a Declined Harbinger Invite–and sometimes, Loose Ends.
        • Information about the Objective typically should be reserved for when / if the Contractor is able to arrive at Briefing by the Deadline–if at all.
      • Mandatory combat obstacles should generally be approachable by a SWAT Team, or similar.
      • Novice Rework unlocked at 4 Wins.
  • High Novice: 6-9 Wins
      • Capped to 3 Players from here on out.
      • Mandatory combat obstacles should generally be approachable by a Squad of Soldiers, or similar.
  • Low Seasoned 9-12 Wins
      • Mandatory combat obstacles should generally be approachable by a special ops squad, or similar; the absolute best of the mundane world.
        • In other words; games no longer require that anyone except for specialized / highly skilled and resourceful, yet mostly mundane, people are able to solve / approach their obstacles at all.
      • Seasoned Rework unlocked at 10 Wins.
  • Seasoned 12-15 Wins
      • Capped to 2 Players from here on out.
      • Mandatory combat obstacles should generally be approachable by a super special ops sqaud, or similar.
        • In other words; games no longer require mundane solutions, or that mundane people are able to solve / approach their obstacles at all.
      • Seasoned Rework unlocked at 10 Wins.
  • High Seasoned 15-18 Wins
      • Mandatory combat obstacles should generally be approachable by a specialized super spec ops sqaud, or similar.
  • Vet-Gate Test 19 Wins
      • Strictly solo, one Player from here on out.
      • Generally, should be specifically oriented to test the Contractor themself. 
      • Winning this, and each game past it, unlocks one Veteran Gift Slot per win. 
      • Vet-Gate Rework unlocked at 20 wins.
  • Professional 20-23 Wins
      • Mandatory combat obstacles should be generally approachable by your average country’s best. 
  • Vet-Test 24 Wins
      • Mandatory combat obstacles should be generally approachable by a superpower nation’s best. 
      • Veteran Rework unlocked at 25 Wins.
  • Veteran 25 & 25+
    • Mandatory combat obstacles should be generally approachable by the world’s finest. 


Recovery Rules

Do not recover anything on your sheet, unless a GM tells you it is okay–you MUST get Permission to do this, from a GM. 

When it comes time to actually recover–ask the GM, and if necessary, point them to this section. 



  • Injuries
  • You recover 2 Severity Levels off every Injury you have upon the beginning of Downtime (your first Move). Upon attending the next Contract, all your Injuries heal; you will be at full health. 
    • If you obtain any Injuries during Downtime; these heal by that same rate at the start of the next Contract.
    • Ask your GM if it is okay to recover this, as usual, at the start of a Contract during Introductions / Pre-Game.


  • You recover all your Mind at the beginning of a Contract or Downtime (your first Move)
  • You recover 1 point of Mind per night of restful sleep. You begin every Contract with full Mind (No expended Mind). 
    • “Restful Sleep” means a night where you are not woken up by anything, a night where you actually get a full night of sleep, uninterrupted 
    • Your Mind does not recover to full at the start of each Move, but rather at the start of your entire Downtime.
    • You may NOT spend a Move entirely just sleeping to recover resources; if you are idling in a Move for this purpose, the Cosmic Conspiracy would just Contract you. 


  • You begin a Contract, Move, Hustle, or similar, with full Source. 
  • You recover 1 point of Source per day (generally coincides with Mind recovery rate), or by fulfilling your Source Regen conditions.


  • Financial cycles start / reset at the beginning of a Contract, and carry over into a Contract’s Downtime–Finances are NOT Cumulative. 
    • Any money you do not use, goes back into your Finances so that you have it later.
      • You cannot withdraw X amount of money a Downtime, to cumulatively stack your money–if you do not use it, you “lose” it.
  • You may “Overdraft” and spend over your Financial Circumstances allotted amount, if you do so, the following happens.
    • If you go over it; you will be dropped an amount of Financial Levels for, and, an amount equal to how many "X times" you went over it's threshold--represented by a Loose End w/ a Cutoff of X times you went over.
      • If you are Wealthy (100k) and spend 250k; you would have gone over twice how much you usually are able to--and would be dropped from Wealthy -> Comfortable -> Average for 2 Contracts.
      • If dropped past Poor; receive a Loose End called Debt with a Cutoff of 5 - [times over] (Threat is Prison from Fraud / etc)


  • Resets at the beginning of a Contract.
    • You may Will to Survive Once per Contract or Downtime; meaning you could Will to Survive on a Contract, and then on a Move in the Downtime following it–but no more until you attend the next Contract.


Liability Limit

You may have no more than 5 total Liabilities in Earth Unveiled.
(Example: You could have Weak Willed, Ugly, Group of Enemies, Vengeful & Delusions of Grandeur.)



Earth Unveiled Players are not required to GM.


Full Setting Description

Our version of the Contract takes place in a setting called Earth Unveiled where we discovered, at the turn of the century (2000-2001), the existence of the extraordinary at-large.

The World At-large.
Earth Unveiled is an alternate version of modern-day Earth that imagines the world we live in, in a somewhat superstitiously satirical & subtly super naturalized version of itself. In Earth Unveiled, people tune into their favorite Supermedia networks for the latest (bullshit) news on the supernatural, people train & arm themselves in fear of freak super terror incidents (as rare as they are), and most folk know better than to ask questions or look too deep for the truth as those that do die, or disappear. 


The Supernatural at-Large
As for the supernatural; supernatural phenomena is exceedingly rare and most are more likely to win the lottery in their lifetime than to have a real encounter with the extraordinary, and most sources available to the general public point to there being no more than 1,000,000 Superabled individuals globally–with the vast majority possessing merely minor supernatural capabilities or capacities. 


Superstates & The Era Of The Extraordinary
And with the recent developments of various “Superstates” around the world, government agencies (and similar) created to control, oversee, and deal with the emerging “Era of the Extraordinary”--Earth is beginning to unveil, as even everyday folk begin to open their eyes.


The Cultural Zeitgeist.
Our Earth has long populated itself with stories, legends & lores from each and every civilization & cultural zeitgeist from each and every corner of the world, and as everyday in an emerging Era of the Extraordinary brings more and more lies–what truths we do find, lead us closer to unveiling the Conspiracies that have long controlled us all.
Some of these Conspiracies, continue today.


Conspiracy "Theories"
Nazi necromancy, Shinto-Sorcerous Slaughter-Campaigns, Mage Wars, Men In Black & Alien Contacts, Secret Invasions, Secret Esoteric Societies & Cabals, Magic Clans & Houses, Viral Furry Plots, A New Inquisition, Secret Wars, CIA Experiments, Secret Government Labs, Supersoldier Programs, State Schools to turn Psychic Children into Weapons, Alien Technology being repurposed into cutting-edge aerospace technology, Holy Wars–not long ago, these were considered freak hoaxes & conspiracy theories but now–now they have
some merit.
The search for the truth is complicated though.


Supermedia spins their version of the truth; as paid narratives & propaganda campaigns unfold and unveil to the masses. Institutions of faith are embellished & empowered, crime (organized or otherwise) is on the uptick, reactionaries and radicals rise to ready themselves for conflicts that they think could come any day now: the world keeps itself busy.
And those who benefit from keeping the world buzy, enjoy making moves in silence. 


Behind the scenes.
With everyday folk busy with the bullshit, nobody sees the journalist whistleblower that deteriorates & disappears, nobody sees the PHD Superscientist that never returns from their off-the-books research trip, nobody notices their local crackheads turning up missing in the night, and nobody’s there to report on the high society party a hundred floors up from the common folk where those same crackheads wind up mere components in a cruel capitalist-cult ritual.

A Supernatural Cold War Brews
As these secret wars are fought in each and every level of society, a new “Super Cold War” brews: extraordinary & extraterrestrial threats emerge from beyond the stars, secret cabals and societies scramble and squabble to maintain and procure the power they’ve always held, monsters, mages, and mad men make plays and make preys in moves for power, and above it all the newly emerged Superstates of the world & their superassets and superagents are tasked with keeping the peace, the new normal, and the status quo intact, in a newly emerged “Extraordinary Era”.


Everyday life is just as we remember it; but behind the scenes, secret wars are being waged.

World Events

Allison Cooper made a Move (PascalsAngel GMed) 4 days, 1 hour ago. View Move

European Travel Advisories

"- that's right Jackson, both the United Kingdom and Germany have updated their travel advisories, warning citizens that holding a valid visa or authorization does not guarantee entry into the country.

This follows a series of detained European travelers who were denied entry at U.S. borders – some even arrested or held in detention before being sent home. Among the incidents, two German citizens were stopped at the southern border earlier this week.

An advisory from Germany’s Foreign Office stresses that false information, past criminal records, or even minor overstays on previous trips could lead to arrest, deportation, or detention – with no legal recourse."

A Contractor made a Move (Monday GMed) 5 months ago. View Move

New York Middle School Student Suspended After Creating Chaos With Illegal Hacking Watch

[The following information can be found from local news in the New York area, as well as a few online articles about unique tech or funny news stories.]






Students taking their state exams in West New York Middle School were shocked when all of their devices mysteriously disconnected from the internet. The apparent outage went on for several hours, causing widespread disruptions and eventual chaos across all of the classrooms as students began to eventually leave and disperse during testing hours.

As it turned out, the outage was the result of one eleven year old child getting their hands on a Deauther Watch-- a device enabling the user to disconnect others from wireless networks with ease. This child has since been suspended from the school according to officials, who claims that the watch was given to them by a 'weird looking robo-girl.' Despite the watch's illegal status in most countries, they have since managed to find their ways into the hands of other students in various copycat incidents across the district and even other states.

While no permanent damage has yet to be done through the use of the watch among schools, parents and teachers remain concerned about the weaknesses in their school's digital security and the lack of protection for such attacks.


(Image Source:

A Contractor made a Move (Monday GMed) 5 months ago. View Move

Merging Sorcery & Artificial Intelligence: A New Startup Claims To Be Able to Change The Industry Forever

[The following information can be found from a number of various business-news related articles, journalists, etc.]






This week, a newly founded tech startup by the name of Magitek unveiled itself to the public, making waves with its ambitious claims of merging artificial intelligence and sorcery to revolutionize the tech industry. In their promotional material, they proclaim that their goal is to unlock the untapped potential of utilizing magic to enhance technology, with plans listed to improve automation, businesses, and even military applications across the globe. Though excitement has grown among tech enthusiasts and investors eager to witness these innovations, including positive endorsements and interest shown from figures such as Elon Musk, most remain skeptical due to the lack of any concrete evidence or detailed plans showcased. Industry experts have expressed concerns that Magitek's grand claims may be little more than marketing hype without proper demonstrations or prototypes. Yet with interest at an all-time high, all eyes are on Magitek to see if it can deliver on its promise or if it will become yet another cautionary tale in the ever-evolving world of AI and the supernatural.


AI 아트: 高度魔導技術都市 / Highly Magical Technology City 작성자: @po-star | PixAI

(Image Source:


A Contractor made a Move (Monday GMed) 5 months ago. View Move

Is Your Pet Supernatural? Here's How To Check

[The following information can be found from a variety of pet related blogs, articles, etc., as well as a few supernatural focused threads and forums.]






With the increasing reports of pets turning out to be supernaturally abled, secretly wildshaped druids, or awakened by some force of magic, many pet owners are wondering the same question: could their beloved companion be more than what meets the eye? While the vast majority of pets are ordinary, there are a few key things to look out for if there are some suspicions. Most magic pets possess an unnatural level of resistance towards injury. If you notice your pet never manages to get hurt or scratched, this could be a sign. Moreover, many supernatural animals have a distinct prejudice towards the undead, and will always attack them on sight. If your pet is constantly aggressive towards someone you know, it could be a sign that the person in question is also secretly a zombie.

If you have any potential concerns about your pet being supernatural or a coworker secretly being a zombie, please contact your local DSP department and notify them with an official report.


A poster of cats with hats that say'magic cat ' | Premium AI-generated image

(Image Source:


A Contractor made a Move (Monday GMed) 5 months ago. View Move

German Blood Banks Exposed As Fronts For Vampires: Could More Come To Follow?

[The following information can be found from articles and forums about the supernatural, German news stations, etc.]






This week, authorities in Nuremberg were stunned after an investigation led by PARAPOL resulted in the shut down of a prominent blood bank that had been secretly operated by a cabal of blood-hungry vampires. The facility, which posed as a legitimate medical institution, was reported to have been siphoning blood for years, providing a steady supply for a network of vampires and similar supernatural consumers of blood. Details of the full investigation are sparce, only known to the public due whistleblower journalists looking into the blood bank's closure. What information has been revealed has led to immense public outrage coming from both medical professionals, government officials, and those who had donated blood to the bank, while local authorities scramble to implement new measures to prevent such activities. In the controversy, a few online figures have debated that the government should instead seek to aid the supernatural in need of blood rather than persecute them, sparking further debate about the presence of the supernatural in the area and the regulations posed upon them.


Nuremberg Travel Guide • Art, Archaeology & History

(Image Source:

Cedric Rhodes made a Move (badtzmaruboy GMed) 5 months, 2 weeks ago. View Move

Former Child Star & Harry Potter "Daniel Radcliffe" a Definite Psychic! Shocks tens of thousands as he performs magic LIVE on Twitch in Times Sqaure

From Arcane (Disney's 24/7 "Family Friendly" Supernews Network)


Former Child Star & Harry Potter "Daniel Radcliffe" a Definite Psychic! Shocks tens of thousands as he performs magic LIVE on Twitch!


Daniel Radcliffe, in a Twitch stream that peaked at 120k viewers (before being shut down temporarily for allegedly violating Twitch's private use policy of not airing non-entertainment Supernatural content, before being appealed & brought back up much later), showcased a genuine magic spell where he chanted words in an unknown language that "Sounded like a mix between Arabic and Latin"... and made a random person, now identified as a 33 yr old Darry Douglas, slowly float up to 10 feet in the air, to the ceiling.

Daniel Radcliffe then, live, in his 20 minutes of airtime (with an hour leading up to the main event) went outside, streamed it live in NYC Times Sqaure, to a audience of about ~2000 ongoers at 5 PM local time.

The stream was then terminated, along with the account, before it was appealed & brought back hours later... though the stream had long ended & Daniel had long-since gone home.

A word from Daniel.

"I've been wanting to star in a movie loosely inspired by real, honest, wizardry & magic for... quite a while now. I've been practicing & really immersing myself in the art, especially from some private teachers I've met during my time as the boy-of-wonder & all that and... I really did it. I really put my mind to it and after all the years, all the stress and drama I... I fuckin' did it! I learned how to do magic. I can only really make stuff float a little bit and it takes horrible concentration but... I can do it. I don't even need a staff or a wand or anything! Its incredible."

Daniel, a known agnostic-atheist, has been denounced by vocal members of the Christian-Conservative community, especially online. Here are some key cliffnotes.

"Daniel's literally said he hates Jesus before right? Didn't he say he was fucking Jewish? This guy is literally practicing black magic hello???!?"

"Harry Potter if you think it about it was straight up just satanic witchcraft lets be real: is ANYONE surprised?"

"Lol, this fucking chud again? All that shit and all he can do is make a guy float ten feet? Soooo lame"

"Ermmm... DSP? is this guy registered? I doubt hes registered... shouldn't he be getting raided right about now?"

"Oh my god the secret hollywood cabal of secret society wizards is real?!? are you kidding me?"


For information on what your Contractor knows about this event; @Badtzmaruboy on Discord.

Dimitry Romanov made a Move (badtzmaruboy GMed) 5 months, 2 weeks ago. View Move

SBC: Sanguinopathic Shock State results in 2 Dead, 4 Injured in Oklahoma Walmart Tragedy!

From the SBC / "Supernews Broadcasting Network" of NBC / Comcast.


Sanguinophagic Shock results in 2 Dead, 4 Injured in Oklahoma Walmart Tragedy!


At 11:05 AM at the 3301 SW 104th St, Oklahoma City, OK 73159, a Walmart Supercenter in Oklahoma, an unfortunate tragedy occurred as( now-understood-to-be-a-afflicted Viral Sanguinophauge) 32 year old Barry Davis began undergoing a delirious mental episode during what started as just a normal shopping trip for the father of two.

The episode, brought on by Davis's longtime battle with his supernatural condition, led him to immediately begin attacking other shoppers; drawing a concealed carry handgun & opening fire on the nearest to him... a family of five.

The family of five, the Hankdamian family, was heroically shielded by their their Father; Wessel Hankdamian a Former Marine & Veteran of the War in Afghanistan and also off-duty DSPA Officer. Wessel after shielding his family, immediately took to engaging the man in combat; finding immense difficulty due to the man's perceived enhanced physiology from his supernatural condition. Thanks to his training, Wessel heroically prevailed... but succumbed to his injuries only minutes before first responders arrived to the location.

The Man afflicted with Viral Sanguinophagia who'se shock state had caused the incident, 32 year old Barry Davis, was killed during the encounter, as well as Father of three & Hero-in-action Wessel Hankdamian.

The incident has led to ongoing debate admist the Superscene, especially online, about whether Superabled individuals with especially mentally dangerous or volatile conditions should even be allowed to own or legally own firearms at all.

A Statement from the DSP.

"Davis had access to prescribed amounts of blood which, allegedly, based on what he had told us; should have prevented him from having such episodes to begin with... and according to him, and what he told his assigned Agents, he had been taking them. We're quite sure that the reason the incident happened to begin with is because Davis had simply lied to us, as he had failed to qualitatively self-screen himself & had denied our request to qualitative examination or tests or studies to be done to him in regards to his condition. The Superabled are not criminals, they are people just like us, but unfortunately if they do not communicate & clearly make their unique conditions & needs known to us: integration in civilization is difficult at-best. This incident nonetheless is a tragedy; and our hearts and minds go out to the five children who both have now lost a loving father."


For information on what your Contractor knows about this event; @Badtzmaruboy on Discord.

Tarhos Kovacs made a Move (badtzmaruboy GMed) 5 months, 2 weeks ago. View Move

Feeling Overwhelmed? Stressed? We're Here to Help: INT!

(The following is an Ad that airs on adult television in the US & Canada).




Life can be challenging, and sometimes it’s hard to manage it all on your own. Whether you're struggling with anxiety, stress, depression, or just feeling stuck, talking to a professional can make all the difference. Sometimes it can be hard to find a professional but... that's why we're here.




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For information on what your Contractor knows about this event; @Badtzmaruboy on Discord.


A Contractor made a Move (badtzmaruboy GMed) 5 months, 2 weeks ago. View Move

バーバスター爆撃!靴箱の奇妙な爆発 歌舞伎町のバー

[NHK (日本放送協会) の「週刊ニュース」/「週刊事件」セクションからの小さなクリップ。]


バーバスター爆撃!靴箱の奇妙な爆発 歌舞伎町のバー


NHK WORLD-JAPAN は、日本の公共メディア組織である NHK の国際サービスです。テレビ、ラジオ、オンラインを通じて日本とアジアの最新情報を世界中の視聴者に提供します。


"「今日、〒160-0021 東京都新宿区歌舞伎町1丁目1-5にある『バスターバー』が、わずか20分間隔で突然、一連の爆発に揺れた。目撃者や目撃者の報告によれば、爆発は次の通りだった」信じられないほど小規模で、死傷者や負傷者は報告または引き起こされていません。」"





For information on what your Contractor knows about this event; @Badtzmaruboy on Discord.

A Contractor made a Move (PascalsAngel GMed) 5 months, 3 weeks ago. View Move

Missing and Dead

Celebrating 70 Years Accurate Reporting

"-Louisiana ranks 5th for homicides following the surge in murders in Baton Rouge. Our questions about two of the three most recent disappearances, Jack Banner Budding, Chester Guidry Doucet, and William Nichols Alexander, have recently been answered."


"William Nichols Alexander, 69, was found wrapped in a tarp. His body was found dumped on the highway, and police say the cause of his death was blunt force trauma. He was a therapist, and many will miss him. The case is being treated as a homicide."


"Chester Guidry Doucet, 38, was found on a different highway. Police report the cause of death as an incised wound to the neck. He was a Range Safety Officer, and an active member of the community. His case is also being treated as a-"

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