A world inside a digital realm of video games.

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A Contractor made a Move (PoisedIvyT_T GMed) 3 days, 4 hours ago. View Move

Haerin Yun made a Move (GreenAppll GMed) 3 days, 16 hours ago. View Move

New Biome - Gehenna

Deep in the depths of Neo-Genis, At Zone 25 - H, what was once a beautiful land of grass and nature is now turned barren, gothic, polluted with screaming souls and metal that chimes as if crying. With about a month of work by the mysterious player, the biome was fully established. Spending quite a bit of resources, a new species was developed and even born there.

The biome, officially titled as Gehenna threatens any and all who enters. The natural life form there is neutral-friendly, but dangerous and hard to spot. Along with the souls, and the ruler of the biome, perhaps in a way, it is equivalent to the lair of the demon lord. Though its rumored that upon getting into the castle, all ailments and debuff will be removed. Perhaps, a in a way, a reward for that hard crossed journey.


Monster Region Data:


New! Assassin Shadow Walruses - Level 4



Arctic Shadows Walrus Silhouette in the Icy Night | Premium AI-generated  image

Latest Journals

2 days, 20 hours ago: Haerin Yun wrote a Downtime Journal for Coffin Village

To be content.

To be content... To be happy with your decisions and the way you are... That is all I ever hope for you to feel once you have believed yourself to have reached the peak of this power you so desperately chase after. So I will do with my all, fighting till the day you or I die, as we are nothing more than multiple aspects of what you are, User.

So if you desired to truly fight until no one could ever win against you, then... I will happily do my best to achieve your dreams, simply because as old as you are, you've known nothing but stagnancy, death and despair have you not?

And with that being the case, why not just obtain your permanent symbol of all your effort to be free of everything, all the blood sweat and tears that comes with doing what you do... So keep going, I'll be there, even if you're a villain by the end.




2 days, 21 hours ago: Haerin Yun wrote a Downtime Journal for Unbeatable

Memory 0: Conception

The darkness is as still as ever... ever so stagnant and indifferent, lacking that which could be seen as hopeful or even an oddity... That is until one day.


A body filled with overwhelming darkness, near-boundless rage, the capacity to grow and evolve constantly, the intense hatred for all human life, the fierce love for those he will care for... all the intensities colliding in this realm of absolute darkness and stagnancy, bashing and crashing into one another, 3 souls coalescing into 1;

the first... The one that is you, the most recognisable one of these souls within you.... One that is as dark as the abyss that made it

the second... an energetic and clingy soul, one tightly bound to the first, as though it never wishes to leave the first alone... Who knows what they are...

And the third one... The one that binds you to mortality and humanity... Yet also constantly constricts and ties you down, like strings on a marionette... Though.. the current you has no need to worry about this one...





3 days, 14 hours ago: Haerin Yun wrote a Downtime Journal for Grand Theft Grandma

Why do I cling so hard to this niche.

Why does it feel as though the longer I continue chasing this endless strength, it appears wall after wall after wall... I guess that is what a limit is at that moment huh? It never stops, There are those who are better at what I do yet are optimised for combat much better than I could ever dream... Why is it that I am so weak... Do I lack the correct skills, the right synergistic abilities, the right this, the right that? It does not matter from the perspective of battle, such shortcomings should be mediated with a solution of some sort, I must show my capabilities regardless of how inadequate I feel in comparison to others... The fight never stops, so neither should I. A being who never tires will eventually reach a point of clarity within themselves... A point of ascension, of apotheosis...


I tire... But I shall continue.. Until I find a reason to stop

3 days, 14 hours ago: Haerin Yun wrote a Downtime Journal for Maikendo

Will I ever love.

As I stand... Staring in the desolate solitude that is my soul. My heart. My actions are all being controlled by another... When will I ever be free to do as I please, will I love? What even is love, all I've known without my heartless vessel is hatred and having to fight ceaselessly... That desire has not burned away in the slightest, but now I feel filled with other desires, I want more things. I want to be myself, I want to be someone, for someone... I desire what others have, their longing, their love, their hopes and dreams, and I want to crush them and take the rest for myself. I tire of being the only one who feels and exists the way I do. Maybe this love I so long for isn't what I understand it to be. Maybe the words of my comrades are beginning to muddle my beliefs... Whatever the case may be I shall press forward, to pursue what I love, battle, and protect those I love, My comrades.

3 days, 15 hours ago: Haerin Yun wrote a Downtime Journal for children of the eyeless

Memory 4: Love

The stagnant darkness glimmers and warps slightly, breaking the apathetic and bleak stillness to reveal a strange scene...
A hillside with a warm hue reflecting off of two figures... A breeze hits the two figures as it is revealed to be... You and another.
A young man stands before a young woman, his face full of flusters, his heart light and fluttery, endless emotions ensuing beneath his visage as he lets his heart out to the woman in front of him, declaring his profound and boundless love for her.

Although the woman listens intently, it is all for her to word her response in a way that doesn't warp her intentions without breaking the flustered man's heart... You hear...
"I wish not to hurt you, so I shall word my answer carefully... I... I care for you... Anglo... But... not in a way that would sate your desire for reciprocal affection... I do love you... But I'm not ready... And I don't think I can be ready for such a commitment at my age... If... If you still love me when I'm ready, then I will happily accept your feelings... And if you have found someone else by then... I won't be sad... Thank you for loving me, Anglo."

The vision soon goes still once they hold each other in a comforting embrace... and the darkness soon goes stagnant...







4 days, 7 hours ago: Task wrote a Downtime Journal for FINALITY

You should hate me...

I... I don't know what to feel. I was sure they would hate me. I betrayed everyone. The people I called friends, people who never did anything to me... I hurt them in ways that can't just be forgotten. Ways that shouldn't just be forgotten... But they just, forgave me... How could they do that? I should be punished, I should suffer. That is how the world works. Cause equals effect. However they just, don't. Kayleigh forgave me, Abigail forgave me, they all forgave me. They didn't ask anything from me. They just did...

I don't know what I did to deserve it. What about me allowed me to be able to move on, but I don't want to take it for granted. I want to spend the rest of my time here, for as long as I'm around, I want to make people's lives better. I spent so much time breaking things, I think it's about time I try to put some things back together for once. First thing's first, helping Kayleigh. She deserves to be happy in the real world too, and I don't exactly have any use for all the money I have access to, so I'm going to use it to help her.

After that, I'm going to try and help anyone else I come across. If there is any way I can do good in this world, then I want to do it. There's been enough hurting, enough pain, enough sadness. It's time to tell some happy stories.




Now that I think about it... there is still one more person I should apologize to... I wonder if I can still contact them?

4 days, 7 hours ago: D.Y. wrote a Contract Journal for Grand Theft Grandma

I hate Simulations.


I don't see this place as an appealing experience at all; it isn't as... "Good" as you made it sound in our eMails previous. Then again, this is just the very first of many I will attend.

Virtual Reality Games. The very thought of wasting my free time here sickens me. Although perhaps there is a way I can invest my time adequately enough. After all, there are no real laws in Neo-Genis, and they made sure to utilize that. Just as they, I am unbound here to conduct my Research; perhaps even, using it as a front for something... Bigger.


Ah, I've seen the appeal now- You were right... The law holds no real consequence, none that I've seen, so far... These Non-Player characters you've mentioned, I have yet to meet them, but I have met others...  They are... Interesting. A collection of Simulated souls. Artificial Intelligence with a... Personality. Hmpf... Even those that pretend to be... Other beings from Alternate realities and Cultural references I do not understand. Idiocy in it's highest form I suppose; I shouldn't be surprised. Then again, it would interest me to know what goes on in those minds.


Alice Chashh. I hate that Child, they reminded me of you; that unbridled innocence that could be taken advantage of; a naivety so sickening, I wondered why they were even here in the first place. I pitied them, in all honesty. Too trusting. Fortunately they had a disgustingly large bear to protect them, so that my time would be unbothered watching over them so they wouldn't get hurt. Where are their parents? Huh, to have left a child in this simulated reality that realistically portrays death and consequence. Their presence uneased my mind. I hate these Orphans, someone should really build an Orphanage so that they know their place.

Hector Salman. A liar, smooth. They would definitely make a good Marketing director by the way they were too sly. Something I hated, but that was the slight appeal I suppose: to lie for a good cause. They reminded me of you. It sickens me. Someone that can act a good word and show poise with heavy hands, disgusting affairs. Brazen actors with more gusto than brains, someone should really invest in some place that their group can rabble on, seen only by the masses that matter. Fucking actors, I swear- Someone should start billing a film so that have something to do other than annoy me. 


4 days, 10 hours ago: Gaia, The Ashen One wrote a Contract Journal for Game Over

I hate it.

I will not answer. If it had not been for the very promise I made months prior, by hands would have broken free from the binds that held me back. Curse it all! I curse all of it— The questions, maddening; I come to answer what was required, but even that at a price of my own soul. How dare they!?

I cannot stop. I can't stop my mind from taking me back there, that moment of silence. That moment of vulnerability, no, no, NO! I  can't think about it. I can't— STOP- I pray to ease the noise within my head but provide me peace from this pain. They were there, laughing, smiling, conspiring— they knew of it. STOP! STOP IT! PLEASE!

. . .


I am please to know that Sora has found their peace. And that Kayleigh seems to have as well. Luminous' vanity is always no surprise; one can only expect that they too have found peace, probably in the power they hold.


Sora and Nova, Mimi, that one from when I first met Kayleigh and Devonia. A family... Must be a... Wonder... I envy them. Their smiles are something that breaks me... They do not deserve this. They do not deserve the war I fight in. I made promises to Move never to hurt him. Would bringing them to war break that trust?

Kayleigh, that strange one, has moved on, and I thank the Divines for such a blessing. That is a happiness I am ill-equipped to provide. As I am... War and heartbreak is all that lays ahead.

I must be strong and never show weakness.

4 days, 10 hours ago: Gaia, The Ashen One wrote a Downtime Journal for Breaking Seal 4-6

I thought I was to die, it seems suffering is not done with me.

I survived the last encounter, but my body is damaged and soul broken. I had once feared my time to come soon, and the end was near— but to the fortune of what we had overcome... I had realized the fragility of it all.

I'm know that I'm a monster, and they have yet to slay me. Their voices speak of good tidings yet my heart breaks with every promise. I know, and bare witness to my insignificance after every battle. The Selfish soul that I am does not deserve pity, even from those that do so much to keep me from falling...

And what will I have when the battle is over? When the war is done? I have nothing but silence.

I... Don't want to go back to the endless silence. I am a warrior full of Greed and Selfish desire, Pride and Loathing.

Hate. Is all I can give. I don't want to be here.

4 days, 10 hours ago: Gaia, The Ashen One wrote a Contract Journal for Breaking Seal 4-6


I don't know who I am anymore.

So many people have had change in their lives before me. Found reasons for living that I still cannot. Fight, all the same.

Do I dare find reasons to carry on alone? Do I dare not ask what is my fate is? Nothing. I am resolved to nothing but a soldier and a broken toy, struggling to find reason outside of battle. Why? When surrounded by allies, I am outnumbered by the burdens that is my dedication to this?

Fighting. The only time and was I feel close to others is in the brink of death. My skill remain static while those around me grow... I can no longer hold my shield the way I used to... I can no longer swing my blade and cleave as deep. Why?

They help me... Is it for their selfishness or out of kindness? I say I understand, but is that too the lie of which I tell?

They said something to me... It... Bleeds me.

"I hope you understand the consequences..."

They have soured everything.  EVERYTHING! Killing them- I ask- WHY!? WHY DOES THIS HURT!?

Wasn't I  created to break the seals!? WASN'T I TO RECEIVE RETRIBUTION AND FREEDOM FROM THIS BATTLE? Why do I have to die?

I have yet to find him. Yet to find meaning, purpose... I am a child. I scream out to be heard by those whom have abandoned me. I lash out in silence, my heart drowned in sea of discontent.

I have nothing outside of this. I am no one but a useless weapon.

4 days, 20 hours ago: Kayleigh Jones wrote a Downtime Journal for FINALITY

Kayleigh’s Journal - Gina

I'm in love with Gina. I've been in love with her for almost a year.

She's funny and confident and she's so pretty and she can be super blunt sometimes, but in a way where you know she's genuine. She holds my hands when I'm stressing out and kissed me when I asked her to and she knows so much about tea and she teases me and it's embarrassing but I don't want her to stop.

I want to listen to her more. I want to be held by her more.

It's really, really scary. This is my first time doing anything like this. Do they call it falling in love because it feels like you're plummeting to the earth? I’m afraid of hitting the ground but I don't want to stop falling.

I want to kiss her again. I want to walk with her to a beautiful view and I want to laugh at dumb jokes with her.

I want to do laundry with her, to handle mundane chores with her because if she's with me then it could never be dull.

I want her to want this too.

I really hope she does.

4 days, 21 hours ago: Kayleigh Jones wrote a Contract Journal for FINALITY

Kayleigh’s Journal - 10 - Finality

Finality is gone. 

They were hurting, failing to cope with the pain that comes with living and the grief they felt regarding Gerard’s death. They lashed out during Task’s birthday, tore a forbidden power away from where it should have been kept locked away, and started trying to use people’s souls to return the world to how they remembered it. Static, broken chaos.

I thought they killed Task. I thought they killed her. I was… incredibly angry. Dr. Castodon, Abigail, actually helped us out, helped us track down where Finality would be. Devonia gave me an augment to resist the dangers of that space between the games of Neo-GENIS, and CLYW broke us in. I used my spirit-calling abilities to find that Finality went towards a broken-looking tower in the distance, followed by the Angel. 

We made chase, the four of us. I led the pack, keeping us safe from the attacks that were sent our way. Abigail struggled to keep up, so I simply carried her the last seventy or so feet to the tower. 

We made it in. The Angel and Finality were fighting on the top.

We made it to Finality. CLYW established a connection to Finality’s systems.

Task was alive. Task was there.

I tried my best to convince the angel that there was a better way, but it came to me that… that what Finality was doing was wrong. That there were dozens of innocent people, maybe more, who were bereft of their souls, whose lives were in danger.

In the end, I tried to save the twins’ soul, but the Angel demanded it of me to right what was taken away.



I gave them the soul. I hated myself for it, but I had to.

I couldn’t save them. I’d all but resigned myself to losing them, but… the Angel only destroyed half.

Task is alive, Finality is not.

This should be a victory. The villain is dead, the victim is saved, the day is won.

It’s not.

I failed them. Finality was suffering, and I could do nothing to alleviate it.

I won’t let Task suffer anymore. I’ll make it right.

I'll remember you, Finality. You will always have a place in my heart.

5 days, 23 hours ago: Haerin Yun wrote a Downtime Journal for The Tower - FLOORS 1-5

Memory 2: Academics

The darkness within the vessel trembles and slowly tears itself open, revealing the vessel being dropped off at a large building. The vessel wears strange, formal clothing. It is loud and there are many people of similar stature and maturity to this vessel. Some seem busy engaging with their fellow people, and eventually, one finds you and takes you by the hand, seemingly dragging you off to God knows where. They seem to speak in combination with the odd language heard previously and in another you seem to understand perfectly, referring to you as their friend. It appears this vessel had people that considered it to be an individual they would enjoy having around and so... This individual takes you to more people like them, all equally as happy to see you, quite interested in your day. You respond, bearing knowledge you had not had previously and as such, the information slips out of your mind as quickly as it had arrived... More time elapses, the day goes on... There was quite a lot of sedentary activity, mainly note taking and nothing else thus far...

Soon... the individual finds you on your way out of this building, seeming to desire to walk with you to the destination where your parents will arrive... And so they sit there... With you...

As the vision slowly fades to black... And that familiar stagnancy returns...



6 days ago: Melvin Figglebottom wrote a Downtime Journal for Echos Below

It Would Mean A Lot To Me

I got a message from The Wrangler to come to his ranch in Beast Pathing. So I went down and met him at his home. He told me that it was only a matter of time until Huang-Xi got to him and he wasn't goin' down without a fight. I asked why he asked me to come and he told me that he wanted to give me all the information he had gathered on the guild in the event that the worst happened. I asked him if I couldn't fight along side him and he shook his head, telling me that I was better off staying off of their radar for now. He gave me the little ones he had collected from Huang-Xi and a bunch of information on all sorts of guild activity and protocol. He also gave me a list of people to contact so I could make potential allies. I promised that if he wasn't here after the dust settled that I would avenge him. My tie felt hot as the flames appeared on it before I bid him farewell.


Move Thread ID 1314664284218851358 (there's a lot of info in there)

6 days ago: Haerin Yun wrote a Downtime Journal for Deep Dives

Memory 1: Family.

The darkness swirls and trembles... before slowly unveiling itself... Showing memories of a past unknown to this vessel.

A mother, a father... An aunt, an uncle.... many members of this vessel's family all smiling and eating together... Speaking in a language unknown to the vessel. Some doting on the vessel, others teasing it with words the vessel is incapable pf understanding...

They continue to have this meal together... the atmosphere is that of comfort and serenity, that which the vessel is unused to, an unfamiliar sensation indeed. This goes on for a while, long enough for the food to have long been finished and now remains these people telling each other about their days, or of current events, or anything else, the vessel had not a clue in which is currently being discussed. And so, it sits there with wide and confused eyes... Simply observing these people who care for it so much... And after a while, the images fade into the darkness.... and soon the abyss returns to its stagnant darkness...


6 days ago: Haerin Yun wrote a Downtime Journal for Deep Dives 6 days ago: Melvin Figglebottom wrote a Downtime Journal for Mushroom Hunt

A Little Downtime

Things in Neo-Genis had been a bit hectic and I needed a break. So I spent some time outside the headset. I noticed since I started training that I had started to lose a little weight in the real world. Made sense, the headset stimulated the muscles for more accurate movements. I didn't even fit in my clothes anymore, so I took the car to go shopping for new clothes. Bought a few sets and decided to splurge a bit on new set of work clothes as well to look good at the office. I was feeling better about myself. I even felt like I had more hair! I went to the grocery store and instead of buying my usual array of crap food, I opted for some healthy stuff. I needed change in my life and I was gonna do it dammit. I bought more cat food for Alice and headed back home to eat lunch and feed the cat before going on a walk. It was the best day I had in a long time....

Latest Completed Contracts

114 Contracts have been run in this Playgroup
6 days, 22 hours ago: PoisedIvyT_T ran Thrilla in Manilla
Ringer Victory - An NPC ringer Played by Sergeres


As the owner of a new UR-VRH (Ultra Realism Virtual Realty Headset) headset, you have a gateway to a new and wondrous universe! Immerse yourself in deep forests filled with dangerous monsters, avoid fearsome traps placed within dungeons that need to be explored, and test yourself against all manner of player-created content as well. Inside the box, you have the following: A headset, a full tracking body suit, manual controllers, adjustable sensation sensors, and a mental jack-in port.

Set up your avatar, put in those stats, select your first powers for your class, and join the world of Neo-GENIS today!

House Rules

Contractors from Neo-GENIS Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
Neo-GENIS grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.

The Purpose of Neo-Genis is to create a space for players to invest in a world in an engaging and interesting way, creating connections and relationships for their Players to explore while also adding a means for them to explore and build the world around them. This group is somewhat different from the main play group, as such the main playgroup rules have been crossed out for quick comparisons.


Contractor Creation Rules


  • Contractors Players may take no more than 21 points of Assets or Liabilities (Absolute Value) Going over this limit requires Endorsed GM approval. 
  • Contractors cannot be direct ripoffs of pop-culture concepts, to the point that NPCs in-game would notice the similarity. For example: you may play a heroic strong-man, but not Superman. A famous weapons developer, but not Iron Man. Given the virtual nature of the game world and the use of avatars when you go into it you are allowed to play whatever you want, either reference to media, pop-culture, etc.


  • Contractors may not start out as a concept that is likely to disrupt Contracts (e.g. being a walking, talking fox, being as notorious as Osama bin Laden, having a bomb in their chest that detonates when they die, etc). Given the virtual nature of the game and that most players can create whatever persons they want to be, most designs are okay to do so long as it's not blatantly offensive, ie: Pornographic in nature, religious, idolizing terrorists, etc.


  • Contractors are mundane people who would see their ambitions through regardless of access to powers. That is why a Harbinger offers Gifts, and why they are willing to risk their lives for the power to make their dreams come true. Your Ambition must be a core driver to your character's actions, like a personality of sorts that helps them focus on the world itself, it is a large point of tension for their story, and is likely to get them into trouble. Craft your Ambition carefully and be open to suggestions and changes from Playgroup Leaders in order to nail it. You play the game to have fun, fight alongside your friends, and explore new worlds, your goals could simply be to enjoy and play the game or just to build your own guild. Maybe you'd like to become strong enough to become a villain in the game, fight players and take over land, or program in your own section of the game, your choices and ambitions are all up to you.


    • Keep in mind, however, that Ambitions can (and will) change over time as your Contractor Player develops. It's simply part of character development! No matter what, Ambitions are why a Contractor Player risks their life continuing to participate in Contracts. dose what they do.


  • New Contractors must be submitted for approval in The Contract Discord server, channel #maelstrom-approvals, before their first game. 
    • Interacting with Loose Ends, Conditions, and/or Circumstances requires Moves between games to be cleared. This connects your contractor with the world in some tangible way. 


Contractor Player Limits

  • In order to facilitate more focused character concepts, Maelstrom has a hard limit on the number of Newbies and Novices that a Player can keep active. Any character housed in the Playgroup is considered active. Remove them from the Playgroup if they are no longer in-play. Moving Contractors back into the Playgroup requires Leader Approval. Maelstrom is not a parking lot, please do not treat it as such. At Maximum, a Player can only have 2 Newbies and 3 Novices active in Maelstrom at once.  Make however many characters you'd like, but don't expect all of them to get a lot of play depending on game availability.


Developing Background

  • At the end of every Newbie and Novice game, Players will be assigned a question or two about their Contractor's Players background that they must answer before they participate in their next game. These answers will be stored in the Biography section, and will often be relevant to their current situation in-game. Use this creative freedom responsibly. Additionally, these background choices should be done in a roleplay sense, your character is separate from you since you are playing a game, as such think about them from that character's point of view.


Power Creation Rules

  • Flavorful Powers: Manifested Gifts must be in-line with Character Concepts and require World Leader approval. Powers in the Health category are most likely to be watched. This encourages networking between other Contractors Players and NPCs when healing and curing is required.
  • Logical Flavor: Players must be able to explain how and why their power works in a given situation, otherwise GMs have license to cause them to fail. For example, a Blast flavored as a ball of fire might not work underwater. But at the same time, that same Blast power might do extra damage to enemies vulnerable to fire. GMs always have final say, but must remember to make Powers feel powerful. 



  • Active Players are expected to GM Contracts from time to time. If you have played as a Contractor in your most recent six Maelstrom Contracts, you are barred from playing in Maelstrom again until you GM a Contract yourself, unless you are attending the game of a GM who is fulfilling Citizenship Requirement themselves. This rule is temporarily null for the time being.


Loose Ends in Neo-Genis

  • Treacherous Loose Ends: A Contractor who waits for a Loose End's threat to manifest without taking any precautions against it during their Downtimes will see the threat revealing itself at the worst possible moment during downtime. Ask Approved GMs and Playgroup Leaders for Moves to help control Loose Ends before they control you.
  • Neutral/Unknown Loose Ends: Some Loose Ends are Unknown, meaning that they give the *Player* a hint of moving parts behind the scenes, but not necessarily the *Character*. A Neutral Loose End usually means that the dangers or benefits of the Loose End are obscured or up to the Character's actions once it manifests. Neutral Loose Ends also may or may not be known to the Contractor.
  • Investments: Some Loose Ends bestow benefits at the end of their clock. Investments are usually rewards for Moves and Hustles, but might come from other sources as well. Ask Approved GMs and Playgroup Leaders for Moves to further your Contractor's goals.



Notes on GMing in Neo-Genis

All members are encouraged to GM and run Moves, and no approval is required. Custom Scenarios likewise do not require pre-approval. 

By default, you cannot run Games or Moves for a tier that you have not played in yourself. For example, if you would like to run a Novice game, but have never played a Novice game, you must wait until you have had some experience in Novice as a Player.

Use GM Notes! This is a place to provide more detail about Circumstances, Conditions, and Loose Ends as well as important developments behind the scenes. Good GM notes makes it easier to run relevant Contracts games and Moves for characters.

Keep intros concise during game time. If you want to run more extensive introductions, try to do it before playtime. Players, in general, should not need to be wheeled-and-dealed to agree to a Contract game. A simple Letter sent to them should suffice.

World Leaders are there to help. Spoil them on Scenarios, get feedback, ask them questions. 

In general, Contracts games and Moves are subject to an "Exposure" criteria, especially when it comes to posted World Events. Contractors players in higher Gift ranges have more freedom to affect the playgroup as a whole. At Newbie/Novice, however, the outcomes games will not ever have an international reach. Though Contractors players might remember terrible things happening during their Contract game, World Events might be scaled back due to meddling from The Powers That Be.

Don't take it personally if your World Event gets edited by a Playgroup Leader. It's part of the game and our efforts to keep a consistent tone within the Playgroup.

GMs are encouraged to build interesting, consistent locations for Contractors players to explore through Contracts games and Moves. Talk to a Playgroup Leader about location development, they are happy to delegate the development of content.

Full Setting Description

Reality is a cold and unforgiving realm, where the mundane everyday folk are subjected to all manner of pain, misery, and servitude. For those that can’t cope, can’t move, can’t feel, or have all manner of imperfections that limit them, reality can be just that and so much more horrible than anyone could imagine with out being in their shoes. This world is different, this world gives you a ‘way out’, that you can visit as much as you want, that you can enjoy the pleasures of living a life different from the one you have currently.

This world gives the child dying of cancer the chance to live out their dreams, even if short-lived. It gives those who have lost their legs the ability to walk again, the man suffering from PTSD an opportunity to find a group to belong too. This world was built with the purpose of connecting those who could care little for the mundane and wish to live in a world of limited judgment, that being your avatar should be first and foremost, and that you may display who you are free of those who care enough to judge you.

In this game we’ve taken in many, those who enjoy anime, cartoons, superheroes, fantasy settings, and even mixtures of the above will find themselves a home here. The main hub world of Neo-Genis houses a full access point to every other realm in the game, each realm having its own setting, mechanics, dungeons, features, and rules. Visiting the Bosriya you’ll find a wonderful beach and ocean setting, filled with pirates, sea monsters, and even some safe locations to enjoy the beauty of the sea without worry of being attacked- unless your looking for that. While visiting Titania you’ll find that players fight in a realistic war game scenario, capturing points, engaging in squad-based tactics, and using vehicles and guns to defeat your enemies.

Every game has a reward at the end of the round or game module, these rewards range from items, artifacts, upgrades, and levels. Levels are calculated by the amount of gift points you have x 2, so a player with 6 wins can logically have 6 x 2 in level + 1 given that everyone in Neo-Genis gets a free gift on character creation. If you notice that your top bar is red, and that your over the limit of gifts by one, don't worry, you have a legal character in Neo-Genis. But that goes with out saying, what will you use your gifts for? What will you find while playing? What friends will you make while playing?

All these questions can be answered and more when you make your avatar today and join the world of Neo-GENIS.




Patch 1.04


A player and vendor marketplace has been added for players to indulge in and use for their games as well as adventures. 


Players can buy things prior to games they start based on the finance level they have as well as a number of them related to it. Each item purchased will be usable for one game and must be done at the beginning of the game by either trading, going to a market, or doing preparation ahead of time. They cannot be stockpiled, they must be used for that contract, or the move you're involved in or they will vanish after it is completed. 


For every finance level you unlock new items to buy for each tier, you may buy things at the bottom tiers if you have something higher. You may only buy 1 item (unless you're rich) per game and it must be announced to the GM prior that your buying this item. If not announced or the game doesn't allow you access to a market prior to joining then you may not buy items. 


Finances: Average

  • Healing Potion: Once during a game (contract/move) you may spend an action and use up this item, you heal 1 severity. 
  • Haste Potion: Once during a game (contract/move) you may spend an action and use up this item, you dash 1 time without spending your action. 

Finances: Comfortable

  • Esper Potion: Once during a game (contract/move) you may spend an action and use up this item, you heal 1 mind damage.
  • Spirit Potion: Once during a game (contract/move) you may spend an action and use up this item, you regain 1 source. 
  • Power Token: Once during a game (contract/move) you may spend a free action and use up this item, you may cause your next roll to have a +1 dice modifier to it (can't be stacked).


Finances: Wealthy

  • Mixed Drink: Once during a game (contract/move) you may spend an action and use up this item, you heal 1 mind and severity damage.
  • Berserker Token:  Once during a game (contract/move) you may spend a free action and use up this item, you may cause your next roll to have a +2 dice modifier to it. After this action for the next minute, you will have a -1 dice penalty (can't be stacked).
  • Hyper Potion: Once during a game (contract/move) you may spend an action and use up this item, you heal 3 severity. 


Finances: Rich 

  • You may buy 2 items for each contract/move to start instead of just 1.


World Events

A Contractor made a Move (PoisedIvyT_T GMed) 3 days, 4 hours ago. View Move

Haerin Yun made a Move (GreenAppll GMed) 3 days, 16 hours ago. View Move

New Biome - Gehenna

Deep in the depths of Neo-Genis, At Zone 25 - H, what was once a beautiful land of grass and nature is now turned barren, gothic, polluted with screaming souls and metal that chimes as if crying. With about a month of work by the mysterious player, the biome was fully established. Spending quite a bit of resources, a new species was developed and even born there.

The biome, officially titled as Gehenna threatens any and all who enters. The natural life form there is neutral-friendly, but dangerous and hard to spot. Along with the souls, and the ruler of the biome, perhaps in a way, it is equivalent to the lair of the demon lord. Though its rumored that upon getting into the castle, all ailments and debuff will be removed. Perhaps, a in a way, a reward for that hard crossed journey.


Monster Region Data:


New! Assassin Shadow Walruses - Level 4



Arctic Shadows Walrus Silhouette in the Icy Night | Premium AI-generated  image

Devonia made a Move (GreenAppll GMed) 3 days, 16 hours ago. View Move


*Clicks* Camera starts rolling...

"Hey everyone! Its Roger here for your weekly interview! Today, I got some spicy news, oh yes sirree, its about as spicy as it gets. Reports of player killing and possibly, footage of the GREATEST tank ever! 

Nice to meet you sir! whats your name perhaps?"


As the camera turns, a knight in armor is revealed. Taking off his helmet, the camera shows a pair of sharp wolf like blue eyes. Hair as golden as the sun, his face is rugged and scarred yet there is a strong masculine feel to it. He squints at the camera before saying in a rugged voice.

"I am Arthur Ludwig, the third, you may refer to me as Arthur"


"So Arthur! There's been some footage of your encounter with PK'ers going viral! It was stated your controls are on another level, wielding nigh perfect mechanical skills when it comes to Tanking! how do you feel about this?"


"There is no "perfect" tanking. There is only a job to be done. A job that can only be done by a tank. That is why I play and why I am here."


"Quite the answer to say the least, Do you have anything you wish to say to these PK'ers? any identification?"


"I remember your user tag... I will seek you out for a rematch soon. Our fight isn't over" For a moment, the camera pans out and his level is visible... Where as it was previously level 10, he is now level 20. His gear has upgraded and from the looks of it, so has his spirit.


"Does everyone hear that! It seems like THE TANK IS COMING FOR HIS VENGEENNCEEEEEEE"



Viral Tanking Video...

A video posted onto the internet.

Seeing the amount of attention, it grabs your eye as you read the title "Level 40 Pk'ers nearly lost a level 10 player!"

As you click on it, the video starts playing. Its from the perspective of a employee in yensid world.



Bombs goes off in the distance. Guns are shot, lightning covers the sky in darkness as a lone knight stands. Ashes and soot around him, yet he remains unfazed. A multi-armed player covered in darkness with a very obviously frustrated grin appears to be fighting the lone knight. 



In the blink of an eye, Swords and shields clash. The knight, obviously outnumbered and out gunned, nevertheless, throws himself at his opponent with his shield, As the blades stab into him, he himself stabs into his opponent. It takes only but a moment as both falls to the ground. It was a tie... 

Arthur Ludwig, III

Special NPC status - The Tank - Whenever defending or Parrying, can never go below 5 success. Level - 20.

Haerin Yun made a Move (PoisedIvyT_T GMed) 4 days ago. View Move

The CARLA Massacre


The footage starts with some bodycam footage of two PeaceKeepers stopping some suspicious looking people armed with weapons. The conversation starts out simple enough as they are pulled aside and spoken to; asked if they have floor passes before- "How about I give you a Hand Sandwich?" One of these people punch the PeaceKeeper to the face and a short combat encounter starts. The Peacekeeps, only having non-lethal weapons go down fast, but from then are quickly decapitated and their heads are taken as trophies. These Heads are to be the cameras for the following footage.

interior hall of apartment building, dark intersecting hallway, dim broken  intermittent lighting, urban, dystopian, neo-tokyo, cyber, photo...City on the water. Post-apocalypse (4) | Images :: Behance

It doesn't take long for the massacre to continue; the footage shakes as you see this Headhunter move through the hallways, running past apartments as the residents of the hallways hide back into their rooms. A Group of Peacekeepers meet them at the end of the hallway and aim their weapons, yelling out in fear: "Stop! Stop right there!"
Their cries unheard, as a horrific Barrier of ghosts and such is put up by the Masked Man, before multiple limbs extend and slash at these helpless Players, all coming from the horrific monster that is the HeadHunter. Blood stains the hallways as out of the 10, only 1 survives. Hearing the HeadHunter's words: "I am not backing down" The remaining Peacekeep chooses to take the easy way out and pull the trigger on themselves, failing to finish the job... Much to their own dismay, as the HeadHunter stops here to decapitate the fallen- not even sparing the one alive, to take the heads as trophies.

Pin pageThe Massacre | Facebook

Further footage continues as they continuously pass by floors, killing Peacekeepers before they have enough time to defend themselves. They pause on a floor to wait for an Elevator, the Rifleman with a Mask open firing at the Peacekeeps trying to get them to stop the massacre. They all die just the same, the slaughter never stopping for a second as the waves continue, only just barely getting a scratch on the two Terrorists. At the pause in-between what other carnage to do, they decide to abandon the Elevator they were waiting for to break into an Apartment and get to the Balcony, where the footage switches to a better angle overseeing a blot about a thousand feet away, flying off.
The footage zooms in to spot:

White glint wallpaper : r/armoredcoreHigh-Rise Firefighting | Skyscraper Defense


The HeadHunter takes up a Sniper Rifle and takes a quick shot. The bullet barreling down before just ricocheting off their armor. The Mecha turns their weapons at the person, identifying them from afar as the HeadHunter. This person then leaps off the side of the building to drop 1200 feet, not caring for the expected damage. Not taking this threat lightly though, the Mech launches multiple cluster bombs, raining down a carnage of explosives in the path they travelled before there is a Loud crash as the HeadHunter smashes into the Market place below into another massacre of unsuspecting civilians as they are not only crushed, but shaken off the Port city to be eaten by the large sealife underwater. 

Burning Bastion, John Silva 🐝Deepwater Horizon owner Transocean had poor safety culture, says Coast  Guard - al.comFrench vessel rescues 29 mariners from oil tanker under attack in Red Sea |  Euronews

With the foundations shook and slowly breaking, the Headhunter rushed towards the teleporter, explosives continuously raining down from above as the skyscraper begins to fall. Collapsing on another, then another, before a domino effect causes the calamity to persist and the footage cuts

BOUNTY: MissyTowe has increased in Rank.
Deli-Slice Slasher: $5000 Alive for Questioning. (Presumed Low-Level Newbie)

  • Player Assault
  • Player Killing

HeadHunter Menace: $200 000 Dead (Presumed Seasoned Level)

  • Player Assault
  • Player Mass Murder (59)
  • Terrorism
  • Destruction of Property
  • Desecration of Corpses

black hoody and black jeans Prompts | Stable Diffusion OnlineGhostFace: $15000 Dead $20000 Alive (Presumed High-Novice)

  • Attempted Player Killing
  • Player Assault
  • Player Killing (5 Players)


Luminous Aurora made a Move (PoisedIvyT_T GMed) 5 days, 5 hours ago. View Move

Unsurfaced Found Footage in the Harmonic Paradox

CONTENT WARNING: Please be Advised; What you are about to see is a matter of Atrocity and is a dire warning to all those travelling within the Harmonic Paradox. This footage has been released to the public out of concerns for their safety.


"Smile for the camera HX-12! You're gonna be famous!"


"Approaching the Asteroid field now Captain, we're about to slow our descent." 


"Alright Crew, get ready to-



"Thank goodness we don't have to worry about the Vacuum..."

"Benefits of Environmental Adaptation; can't do wrong with a little investment."

"We just have to get some minerals and we're off from here. Simple job, no struggles."

"You're packing the explosives right?"






"Booster 1 operational, standby for quick evac-"

"Multiple signatures converg
ing on our current location-"




"Hull breach Detected, Warning: Hull stability at 20 percent"

"HOW ARE THEY CATCHING UP TO US!? They weren't this fast before!"


"They're using the Asteroids as jump off points and are increasing their speed, I don't know-"


"FUCK! Okay! I found an exit- Sending Vectors now; it's straight through that Gas Nebula! We'll lose them there!"







Majestic Derelict Spaceship Wreck HD Wallpaper by Maciej Rebisz

Berndt Grewz made a Move (PoisedIvyT_T GMed) 5 days, 15 hours ago. View Move

BOUNTY ALERT: MissyTowe Rank Increased


Pin page

The footage stumbles before whipping up to see a woman jump off the side of the building. As she falls, a rocketed pod falls from the sky and catches her, shattering into a white 15 ft tall mecha. The woman grabs onto the side of the skyscraper, using their arm to dig into the concrete to slow their descent. As this happens, their head looks up to see another strange sight. Two people jump after her, landing atop their chest and pushing them further down until they are in free fall. After some time, the mecha spreads an arm out before aiming their blaster at one, promptly eliminating them.

There is a spark and a laser comes from the other person, shattering a chunk of the mecha as it's back boosters dashes to the side, letting go from the building for just a moment sending their opponent  flying into the air, only to gracefully land on their back. Around this time, the people below start screaming at the falling debris, the camera catches them for a brief moment before looking back up at the combat above.

Spinning itself to a correct angle, the mecha turns it's body and boosts off the side of the building, their opponent barely holding on. The Mecha aims their blaster at the person, overcharging the shot as seen by the instantaneous release of steam and electricity. Their opponent's eye sparks a brilliant mix of colors, changing the darkness of the nightsky with it's light. A single loud burst and flash of light.

The footage cuts for a brief moment as the area shakes with the clash. When they regain their footing, the camera is glanced back up to the White Machine slamming to the ground with it's heavy frame. The Dust settling to reveal it's cyan eyes and damaged armor. They won.

Armored Core - White Glint by GinXen on DeviantArt

Alice chashh made a Move (Sergeres GMed) 6 days, 6 hours ago. View Move

Orphan Epidemic!

Wandering NPC Orphans Spark Concerns in Neo-Genis Player Hub


Neo-Genis, December 15, 2024 – A series of strange and unsettling reports have surfaced in the Player Hub of Neo-Genis, with several players claiming to have spotted an NPC orphan wandering the bustling virtual world. These sightings, which have grown in frequency over the past few days, have raised alarm among both players and developers, sparking fears of potential long-term issues if not addressed.

While NPCs are designed to serve specific roles within the game, the sudden appearance of these orphaned characters without a clear function has left many questioning how this anomaly came to be. Players have expressed concerns that the rising number of sightings could soon escalate into a more significant issue, especially with NPCs lacking any formal support structures. Some players have even started trying to ‘adopt’ or guide these orphan NPCs.

Without a designated orphanage system or protocol in the game, there is no clear path for these orphans to be integrated, raising the possibility of a growing number of abandoned characters with no purpose. Players fear that this could lead to a destabilization of the virtual environment, potentially interfering with gameplay and causing glitches or even crashes if unchecked for long enough.

Developers have yet to comment on the rise in orphan sightings, but the sudden emergence of this issue could lead to the introduction of new game mechanics, including the potential for an orphanage system to help manage these NPCs. Until then, players will have to wait and see whether these mysterious wandering NPCs are a temporary glitch or a sign of a deeper problem within Neo-Genis.

Drekhan Nostraz made a Move (PoisedIvyT_T GMed) 1 week, 1 day ago. View Move

Beast Pathing News: Have the Herbert Moons have finally been set?

The Herbert Moon menace in Beast Pathing has been satiated for now, as after escaping 232 times, their last escape was met with the quick hands of the law and a charming good Samaritan.

The First National Bank of Beast Pathing had received a tip on a possible robbery of it's coffers; the criminal mind attempting this, being Herbert Moon: A well-known Heist Artist with multiple accounts of Public Indecencies. Understandably, this tip was met with sceptism with most of the Officials on hand, but the Head of Security took no chances.

"When I heard the tip, I immediately issued an order to tighten up defenses. You see, I can smell bullshit from a mile away, and I was damn sure the cattle would be coming through any day now." Says the Head of Security, Sheriff Fetch Du'Ball, the true hero of this story: for when the criminal scum known as Herbert Moon was spotted to have secretly entered into the vault, they made a daring entrance before they could escape, arresting Moon after a grueling battle inside.

The Menace was charged again with the act of Public Indecency and the Attempted theft of the City's coffers, he was soon to be scheduled to hang by the neck, although through bureaucratic shenanigans', Herbert Moon was taken in by what is theorized as a secret society beyond comprehension. Victims have gone to the streets in outrage, but nothing can be done, as the man has disappeared.

Residents of Beast Pathing have been asked to keep a lookout for this Menace should they reappear again, and to not approach but contact the local authorities.

Task made a Move (Ricterx GMed) 1 week, 1 day ago. View Move

Virus Eliminated

After a large rift in the main hub of Neo-Genis would open up, causing all manner of code to be deleted and also the large-scale tampering/corruption of some player's headsets, a few news reports would begin looking into the 'event'. Many do not know if this was some kind of world-ending event or not but the makers of Neo-Genis have been silent for a few days as if to allow the players to take the time to recover after what happened. Focusing on rebuilding the hub-world and ensuring it was back to its original glory. 




Swafs of players would wake up to a new forum post that was placed on the Neo-Genis hub board a few days later, a board that gives local news as well as minor updates that typically aren't patch notes or new events happening. 


"Hey Players, due to recent events that happened in the hub world we would like to apologize to those players who experienced a problem with their headsets as well as a large-scale bug that turned out to be a virus that aimed to delete the game. It is currently unknown the origin of what may have tried to spawn such an entity, but the virus has been eliminated, and will never be a problem again."


This short message would resonate with many of the players who were affected by this malicious code, most agreeing it was a horrible thing and that whom ever acted on this or even unleashed this on the player base and the game they love should have unspeakable things done to them. Of course, playing it up as many gamers do. Yet still, it is a common sentiment that many are glad things are back to normal.

Posted by Atroniac, 1 week, 2 days ago. Permalink

Cursed Doomsday

My boyfriend just fainted randomly
posted by: FindersKeepers

My boyfriend just randomly collapsed in front of me. We were in the middle of a game and he began complaining about being light-headed and then he just collapsed. It's like he fell asleep but he's not breathing or anything. His stats are still all normal but it's like he's just gone. I went to take him out of the headset but he isn't responding there either. Called 911 and they couldn't figure out what's wrong with him. It's like he's in a coma or something but I can't get a straight answer from anyone. I'm at the hospital right now typing this. Someone please tell me that the headset didn't do this to him.


^943v [Comment] [Report]

I had the same thing just happen to a friend of mine, just went completely catatonic in the middle of something. Apparently this is happening to a few people since there are at least like 50 other posts on this sub alone about it. No clue what happened though, it seems completely random as to who's getting hit with this.
^246v [Reply] [Report]


I'm telling you, this was all just as massive plan to kill people off. Get them all addicted to the headset and then just pull the plug on each of em.
^46v [Reply] [Report]
how would the headsets even do something like this?
^536v [Reply] [Report]
I don't know I'm not some tech know it all.
^5v [Reply] [Report]
What would be the point though? Why go through the hassle of all these updates and such just to them kill off your playerbase? Makes no sense.
^476v [Reply] [Report]

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