A world inside a digital realm of video games.

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Latest World Events

Posted by CptWoodesRogers, 3 days ago. Permalink

Shadow Wizard Money Gang Mysteriously appears in Neo-GENIS Hub

Was a normal day until 5 cloaked figures fell from the sky landing in the middle of the hub. No one knows where they came from or what their intentions are.

Dyson Tawl Yensid II made a Move (GreenAppll GMed) 3 days, 6 hours ago. View Move

Yensid New C.E.O.


Today, Tawl Yensid, the founder and head of Yensid Animation Studios has decided to step down and give the position to their first-born! Though there were rumors of some kind of conflict between them, Tawl has made a speech about this decision, along with him is multiple older shareholders and board members stepping down while their children takes their place on the board!

Tawl - "It is time for a new breath of fresh air. Along with Sweeney, my greatest creation, voiced and brought to life by our greatest employee Gerard Spencer, I and many others have decided to finally step down. Giving space for the new generation to grow and develop without having to worry about being in our shadow. Though with a heavy heart, this company that I have built up from the ground with the great assistance of our audience like all of you folks who have watched our creations and art work as children. I thank all of you as well as all the hard working voice actors, animators, and the behind the scene's crew who have contributed to our great success as Yensid."


With Tawl leaving the podium, we have managed to get a speech from the illusive new CEO Dyson!


"Let it be known, yet my name was built on the shared blood of that which whom stands on the peak of the media conglomerates, I am a man of my own independence. The world sees my name now as a bane on my reputation, to only be known as the son of Talw Yensid, but know that it is by intention that his shadow will not be casted down upon me; I will rise as the Sun does at dawn to be a name that stands on it's own."

"I have been approached by my father to take over his share of the Company. I have refused. For now, I intend to forge my own path, and build my own name: AdapTECH will continue being a Manufacturer unaffiliated with Yensid Company ties for the unforeseeable future. Despite my last name, despite my lineage, despite their reputation, I am Dyson, first and foremost: A man who seeks only Freedom."

"A Man building his place in Humanity."



We are excited to see the growing future of Yensid and you should too! 

Latest Journals

1 day, 1 hour ago: Eins wrote a Contract Journal for ISOLATION

Isolation on a lone vessel.

Cycle 51

They warned me of this, the symptoms of long-term loneliness, despite my happiness to be free. I miss companionship, the stars can only entertain you for so long I suppose.
So, now I will write again, Just like before, this helps alleviate my mind I suppose. Although it is still a dreary sight here, on this ship.
The only colors I have seen besides my paints is the inky darkness of space with the mono-gray steel of the ship, perhaps some color on the ship will liven things?
I drew the same painting today, The Isle of the Dead, It keeps appearing in my dreams like a parasite, so much so that I have eight paintings of it in a cargo bay.
I need some new inspiration, maybe of my home? While it was all-controlling, the falling stars always made being on the surface enchanting on my trips above.

I have reread my book, I find new meaning every time I read it. I feel as if I am reading myself when I read that book, It makes my mind wander.
I still have yet to have a dream, though perhaps I will have one tonight after writing my thoughts out. But I doubt it, I have never done it before.

They augmented my body before I left, something to help sustain myself out here, use less supplies while I fly amongst the stars in a demonstration of their power.
I am still getting used to it, however every day out here I am becoming more adept with it. More capable.


Out here I am free, and I am happy.

1 day, 1 hour ago: Phantom (Gustav) Aria wrote a Downtime Journal for The Tower - FLOORS 1-5

What is... Neo-Genis? oh well! treasures abound!

It is I! The great Phantom! The most masterful of thieves and the most elegant! This journal is a bit late but its after... whatever that last thing was. Well, I recently managed to get my hand on something known as a Neo-Genis Headset. Putting it on, in curiosity, I was placed within the realms of Neo-Genis! This reality does appear to be a game world... yet the world is alive. I can see! I can breathe! I can smell! I can hear! I can even touch! What is this realm?? 


very VERY interesting, VERY fun indeed I must say. Though as I looked around, I got a notification! A gift! A power! was allocated to me... Stealing...? Does this game know? How could it... Yet it gave me one very ever so befitting... hehe. I see, Perhaps its fate, Perhaps not... But it appears my destiny hasn't changed. The real world doesn't interest me anymore... I wonder what I can steal in here...

1 day, 1 hour ago: Eins wrote a Contract Journal for Kings & Queens

An Inner reflection.

Cycle 27

Looking back upon it now, I wonder, how did it end up this way?
It was doomed from the start I suppose, living out there in the stars, free and yet not. limited by those who rule us, and tortured by those who wish to free us.
I miss my bookstore, I was able to express myself back then, before I was moved into the military for conditioning and training.
It was claimed by them that i was..a danger to their mission if I were to dream, dream of things I did not have, Dream of things I wished to have. 
As time went on I began to hide myself, wearing a mask, hiding what I wanted and who I was, like everyone else. Although Im still not sure that was the correct choice.

But for now I am happy, out here among the stars, even though I am now alone in this vessel racing through space.
They gave me this small reprieve, even though it is a lonely one, I can express myself here, I was granted a small crate to fit anything I deemed necessary inside, Paints, books, toys, anything I wished, although despite wanting it all I only brought two things. 
Paint and a single tome, both long forbidden, but things I've had since my childhood. So for now, I will roam amongst the stars, enjoying this brief reprieve.
No eyes, no monitors watching my every movement, my every meal, my every rest.

Out here I will be free, and I will be happy.

2 days, 15 hours ago: The Wrangler wrote a Downtime Journal for Living in the Clouds

The Dusty Ledger

Death can't get to me, Or so I thought.

It has been a couple of weeks since the catastrophe. Thousands of people gone, leavin' nothin' but memories. Jack and I had been workin' on restoring Blueberry and those who remain.. Imagine my surprise when I received word from Soppy that father Benjamin, a new friend of mine wanted to say goodbye.. I didn't have time to process his loss as I had to give him a proper burial. Built him a Cathedral just near Christmas. It was around the time of its completion I realized I needed trust more than allies as death seemed to follow my every move, waitin' for me to slip up.. And seein' that I ain't interested in kicking the dirt... they go after those around me...And I was right. Jack Kent, the man who helped me built the Blacklist from the ground up.. Chose my life over his. Somethin' in what Wyatt said during that meetin', his words.. replay in my mind like a repeatin' record player..

"All these problems happened because of YOU". At the time, I couldn't admit to his claims, no matter how truthful they were. My presence brought Huang-xi to Beast Pathing, then they became a nuisance for those I didn't want to involve, I was forced to drag in the Blacklist.. And now everyone is paying death on my behalf... Im growin' tired of Huang-Xi... I don't care for their morals or reasons anymore. I want them gone.

5 days, 5 hours ago: Haerin Yun wrote a Downtime Journal for The Heretic Within the Walls

Another loss.

It always hurts to die huh, Haerin?


I can certainly feel it, feeling our vessel momentarily released of its suffering, the poison invading it as it plummets to the ground, truly a sad state of affairs...

You awaken from your comatose state, having almost died attempting to remove a malignancy that festered within you, which from how the vessel is reacting, is still incomplete and then you enter a quest you were assigned to, which you believe you failed due to how you played your part... And now you die, temporarily. All... In a day... Truly you must enjoy suffering if this is how it is every time I switch places with you, always in a dire situation, even then, with my better synchronization to this vessel, it still brings me to a single off of death, truly... I have nothing to say, no words of support, no insults... I, understand what tires you so much, and what makes you desire to turn the edge of that blade against yourself... And yet.. We will continue to suffer and to fight... I will never know the purpose, but, I don't need to.. Just...

Be sure to stand back up after everything.





1 week, 3 days ago: Dante "Slug" Savage wrote a Downtime Journal for Red EXFIL

Starting Over

I can't just stay here, in this, a kingdom of my own filth, the artificially generated trash filled alley ways of this ever-changing city. 

I was never meant to be like this, generations of incarnations that came before me wouldn't stand for this, I can feel their judgment as I sit here. So I figured I would get some money and go find a place to make my own. An actual job seemed impossible because I either didn't qualify, the NPCs ignored me, or my aura really disgusted them.

Bounties, I didn't think such a thing was so popular here, but it was. Plus the idea of being a bounty hunter, that title sounded cool.

The one I took may have been more than I was prepared for, me, an elf, and a cat? Weird, but we got the job done. We needed to capture this girl who was robbing and killing folks with a gun and shield. Turns out she was doing this to get money for her brother, a nice kid, he was sick, very sick. Apparently, the medication he was supposed to get was stolen by someone. She was violent, and kinda dim, but I imaged to talk everyone down after we went to her place to face her. I was looking forward to bashing heads, but who knew I would be the negotiator.

We took her and the kid to this hospital, I was told it was one of the best around. Things almost went south when the kid started to have a seizure on the examining table and her sister almost blew the doctor's head off. The elf got pretty messed up. I told her that if she turned herself in we would get her brother the help he needed.

But… seems he passed away later that night, and she is now on death row, for “deletion”.

Something about this all felt off, but I can't do anything about it now.

Plus, I needed the money, but all I got was this necklace… I think the kid slipped it to me, or maybe she did, I dunno.

After all that, I wet off and set up a nice little camp in this forest, the bees here are a little big, but that's no problem. 

2 weeks ago: Dante "Slug" Savage wrote a Downtime Journal for Maikendo

A Warm Bed

It's been getting colder lately, snows been falling, this place has become more, festive.

All this… cheer, fills me with dread, how easily it can be ruined. Something I can't experience again. 

This man approached me, Roy, we talked, he asked about me and my situation, which was obviously bad. He offered to buy me food. Didn't seem like a threat, so I accepted, plus I was starving. We went to this coffee place at the festival, I forgot what I had, but it was the best tasting thing I had in a while. We talked for a bit, turns out they're also from another world, just not mine. He was a teacher of sorts, felt like helping those in need. Nice guy.

He mentioned a place for me to stay, this guild place. When I got there I was given a pass, and I met this horrible thing that spoke to my mind, I thought it was Him for a moment and I freaked out. They gave me a room, but I didn't want to stay long. I had a shower, slept and left in the morning.

Don't want to linger.

2 weeks ago: Dante "Slug" Savage wrote a Downtime Journal for Fortune & Folly


I don't know what's going on here, this place is strange. I did some brief asking around, at least asking those who notice me. Not sure why, but some people act like I don't even exist, and they stumble when I try to interact physically. So this place is, or was, a virtual reality game that exists in these places “real world”, but not my world. But this pace is also like an interdimensional link, things pouring in from all sorts of places. There are even other people who have become trapped in this web of worlds, I heard them called a few things contractors, glitches, but my favourite is Interloper. If things can just appear here by any sort of means that could potentially be bad for me, and for this place. What if He finds me?

Another thing I noticed, I think, my connection to the corpus is returning, I feel more resilient. Maybe it had to do with that game I was in. 


2 weeks, 5 days ago: Haerin Yun wrote a Downtime Journal for HOA Meeting

So many liars...

I tire... More so than ever.

I feel more alone than I ever had in that abyss. The culmination of souls that battle within this thing I have come to call myself, to be offered the chance to feel the warmth and love humans are capable of giving to one another, to feel such intense feelings inside me.

The love, the sadness, the warmth of tears flowing along my skin, my skin wrinkling from a smile, my face dusted with red from being flustered... And yet... And yet... It is so easy for all these feelings to evaporate... Humans require each other. I needed someone at that moment.

Yet as I look at this body's reflection, I am filled with nothing but the coldness that was once a comforting and familiar sensation inside me... How foolish I was, huh? To think I could have what these humans could have... But.. Yeah... I'm not human. I don't deserve the chance to be human, so why care?


I... I can feel my heart collapsing... shrivelling into a small speck... unneeded to breathe, unneeded to love. Love is too human for me. Sadness is a weakness I need not. I will clear myself of needless distractions and simply commit to what I have been designed for. A tool for death, a weapon for those who fear to taint their own hands, the one who must prepare to betray the world for a promise and I shall bear no more reservations in sustaining another's dignity if they impede me.

I am a tool with a purpose. And I have been collecting dust for too long.


As the owner of a new UR-VRH (Ultra Realism Virtual Realty Headset) headset, you have a gateway to a new and wondrous universe! Immerse yourself in deep forests filled with dangerous monsters, avoid fearsome traps placed within dungeons that need to be explored, and test yourself against all manner of player-created content as well. Inside the box, you have the following: A headset, a full tracking body suit, manual controllers, adjustable sensation sensors, and a mental jack-in port.

Set up your avatar, put in those stats, select your first powers for your class, and join the world of Neo-GENIS today!

House Rules

Contractors from Neo-GENIS Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
Neo-GENIS grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.

The Purpose of Neo-Genis is to create a space for players to invest in a world in an engaging and interesting way, creating connections and relationships for their Players to explore while also adding a means for them to explore and build the world around them. This group is somewhat different from the main play group, as such the main playgroup rules have been crossed out for quick comparisons.


Contractor Creation Rules


  • Contractors Players may take no more than 21 points of Assets or Liabilities (Absolute Value) Going over this limit requires Endorsed GM approval. 
  • Contractors cannot be direct ripoffs of pop-culture concepts, to the point that NPCs in-game would notice the similarity. For example: you may play a heroic strong-man, but not Superman. A famous weapons developer, but not Iron Man. Given the virtual nature of the game world and the use of avatars when you go into it you are allowed to play whatever you want, either reference to media, pop-culture, etc.


  • Contractors may not start out as a concept that is likely to disrupt Contracts (e.g. being a walking, talking fox, being as notorious as Osama bin Laden, having a bomb in their chest that detonates when they die, etc). Given the virtual nature of the game and that most players can create whatever persons they want to be, most designs are okay to do so long as it's not blatantly offensive, ie: Pornographic in nature, religious, idolizing terrorists, etc.


  • Contractors are mundane people who would see their ambitions through regardless of access to powers. That is why a Harbinger offers Gifts, and why they are willing to risk their lives for the power to make their dreams come true. Your Ambition must be a core driver to your character's actions, like a personality of sorts that helps them focus on the world itself, it is a large point of tension for their story, and is likely to get them into trouble. Craft your Ambition carefully and be open to suggestions and changes from Playgroup Leaders in order to nail it. You play the game to have fun, fight alongside your friends, and explore new worlds, your goals could simply be to enjoy and play the game or just to build your own guild. Maybe you'd like to become strong enough to become a villain in the game, fight players and take over land, or program in your own section of the game, your choices and ambitions are all up to you.


    • Keep in mind, however, that Ambitions can (and will) change over time as your Contractor Player develops. It's simply part of character development! No matter what, Ambitions are why a Contractor Player risks their life continuing to participate in Contracts. dose what they do.


  • New Contractors must be submitted for approval in The Contract Discord server, channel #maelstrom-approvals, before their first game. 
    • Interacting with Loose Ends, Conditions, and/or Circumstances requires Moves between games to be cleared. This connects your contractor with the world in some tangible way. 


Contractor Player Limits

  • In order to facilitate more focused character concepts, Maelstrom has a hard limit on the number of Newbies and Novices that a Player can keep active. Any character housed in the Playgroup is considered active. Remove them from the Playgroup if they are no longer in-play. Moving Contractors back into the Playgroup requires Leader Approval. Maelstrom is not a parking lot, please do not treat it as such. At Maximum, a Player can only have 2 Newbies and 3 Novices active in Maelstrom at once.  Make however many characters you'd like, but don't expect all of them to get a lot of play depending on game availability.


Developing Background

  • At the end of every Newbie and Novice game, Players will be assigned a question or two about their Contractor's Players background that they must answer before they participate in their next game. These answers will be stored in the Biography section, and will often be relevant to their current situation in-game. Use this creative freedom responsibly. Additionally, these background choices should be done in a roleplay sense, your character is separate from you since you are playing a game, as such think about them from that character's point of view.


Power Creation Rules

  • Flavorful Powers: Manifested Gifts must be in-line with Character Concepts and require World Leader approval. Powers in the Health category are most likely to be watched. This encourages networking between other Contractors Players and NPCs when healing and curing is required.
  • Logical Flavor: Players must be able to explain how and why their power works in a given situation, otherwise GMs have license to cause them to fail. For example, a Blast flavored as a ball of fire might not work underwater. But at the same time, that same Blast power might do extra damage to enemies vulnerable to fire. GMs always have final say, but must remember to make Powers feel powerful. 



  • Active Players are expected to GM Contracts from time to time. If you have played as a Contractor in your most recent six Maelstrom Contracts, you are barred from playing in Maelstrom again until you GM a Contract yourself, unless you are attending the game of a GM who is fulfilling Citizenship Requirement themselves. This rule is temporarily null for the time being.


Loose Ends in Neo-Genis

  • Treacherous Loose Ends: A Contractor who waits for a Loose End's threat to manifest without taking any precautions against it during their Downtimes will see the threat revealing itself at the worst possible moment during downtime. Ask Approved GMs and Playgroup Leaders for Moves to help control Loose Ends before they control you.
  • Neutral/Unknown Loose Ends: Some Loose Ends are Unknown, meaning that they give the *Player* a hint of moving parts behind the scenes, but not necessarily the *Character*. A Neutral Loose End usually means that the dangers or benefits of the Loose End are obscured or up to the Character's actions once it manifests. Neutral Loose Ends also may or may not be known to the Contractor.
  • Investments: Some Loose Ends bestow benefits at the end of their clock. Investments are usually rewards for Moves and Hustles, but might come from other sources as well. Ask Approved GMs and Playgroup Leaders for Moves to further your Contractor's goals.



Notes on GMing in Neo-Genis

All members are encouraged to GM and run Moves, and no approval is required. Custom Scenarios likewise do not require pre-approval. 

By default, you cannot run Games or Moves for a tier that you have not played in yourself. For example, if you would like to run a Novice game, but have never played a Novice game, you must wait until you have had some experience in Novice as a Player.

Use GM Notes! This is a place to provide more detail about Circumstances, Conditions, and Loose Ends as well as important developments behind the scenes. Good GM notes makes it easier to run relevant Contracts games and Moves for characters.

Keep intros concise during game time. If you want to run more extensive introductions, try to do it before playtime. Players, in general, should not need to be wheeled-and-dealed to agree to a Contract game. A simple Letter sent to them should suffice.

World Leaders are there to help. Spoil them on Scenarios, get feedback, ask them questions. 

In general, Contracts games and Moves are subject to an "Exposure" criteria, especially when it comes to posted World Events. Contractors players in higher Gift ranges have more freedom to affect the playgroup as a whole. At Newbie/Novice, however, the outcomes games will not ever have an international reach. Though Contractors players might remember terrible things happening during their Contract game, World Events might be scaled back due to meddling from The Powers That Be.

Don't take it personally if your World Event gets edited by a Playgroup Leader. It's part of the game and our efforts to keep a consistent tone within the Playgroup.

GMs are encouraged to build interesting, consistent locations for Contractors players to explore through Contracts games and Moves. Talk to a Playgroup Leader about location development, they are happy to delegate the development of content.

Full Setting Description

Reality is a cold and unforgiving realm, where the mundane everyday folk are subjected to all manner of pain, misery, and servitude. For those that can’t cope, can’t move, can’t feel, or have all manner of imperfections that limit them, reality can be just that and so much more horrible than anyone could imagine with out being in their shoes. This world is different, this world gives you a ‘way out’, that you can visit as much as you want, that you can enjoy the pleasures of living a life different from the one you have currently.

This world gives the child dying of cancer the chance to live out their dreams, even if short-lived. It gives those who have lost their legs the ability to walk again, the man suffering from PTSD an opportunity to find a group to belong too. This world was built with the purpose of connecting those who could care little for the mundane and wish to live in a world of limited judgment, that being your avatar should be first and foremost, and that you may display who you are free of those who care enough to judge you.

In this game we’ve taken in many, those who enjoy anime, cartoons, superheroes, fantasy settings, and even mixtures of the above will find themselves a home here. The main hub world of Neo-Genis houses a full access point to every other realm in the game, each realm having its own setting, mechanics, dungeons, features, and rules. Visiting the Bosriya you’ll find a wonderful beach and ocean setting, filled with pirates, sea monsters, and even some safe locations to enjoy the beauty of the sea without worry of being attacked- unless your looking for that. While visiting Titania you’ll find that players fight in a realistic war game scenario, capturing points, engaging in squad-based tactics, and using vehicles and guns to defeat your enemies.

Every game has a reward at the end of the round or game module, these rewards range from items, artifacts, upgrades, and levels. Levels are calculated by the amount of gift points you have x 2, so a player with 6 wins can logically have 6 x 2 in level + 1 given that everyone in Neo-Genis gets a free gift on character creation. If you notice that your top bar is red, and that your over the limit of gifts by one, don't worry, you have a legal character in Neo-Genis. But that goes with out saying, what will you use your gifts for? What will you find while playing? What friends will you make while playing?

All these questions can be answered and more when you make your avatar today and join the world of Neo-GENIS.




Patch 1.04


A player and vendor marketplace has been added for players to indulge in and use for their games as well as adventures. 


Players can buy things prior to games they start based on the finance level they have as well as a number of them related to it. Each item purchased will be usable for one game and must be done at the beginning of the game by either trading, going to a market, or doing preparation ahead of time. They cannot be stockpiled, they must be used for that contract, or the move you're involved in or they will vanish after it is completed. 


For every finance level you unlock new items to buy for each tier, you may buy things at the bottom tiers if you have something higher. You may only buy 1 item (unless you're rich) per game and it must be announced to the GM prior that your buying this item. If not announced or the game doesn't allow you access to a market prior to joining then you may not buy items. 


Finances: Average

  • Healing Potion: Once during a game (contract/move) you may spend an action and use up this item, you heal 1 severity. 
  • Haste Potion: Once during a game (contract/move) you may spend an action and use up this item, you dash 1 time without spending your action. 

Finances: Comfortable

  • Esper Potion: Once during a game (contract/move) you may spend an action and use up this item, you heal 1 mind damage.
  • Spirit Potion: Once during a game (contract/move) you may spend an action and use up this item, you regain 1 source. 
  • Power Token: Once during a game (contract/move) you may spend a free action and use up this item, you may cause your next roll to have a +1 dice modifier to it (can't be stacked).


Finances: Wealthy

  • Mixed Drink: Once during a game (contract/move) you may spend an action and use up this item, you heal 1 mind and severity damage.
  • Berserker Token:  Once during a game (contract/move) you may spend a free action and use up this item, you may cause your next roll to have a +2 dice modifier to it. After this action for the next minute, you will have a -1 dice penalty (can't be stacked).
  • Hyper Potion: Once during a game (contract/move) you may spend an action and use up this item, you heal 3 severity. 


Finances: Rich 

  • You may buy 2 items for each contract/move to start instead of just 1.


World Events

Posted by CptWoodesRogers, 3 days ago. Permalink

Shadow Wizard Money Gang Mysteriously appears in Neo-GENIS Hub

Was a normal day until 5 cloaked figures fell from the sky landing in the middle of the hub. No one knows where they came from or what their intentions are.

Dyson Tawl Yensid II made a Move (GreenAppll GMed) 3 days, 6 hours ago. View Move

Yensid New C.E.O.


Today, Tawl Yensid, the founder and head of Yensid Animation Studios has decided to step down and give the position to their first-born! Though there were rumors of some kind of conflict between them, Tawl has made a speech about this decision, along with him is multiple older shareholders and board members stepping down while their children takes their place on the board!

Tawl - "It is time for a new breath of fresh air. Along with Sweeney, my greatest creation, voiced and brought to life by our greatest employee Gerard Spencer, I and many others have decided to finally step down. Giving space for the new generation to grow and develop without having to worry about being in our shadow. Though with a heavy heart, this company that I have built up from the ground with the great assistance of our audience like all of you folks who have watched our creations and art work as children. I thank all of you as well as all the hard working voice actors, animators, and the behind the scene's crew who have contributed to our great success as Yensid."


With Tawl leaving the podium, we have managed to get a speech from the illusive new CEO Dyson!


"Let it be known, yet my name was built on the shared blood of that which whom stands on the peak of the media conglomerates, I am a man of my own independence. The world sees my name now as a bane on my reputation, to only be known as the son of Talw Yensid, but know that it is by intention that his shadow will not be casted down upon me; I will rise as the Sun does at dawn to be a name that stands on it's own."

"I have been approached by my father to take over his share of the Company. I have refused. For now, I intend to forge my own path, and build my own name: AdapTECH will continue being a Manufacturer unaffiliated with Yensid Company ties for the unforeseeable future. Despite my last name, despite my lineage, despite their reputation, I am Dyson, first and foremost: A man who seeks only Freedom."

"A Man building his place in Humanity."



We are excited to see the growing future of Yensid and you should too! 

Posted by GreenAppll, 1 week, 1 day ago. Permalink

Missing People Report - All last seen playing neo-genis


Angelo Yun, beloved son of Margaret Yun, is confirmed missing. The poor mother who become a widow right after having Angelo has been on a frantic search desperately for her son. The son was last scene playing a game called "Neo-Genis", considered a high tech Full-Dive VR. Spending nearly 400k out of her retirement funds and pension, Margaret Yun has sold their house and is only renting the room where her son once lived in hoping that he will come back one day.




All Civilians that know and has seen these people in the last 3 months please report immediately to your local police station. These people have all been reported missing and as of to date, on 2/25/2025, cannot be contacted in any shape or fashion. 


Angelo Yun
Chaim Hunter
Chris Rose
Jaxon Cobb
Marcel Sampson
Samantha Briggs
Brian Wiggins
Melissa Barron
Jade Stevens
Madison Willis
Larry Watson
Bryn Glass
Fatima Chambers
Antony Cortez
Iqra Gill
Jay Henderson
Anas Trujillo
Isaac Cisneros
Victor Campbell
Fannie Snow
Dewi Sandoval
Ava-Rose Larson
Miriam Alvarez
Fabian Hensley
Dillan Kirk
Camilla Gamble
Lula Richard
Henry Herrera
Haseeb Stein
Jacob Banks
Saad Pham
Leon Hoover
Juliette Knox
Luis Cruz
Isaiah Harper
Leland Wiley
Velma Kane
Harriet Barrera
Craig Carlson
Clyde Finley
Melisa Suarez
Virgil Landry
Prince Hayden
Dawson David
Myla Andrews
Blanche O'Quinn
Pippa Rubio
Elise Franklin
Qasim Mayer
Samia Fletcher
Callie Barr
Kacper Buckley
Theodore Lambert
Pablo Bradshaw
Annabelle Burgess
Alfie Peterson
Kylie Duran
Myles Daniels
Tiago Shepherd
Malaika Welsh


Haerin Yun made a Move (GreenAppll GMed) 1 week, 6 days ago. View Move

Gehenna New population

WHAT IS UP EVERYONEEEEE, This is your all time awesome report GOOOOOOOLLLLL DEEEEEEE ROGGGGEEEERRRR who is here to report about the NEEEWW update found within our favorite land of chaos and destruction, Gehenna!

he coughs and mumbles "ahem, luminous sent me to investigate these new changes and to record them down."

"Nevertheless! Come let us update the ASH bestiary together! and remember to like and donate if you want this content to continue being made!"

Data Log Accessed.

Arcane Scholars of Harmony Bestiary Updated.


Blackstone Golems - Level - 1

Hostility - Mildly Friendly. Do not anger.

Powers and ability - Unknown.

Elias Tonias - Stone Golem


"Wooow! golems, look at them! rather dangerous claws, probably annoying to kill, but looks pretttyyy coool! Next up!"


Humanoid Mantises - Level - 1

Hostility - Neutral - Entire faction. Do not Anger

Powers - Unknown.



"Oooohh, insectoids... thats a new one, thankfully theyre friendly else I would get banned for the mental trauma everyone would see haha! Oh! look at that! the golems are helping out the insectoids build their home! cool, alrighty, lets check out these nex-


Dynasty Beetles - Level - 5

Hostility - Extremely Aggressive - Attack on Sight

Powers - Melee Related


Roger pulls out his own blade as a humanoid armored beetle appears from behind him slashing at him.

As the two place clashes, spark flies everywhere as all the other species retreat.

"It... Would appear that this next... Species is extremely aggressive. Guh"

He parries the blade to the side as he finally gets a moment to breathe

"They're decently strong, if you're exploring Gehenna be ready for a nice f-"


More sparks fly for a moment as Roger says "That's the end of the stream! Sorry, I need to focus now. I'll see you guys on the next stream!"

The stream ends as a final word is placed in the description "oh btw, this place now suppresses atrocities interestingly enough, i didn't feel disgust with some of the things I saw after the fight."

The Wrangler made a Move (PoisedIvyT_T GMed) 2 weeks, 1 day ago. View Move

Unveiling the Trials of St. Benjamin's Cathedral

Rain falls upon cobblestones, as the Blacklist escort Father Benjamin through the streets of the city. The residents stand aside, watching the procession unfold in silence as the light shower caresses off the side of the silver and mahogany casket. 

Cherry Blossom Kissed By Raindrops Photo | JPG Free Download - Pikbest


"Father Benjamin Williams... A man known as kind, astute and compassionate towards the everyday man. They are honoured here today as not only one instrumental in the savior of many, but a man of unrelenting faith in the face of all that of which choose to harm God's people."

His casket is guided through the labrinth of buildings, towards a mountain rested alongside it. A place closer to the Heavens, where a White Cathedral as built, surrounded by trees of which spring pink flowers.
Bishop's Garden in April | Cherry blossom time. Credit the B… | Flickr
"He died, honouring his duty to the faith:  to help others in their time in need, and so just as they did to protect those in the cities of Blueberry, RhinoHorn and Cannesburg; we undertake the honours of safeguarding his body as not only as a reminder of a great man, but as a symbol of Duty and Conviction."
A restored Notre Dame cathedral is unveiled days before its official  reopening
His Casket is lowered into the tomb as the base of the grand altar, a heavy marble slab sealing his casket with the words of his own wisdom: '"Push forward, no matter the cost. Keep your faith, and never turn back.'
"It is so, that we, as the Collective Fealty of the Church anoint Father Benjamin, as the First Saint of Beast Pathing."
Color Grading Tips: The Ins and Outs of Correcting for a Pink Sky
All Occult rolls in regards to a Holy Religious Attunement are increased by +1 Dice while within the Cathedral Grounds.

Saint Benjamin's Cathedral: New Dungeon Appeared

Level 1-2 Dungeon has appeared.

Dubbed the Trials of Saint Benjamin, this Dungeon exists at the base of the Cathedral's Mountainside. It is so far unexplored, and caution is advised. : CORFOTO 15x8ft Fabric Temple Entrance Cave Backdrop Skull Monk  Statues and Burning Torches Background Scary Cave Decorations Halloween  Themed Party Backdrop Photoshoot Studio Booth Props : Electronics

Grognar the Barbarien made a Move (PoisedIvyT_T GMed) 1 month ago. View Move

Farming the Wrong Way? Dark Conspiracy about Neo-Genis that will blow your mind!!!


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Bara Hospital gets medical acute care unit upgrade with donation from  private sector

In a world increasingly driven by technology, Neo-Genis had emerged as a revolutionary place, promising to enhance abilities and unlock the hidden potential of the human imagination within the safe space of virtual reality.  However, a darkness might exist under the surface.

Reports have began to circulate of users experiencing profound cognitive decline, eventually becoming what many described as "braindead vegetables." Friends and family watched helplessly as their loved ones slipped into a state of unresponsiveness, their once-vibrant personalities reduced to vacant stares.

Conspiracy theorists quickly connected the dots; something within the virtual space was designed to keep them there. They claimed, whatever it was, it utilized the most advanced neurotechnology to siphon off the conciousness of its users, trapping their "souls" in a digital limbo, while their bodies remained just an emptied container of which will be later refilled by demons. Those who ventured too far into the headset's capabilities were said to have crossed an unseen threshold, leaving them forever lost in a virtual purgatory.

Whispers of a shadowy organization behind Neo-Genis' Dark Secret began to circulate, suggesting that they were experimenting with the human consciousness. One who had escaped the fate of many others, even spoke of strange visions and eerie echoes of their former, present and future selves, hinting at a collective consciousness existing somewhere beyond reality. They have since taken their own life but-

...Read More
- - - -


TOUCHSTARVED: A Dark Romance Visual Novel by Red Spring Studio Romance Fanfic, SuperNova, is getting an Official Manga?
Rumors have Speculated around the internet about a potential deal with LimeApple and Poison's Production to adapt the famed Addro's Work into a Manga!
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"To the heart and mind, Ignorance is kind, There's no comfort in the truth; Pain is all you'll find. I'm never gonna dance again: guilty feet have got no rhythm"


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Alice chashh made a Move (Noralius GMed) 1 month ago. View Move

📢Ravenshollow:ECHOES OF ASH📢

🗺️ Ravenshollow in Crisis! The once-stable town is reeling from a night of destruction. The mayor has fallen, flames have devoured parts of the settlement, and whispers of a returning monster stir fear among the people. The true source of the devastation is even more unsettling—Alice Chashh, a 10-year-old devil's child, is said to have caused it all. However, some townsfolk claim they saw the gigantic shadow of a dragon looming behind the fire at the tavern, leading some to believe the beast may have had a hand in the inferno.

🔥 Aftermath of the Inferno! With leadership shattered and trust eroded, the town struggles to find direction. Some cry out for vengeance against Alice Chashh, others demand order. Meanwhile, the ruins may yet hold secrets for those brave enough to seek them.

⚔️ World Impact:

  • 🏰 Ravenshollow NPCs now exhibit increased hostility toward outsiders.
  • 🔥 Certain areas remain in ruins, offering new exploration and scavenging opportunities.
  • ⚖️ Faction Influence Shifts: Some groups call for justice, others seek to capitalize on the chaos, while many now demand vengeance against Alice.
  • 🐉 Dragon Threat: The sighting of a massive shadow behind the flames has led to rumors of a dragon’s involvement in the destruction, though its true role remains uncertain.
  • 🕵️ Hidden Threads: Players can investigate the true cause behind the town’s downfall, Alice’s potential connection to the fire, and the mystery of the dragon’s shadow.

💀 The hunt is not over. What will you do?

Live now in Neo-GENIS!

Luna Aoki made a Move (Ricterx GMed) 1 month ago. View Move

VLCC End of Days (Lvl. 100 World Boss)

Over the horizon, in distant space, a lone starship would sail the great void, above all others, this ship's name, was labeled "The End of Days."



Its sheer size and arsenal of guns, weaponry, and even the large rail gun it wields has struck fear into many players through Neo-Genis. All attempts at getting close or hailing the vessel has resulted in many being shot out of the void, and while some have grown to be close to the vessel on amicable terms, no one knows whats inside and who crews it.


The only communications that have been given are as follows:


"This is Admiral Hureon of the End of Days, state your business...and if that business is deemed hostile, we will live up to our ship's namesake."


As Neo's first ever near-max-level world boss, an uproar has started from the local players, causing many to try and find a means of defeating such an adversary. Not only that, but many are trying to speculate as to what rewards it could possibly drop. All will remain unknown for now.

The Wrangler made a Move (PoisedIvyT_T GMed) 1 month ago. View Move

Beast Pathing: Blacklist's Age of War

"The Jackets wear a new look, bare new weapons, new armour, new spirits." Walking through mud and rubble, men and women armed with rifles, plated armor fueled by glowing blue liquid. "But I want to remind you, in The Blacklist; Your armour is not what you wear on your person, it is every single soul that stands alongside you this very moment."

Celestial Sentinel در X: «French and Russian soldiers.» / XCelestial Sentinel on X: "The Dark Knight." / XIgor Rozovny

Their figures move through the smoke, eyes lit with determination as the ash falls alongside their hydraulic power armor and iron shielding.

"Right now you stand together in peace, proud and filled with determination."

The roar of engines ignite, a blue spark that bellows out groans of mechanical engines, a burst of steam and smoke into the air. Breaking through the fog: The engines of War. Vehicles shelled in armored plating, carrying heavy armaments and squadrons of soldiers. 

British tanks maneuvering trenches during the Battle of Cambrai, the first  use of tanks in mass, 1917 - Rare Historical PhotosArtStation - World War 1 TankWhen was the Battle of Cambrai, how many tanks were used and how did it  end? | The Sun
"Determination you will no doubt carry into tomorrow, the peace you will surely ensure and the pride you will give the people of Beast Pathing." Thunder claps and the camera pans away, revealing the sky.
dieselpunk spaceshipSteampunk'D

Airships propelled by an electric discharge of cyan and black plumbs of smoke as they cross the overcast sky.
"To the people of Beast Pathing, I cannot promise paradise in a instant..."

The Wrangler reveals themselves through the smoke, Wilson standing off behind him. "But What I can promise is a stepping stool to achieve the paradise we chase..."

Beast Pathing was always supposed to be a world where the Players could participate in the change of society in however they wished. A place where the Evolution of Civilization is determined by time and hard choices. During the unexpected Server Reset unfortunately, 15000 NPCs were deleted from the code. Due to this, we at CrystalMoon Studios have decided to split Beast Pathing into varying servers of different make for those whom wish to restart. This will Server will now be known as Iteration A.

Rosie Rosslin (Lythienne Yllaxisys) made a Move (PoisedIvyT_T GMed) 1 month, 1 week ago. View Move

Neo-Gen-News: "Shotgun Mayes" scheduled for deletion

Shotgun Mayes has been taken into the Custody by a brave group of Bounty Hunters without any further bloodshed to Player Life. They have been rewarded as per agreement, but the rewards go far deeper than that, as many expressed their thanks in dealing with the menace, and freeing the PlayerHub of yet another rogue NPC.

After rounds of questioning and analysis however, the NPC known as "Shotgun Mayes" will not be rereleased to the public; and will be scheduled for a Full Data Deletion under the ruling of their asset being bugged.

| Online Forum: They're sweeping sentience under the rug. Just like Lornn, they're killing all evidence of it. #JusticeForMayes
|| STFU Conspiracy nut! Besides, no one's gonna protest for a killer.

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