World Events of The Three Portlands Three

Posted by thegrizzely, 10 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Sassy the Sasquatch saved from cryptid hunters?

Two up-and-coming contractors tracked down Sassy and rescued him from pursuing cryptid hunters there were 5 hunters against the three of them but by the heroic actions of Erica, they were able to save Sassy. He is now back in Three Portlands, keep an eye out folks and you might get a glimpse of him.

Posted by thegrizzely, 11 months ago. Permalink

Thief's and Smugglers Dead and in Custody

Two new prospective contractors find a gang hideout and go in to find an artifact. Two smugglers are dead and one is in custody. The artifact was retrieved and the contractors are alive. The mayor's office says they are excited about the future of these new contractors.  

Posted by thegrizzely, 11 months, 4 weeks ago. Permalink

New Contractors in the City!!!

  • The prospective contractors entered Three Portlands and were shocked by this new world they were in.
  • They explored a little but were led by the secretaries to the mayor's office. 
  • Erica heard an interesting interaction between a shop owner and a rough-looking man. 
    • Erica also saw a fish man
  • Stina was very weary of everything and saw that everyone treated the secretaries differently
  • They both made it to the mayor's office and found out why they were brought there and what they were being offered... kinda
  • They first must go on a little mission to learn the ropes and put some skin in the game



  • The mayor is a shaggy-looking dude who is a real stoner. But he is easily the most powerful thing either of the characters have ever seen.
  • The secretaries also were very powerful beings but they seem more controlled with it compared to the Mayor
  • This was a shocking experience for the characters but hopefully, they will get more comfortable soon or maybe they will truly feel as strangers in this new world
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