World Events of Kirobu Detective Agency

Posted by Valoroth, 11 months, 2 weeks ago. Permalink

Strange group of men located in the dark forest

Today on Daisy Announcements paper journal, a group of odd looking individuals were spotted by a young dwarf. This dwarf chose to stay anonymous for reasons of his own. The appearance of the individuals are referred to as unusual and aren’t anything anyone has seen in any nations.

Posted by Valoroth, 12 months ago. Permalink

Goblin tribe Ran by Tion Moves Into the Border As New allies

The contractors Gzhict and Insert have convinced goblins to not attack human kind but to live in harmony inside the borders of Victpo sectors with us and now we have acquired goblin allies 

Posted by Valoroth, 12 months ago. Permalink

Three new rookies have been found

* Leaf and two others have survived initiation and now are E ranked rookies.


* The Zoo is under construction and is now non-functional 

* Kirubo agency has now relationships with local gangs run by Valerie and gun dealers now working for Kirubo

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