Okay, so, uh… there was this old guy, right? And, man, he looked real old. Like, really old. I’m talkin’ beard that went all the way down to his knees kinda old. He was always there, like, forever. I swear I saw him back when I was just a little kid, and now I'm huge! Like, big and strong, you know? But the old guy, he just kept... bein’ old. I think I asked him once, like, "Why don’t you just… y'know… die?" But he didn’t answer. He just kinda looked at me and went, “Time is funny, lad.” Whatever that means.
Anyway, every time I turned into a bear, I’d come back and he’d still be there. Like, if I were a bear for, like, a whole day or whatever, he’d still be sittin' there. And I’d get back and be like, “Wow, you’re still here!” And he’d just smile and nod, like he knew a secret that I didn’t. Real wise guy, y’know?
Then one day, I was just doin’ bear stuff—roarin', eating fish, climbin’ trees—and I come back to find the old dude really still sittin’ there. But something was different. He wasn’t moving. And it was like… not in a “napping” kinda way. More like a "he’s just... not breathing no more" kinda way. And I was like, “Whoa! Did he finally die?!” I poked him a little with my big bear paw and he didn’t even flinch.
I don’t know what happened, man, but it was like the curse or whatever that made him live forever finally gave up. He just… stopped being old, y’know? Like, stopped bein' anything.
I think maybe it was all that time, y’know? Maybe, after so long, his body was just like, “Alright, I’ve had enough. It’s time to rest.” And I dunno if I understand it all, but I think that’s what happened. The guy who couldn’t die… he did die. And I just stood there, bear paws on the ground, thinking… that’s crazy.
I guess sometimes even things that live forever gotta rest too. Even if they’re old, and weird, and look like they’ve been around since the dawn of time.