crazy party at Palo Alto California lead to a destroyed apt with many claw marks red stained floor and reports say load noises coming from wolfs but authority say not to worry and state no one was hurt and was just some new party style that has now happened at every party around California
Customs & Boarder Patrol in Carlsbad, New Mexico had a surprising twist of events as a Canadian man approached their offices and advised that he had been kidnapped, and taken to an abandoned section of the Carlsbad Caverns where he was left, apparently to die. The man, who declined to provide his name, was quickly repatriated and officials say a search for his kidnappers is still ongoing.
In today's news, there was a rash of public violence that is believed to be linked to a tainted shipment of wheat flour causing ergot poisoning in a number of individuals. Ergot poisoning is known to cause hallucinations and psychosis, and all affected individuals were residents or frequent visitors in the area surrounding several independent bakeries that received the tainted flour.
At this time, the incident has resulted in three deaths due to traffic accidents, along with many more victims of the poisoning suffering moderate to severe injuries.
Due to the involuntary nature of the intoxication resulting in the incident police do not plan on pressing any charges against those involved, but have stated that they will be pursuing action against the company that allowed the ergot-infested product to be distributed.
We swear to secure our people against the wickedness and evil of the invisible world.
We swear to aid the afflicted.
We swear to stay ever vigilant and seek out the abominable witchcrafts committed in this country.
We humbly pray to be blessed by God to hold all those who consort with the Devil accountable. Amen
—Opening and closing prayer for Sons of Salem meetings.
The Sons of Salem is a loosely-organized conservative populist movement in the United States that preaches violent opposition to anything they perceive as witchcraft, demonic, or monstrous.
Blowhard podcaster Ted Gundy and former general of the mercenary group “Hognose,” Roland Rush, founded the movement in 2010 after a series of violent werewolf attacks and unexplained, supernatural murders in Tennessee. Memberships grew quickly, stoked by Ted’s fiery doomsday rhetoric on his podcast "Truth Seekers" and the aspiration of the masculine power embodied by Roland.
Although they speak of duty, honor, and maintaining the “natural order” of things, the Sons of Salem are driven by fear. They collect guns and appear at protests en-masse as a way of easing the all-consuming terror of their powerlessness. At the same time, they have conditioned themselves to respond to fear with “strength” (read: violence).