The Netherworld

A world between worlds. The last resting place of countless stillborn worlds that could have been.

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Latest World Events

Posted by Strazhari, 1 year, 9 months ago. Permalink

Gate Crashing

A Portal was destroyed! No one will be getting SCP merch in the near future!

Posted by Strazhari, 3 years, 4 months ago. Permalink

Colonel Carville's Cross-Time Circus

Old Colonel Carville has run the Cross-Time Circus for decades, & is now looking to retire in a quiet Juncture. However, THE SHOW MUST GO ON! This event will consist of several stages:

Circus Building: I am taking submissions for the oddities & attractions the Circus has picked up over the years. These can be from anywhere. anytime, & can include elements from erased Junctures.

The Ringmaster!: A new Ringmaster must earn the respect of the troupe & show that they can carry on where Carville leaves off. This will be a Highlander game, where the best Performer (as determined by all participants & the Colonel) will become the new Ringmaster, gaining access to all the attractions, as well as the ability to field "Carnies" as Minions!

Onwards!: Specific games will be set for Performances & accquisition of new attractions!

Latest Journals

2 years, 9 months ago: Alexander Felidae wrote a Downtime Journal for The Whisperer


Alex could feel every breath he took rattle his lungs. His body was barely holding together, his healing factor utterly useless in the face of whatever ravaged his insides. He fought to get further from that cursed town, even his mighty Werecat legs struggling to hold him up, vomit and blood still leaking from his massive maw, his body riddled with pain. Each step he took felt heavier than the last, each one bringing him closer to the last, only for the pain to somehow get worse. His blood began to burn, boiling in his veins. Every heartbeat pushed the burning sensation further through his body, further, further, further, reaching from his bloodstained maw to the tip of his tail, fire once more consuming him, flashes of a baby dragon, scared and angry, slipping through his vision, it burned, scorching his insides like nothing else, and he need it out. His great claws tore at his thick hide, forcing their way through to release the blood, to get the burning to stop before it cooked him alive, followed by his massive teeth tearing into the ragged puncture he managed to open. His own blood poured from his arm, pouring down his throat, and it almost seemed to freeze as it left his body, soothing the burning sensation as it went down his massive gullet. As he drained his own blood, the sensation eventually stopped, and with it, the vomiting and bleeding stopped, and his wounds began to heal. Death would not claim Alexander Felidae this day.

2 years, 11 months ago: Austin wrote a Downtime Journal for Into Darkness

Socket Puppet Theater Grand Opening

            My friends have convinced me to set up a sock-puppet theater on the circus grounds. This will give them a chance to share their stories, a place where I can help tell their tales to the carnies and all of the circus-goers. Now that the stage is set, they’re all clambering to have a show, to get a chance to spin their tale. I’ve promised that they all will get there turn but I’ve elected Nancy to present hers first.

            Hers is the tale of a young woman who moves to a new city. She meets a dashing young man and the two have the night out of a lifetime. Afterwards they forget to exchange contact information and she spends a month hatching hilariously ridiculous plans to meet him again. All to no avail. It ends with her giving up and sullenly making her way to a laundromat. There she finds him again, the two catch up and the play ends with them walking out the door.

            I think this story will be a nice romantic comedy for those attending the circus. Something light and fun to usher them in and make them feel welcome. Once the circus gets more underway, I’ll broaden out and tell more stories. There are so many interesting characters here, so many fascinating stories just waiting to be told. I hope that some visitors will stop by the theater. I know that my friends would be saddened if no one came to hear their stories.

3 years, 1 month ago: Cornelius Valentine wrote a Downtime Journal for The High Cost of Living

Time -and Magic - Heals all wounds

It was a long drive to the hospital, the party was barely intact enough to drive, only Cornelius still having working arms and legs and 'Mike' struggling for breath. After their arrival and treatment, the group were in pretty bad shape. Scars marred Conrelius's formerly perfect visage, 'Mike' had holes in his lungs that would probably never heal properly, and Amy might never walk again. Brig was pretty beat up too, though not quite as severely. Fortunately, and idea came to Cornelius. His powers could heal wounds, why not scars like these? After they arrived at Amy's home, Cornelius started to practice. It took a couple of weeks to be in any shape to perform his healing on someone properly, but by the middle of the month, Cornelius was confident he could fix up their scars. All that was left was the moment of truth. Amy was his first volunteer, her injury near debilitating already, and Cornelius spent a full hour just working on her with his magic. The pink mist-like energy emmitted from his hands seemed to react with whatever was going on with Amy's blood, resonating in some way, and instead of drawing on the internal reserves available to her, Cornelius just had his own energy... Cycle, for lack of a better descriptor. After about an hour, Amy's spine was realigned and the nerves were healing, and Cornelius felt sure she would be whole again by the end of the week. Brig came next, his scars easier to treat, but when it came to 'Mike', the treatment didn't take, something innate to his body blocking it from taking hold. Cornelius wasn't sure what it was, but with Amy's magic thing to help, he was sure he would find out. Eventually.

3 years, 1 month ago: Jules wrote a Downtime Journal for Contractor's Ball

Babbling of an old man

Sometimes you get this feeling that people are put to get you sometimes you jsut dont. After helping Connor with his project I was able to figure out what needed to be done with these people. I need to win these more often not less. I have found out that sometimes only one person can win and that is the problem. Only one can win everyone else gets basically nothing. The real shame here is that you cna do whatever it takes. I could have killed them all and still won. I have many fewer allies. But I would have won. The flip side is now I have a tattoo that can help me with lockpicking. I do need to start getting those items again. The louve does not wait for any person.


This whole game is starting to get to me. I dont get what we would have to really do to make it happen. Do we jsut keep going risking our lives for all this power? It really does not make sense.

I digress it is time to start planning for my future. I have the mansion set and the money moving but I need to protect myself. I am going to throw a part this will atleast get the word out. We will need to start looking for talent that can work toward our goals and not let it rest. Our next goal is now trying to figure what should be done with the rest and how to deal with them.

3 years, 2 months ago: Lilith (Lily) Weider wrote a Downtime Journal for The High Cost of Living

Rebirth Log, Entry 35: Near Death

Amaryllis's journal has seen a bit of love by this point, and it’s beginning to show slight signs of wear on its edges as the cardboard covers begin to split very slightly. A new stain has been added on the top right of the cover, curtesy of a poorly-poured cup of coffee. She's close to the halfway mark of filling this notebook, and will likely be beyond that milestone next by week.


I've never really wondered too much why I don't feel pain like other people. One would think that the cuts on my arms would make me scream almost every time that I moved, but I never remember them bothering me. These gunshot wounds didn't hurt almost at all either, even though they nearly killed me... The doctors are both terrified and amazed, especially with my hemophilia, how it's possible that I'm not completely dead right now, and how I am able to move my body without extreme pain. I'd venture to guess that my rate of improvement has something to do with the Infusion process of Contractors. Last month, it only took me a few consecutive sessions at the firing range to be able to consistently hit targets from 50 meters, an improvement in a skill I've never had experience with in the past that was absolutely unpreceded (though that certainly didn’t help me much in my last gig…). My wounds are already closing (other than the usual ones, of course), and the surgeons were able to operate on me without prescribing any post-procedure painkillers, yet another perplexing realization for the doctors here. Unfortunately, they told me that it's going to be quite difficult to walk going forward, as the spinal damage was severe. I’m lucky that I’m not totally paralyzed. They did everything that they could, but it appears as though I'm going to need a lot of physical therapy to even think about running again. [[In the margin is an anatomical drawing of a human spine and skull from profile]]

Thankfully, Cornelius came in to tell me that he manifested an ability to make my body good-as-new again. He'd just have to lay his hands on me for some time, and my spine should be good-as-new in about a week. Lucky me! He requested that I give him a little time to recover as best he can from his ordeal, as he was also quite injured from the rifle fire. Even though he has a real awful hole in his face, he's still a pretty-boy at heart. I hope that ability can help him get back to his old self. [[In the margin is a simplified, but still cute, drawing of Cornelius Valentine, sans terrible scarring]]

Brigwain and Mike visited me, too. They congratulated me on a successful surgery, and were looking forward to seeing where our plans took us next. Brigwain was about ready to go back home to Massachusetts, and I couldn't help but agree. It will be nice to sleep in my own bed once again.

As for “Mike”... Well, I know his true identity, but I'm just gonna respect what he wants to go by, let him leave that past behind him. Anyways, I think I need to talk to Mike about the book in private. He's been looking for a way to get back those years that he lost on his first couple of contracts. In giving History in Blood a brief skim, I’ve learned that the ritual would absolutely help him feel young again. However, for the effects to become permanent, he would need to find somewhere in the range of 120 to 360 individuals to sacrifice over the course of 1 to 10 years. Without a complex network, this might be an incredibly difficult feat to achieve. Might be a little too gruesome for him to perform, too. But I'll just let him know this option right now. Other than this recipe for immortality, there are many accounts of blood-orient cultural beliefs and religions from all around the world. Using this book, I might finally be able to pin down the source of The Curse that my family was so afraid of. [[In the margin is the start of a drawing, but it's been scribbled out multiple times. Underneath the skriblings is a shakily drawn visage, as if it were completed without looking at the page]]

Now that I've sat with it for some time, I've now just realized that I almost died a couple of days ago. Mom and dad were almost proven right... but this only redoubles my efforts to conquer my blood. As soon as I get back to Massachusetts, I'm going to begin my experimentation again, see if I can learn a little more control on my blood spike, perhaps learn even more about my curse using this book...


3 years, 4 months ago: Cornelius Valentine wrote a Downtime Journal for Who Done It?

What a Wonderful World

Cornelius' exploits in the job had netted him a lot of things. Friendship of a sort with the odd folk who'd worked with him, millions in diamonds, and a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest that was quite pleasant. For a while. Then he began to notice that it wasn't going away, and that he could, in fact, feel something similair but much weaker coming from other peoples chests if he got close enough. Real close, to the point he could almost touch them, but there was definitely something there that he hadn't been able to feel before. It felt... good, like a warm hug or a well-brewed cup of tea, and Cornelius really liked it. He felt irritated, somewhat, at how it always seemed just out of reach, even if he was right up next to someone, skin brushing against skin, as if there were a wall he could never overcome. Until he did. As Cornelius was walking the streets of Johannesburg, making plans to get back home, he came across an injured child sitting on the ground, a nasty looking scrape on their knee, and stopped to help. That was when he felt it. The warmth built up in his chest flowed down to his hands, and he could feel the warmth in the child respond. A pink aura, like mist in it's appearance, gently flowed from Cornelius' hands and wrapped around the childs knee, the warmth present in both of them seeming to diminish slightly as the wound was rapidly closed. Trying not to think about what happened, Cornelius raised a finger to his lips to shush the child and left, now somewhat more hurried in his attempts to leave Johannesburg.


Where does the detritus of these parallel dimensions go? Not just lost socks & power cords mind, but when a world is unmade, erased...where does it all go? The answer to some of that question is The Netherworld, a seemingly endless series of dimly lit tunnels existing between the worlds we know. Nothing naturally lives here, but it is far from uninhabited. The refugees of countless erased time-lines vie for the limited food & resources this place has to offer, building homes from the junk of a thousand stillborn worlds. While the tunnels may indeed be endless, most visitors end up in the Junkyard: the largest cavern, filled with the wreckage of time & space. Virtually anything can be found among these wastes, from relics of a time when Imperial China ruled the globe to technology from space faring Vikings...that is, if you can find it among the refuse. Several factions fight for control, typically controlling what limited food resources are available. Starvation is a constant threat, with predictably grim consequences. Entrance into this realm is often accidental; escape may be had through the rare fixed portals that offer passage to the worlds that lie beyond. These portals are well guarded, & gaining access to them is no easy task.

House Rules

Contractors from The Netherworld Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
The Netherworld grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.

Approval: All Restricted Assets MUST be approved by me before a Character is permitted to play. A Contractor that is deemed unsuitable to the setting will not be allowed to participate. As always, I reserve the right to disallow or even ban Characters or Players without warning or reason given.

No Spectators: You will not be permitted to play in Netherworld games if you have played in 7+ games but not yet run one (any World, Side Games count if verified). This number "resets" to 0 every time you run a game. An exception will be made in the event a given PC has filled out ALL of their Game Journals & Downtime reports.

Dread: Dread is my own House Rule that applies in my games alone. Essentially, if I deem a Player speaking out of turn or otherwise being disruptive, they will get ONE (1) warning. After that they will take Cumulative levels of Mind Damage for each occurrence, as the inescapable grasp of death closes around their throats, leaving them blithering idiots.

Action Movie Intro: If you agree to play in this Cell, you agree to be introduced into games as I see fit: for example, you are all jumping off an exploding plane - it's up to you to determine "Why." This House Rule can countermand the usual limit on Harbingers requiring your consent for a Contract, be warned.

Full Setting Description

World Events

Posted by Strazhari, 1 year, 9 months ago. Permalink

Gate Crashing

A Portal was destroyed! No one will be getting SCP merch in the near future!

Posted by Strazhari, 3 years, 4 months ago. Permalink

Colonel Carville's Cross-Time Circus

Old Colonel Carville has run the Cross-Time Circus for decades, & is now looking to retire in a quiet Juncture. However, THE SHOW MUST GO ON! This event will consist of several stages:

Circus Building: I am taking submissions for the oddities & attractions the Circus has picked up over the years. These can be from anywhere. anytime, & can include elements from erased Junctures.

The Ringmaster!: A new Ringmaster must earn the respect of the troupe & show that they can carry on where Carville leaves off. This will be a Highlander game, where the best Performer (as determined by all participants & the Colonel) will become the new Ringmaster, gaining access to all the attractions, as well as the ability to field "Carnies" as Minions!

Onwards!: Specific games will be set for Performances & accquisition of new attractions!

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