The Illumination

A world where videos of the supernatural go viral every day.

Latest World Events

Jayce Morin made a Move (MesmerMara GMed) 3 weeks, 1 day ago. View Move

Lavaz Family Opening New Restaurant

Word has been going around that Mrs. Lavaz has a secret project in the works and we just got confirmation of what it is! Francesca Lavaz is a proud entrepreneur here in San Francisco and wanted to show her appreciation for the city and share her love for home cooked meals by opening up a brand new restaurant! The site is still finishing construction, but she is hoping to have it open late summer to share. If you have any plans later in the year to visit San Fran, make sure to add this stop to your list for some breathtaking, wholesome and homemade Italian cuisine!

Sasaki "Izzy" Izumi made a Move (baeowulf GMed) 3 weeks, 4 days ago. View Move

Tragedy in Seattle: Apartment Malfunction Kills Five

In what appears to be a catastrophic infrastructural failure, an explosion in a downtown Seattle apartment this morning has left five dead and three injured. The explosion occurred in the early afternoon - forensic investigation has revealed that it was most likely caused by a faulty oven installation resulting in a gas leak which filled the room. The victims include Sasaki "Izzy" Izumi, 24, the resident of the apartment who is believed to have been killed in the initial blast, and their neighbors Daniel Osmonde, 32, Jacob Osmonde, 30, Lisa Knurt, 28, and Lars Olson, 19, who died of smoke inhalation attempting to enter the apartment before the fire department arrived on scene. The building has been evacuated until further notice as highly toxic compounds have been discovered in the remains of the late Sasaki's apartment, and the oven manufacturer is currently under investigation regarding their use of neoplastics and adherence to consumer safety standards.

Latest Journals

4 weeks ago: Phil (or Verona) wrote a Downtime Journal for The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long

It's been a while

I've been trying out some new faces, now that I can. It's been a lot of fun, actually! After getting over the initial euphoria of looking how I want, I've been going into bars or restaurants or what have you looking as different people or ages or body types or any kind of thing. It's been of course a refreshing and educational experience, but it's also been a nostalgic one. I have not had to learn how to negotiate the way people see me and those snap judgments since I was very young, at least not in such a sudden way as this. There are many things that are effective as a tattooed middle aged queer person that don't at all work as a sharp young businesswoman and certainly different behaviors are expected of me when I look like a child. The weirdest things I think have been when I've tried to go into places as an elderly person. I did not realize how much we ignore old people in a sort of benevolent way, might be useful for later. In any case, if I'm going to keep doing whatever this is, I'm going to need to be more prepared, so I'll get myself some weapons to keep with me and some armor to keep around, just in case. I don't want to lose any more fingers.

4 weeks, 1 day ago: Jayce Morin wrote a Downtime Journal for The Demon Cabinet of Mr Long

Ruby Rose

I told her. 

I was all fucked up after my last job - my head isn't on right. I'm losing myself and the weight of the world makes me wearier than I can bear. I feel like paper about to burst. I needed someone to talk to.

I told her.

She came out to meet me - it felt... weird. Like she knew something was up. I don't know what she thought my intentions were - maybe like we always do, with too much beer and too little sense and a sleeping bag we don't talk about in the morning. I don't think I knew what my intentions were - after all, you're dead, and I think I'm just starting to come to terms.

I told her.

She didn't believe me at first - I don't blame her. Road ralleys, burning vikings, demon cats: it's nonsense. Then I showed her, and she believed me, and she believed me when I told her how I killed you.

You know what's fucked up?

She said it wasn't my fault.

I killed you, and she said it wasn't my fault, and for a moment she made me believe it.

I could have kissed her then - I wanted to. If she was closer, I would have. It probably would have been a mistake. Instead we just... talked, and she listened, and it was good. I don't know what's going to happen - maybe I'll find you, somewhere. Maybe not. I don't believe it wasn't my fault because if I didn't do what I did you'd be here with me now and we'd be drunk and naked together in a tree watching the sunrise.

As it is, though, I don't mind a friend.

1 month, 1 week ago: Edward "Eddie Odin" Bouvier wrote a Downtime Journal for The Sound of Silence

Depth Perception is Beautiful

My Pigeon is beautiful.

The shadow their nose casts against their cheek when they sleep, the way their curls float above their face and their brow rises above the sockets of their eyes. The slope of their lips, the gentle recession as jaw meets ear. 

It is so, so excellent to have binocular vision again, to look upon my lover with both eyes.

I feel only a little bit bad about continuing to use Ricky like this; I've got nothing against the guy personally, he was just a convenient test subject and it's fun to be an ass. Having his eye in my head, though - that makes me feel perhaps I owe it to him to make it up to him. Blanche and I took him to the Roman after we did the swap and demonstration; he seems very displeased with his current position, and maybe that can be useful to me. I need to start making moves- build a power base. Ricky is good with numbers - maybe I could get favor with the Family, and leverage his services as part of my fees? 

After all, surely they could not object to one of their business partners doing charity work in their city.

1 month, 2 weeks ago: Trinity wrote a Downtime Journal for An Out of Body Experience

Aftermath - New Orleans

After that last job, Cinder obviously came down to meet us. We got together for drinks, which I don't usually do, but I saw some things out there and it seemed smart to try to make friends in this job. If Cinder will come down at our call, maybe these others would do similar in the future? It never hurts to have someone in your corner. Even more in this job than in my day job. Speaking of which, I'll need to start preparations for potential problems soon. Lynk keeps an eye out for anyone coming after me usually, but I'm worried they won't be able to catch the kind of people that might start coming after me now. Which means, unfortunately, that I will have to start catching them - likely only once they've gotten to me. Not ideal, but it's not like I've never been on someone else's list before...

1 month, 2 weeks ago: Trinity wrote a Downtime Journal for Buddy, I Think I'd Know a Deer if I Saw One


I've decided I can no longer assume anyone coming after me will be non-supernatural. I'm moving across the street. I'm keeping the window open and using my new acquisition to travel between the two. Anything coming after me will, hopefully, come in through the incorrect apartment, where it will set off my alarms and give me time to decide if I want to snipe it from across the street or just run. I worry that the museum will have an issue with the way I handled the end of their job, and I worry that something from my last job will be following me now. So I go in and out from the old place and use The Last Exhale to ensure I can't be followed.

I also decided I probably should talk to Jayce about what I saw in that last job, but... I'm not ready to. Not quite yet. I'm not sure I'm ready to talk to anyone about it.

1 month, 3 weeks ago: Sasaki "Izzy" Izumi wrote a Downtime Journal for Crois deora

If I could marry a food

I got to do some work for the Donna Lavaz recently! Caesar contacted me (poor boy had such a bad cold- I made sure to fix him right up once I got there) and said she needed me to make a delivery. Never would have thought buying a ton of cheese would be my task but hey! I won't complain. Beecher's cheese is the fucking bomb. Anyway, they sent me a sample to try and it was super yummy, so once I made my way over I made sure to get a ton as well as a couple seasonal extras (I'm sure Donna Lavaz likes cozy seasonal stuff? She seems like the type that would make a killer dish with it). Had them text me when the order was complete while I kept an eye on the backroom. It was oddly quiet and I only saw one person exit, but figured getting a better vantage point would be more helpful than waiting around inside. Good thing last contract helped me perfect my climbing! Getting on the roof from the alley was no problem, and going in through the hatch seemed a bit easier than I expected it to be- but I suppose I arrived at the right time. I grabbed the box, hopped in Christine with my huge cheese order and made my way to San Fran (made a stop during my motel stay to pick up fresh ingredients for the miso soup I promised).

Caesar brought me up to the Donna when I got there, who was so happy to see me! Made me feel so warm and fuzzy. She said I did a great job for a first timer, though I did forget to put the tarp back up when I left so I'll have to remember that for next time. She made the best pasta ai formaggi I have had and probably ever will have in my life and I got to play with the boys again during the week! This new job stuff is turning out really well, I'm very grateful for this newfound family.

3 months, 3 weeks ago: Edward "Eddie Odin" Bouvier wrote a Contract Journal for The Sound of Silence


Humans are such horrible, terrible, pitiful, broken animals. 

We are so vulnerable - weak, thin, easily broken. It is not hard to kill us - we don’t have claws or tough hides, we don’t have quills or protective layers of fur and hair. Our bones are easy enough to break that we don’t even need tools to do it, if you know the right trick. We are cursed - it is no surprise we were cast out of Eden, no surprise that the Creator turned His back on His hideous creation. 

But that is not the most damning of our flaws.

It is strange to watch a sleeper - the only time anybody is honest is when they are asleep, and then that is a stolen honesty. It feels a violation: who am I to rob them of that privacy, to steal a glance at their soul when they have no opportunity to hide it where it is safe? It is damnable, to play voyeur; it is no coincidence that the forbidden fruit is synonymous with the naked form.

And yet, I watch.

There is a peacefulness to them, when they sleep - the manic energy, the artistic brilliance that makes their pale skin glow is gone now, replaced by a gentle stillness so… uncharacteristic. The rise and fall of their chest mirrors the delicate slope of their nose, their jaw, replacing the edge they hold in their cheekbones. There is more muscle than before - I can trace the lines under their skin, and I understand now where the painter finds the beauty of a curve. They are so still - almost deathlike, in sleep. I’m sure they would appreciate the comparison, even though I find it frightens me now in ways I do not understand.

And yet, they are not dead. 

They are so very alive.

Their breath comes hot against my hand when I hold their face, and their little snores break the silence of the silk upon the bed. They are vital and pulsing and alive, and I cannot help but to throw myself into the jaws of perdition for but a taste of their warmth. It is selfish, what I do; childish and weak, but I am as helpless to resist as a moth fed to a flame. What else could I do but to steal their warmth? To press my body against theirs and let their gentle heat ebb into mine and banish the memory of how they were before? Banish the memory of the cold if I had been a day, an hour, a minute later? 

I am so grateful that I did not let Blanche go cold.

I do not know what Eddie would be without their warmth.


Illuminated Earth

Illuminated Earth is a twisted reflection of the modern world where the advent of smartphones and the internet confirmed the existence of the supernatural instead of disproving it. Here, witch hunts have merit. Billionaires and Senators employ paranormal advisors and bodyguards, and everyone knows. Charlatans become pop culture icons, and each revelation inspires a new cult. The world is changing. The secret societies that pull humanity's strings scramble to adapt.

Now's a good time to move up.

House Rules

Contractors from The Illumination Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
The Illumination grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.
  • Citizenship: Active Players are expected to GM Contracts from time to time. If you have played as a Contractor in your most recent six Contracts, you are barred from playing in The Illumination again until you GM.
  • Supernatural Powers: All non-mastery, non-concealed Powers must be obviously supernatural when activated or grant a mutation that marks the wielder as supernatural or bizarre if discovered.

Full Setting Description

They named that time The Illumination, and it was by the flash of a camera phone.


The year was 2004. Until that point the Earth was as we had always known her. We filled her cruel vastness with legends, superstitions, and rumors. Warlocks, monsters, and gods lurked on the edge of the collective consciousness, always a possibility but never more. We lacked evidence. That evidence came as humanity filled its pockets with technology equipped to capture and transmit.


An iPhone found on High School senior Nate Klienman’s mangled corpse held a video of his girlfriend’s bone-snapping transformation into a monstrous wolf creature. A Brazilian widow documented a series of conversations with the misty figure of her late husband. A Chinese fishing boat caught a mermaid in a net and put it on display in the Beijing aquarium.


Each week brought a new revelation that we were not alone. Superstitions reversed their slow death overnight. Salem held their first witch trial in a century. The jury rendered a verdict of “guilty on all charges” and sentenced Maxibelle Horux to death. A week after her lethal injection, half the jury died from a tainted batch of flu vaccine. A fearful, populist movement arose to rid humanity of the creatures lurking in its ranks. Suspects are forcibly subjected to bizarre tests of their humanity, and the results are often open to interpretation. A mob’s justice is swift.


Yet the paranormal is not merely relegated to a persecuted class. Where some see monsters, some see sentience, and others see opportunity. If a vampire can sustain themselves on cloned blood and work the graveyard shift, why not legalize and tax? Politicians and Aristocrats employ odd-looking individuals as "advisors" or "protection." Entertainment magazines publish revelations every week about which celebrities shed their human skins at home. Charlatans of all stripes, from palmistry mediums to televangelists, have flourished despite the risks. The treatment of the paranormal varies from place to place, person to person.


Long have cabals, cults, and secret societies thrived in the shadows. Their roots run deeply through humanity’s oldest systems of power. Machinations are challenged, and sleeping dangers awaken. The world is changing, forcing long-dormant powers into desperate action. And it is in the midst of this great period of change that The Powers That Be have once again turned their attention to the blue marble. For the first time in two hundred years, Harbingers approach worthy individuals with an offer they won't refuse.

The Games have returned, and a new generation of Contractors are being forged.

World Events

Jayce Morin made a Move (MesmerMara GMed) 3 weeks, 1 day ago. View Move

Lavaz Family Opening New Restaurant

Word has been going around that Mrs. Lavaz has a secret project in the works and we just got confirmation of what it is! Francesca Lavaz is a proud entrepreneur here in San Francisco and wanted to show her appreciation for the city and share her love for home cooked meals by opening up a brand new restaurant! The site is still finishing construction, but she is hoping to have it open late summer to share. If you have any plans later in the year to visit San Fran, make sure to add this stop to your list for some breathtaking, wholesome and homemade Italian cuisine!

Sasaki "Izzy" Izumi made a Move (baeowulf GMed) 3 weeks, 4 days ago. View Move

Tragedy in Seattle: Apartment Malfunction Kills Five

In what appears to be a catastrophic infrastructural failure, an explosion in a downtown Seattle apartment this morning has left five dead and three injured. The explosion occurred in the early afternoon - forensic investigation has revealed that it was most likely caused by a faulty oven installation resulting in a gas leak which filled the room. The victims include Sasaki "Izzy" Izumi, 24, the resident of the apartment who is believed to have been killed in the initial blast, and their neighbors Daniel Osmonde, 32, Jacob Osmonde, 30, Lisa Knurt, 28, and Lars Olson, 19, who died of smoke inhalation attempting to enter the apartment before the fire department arrived on scene. The building has been evacuated until further notice as highly toxic compounds have been discovered in the remains of the late Sasaki's apartment, and the oven manufacturer is currently under investigation regarding their use of neoplastics and adherence to consumer safety standards.

Posted by baeowulf, 3 weeks, 4 days ago. Permalink

California Department of Fish and Wildlife Warns of Domestic Deer

What at first was a welcome development in the ongoing deer population crisis at Yosemite National Park may be taking a turn for the unusual.

Though initially reassuring after the recent collapse of the deer population at Yosemite, a new migratory trend that shows herds of deer from nearby habitats moving into the forest now has park and state officials alike concerned. "At first, we thought it was a breath of fresh air," says Dr. Sam Bradwardine, an ecologist who's studied the Yosemite region for over thirty years. "Deer overpopulation can be a serious problem due to the historic eradication of keystone predators, but they're still a vital part of their local ecosystems. A sudden collapse in their population of that magnitude could have been just as disastrous to the environment as the elimination of wolves in the 19th century threatened to be, so when we saw other herds flooding into the park to take advantage of suddenly abundant food resources, we were relieved. Now, though, we aren't so sure." While the migratory trend initially showed exclusive influxes of nearby surplus population into the park following available vegetation, recent study shows unusual changes in behavior that imply more deliberate migration behavior.

"We started tagging adult females seen with fawns after the collapse," says Evelyn Spatz, a park ranger and tour guide at Yosemite who specializes in working with the park's herds. "We wanted to make sure that we could keep track of them, since they were going to be responsible for replenishing the herds going forward. It wasn't an immediate cause for concern when we started to notice a few individuals moving pretty far afield from the park; it made sense that following a population collapse, mothers might leave the area to make distance from whatever caused it, but then we started noticing something... weird."

"The individuals leaving the park were coming back, and more importantly, they're doing it cyclically," Dr. Bradwardine explains. "Of the deer we've tagged, there are 9 key individuals who have been leaving and returning to the park on a weekly basis, and each time they return, it corresponds with a new migratory influx. We haven't seen this kind of 'gathering' behavior before, and we especially haven't seen it oriented around what appear to be dominant females like this."

"The tourists love it, but it has all of us worried," Ms. Spatz said when we interviewed her while she was overseeing one of the observation areas in Yosemite. "Ever since this started, the deer have been way more friendly to humans - I've gotten at least a dozen proposals from local tour companies wanting to sell a 'feed the deer' attraction." Despite the lucrative opportunity, Evelyn - and most of her colleagues - are cautious. "Animals don't show drastic changes in behavior for no reason, and prey animals like deer in particular aren't supposed to be this comfortable around one of their primary natural predators. Deer are weird and I love them, but they're also a lot more dangerous than people give them credit for; from what I've heard, it sounds like this new social behavior isn't just local to Yosemite, and it's only a matter of time before someone tries something they shouldn't and gets a hoof through the ribs."

In light of these events, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife has issued a formal warning against socializing with California State deer populations in hopes of curbing the recent social media trend of "herd selfies" taking off on TikTok and Instagram, and is establishing a perimeter of volunteers drawn from the Parks service around state borders to monitor any migration across state lines. 

There is currently no news as to when Yosemite National Park intends to reissue hunting licenses.

Posted by indi_a, 4 weeks ago. Permalink

Local Tech Genius Hosts Dog Birthday Party

The rich and famous... they're just like us! Los Angeles' resident tech genius Chad Liang hosted a very fun night in honor of his pup's birthday party this last week. From the Instagram stories, it seemed to be a blast! His husband Kyle, best known for modeling in the advertisements for Chad's protein powder "Source", was seen being the life of the party and ensuring everyone got a jello shot. The guest list included childhood friends, a few Hollywood stars, and coworkers at various companies under Chad's conglomerate. And of course, no party would be complete without multiple cakes, Dance Dance Revolution and an intense game of fetch! We hope that we can make it to Jenkins' next birthday party!


~from a gossip rag the next week~

Za'id made a Move (indi_a GMed) 4 weeks, 1 day ago. View Move

San Francisco Museum Burns

the below is a snippet from a San Francisco Times article posted one day after Za'id returned the scroll to the Donna

The San Francisco Contemporary Jewish Museum burned down on Friday evening, in a tragic accident that also took five lives. The museum, having closed to the public this last December due to budget cuts, was being maintained by a group of volunteers made up primarily of the museum's board of trustees. The closure, while an indefinite one, was not meant to be permanent; the executive director said in a statement last fall that they were "hoping to restructure and rebuild, but would need to see what the future held for the museum." Unfortunately, while five of the volunteers were holding a Shabbat dinner inside the museum on Friday, the future was decided for the museum when a pair of curtains caught a stray spark, with the fire quickly spreading. The fire destroyed not only the structure and building of the museum, but also the remaining exhibits and items inside. The five volunteers were a prominent rabbi in the local Jewish community and his wife, a pair of siblings who grew up just down the block, and the museum's former Director of Artistic Vision. Their bodies were found just inside the entrance to the museum, having suffocated due to smoke inhalation and having suffered intensive burns. With their phones having been off for Shabbat dinner, and the fire having started deep inside the museum and spreading outwards, the fire department was not activated until after the fire had already reached the outside walls, and therefore they were not able to save either the structure or the people inside. A memorial will be held at the Reform Synagogue, two Fridays from today. The museum's executive director declined to make a statement for this article, however is expected to appear at the memorial. Donations for the victim's families can be made to the Reform Synagogue, who are putting together resources for their shaken community.

Edward "Eddie Odin" Bouvier made a Move (Unifel GMed) 1 month, 2 weeks ago. View Move

Gang Violence in San Francisco Rising Once More!

After the terrible accident in Chinatown that killed someone that has now been identified as a member of the Triads last month, there have been more altercations between the Mafia Families and the Triads active in the area. Eye witnesses have reported that the Mafia members seem like they've lost their fear of injury, getting shot and simply laughing. Some witnesses swear that they see those same men out and about later in the same day, looking fit as a fiddle. When are the police going to do something about this? How much are they going to let slide before they start doing their job?

Jayce Morin made a Move (MesmerMara GMed) 1 month, 2 weeks ago. View Move

Yosemite deer herd found near El Portal

This just in: a small herd of about 10 deer have made their way towards the streets of El Portal all the way from Yosemite! Civilians got a good laugh and many cute photos posing with some of the wild deer, who seemed incredibly calm around humans. They stayed two days in a local park, quietly grazing and watching passerby's on their way to work. The group was seen leaving early this morning back to the park, and with a few extra friends as well! You can find images of the local shenanigans on Instagram under the hashtag #yosemitedeer, and share any moments you were able to catch with the new neighbors online as well for a chance to be featured next week!

Sasaki "Izzy" Izumi made a Move (baeowulf GMed) 1 month, 3 weeks ago. View Move

Disappearances Continue in San Francisco Real Estate Scene

Disappearances continue to afflict the business scene of real estate in San Francisco's wharf districts. The latest victim - Wu Zhou, age 48 - was a visiting investor from Beijing, China, who had been making moves at purchasing a large block of apartment buildings near the historic Fisherman's Wharf. Wu was last seen returning to his apartment in South Beach, where his housekeeper attests that he never returned to his suite. Francesca "Frankie" Lavaz - philanthropist, entrepreneur, and real estate investor - has dedicated her resources to investigating the disappearances, stating that "what makes San Francisco great is its diversity and its vibrant culture" and that it is "tragic that this great city should be marred by such a terrible and violent crime". Wu marks the first foreign investor to disappear - if you have any information regarding his whereabouts, please contact the SFPD or the Chinese embassy.

Posted by Unifel, 1 month, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Smart Car Autopilot Causes Pipe Main to Burst!

Last night in San Francisco's historic China Town district, a Tesla Smart Car had a problem with its autopilot and drove full speed into a storefront under an apartment building. There was a large explosion, as a gas main was hit, and the car exploded into fire. The driver did not survive, and at least one bystander was badly hurt, but full details have not yet been released.

Posted by baeowulf, 2 months ago. Permalink

Hunting Permits to Not be Issued - Yosemite Park

A recent event has resulted in a drastic reduction in the deer population in Yosemite national park - prevailing theories are a critical mass of CWD, though supernatural influence cannot be ruled out. As a result, hunting licenses will not be issued for the foreseeable future and wolf reintroduction programs are currently halted. We at the park seriously apologize for the inconvenience.

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