World Events of Y 2 K

Soren made a Move (kathymer GMed) 10 months ago. View Move

Secure Facility

Soren gets the opportunity to see something few while returning alive: a Prometheus Ventures blacksite. Buried in the woods a few miles outside the city's Stability Field, it contains state-of-the-art medical facilities capable of treating the sting. Unfortunately, a bag over the head means Soren can't track the exact location (at least without making another Move or two) but he now knows of its existence.

Blackburn seems very reluctant to let him go.

Jax Maxwell made a Move (kathymer GMed) 10 months ago. View Move

Rolling Thunder, Crashing Drums

Jax Maxwell and The Thunder Rollers perform a show at the Moore Theater, elevating them to local celebrity status as well as overseas.

Posted by kathymer, 10 months ago. Permalink

Riots Around Seattle University

Senseless violence erupts in the Seattle University area, affecting a large majority of students, faculty, and other locals. Suspected to be a supernatural event, it lasted approximately five minutes before coming to a sudden and confusing halt.

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